Zangief vs Hugo - Forums

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2049th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Zangief vs Hugo" , posted Thu 9 Jun 22:07post reply

For the 5th series of SF figures SOTA is letting people vote for either Hugo or Zangief. Why must they make me choose? Zangief with his belt buckle that holds up his tiny pants and weird hunks of body hair is great. Then too, so is Hugo and his pink spotted shirt and floppy hair that perfectly matches his floppy skin. I swear this is the choice of Sylla and Charybdis. There are other choices as well such as the possibility of a weird Juni/Juli conglomeration, but, really, it's all about the big grappler guys.


2905th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Zangief vs Hugo" , posted Thu 9 Jun 23:28post reply

For the 5th series of SF figures SOTA is letting people vote for either Hugo or Zangief. Why must they make me choose? Zangief with his belt buckle that holds up his tiny pants and weird hunks of body hair is great. Then too, so is Hugo and his pink spotted shirt and floppy hair that perfectly matches his floppy skin. I swear this is the choice of Sylla and Charybdis. There are other choices as well such as the possibility of a weird Juni/Juli conglomeration, but, really, it's all about the big grappler guys.

Goddamnit I know Zangief is going to win...

3375th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Zangief vs Hugo" , posted Fri 10 Jun 00:15post reply

Damn, this is too hard!
Anyway, my picks:
2.-Juni/Juli (This would make a nice two-pack)
4.-Damn, on one hand, I want Rolento, on the other, I can't say no to Thin Bison.

431th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Zangief vs Hugo" , posted Fri 10 Jun 01:06post reply

I don't say this too often, but: FUCK

They gave us a possibility of Juni/Juli... and put them up against another incarnation of Chun-Li? Might as well not even bother.

And Hugo has no chance in the world to win this.

1. Hugo
2. Juni/Juli
3. Guy
4. Rolento
5. Oro

Last one doesn't really matter. The rest have a snowball's chance to win. Not looking forward to series 5 ;(

Webmaster of Fighter Mania

2906th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Zangief vs Hugo" , posted Fri 10 Jun 02:23post reply

I don't say this too often, but: FUCK

They gave us a possibility of Juni/Juli... and put them up against another incarnation of Chun-Li? Might as well not even bother.

And Hugo has no chance in the world to win this.

1. Hugo
2. Juni/Juli
3. Guy
4. Rolento
5. Oro

Last one doesn't really matter. The rest have a snowball's chance to win. Not looking forward to series 5 ;(

Seriously aren't there enough Chun-li and M Bison figures availible already?

Dr Baghead
3463th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Zangief vs Hugo" , posted Fri 10 Jun 02:24post reply

I picked:

Cuz I think the world needs more gigantic gay russian action figures.

As much as I like Chun-Li I would really rather have new characters instead... I wonder what it means by "Juni/Juli": will they be 2 figures each one per case, will One be the 'standard' version and the other the rare chase, Since they're tiny are they a two pack with no other goodies?, or is it just gonna be like Juni comes with Juli's head.... I hope SOTA reveals how they're sold BEFORE I preorder, it would really suck to buy 1 and find out you need another for to display them both, or 2 and find out you're suck with an extra set of them.

I just want to finish my Cannon Spike Customs (and once Charlie and Bulleta are out Arthur is the only real challenge)

Cuz Sodom needs a friend!! Also, I don't want any redos yet.

5-Dee Jay:
My Sci-Fi Writing Teacher had an expersion "eat the frog first", which means just get the stuff you don't like out of the way so you can enjoy what comes next... so I'd like to see the last of the 'New Challengers' made so more room is made for 3rd Strike characters.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1817th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Zangief vs Hugo" , posted Fri 10 Jun 04:50post reply

I picked Hugo, Guy and Rolento for the Final Fight ticket, Juni and Juli since I don't like SF Zero Chun-Li and Deejay because he was made by an American James Goddard. USA! USA! USA!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

1110th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"The votes + Comic Con exclusives announced" , posted Fri 10 Jun 05:35post reply

This is a tough line up for me since I suspect. Hugo, Juli/Juni, Rolento, and Oro to lose and they are all the characters I will vote for.

The only one I can't for see is Guy and Charlie. I have to say Charlie has the "associated with Guile" thing going for him.

On a side not at SDCC there will be Cannon Spike Cammy and All-America Guile. Based off a sig from some guy at the forums where his clothing is white and the patterns on his pants are Red and Blue. The second one seems like resources wasted as there are actual game related stuff they could do. I am sure there are people who will get it, but I am not one of them. CS Cammy is enough for me. I wonder if they will put the elbow pad on the correct side on Cammy this time.

1512th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 05:41post reply

I picked:

Dee Jay

343th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 06:32post reply



3: GUY


5: ORO

shin ramberk
130th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 07:02post reply

This is a tough line up for me since I suspect. Hugo, Juli/Juni, Rolento, and Oro to lose and they are all the characters I will vote for.

The only one I can't for see is Guy and Charlie. I have to say Charlie has the "associated with Guile" thing going for him.

On a side not at SDCC there will be Cannon Spike Cammy and All-America Guile. Based off a sig from some guy at the forums where his clothing is white and the patterns on his pants are Red and Blue. The second one seems like resources wasted as there are actual game related stuff they could do. I am sure there are people who will get it, but I am not one of them. CS Cammy is enough for me. I wonder if they will put the elbow pad on the correct side on Cammy this time.

Those are the convention exclusives? I hate to sound like an obnoxious internet troll but LAME. I guess SOTA is saving the more interesting variants for the regular toyline.

I mean, they could have had Shadowloo Cammy, Scarless Sagat, 3rd Strike Akuma or Chun Li. Okay, there aren't that many interesting variants you could make, but its better then 'patriotic' Guile. Cannon Spike Cammy is a good idea, I just don't care about it or would rather have gotten Shadowloo Cammy instead.

I hope Sota also introduces non-game characters like Gouken, Haggar and Guy's master. Guy's master could simply be a green repaint with a new head sculpt.

I wonder if Sota can make a Maki figure too? Hope they KOF next but thats a lot less popular here in the US so...

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

94th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 10:39post reply

I must vote for Hugo, as he is assigned special M.Bison Hat Club member Poison as manager

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

1533th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 11:57post reply

No Alex or Elena. That's a letdown. Poor J&J are up against Chunners? Hugo got stomped by freakin' BIRDIE for crying out loud so there's no way he's winning against the (deservedly) rabid Giefers. They are ALREADY putting in Alpha Chun Li and SF2 Bison? The whole thing is just... eww. I mean Charlie vs. Guile is excellent but I'm peeved that their making me pick between Oro and Dee Jay.

I too am curious of how Juli and Juni will be handled. Especially since I wonder if there will be any possibility of them getting special variants (Noembleu and Santum!!!).

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

1111th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 12:36post reply

Pic of that comic con Guile.

Dr Baghead
3464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 12:41post reply

On a side not at SDCC there will be Cannon Spike Cammy

"Hey I know I'll buy TWO Cammys and make a Cannon Spike Cammy!"

Goddamn it, oh well... I guess I'll rework my CSCammy into the other chick (the pink haired one)

I don't like that Guile at all.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1112th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 13:04post reply

On a side not at SDCC there will be Cannon Spike Cammy

"Hey I know I'll buy TWO Cammys and make a Cannon Spike Cammy!"

Goddamn it, oh well... I guess I'll rework my CSCammy into the other chick (the pink haired one)

I don't like that Guile at all.

I was meaning to ask you what clay do you use for your customs. I was going to try my hand at customizing since I got some spare figures from box sets. I got some Sculpey III since I have seen some people do cool stuff with it, but since it doesn't get hard until you bake it. It's a little hard to work with when creating accessories like swords, but it is easy when adding to a figure.

Dr Baghead
3465th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 14:23post reply

I was meaning to ask you what clay do you use for your customs. I was going to try my hand at customizing since I got some spare figures from box sets. I got some Sculpey III since I have seen some people do cool stuff with it, but since it doesn't get hard until you bake it. It's a little hard to work with when creating accessories like swords, but it is easy when adding to a figure.

To learn more about sculpting clay please read:

it's very helpful and when I decided I wanted to take it to the next level I read this over to see what I wanted to use.

Personally I like;
-Super Sculpy: It's softer then Sculpy III making it a lot easier to use. I use it for long term sculpting (something that I know will take longer then an hour) To cure one should BOIL it, baking will melt a figure if not done at very low heat, the worse boiling can do is loosen a joint (and crazy clue can fix that)
example of Sculpy work: Goliath in Progess!He used to be an ML Sabretooth but then he tried Bo-Flex!.

-Epoxy: I like Oakly's (from Home Depo) since it doesn't stink as much and can be smoothed with water. I like it for quick fills/small sculpts (it can be cut and sanded later)
example of Epoxy work: I wonder if SOTA will add this to THEIR CS Cammy!I like big butts and I cannot lie.

-Kneadatite: I've been trying to find this stuff FOREVER. It's basically a really slow drying epoxy but it dries like rubber... it's probably gonna replace sculpy as my 'long term' sculpting supply as soon as learn all it's quirks. So far I've used it to make: Elseworld Arkham Harley Quinn's hair it's really fun to pull pieces of Kneadatite into strands then twist 'em up to make little pig tails.

If you want to make accessories you might want to get some high quality casting latex and some allumilite... you can sculpt your accessories in allumilite, cast them, then create a copy in allumilite which is as practically identical to commerical plastic... so where a sword handle made of sculpy might be too brittle to fit into the hand of a figure, Allumilite can tough it out.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

2055th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The votes + Comic Con exclusives announ" , posted Fri 10 Jun 23:47post reply


Pic of that comic con Guile.

Guile's pants are all sorts of ugly. Is that bad camouflage, a poor display of patriotism, or varicose veins? The white shirt is nice, however, for those who want to make a custom figure of Guile sluffing around in a wife-beater.

1114th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Juli and Juni packaging if they win revealed" , posted Sat 11 Jun 08:01post reply

One of the SOTA guys revealed at the forums that if Juli and Juni win they WILL NOT be sold together.

However they will not be the exact same figure. They will have differnt torsos.

I appreciate SOTA's hard work, but I have to wonder why work so hard on these two? They could have pulled a toy biz and make then reuse the same female body and then translate than into the rest of the dolls.

Sure the official art shows that one bust size is bigger than the other, but do the game sprites show that?

1537th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Juli and Juni packaging if they win rev" , posted Sat 11 Jun 11:56post reply

Sure the official art shows that one bust size is bigger than the other, but do the game sprites show that?

Actually, yes. Thankfully more subtle (Juli's back must be killing her) but the size difference is there.

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

2913th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Juli and Juni packaging if they win rev" , posted Sun 12 Jun 01:57post reply

Sure the official art shows that one bust size is bigger than the other, but do the game sprites show that?

Actually, yes. Thankfully more subtle (Juli's back must be killing her) but the size difference is there.

Yes, when I first heard the "interchangable body" thing they first thing I thought was that Juli is prehaps one of the most well endowed Street Fighter characters and it wouldn't be an option.

1540th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Juli and Juni packaging if they win rev" , posted Mon 13 Jun 11:41post reply


Yes, when I first heard the "interchangable body" thing they first thing I thought was that Juli is prehaps one of the most well endowed Street Fighter characters and it wouldn't be an option.

Actually the issue isn't so much of the size (R.Mika trumps everybody) as the fact that the rest of her body is so scrawny it makes them stand out.

They're outsourcing Elmo and putting Cookie Monster on a diet...WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

1117th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Cannon Spike Cammy Pic!" , posted Tue 14 Jun 11:49:post reply

$20 limited to 1500. I noticed they completely removed the elbow pad eventhough this version of Cammy had it and are still keeping that DBZ scouter thing. Man that looks nice.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Tue 14 Jun 11:52]

Dr Baghead
3468th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Cannon Spike Cammy Pic!" , posted Tue 14 Jun 12:17post reply

and are still keeping that DBZ scouter thing.

Obviously they stole that from MY custom version of her!! I kid, I kid, I'm sure they just didn't want to fill her stupid head-hole and just left it in... I'm glad that looks SOOOOOO much better then my custom (which admitly isn't have been much of a feet) now I don't feel bad about planning to buy one to complete my 'offical' set!!

Damn that looks nice and I hope I can get one (1500 is about average for Con exclusives right? like those aren't SUPER rare?) I like the magenetic stand idea, the whole reason my doesn't have skates is ballance and they found away around that!!

I wonder if they gave her an ass though...

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)