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exodus 2751th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Bonus in the Sonic Gems Collection" , posted Thu 16 Jun 00:52:
sonic CD is directed by the guy that directed nights, Naoto Ohshima. he was the original sonic character designer, too. Sonic CD is the one sonic without any help from yuji naka, and that's why it's never been re-released, after so many requests, some people speculate.
The reason the game is so good is because the music is excellent, and the levels are SO expansive. Each level and stage has a past, present and future, which changes the landscape and the music, and the enemies. Plus it has a mode-7 esque minigame for getting chaos emeralds. It's just really well put together overall, and feels like a really advanced sonic game, in spite of having come out after the first sonic, ie before sonic 2.
Now Ohshima runs Artoon and makes crap games nobody wants. But he WAS the best thing about sonic team at one point.
Sonic R is a racing game made by UK developer Traveler's Tales. It features famous Sonic Characters such as sonic, emi, mecha sonic (original from sonic CD, also? I forget if he was in the first), eggman, tails. it's 3D (saturn 3D), but the cool thing about it is that there are so many hidden areas, places to get rings, and emeralds and powerups, that often I found myself spending time just exploring. my friend and I would just go on two-player and explore the world...kind of like when you turn back into elliot or the girl in nights, how you just want to explore. though this isn't nearly as vibrant a world as nights.
The thing I really feel is missing from this comp is the sonic isometric arcade game. Looks a bit nicer than sonic 3D, which I actually kind of liked for the saturn, and seems to play well. let's wait for rugal falcon to tell us about that though.
[edit] let's go for english!
[this message was edited by exodus on Thu 16 Jun 05:35] |
Red Falcon 5482th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Bonus in the Sonic Gems Collection" , posted Thu 16 Jun 01:14
quote: The thing I really feel is missing from this comp is the sonic isometric arcade game. Looks a bit nicer than sonic 3D, which I actually kind of liked for the saturn, and seems to play well. let's wait for rugal falcon to tell us about that though.
You raaang? Yeah, it plays pretty well considering it uses a trackball, and I definately think it should be included on one of these collections so people can play it, but truth be told, after you play through it a couple of times it gets pretty bland (still a lot better than stuff like Flicky's Island, though!) CONSIDERING the whole trackball thing, though, I wouldn't be surprised if it never is included in one of these (playing it without the trackball kind of defeats the purpose of it.. then again, I'm sure they could do something with it. I mean, Centipede has had many home releases, no?)
Best site EVER:Link Here
CHAZumaru 139th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(3):Bonus in the Sonic Gems Collection" , posted Thu 16 Jun 01:21
Sonic R is a racing game made by UK developer Traveler's Tales. It features famous Sonic Characters such as sonic, emi, mecha sonic (original from sonic CD, also? I forget if he was in the first), eggman, tails. it's 3D (saturn 3D), but the cool thing about it is that there are so many hidden areas, places to get rings, and emeralds and powerups, that often I found myself spending time just exploring. my friend and I would just go on two-player and explore the world...kind of like when you turn back into elliot or the girl in nights, how you just want to explore. though this isn't nearly as vibrant a world as nights.
You forgot the crazy Richard Jacques music.
quote: The thing I really feel is missing from this comp is the sonic isometric arcade game.
SegaSonic. Hmmm, I too was expecting it to be released on this one, but the absence of trackball might hurt it. And where's that Chaotix turd ?
exodus 2750th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Bonus in the Sonic Gems Collection" , posted Thu 16 Jun 05:30
quote: Wow, Brandon. I never knew you liked Sonic so much.
it surprised me too, when I found out. It happened in college, as I was playing sonic 2 against somebody else for the first time, in the split-screen two player mode. I kicked the crap out of him, and he said 'wow, you must really like sonic.' I thought to myself - hey...I guess I do!
I dunno, it's kind of weird, I know a lot about the series, but only really truly enjoyed sonic CD, sonic 2 and knuckles chaotix. the others I enjoyed for various reasons though...
I haven't played a sonic past sonic adventure for DC though...with the exception of sonic advance 2, which I find really uninteresting. Sonic Rub might be cool, but I'm pretty much at the point where I feel like the sonic era has long passed.
shadow is being developed in san francisco btw. did people know that? that's going to be an awful game. I wonder how bad heroes was...
Maou 689th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(8):Bonus in the Sonic Gems Collection" , posted Thu 16 Jun 12:34
Wahaha, I had no idea I'd ever see so many Chaotix fans...that is, two! I have no comment, never having been tricked into getting a 32X (despite owning a Japanese and American Mega CD, both with the same 3 games...Lunar 1, 2, and Sonic CD). I just assumed that the endless hatred for the game must have been justified, but maybe it was just people's redirected anger at their 32X being taken out on poor Chaotix.
But meanwhile, YEAH, like exodus said, Sonic CD is easily the best of the series in my mind, the soundtrack is incredible (and surprisingly, the totally different US soundtrack is just as good, if not better in some places, like Stardust Speedway), it has the expansiveness that always made Sonic fall short of Mario, and the bosses are clever, especially the unforgettable race against Metal Sonic. Fantastic game, that.