Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD - Forums

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Undead Fred
2417th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sat 25 Jun 15:00post reply

I just got back from seeing Land of the Dead.


Anyone else see it yet? Make sure you use spoiler tags heavily so any other zombie fans here (all two of you) won't get offended. I know I would be. Heh heh.

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I'll talk more about the movie later, but I'll say this for now (gotta get some sleep)- I totally lost it when Tom Savini showed up as the machete biker from Dawn. That was so great.

End of Spoiler

But yeah, I wasn't disappointed at all with the movie. George Romero's still got it. Great movie!


28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sat 25 Jun 15:42post reply

Yeah I was uber impressed with it too. I enjoyed it way more than Star Wars ep 3. Romero follows his rules for the most part. George Lucas could learn a thing or two from him. Now if only Lucio Fulci was still alive. I would have loved to see another one of his Zombie movies.

Dykes, midgets, Dennis Hopper, Asia Argento, and gratuitous violence. What's not to love? One of the best modern zombie movies I've seen lately.

Red Falcon
5500th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sat 25 Jun 15:45post reply

Bottom line = I loved it.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Yes, the biker cameo was AWESOME, ha ha ha!

End of Spoiler

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Undead Fred
2418th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sun 26 Jun 06:08post reply

Man, the intro sequence was awesome too. the quick recap in degraded black and white footage was a great touch. And it was just really nice to see a George Romero zombie movie with a BUDGET... I need to see the movie again sometime while it's still in theaters. My only complaint was that the ending was a bit abrupt, but otherwise, I loved it.

Variable Savior
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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sun 26 Jun 15:23post reply

Ehhhh.. Having high expectations for this movie I found I was rather disappointed. There were too many things about the way the city was protrayed that bothered me. And some of the characters did the dumbest things


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That Mouse kid listening to his headphones while sitting in Zombietown USA. How'd this idiot survive as long as he did, anyway????

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I realize it's silly to argue logic in a story about zombies but too many things were ridiculously unreasonable.

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And John Leguizamo coming back as a zombie was soooooooo hackneyed.

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There were a couple of things I really liked though:

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- That soldier throwing the grenade getting his hand cut off by butcher zombie and then being blow to crap by his own grenade

- The zombie attack on the mall (take that you rich SOB's!)

- My favorite zombie (Lil' Slugger) surviving the film. And she clocked someone with her ever present baseball bat. Way to go, champ!

End of Spoiler

All and all, not a horrible film but still disappointing.

Original Night of the Living Dead > Every zombie flick that followed

Blood marks heaven's path

Undead Fred
2421th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sun 26 Jun 15:36post reply

Ehhhh.. Having high expectations for this movie I found I was rather disappointed. There were too many things about the way the city was protrayed that bothered me. And some of the characters did the dumbest things

Yeah, I know what you mean... there were some parts where it got a little bit predictable, but I've seen much more predictable movies out there (like Road to Perdition... I've always called it Road to Predictability). I was expecting it to be much lower-budget (I.E. crappier acting) and for Romero to have gone with an earlier story idea I had heard several years ago, so I was pleasantly surprised. Plus, I think his writing's improved... I think he wrote this one too? Anyway, Dawn's still my all-time favorite, but I was not disappointed at all in Land.

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Yeah, the story idea I had heard for his "if I did another Dead movie" idea was where the humans basically train the zombies to fight each other and there would be this big zombie battle for the fate of the Earth or whatever. So I'm pretty happy they didn't do that. The story they had is a little similar, but it's way better than what I was expecting.

End of Spoiler

402th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Tue 5 Jul 08:16post reply

I really enjoyed this movie. I would say it was up to par with my expections. However, I still liked the recent Dawn of the Dead better (sorry purests, but running zombies are just scarier to me).

I think that because the ending was so abrupt it is easy to feel disappointed as you leave, but the movie as a whole was great. For one thing, you sort of forget by the end just how cool it is that the movie takes place after the zombies have taken over. Great concept. Also, you almost get desensitized to all the killing and gore by the end, which was very cool.

I liked how they humanized the zombies somewhat. Combine that idea with a jerk villain like Dennis Hopper, and you end up actually rooting for the zombies. I cannot stress enough just how cool that is. Some of the character designs were really cool too. Especially Charlie.

One technical issue:

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How come at the end they're all like "Let's go to Canada! YEAH! And then you see them drive off into the sunrise. Wouldn't that be to the east?

End of Spoiler


Red Falcon
5547th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Tue 5 Jul 11:59:post reply

I really enjoyed this movie. I would say it was up to par with my expections. However, I still liked the recent Dawn of the Dead better (sorry purests, but running zombies are just scarier to me).

I said what I thought of it to Fred a while ago (Great movie!) But as for the running zombies... Ha ha ha! They're lucky their legs didn't go flying off, considering they were running as fast as cars. :D Dying makes you in to olympic champions!

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 5 Jul 12:00]

Undead Fred
2445th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Tue 5 Jul 12:07post reply

I said what I thought of it to Fred a while ago (Great movie!) But as for the running zombies... Ha ha ha! They're lucky their legs didn't go flying off, considering they were running as fast as cars. :D Dying makes you in to olympic champions!

DEAD PEOPLE EAT THEIR WHEATIES .......and drink Powerade. Or something.

Anyway, I've been craving seeing the movie again recently. I've got a friend out of town that's been wanting to see it, so I'm trying to wait until I can see it with him, but I may just have to see it again anyway. Heh heh. Yeah, I've been trying to decide who my favorite character was in the movie, and I think it may have to be Charlie... but I haven't decided yet. He was a likeable character, plus

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he had that great sharpshooting ability too.

End of Spoiler

29th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(8):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sat 9 Jul 10:42post reply

Yeah, I've been trying to decide who my favorite character was in the movie, and I think it may have to be Charlie... but I haven't decided yet. He was a likeable character

Yeah Charlie was by far one of the coolest and most interesting characters. It would have been nice to see how he became the way he is.

Did anyone pick up that four disc "Dawn of the Dead" special edition dvd boxset? I got the theatrical version off netflix and I was wondering if the rest of the discs are worth checking out. It has like three different versions of the same movie. Dario Argento edited the European version which I heard is paced a lot quicker.

Undead Fred
2447th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sat 9 Jul 15:55post reply

Did anyone pick up that four disc "Dawn of the Dead" special edition dvd boxset? I got the theatrical version off netflix and I was wondering if the rest of the discs are worth checking out. It has like three different versions of the same movie. Dario Argento edited the European version which I heard is paced a lot quicker.

Man.... I was pretty tempted to get it. But I've already got a million different versions of that movie already, so I had to force myself not to get it. Heh heh. I was really really wanting to see that bonus disc, though... I'd like to know if anyone got it too. I was still wondering if there was a version I didn't have yet included in the set aside from the bonus disc.

1132th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Sun 10 Jul 03:05post reply

Just a question if anyone can clear this for me. Can I assume the story is set in real-time compared to the original night of the living dead?

It seems as if in the beginning they alluded to that the zombie outbreak occured in the 1960s and with Asia Argento saying she grew up in the city her whole life, zombies have run around the world for 40+ years.

2835th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Mon 11 Jul 05:43post reply

I thought it was pretty good!

212th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Wed 13 Jul 13:33post reply

Just like ECK-OH-DUS, I enjoyed it.

Random thoughts:

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I found the movie to be really funny.

The belly button and grenade scene were great.

Lil slugger was hot hot HOT.

End of Spoiler


Undead Fred
2450th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Fri 15 Jul 14:20post reply

Just a question if anyone can clear this for me. Can I assume the story is set in real-time compared to the original night of the living dead?

It seems as if in the beginning they alluded to that the zombie outbreak occured in the 1960s and with Asia Argento saying she grew up in the city her whole life, zombies have run around the world for 40+ years.

Yeah, that's what I'd been wondering... it seems like the timeline's in real time, but I'm still not really positive that it is... I'd say, "maybe Land's in the 80's," but the rich people's fashion and decor and stuff's too modern...

2113th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Mon 25 Jul 05:03post reply

This thread has come back to life! Aiee! Anyway, I finally got around to seeing the movie and I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. Is it a social satire on how the oppressed class will eventually rise up to destroy a corrupt, dominating power structure? Is it about seeing how many headshots you can get away with in a sorta-mainstream R rated movie? Is it about the celebration of the magic of movies where the sight of a guy getting blown up by his own grenade can be really funny? I don't know, but it was a lean, fun film and nobody threw a cream pie into a zombie's face.

Just a question if anyone can clear this for me. Can I assume the story is set in real-time compared to the original night of the living dead?

It seems as if in the beginning they alluded to that the zombie outbreak occured in the 1960s and with Asia Argento saying she grew up in the city her whole life, zombies have run around the world for 40+ years.
Yeah, that's what I'd been wondering... it seems like the timeline's in real time, but I'm still not really positive that it is... I'd say, "maybe Land's in the 80's," but the rich people's fashion and decor and stuff's too modern...

Even in the face of the zombie armageddon the fashion industry is not going to stand still.

1143th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Re(10):Land of the Dead SUPER THREAD" , posted Tue 26 Jul 06:09post reply

The thread is now undead and back from the grave.