Smackdown row 2 - Forums

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Smackdown row 2" , posted Wed 15 Jun 13:43post reply

I got my closest ever row 2 on Smackdown. I am on camera a lot in the right turn buckle area wearing a blue Mexican shirt. I got so close to so many stars. With in 5 feet! It was a great time to be a part of it with the draft. Randy Orton I was right that is who I thought they would choose. I got some awesome photos but missed a lot of awesome shots. This is better then last month when I was Row 5 at Smackdown. It is really the best. Undertaker threw JBL over the railing right where we were. Awesome cruiser weight action with Super Crazy and Psichosis.

In closing I just want to say Melina Perez in the hotest diva!


Fro Boy11
1929th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Smackdown row 2" , posted Sun 19 Jun 15:08:post reply

In closing I just want to say Melina Perez in the hotest diva!

I believe this. I'm glad you had fun. I haven't watched Smackdown since early May. I don't get it at home..

[this message was edited by Fro Boy11 on Sun 19 Jun 15:17]

1514th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Smackdown row 2" , posted Mon 20 Jun 03:41post reply

In closing I just want to say Melina Perez in the hotest diva!

I believe this. I'm glad you had fun. I haven't watched Smackdown since early May. I don't get it at home..

That sux. You should start taping it. I saw we had quite a bit of appearance on Velocity last night too. I never usually watch Velocity but the fact that well I was on it and they debut three new cruiser weights Juvintud, Pschosis, and Super Crazy. I can say that Velocity was awesome!!!

1121th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Smackdown row 2" , posted Tue 21 Jun 10:24post reply

I watched velocity and I think I saw you a couple of times.

No wonder I don't watch Velocity, the commentators SUCK. They called that one finisher Juvi used a abdominal into a modified Michinoku driver and it looked NOTHING like the Michinoku driver, more like some sort of flap jack.

Psichosis still looks like he is in good shape and I was not too over whelmed by Super Crazy. I remember when TNN first got ECW they had a few Tajiri vs SC matches that were fast paced and awesome.

1515th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Smackdown row 2" , posted Tue 21 Jun 12:54post reply

I watched velocity and I think I saw you a couple of times.

No wonder I don't watch Velocity, the commentators SUCK. They called that one finisher Juvi used a abdominal into a modified Michinoku driver and it looked NOTHING like the Michinoku driver, more like some sort of flap jack.

Psichosis still looks like he is in good shape and I was not too over whelmed by Super Crazy. I remember when TNN first got ECW they had a few Tajiri vs SC matches that were fast paced and awesome.

That is cool, we were definitely making are presence known during Velocity. I was yelling at Funaki in Japanese. I never watch it either. Obviously this was a big exception. The announcers are very bad! Well with the latest news maybe will see Don West and Mike Tenay on Spike Saturday nights!

I was at 3PW over the weekend I go to give Justin Credible a pat as he took the action in to the crowd and wiped out our entire seating area. Also shook hands with the Meanie. I am usually at 3PW every month at the Old ECW arena.

412th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Smackdown row 2" , posted Tue 21 Jun 13:53post reply

I think if we expect the Super Crazy or Psicosis of ECW, we'll be disappointed. What really matters is if they really do try to emphasize the Cruiser ranks with all this new talent. That will finally be a dream come true. But I have a feeling it will get some love for a short while, then be treated like an afterthought or joke, like the tag team divisions.

Melina is hot, she's become my main reason to watch Smackdown. After she's off the air, my interest in Smackdown ends. :)

94th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Smackdown row 2" , posted Tue 21 Jun 14:23post reply

No wonder I don't watch Velocity, the commentators SUCK. They called that one finisher Juvi used a abdominal into a modified Michinoku driver and it looked NOTHING like the Michinoku driver, more like some sort of flap jack.

WWE move commentary is generally pretty poor (though WCW was much worse.) Most don't even know the move names. Tazz is probably the WWE current best, mainly because he does know move names. Heyman was probably the best play-by-play in the WWE in the last ten+ years, knowing the moves and actually caring to shill them. Cole is passable, but JR isn't. King is worthless these days, and Coach was always worthless for commentary.

I didn't watch Velocity, but Juvi's old finisher was the Juvi Driver, which was pretty much the same as a Michinoku Driver II. There are at least three Michinoku Drivers: I (underhook brainbuster suplex on inverted facelock suplex, depending on description), II (body slam piledriver though legs), and IIb (inverted facelock into bodyslam piledriver through legs).

And "modified" pretty much only means "vaguely resembles" when it comes to commentary.

Hagen de Merak
894th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Smackdown row 2" , posted Wed 22 Jun 02:21post reply

I think if we expect the Super Crazy or Psicosis of ECW, we'll be disappointed. What really matters is if they really do try to emphasize the Cruiser ranks with all this new talent. That will finally be a dream come true. But I have a feeling it will get some love for a short while, then be treated like an afterthought or joke, like the tag team divisions.

i totally agree. if you ask me its not that they cant give us the performances they used to in ECW, but has more to do with WWE's "policy's" or whatever you want to call them. according to them they are sports "entertainment", but to be honest i havent been entertained by them in years. if any of you guys want to see great cruiserweight action and you dont already know, watch TNA's x-division, its as good as it gets. ROH also comes to mind.