Favorite Snake? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3377th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 11 Jun 03:08post reply

Yes, this a shameless rip-off of Time Mage's Belmont thread.
Oh, same rules here: who's your favorite? explain why, with spoiler tags, if necessary.
Who's your favorite Snake?
Naked Snake
Solid Snake
Liquid Snake
Solidus Snake

Who's your favorite bad guy?
The Pain
The Fury
The End
The Fear
The Sorrow
The Joy
Decoy Octopus
Revolver Ocelot
Psycho Mantis
Vulcan Raven
Sniper Wolf
Cyborg Ninja
Olga Gurlukuvich
Metal Gears (Shagohod, Rex, Ray)


681th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 11 Jun 03:18post reply

Phew Onsy, I thought you were gonna make us have to choose between mulleted MGS2 Snake and normal MGS snake. That is a choice I would not have been ready to make.

The cybord ninja was far too cool not to vote for him, though Sniper Wolf is number 2 for obvious reasons.


Time Mage
2165th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 11 Jun 03:24post reply

Yes, this a shameless rip-off of Time Mage's Belmont thread.
Oh, same rules here: who's your favorite? explain why, with spoiler tags, if necessary.

I'm afraid, my friend, that if you insist on keeping such a poll, I'll have to make the LEGAL STEP!! Be warned.

Also, I've voted Solid because I've only played Solid 1 and 2, and nobody intelligent enough would prefer Raiden over Solid, and Sniper Wolf because the fight, the design, and the story.
I'm eager to play MGS3, which is conidered by most far superior to the dissappointemnt MGS2 was, but until then, those are my picks.

3378th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Mmmmhh..." , posted Sat 11 Jun 03:43post reply


I'm afraid, my friend, that if you insist on keeping such a poll, I'll have to make the LEGAL STEP!! Be warned.

Sorry, your human laws cannot affect Onsy.

I'm eager to play MGS3, which is conidered by most far superior to the dissappointemnt MGS2 was, but until then, those are my picks.

I don't think MGS2 was a dissappointment.
What's not to love?
Excellent Gameplay: check
Good storyline: check
Solid Snake being badass: check
Good graphics: check
Plot twists: check

If something must be considered a dissappointment, a failure and an aberration, that has to be Metal Gear Solid- The Twin Snakes.

Time Mage
2166th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mmmmhh..." , posted Sat 11 Jun 04:26post reply

I DO think that MGS2 was a dissappointment:
What's not to love?
Excellent Gameplay: check, even if it was merely expanding the already existing one. Great, anyway.
Good storyline: NOT check. The story was ridiculously twisted, and too pretentious ant trascendental for my tastes. I'm bored of the "government in the shadows" arguments. It was good until you met the president, then everything went to the CARAJO.
Solid Snake being badass: check
Good graphics: check
Plot twists: NOT check: Too many/too stupid plot twists doesn't count.

If something must be considered a dissappointment, a failure and an aberration, that has to be Metal Gear Solid- The Twin Snakes.

I don't even count that thing as a MG game.

4171th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 11 Jun 04:57post reply

Olga's armpits!

explain whyPoll

Red Falcon
5481th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 11 Jun 05:22:post reply

Solid Snake, just because I'm a sentamentalist and am more used to him than anyone else.
"Major Solid Snake is a master martial artist!"

Olga's armpits!


Actually, this is too hard for me, but I quite like The Fear; his design is cool and I have a lot of fun battling him.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sat 11 Jun 05:42]

1823th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

""So You Like To Play Castlevania Games?"" , posted Sat 11 Jun 06:29:post reply

Solid Snake - Because the only games I played are MGS1, 2 and Acid. I'll get 3 after Acid. And I loved 2 the best, but I don't want to rehash that discussion again... we had a really long one about it back in the day. Still playing Acid, can't form an opinion on it yet. Anyway, I'm only really familiar with Solid Snake of the Snakes. Raiden a bit but he sucks, even though I still like MGS2.

Psycho Mantis - Because he said, "So, you like to play Castlevania Games?" And you know what, he was right! That joint just creeped me out until I found out he just read my memory card and my three Symphony of the Night game saves.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sat 11 Jun 11:07]

Burning Ranger
1217th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 11 Jun 10:35post reply

California Mountain Snake. And Black Mamba.

If you have to ask...

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

I like Appleseed...

3089th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 11 Jun 19:53post reply

Well I've voted for Naked snake, call me a jerk but the eye patch gives him so much style. I've like Storyline wise too, he got the usual sense of humor and he seems a bit more human than Solid was in MGS1, and at the end you clearly see that he's not as though as he's supposed to be...

As for the villain, The joy "Boss". She's so nice, so strong... And shes didn't do useless stuff. Her story was really good to.

Note: I'm maybe a rare player who laved MGS2, and Rayden.

We are all mad at some point....

891th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sun 12 Jun 04:04:post reply

Shouldn't the poll include Pipo-Snake?

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Sun 12 Jun 04:05]

2057th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sun 12 Jun 05:59post reply

Solid Snake has always been a fine character but the addition of a grizzled beard and mangy hair elevated him to being one of the greats.

While I liked Shoot Gunner because he shoots his gun at you and Pain because of his bee powered Thompson gun I voted for Psycho Mantis. He's one of the few bosses I know of who attack you with office decorations.

Shouldn't the poll include Pipo-Snake?

That manages to be both funny and terrifying at the same time.

Iron D
2673th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sun 12 Jun 09:15post reply

Hah! I forgot all about Decoy Octopus. The boss you never fight (though I guess Fortune would also fit into this category, technically).

In any case, if Revolver Ocelot doesn't win for the bad guys, there is no justice in the world.

Zelkin. Pimped.

344th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Favorite Snake?" , posted Mon 13 Jun 09:08post reply

Great, I was the only one to choose Solidus...


At least some people chose Raiden.

I don't think I feel like doing much explaining even though MGS is one of the most important series to me and I think MGS2 is the main achievement of the series. But, mmcafe talking about MGS is lame.

So, Solidus and Ocelot.

Undead Fred
2392th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Favorite Snake?" , posted Sat 18 Jun 07:12post reply

Which main character? Easy- Naked Snake. I liked the eyepatch, and the face paint and camo outfit make him look more interesting than a gray bodysuit (especially with Spirit camo and zombie facepaint). Plus, seeing him get so banged up and having him survive by eating bugs and sticks and stuff just made him seem much tougher.

As for the bosses, I had a hard time choosing between The End and Psycho Mantis, but I ended up going with The End. I loved a fight where I had to take my time and try to beat a sniper in full camo. I liked most of the bosses in MGS3, and there were some good ones in MGS, but I didn't really like any of the bosses in MGS2 besides Olga. Oh yeah, was Volgin in the poll? I think he was missing...