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Dr Baghead 3474th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Soul Calibur character creation" , posted Sun 26 Jun 01:52
quote: Or a board game format identical to Project Justice. That would blow my mind.
All us shlub Americans with no mod chips are gonna get shafted if they do that since you know they aren't gonna take the time to translate it just like with Project Justice!
They'll be all "eh, f**k this let's just make like 20 characters and call them hidden bonuses"
quote: IMO a custom mode would have been more than enought... Since I already see a tsunami of senseless characters, "Kusari Kama Gandalf" being a nice exemple...
BTW if the SC staff have wasted some time to draw art of some characters, why they didn't completely finish them??? given them a name and a story...it's optional but an origanl move list would have been nice too...
So wait you think The Gandalf character is a senseless design, but would rather he be an offical character with some kind of importance to the story instead of some crazy option you have as a look for a custom character?
They probably didn't make them offical characters because drawing a concept art takes far less time and cost less money then making a good looking model (with hidden costumes/weapons etc.), programming moves (if you want original move lists), recording voices (if they have a story it's likely they say something), writing the story.
I mean, did you ever play MK:Deadly Alliance, the bonus section is litered with concept arts for at least two dozen characters/redesigns they wanted to include in addition to a large assortment of stages, weapons, costumes, and other various goodies they wanted to use but because the budget wasn't there it all got scrapped(granted most was used in Deception, but at the time they couldn't use it)and in the X-Men movies there's been concept arts for Beast's movie design since X1, but he's just now about to show up... so obviously drawing concept art for a character is A LOT easier then making a character happen. And that's why they didn't make them offical (that and c'mon... Gandalf and I-No there make Necrid look like a logical character design... okay, not really)
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Baines 95th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):Soul Calibur character creation" , posted Sun 26 Jun 03:46
quote: BTW if the SC staff have wasted some time to draw art of some characters, why they didn't completely finish them??? given them a name and a story...it's optional but an origanl move list would have been nice too...
Concept art isn't that hard to do. The hard part is making a completed character from scratch that measures up to the rest of the cast in every area, from concept to completion.
The CAW concept art in general doesn't measure up to the regular cast. The designs just don't click to that degree because they aren't entirely complete concepts to begin with, but rather more just generic outfit/design concepts. Only a very few look like they are pretty much ready, with most looking like they need quite a bit more work. And some outright don't fit the game, but would be find for a CAW design. Gandalf being a prime example, but not the only one.
The 3D models also aren't polished to the degree of the regular cast either, if you look at the models and the game shots of CAWs. The models would need to be improved further to be a "complete" character.
Namco can skimp on voice work, because they will just be CAWs and not true cast additions. They can make generic endings, if any endings at all. They don't need to come up with storylines, rivalries, or any of the other. Any original movesets just have to be adequate, not necessarily attempting "stellar."
To request that Namco finish them would first undermine the point of the CAW, and second assumes that there isn't that much more work to do to create a completed character. But there is a lot more work. Compare a generic pirate design with a mediocre model and generic moves versus the completed design for Cervantes. Or a generic samurai design versus the storyline, concept, and design of Mitsurugi. Or generic Ninja versus Taki.
Or to take a different approach, consider the CAWs as Necrid, then consider the work required to make Necrid a quality design comparable to Ivy, Voldo, Siegfried, and the rest.