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biggsyke 16th Post

New Customer
| "Re(2):Batman Begins" , posted Thu 16 Jun 14:47
quote: Just saw the flick myself, and can only describe it as thus: OMFG~!! I was very pleased with character portrayal, especially those who get no respect in other bat-formats (Lucius Fox, Crane/Scarecrow). Alred really brought the picture together - truly a "best friend, nanny and camp counselor rolled into one". The villains were very well developed, and very striking visually (Scarecrow's mask reminded me of Slipknot). The movie had its fair share of comedy as well. All in all, a major improvement upon the prior flicks, and absolutely worth 7.50 admission. Go see it in theatres, folks.
And let's not forget Tom Cruise's romance Katie Holmes; she was actually good. Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, the guy from 28-Days Later, and Gary Oldman all had awesome performances. I agree with Bale's bat-voice, hard to take seriously. I'm not that all into the comics but...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Does the League of Shadows actually extend to before the Roman empire and isn't Ra's Al Ghul immortal? Also, after hearing Ducard go on about Bruce's parents being idealists (and all idealists must be destroyed) and Gotham being a failed experiment (to be destroyed) mean that Ducard and the League of Shadows are in a way also being idealistic with their own plot? Almsot nihilistic really. Isn't Ghul's ultimate goal the destruction of human life and the creation of his own Utopia?
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It almost didn't feel like a Batman movie to me. But it was a well done film. The idea of fear (bats, Scarecrow, etc.) got across very well. And Scarecrow was awesome.
The hard thing for me is deciding whether I like this or Sin City more.
My favorite parts:
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - The training with Ducard. When Scarecrow uses the gas on Falcone. Gordon in the batmobile. The riot. The last scene where Earle gets fired. And the scene at Bruce's b-day party was funny too.
End of Spoiler
"Meet me at the fork in the road where the lost souls are indecisive. Meet me at the crossroads so I can have someone to walk into the light with..." - Sage Francis Crack Pipes
Mokona 278th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(3):Batman Begins" , posted Sat 18 Jun 14:33
Just saw it too! Great movie, I had a blast! I like how every gadget/weapon is explained so as to make it believable. My only beef with that is that :
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - the main weapon used in the movie, i.e. the micro-wave thingie, is kinda illogical, I mean, everyone knows the human body is comprised mainly of water, so when you see what it does to the water in the pipes, it makes no sense that the people standing right next to the device don't explode in a bloody mess... But I tried forget about it and it didn't ruin the movie for me, so it's ok!
End of Spoiler
I loved Alfred, Michael Caine is truly one of the greatest actors alive. The batman voice was really weird, I have to admit, but I think it's part of the persona he's trying to convey, plus I think the idea itself is actually good, because it doesn't take people for fools and have batman talking to someone he knows with his regular voice and they don't find out right away who he is! (I always hated how Superman's character insulted people's intelligence for that, I mean come on, he just expects that removing his glasses is enough to fool people..?)
kurushimi 77th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(5):Batman Begins" , posted Sun 19 Jun 00:56
quote: About Mokona's spoiler: About the movie, I think it's great, but I liked much more the non-Batman parts, since the action wasn't very well done: Too confusing and blurry. The parts in which Batman didn't fight were good, however.
Yea, Bale was great more as Bruce than Batman, but then again, there's not much required of the Batman part.
What I absolutely loved about the movie, and perhaps this is more a tribute to the root material, is how they really get into Bruce's head. I mean, to me, if you make a superhero film, you have to do at least one of two things:
A) Wow me with special effects B) Let me know exactly how he/she/it thinks
Not to say the special effects weren't good, but the fact of the matter is that Batman's a normal guy. He has no flashy or showy powers, so you better deliver option B to me. And they did, in abundance. I LOVED how they got into the nature of fear, and his time with Ducard was filled with so many quotable, but not cheesy, lines.
I really despise the style of choreography used for the fighting though. You can't make out what's going on except for the fact that someone's hitting someone. It seems to be a western style, and it's annoying as all hell. I understand using it a few times, to emphasize how Batman is like a sudden and lethal force, but to barely see what's going on in the climatic battle, is unexcusable. Maybe Bale wasn't too flexible in the suit, but they still could've edited it better.
But, the fighting isn't a major component of the movie, so it's only a nitpick for such a tremendous movie. I can't wait to see their interpretation of The Joker - Nicholson played him as psychotic for sure, but I have a feeling he'll be a lot more menacing this time around.
Gojira 1753th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(8):Batman Begins" , posted Sun 19 Jun 20:40
quote: I have to say I liked the original Burton-directed Batman more.
May I ask why? I know everyone is intitled to their opinions, but I'm dead serious why I ask this:
Why do people like Burton's Batman so much?
Regarding its campiness, people who saw the film when it was new don't see Burton's film as campy because of the excess of its predecessor, the Adam West Batman. Burton was the first to take Batman in a direction where he could at least be taken seriously, even if a few remnants of the old camp did remain.
That aside, my whole reason is just a matter of preference. But if I had to use examples, probably the most important thing about it that I think Begins lacks is Batman's presence. The use of light and shadow that Burton created for Edward Scissorhands works so well for Batman, that the ease by which Batman blends into the classical world is fantastic. When Batman appears in Begins, rather than resembling something mythical, gothic and mysterious, he's just a plain, formless shadow. I just happen to like the former representation.
I think it's way more annoying Vicky Vale got to learn Bruce's secret in the first movie.
At least in Begins it's people he tells are ones he can trust in Burton's Batman Vicky got to learn because Alfred wanted Bruce to settle down and apparently decided the tabloid reporter who could TOTALLY tell everyone if something went wrong he just met was the best girl for him.
What makes you think he can trust Rachel? He hasn't seen her in years, she's an attorney (unlike tabloid reporters, they can PROVE shit), and she wasn't exactly digging on his mojo as either Bruce or Batman until the very very end.
That said, the Vicki thing did bother me pretty much the same way. I don't think there's a single Batman film that isn't guilty of revealing his identity to the leading lady (aside from the Adam West movie... LOL). I guess I was just hoping this one would buck that trend.
crazymike 1128th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):Re(10):Batman Begins" , posted Mon 20 Jun 04:30
I'll say this. It was great. As for Bale, here is the oddity. I think he played a GREAT Bruce Wayne but as Batman he is so-so. But this is funny because I think Michael Keaton was a great Batman but a crappy Bruce Wayne. At least Bale got the whole billionaire thing down, throwing parties, putting on a facade, etc. while Keaton just gloomily sat in his mansion all day like a hermit. Granted much of this is owed to the script but still...
I find it hard to say which is better, this or Burton's first Batman. What really made the first was Jack Nicolson hands down but this one focused more on Batman than the villains which was a change of pace.
However, it IS better than Batman Returns, Forever, and Robin, COMBINED.