DMC3 random question... - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"DMC3 random question..." , posted Sat 11 Jun 19:44post reply

Well I've just finished the game yesterday, and there is some things I wish to know...

- Where are the secret mission 6 and 9?

- at the end they told me that I've killed 118 dudes, what does it change?

- at mission 18 all the bosses are back but you don't need to kill them all, still did you win something if you do so?

- in one prize art Lady is dressed differently, how can you hove thos clothes??

We are all mad at some point....


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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):DMC3 random question..." , posted Sat 11 Jun 21:06:post reply

1.)#6: Mission 10, Subterranean Lake, behind the statue where you get the
Neo-Generator, look for a smaller statue to the right of it.
#9: Mission 13, Vestibule, once you break the wall and make the left to
get inside, it's right above the blue-flamed torch on your left, examine the
red-eyed skull to enter.
(copy/pasted from GameFAQs secret mission FAQ)
2.)100 or more = extended ending showing Vergil vs. Mundus
3.)a blue orb fragment
4.)only shows up during the end credits (IIRC, beat mission 20 with an alternate outfit, such as LDK)

[this message was edited by Korigama on Sat 11 Jun 21:12]

3091th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DMC3 random question..." , posted Sun 12 Jun 18:25post reply

Thanks for those!
I've just started the hard level...

We are all mad at some point....