OmegaDog 1536th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "SMB On Ice, Revisited: the Costume Designer" , posted Fri 24 Jun 09:51
You guys remember that Super Mario Brothers On Ice feature from a while back, don't you? Well -- through almost sheer accident while on Google, I happened to stumble upon the page of the guy who designed and created the costumes for the show.
Michael Baroto -- Super Mario Brothers On Ice
Summary: He had to design, create and/or oversee the creation of 30 costumes in 3 months, with a low budget -- along with 2 other costumes for different shows. Now, maybe it's just because I'm a lone amateur at costume design, without nearly as much experience or skill -- but still, even with a team to work with, 32 full-body costumes in 3 months still seems almost-incredibly tight-scheduled.
[The fastest I've managed to do by myself is one in one week (almost falling sick from sleep deprivation and malnutrition), and I normally do one in one month when I work on 'em. (I really oughta pick up a sewing machine...)]
 Mr. Belvekoopa is feeling sad. | CCT: NEXT STAGE IS 21