Finally completed Resident Evil 4.... - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Sun 26 Jun 16:03post reply

I absolutely loved this game. I have the RE remake for GCN, but this is the first RE game that I've completed. Now I need to start over on the first RE and finally beat it. The controls felt much better to me in RE4 than in RE, but maybe I'll get used to the RE controls when I try again. I may play Ada's game and finish The Mercenaries first though. Anyway, I know a lot of people discussed this game when it was released and said it was great. I really waited too long to get it, but better late than never. I've heard some people complain about RE4's story and the change in the gameplay. Since I'm not a diehard RE fan, I was wondering what some people thought of this. I know the story from the other games, and even though the story went a new direction, I enjoyed it. I was just curious if anyone here had a problem with the story or with any of the gameplay changes, I suppose. I found the game to be a lot of fun, definately worth replaying (after I unlock the handcannon and the chicago typewriter I'll replay the main game), and it is also very beautiful. Anyway, I was just very happy with the game and had to share my thoughts.

Hungry Like the Wolf


Time Mage
2190th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Sun 26 Jun 19:12post reply

People's concerns with the story are that it is quite bland, and there's not much character interaction. They may be right, but I personally don't care about that. In RE4, for the first time in the series, the actual game is what counts, not the story.

163th Post

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"Re(1):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Sun 26 Jun 19:19post reply

I haven't played it but I'm looking forward to the ps2 version. Haven't played a RE game in a very long time so it should be fun.

7th Post

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"Re(1):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Sun 26 Jun 21:13post reply

I was just curious if anyone here had a problem with the story or with any of the gameplay changes, I suppose.

I didn't really like all the dodging/button pressing stuff that was in-game (the cinematic ones were fine because they actually required you to press what was on the screen). I think in-game dodges, you can just mash L+R+A+B at the same time and successfully perform a dodge.

It might have been interesting if they didn't show you what buttons to press, but have given a cue to "dodge" and given Leon the option of either A+B=duck, L+R=backflip/roll. You'd actually have to watch what the enemy was doing and react accordingly.

Undead Fred
2424th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 07:55:post reply

Hungrywolf- you MIGHT have a little trouble killing the berserkers with HUNK in the castle stage on the Mercenaries game, so here's a tip (not sure if you've heard it yet or not): your best option is to get the berserker to pass you, then drill him in the back where that bug thing is and he should be a pushover. Good places to do that are places like that stairwell where you can get behind the stairs at the top. Of course grenades are helpful to buy you time and so forth, but don't be afraid to chip away, run, then chip away some more. Just make sure your top priority is to drill him in his weak point between his shoulders.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Mon 27 Jun 07:56]

3059th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 08:32:post reply

Hungrywolf- you MIGHT have a little trouble killing the berserkers with HUNK in the castle stage on the Mercenaries game, so here's a tip (not sure if you've heard it yet or not): your best option is to get the berserker to pass you, then drill him in the back where that bug thing is and he should be a pushover. Good places to do that are places like that stairwell where you can get behind the stairs at the top. Of course grenades are helpful to buy you time and so forth, but don't be afraid to chip away, run, then chip away some more. Just make sure your top priority is to drill him in his weak point between his shoulders.


Thanks for the tip, I'll keep it in mind when I start going through The Mercenaries. I played The Mercenaries a litte bit but died the one time when I did. I did finish Assignment Ada today, and had fun with that. How difficult is it to receive a five-star rating with each character on each level of The Mercenaries in order to unlock the handcannon?

EDIT: Well, I do want the handcannon, but I don't think I want it bad enough to go through all of this crap to get it. I unlocked Hunk with little problem, but the village sucks. The chainsaw people are very annoying since they get one-hit kills. I may just skip attempting to get the handcannon. At least for now.

Hungry Like the Wolf

[this message was edited by Hungrywolf on Mon 27 Jun 09:19]

647th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 09:20post reply

It's hard but you can probably do it. The best person to use is Krauser, I believe. Just disintegrate them with that special attack. Even the chainsaw guys go down... =P

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Undead Fred
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 11:27:post reply

It's hard but you can probably do it. The best person to use is Krauser, I believe. Just disintegrate them with that special attack. Even the chainsaw guys go down... =P

Well, you have to get 5 stars on all stages with everyone, actually.

As for the chainsaw fiends and so forth in the village, there are good places to use against them- try using the barns to throw them off. The best two are the ones near the front entrance to the village... the open one has that exploding barrel by the front door is good for a one-time mass kill (let them run in, then blow the barrel and it should clear them all), and the big, closed barn is great for screwing with them. There's a barrel in there, a time bonus, and you can keep letting them in and firing from the loft (and kicking the ladder down) as long as your ammo's good. I recommend using that as your last outpost or near to the end so you don't have to jump down and blast your way out. If you choose to stay up there in the middle of the round, then make sure you save a grenade or two to clear the room so you can get ammo from the fallen bodies when you're low. For an escape route, I recommend jumping down to go out of the open door instead of trying to get out of the barn doors... I've had those chainsaw sisters there too often ready to behead me.

And be sure to take advantage of each characters' special moves when you get the chance. Great for crowd clearing.

EDIT: Clarifica-shon.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Mon 27 Jun 11:28]

96th Post

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"Re(1):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 12:00post reply

(after I unlock the handcannon and the chicago typewriter I'll replay the main game)

The chicago typewriter is entertaining to use, but it completely removes the last vestiges of any kind of challenge.

Infinite ammo means no time spent reloading either. While each bullet is "only" rated a 10, the rate of fire is 10 per second, which means 100 damage per second for as long as you hold the trigger. Facing a boss? Hold the trigger and aim and it drops dead about as fast as it takes to aim and fire a rocket launcher. Facing a crowd? Hold the trigger and sweep... Just try that with a rocket launcher, handcannon, or broken butterfly.

You might find it more interesting to do a second play using "regular" weapons that you didn't use the first time, like the mine thrower. (Though you need to sell some of your weapons if you want the mine thrower to be viable. Random ammo drops are based on weapons in inventory, though it is always possible to get regular handgun ammo regardless of whether or not you have any guns that use it.)

3059th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 13:21post reply

(after I unlock the handcannon and the chicago typewriter I'll replay the main game)

The chicago typewriter is entertaining to use, but it completely removes the last vestiges of any kind of challenge.

Infinite ammo means no time spent reloading either. While each bullet is "only" rated a 10, the rate of fire is 10 per second, which means 100 damage per second for as long as you hold the trigger. Facing a boss? Hold the trigger and aim and it drops dead about as fast as it takes to aim and fire a rocket launcher. Facing a crowd? Hold the trigger and sweep... Just try that with a rocket launcher, handcannon, or broken butterfly.

You might find it more interesting to do a second play using "regular" weapons that you didn't use the first time, like the mine thrower. (Though you need to sell some of your weapons if you want the mine thrower to be viable. Random ammo drops are based on weapons in inventory, though it is always possible to get regular handgun ammo regardless of whether or not you have any guns that use it.)

I had all of the weapons the first time through actually. I had the minethrower, the killer 7, the 3rd shotgun, the 2nd rifle, the TMP, and the last pistol. I've unlocked the Chicago Typewriter now. I figure the main game won't be as much of a challenge now anyway for me, and I am not gonna just use the infinate weapons the whole time anyway, whenever I get the money for them. I just wanna check them out and have them unlocked when I do play through again in case I choose to buy them.

And Undead Fred, I'll take your advice on the town too. Maybe I'll just start it and run around the area to check stuff out and get the locations down good, then I'll play it and try to finish it. I may go ahead and start on the first RE though and try to finish it.

Hungry Like the Wolf

648th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 13:42post reply

Well, you have to get 5 stars on all stages with everyone, actually.

oh yea.

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"The Mercenaries" , posted Mon 27 Jun 13:55post reply


How difficult is it to receive a five-star rating with each character on each level of The Mercenaries in order to unlock the handcannon?

Leon at the pier, and Hunk at the castle are the hardest two in my opinion just because neither of them is good at stopping the "big" enemy in those stages. The best strategy I've found is to toss a grenade to stun them and unload as many rounds into them as you can before they come to. For the Berserkers, be sure to slip behind so you can shoot them in the back.

Those two aside, The Mercenaries is not too difficult once you get a feel for the levels. Wesker and Ada are probably the easiest to use, so I would suggest comepleting each of the levels with them first.

Undead Fred
2430th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 14:47:post reply

The chicago typewriter is entertaining to use, but it completely removes the last vestiges of any kind of challenge.

Infinite ammo means no time spent reloading either. While each bullet is "only" rated a 10, the rate of fire is 10 per second, which means 100 damage per second for as long as you hold the trigger. Facing a boss? Hold the trigger and aim and it drops dead about as fast as it takes to aim and fire a rocket launcher. Facing a crowd? Hold the trigger and sweep... Just try that with a rocket launcher, handcannon, or broken butterfly.

You might find it more interesting to do a second play using "regular" weapons that you didn't use the first time, like the mine thrower. (Though you need to sell some of your weapons if you want the mine thrower to be viable. Random ammo drops are based on weapons in inventory, though it is always possible to get regular handgun ammo regardless of whether or not you have any guns that use it.)

I had all of the weapons the first time through actually. I had the minethrower, the killer 7, the 3rd shotgun, the 2nd rifle, the TMP, and the last pistol. I've unlocked the Chicago Typewriter now. I figure the main game won't be as much of a challenge now anyway for me, and I am not gonna just use the infinate weapons the whole time anyway, whenever I get the money for them. I just wanna check them out and have them unlocked when I do play through again in case I choose to buy them.

Yeah, I hate infinite ammo personally... when I found out that I had unlocked infinite ammo on RE0 for the pistols and shotguns, I was pretty irritated. I like managing ammo, and I love reloading. But anyway, my favorite weapons in RE4 were the Red9 or whatever that WW2-style pistol was (same gun EVA used in MGS3) and the first rifle you get... mostly because of that great reload sequence. Just max out your reload so it's useable in battle and you're good. There's just something like about those clips with the little pins that have to be snapped off before firing.

EDIT: Oh yeah, all I can really recommend with the Super Bagheads with Leon at the pier is to knock them down with a grenade, then unload with the shotgun while they're down, then run like hell otherwise.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Mon 27 Jun 14:48]

Taa kun
501th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Mon 27 Jun 23:09post reply

Well, you have to get 5 stars on all stages with everyone, actually.

And to get 5 stars, you need 60,000 points.
So it's up to you to manage your time/kills knowing this.

With Leon, I used to manage this in order to time up (not taking every time refill) just passing 60,000 points. It's so boring playing Leon...
But my average score with Krauser is around 100,000...

And to kill the bid bagheads in the pier, there's another tip : run in the middle of the level when he follows you, check for foes with dynamite and let them throw it. Since you keep on running with the big guy behind you, he will be hit by the explosion of the dynamite. Only two explosions and he is dead.

Tsukurimashou... Tsukurimashou...
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na ?

Undead Fred
2432th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Tue 28 Jun 03:44post reply

And to kill the bid bagheads in the pier, there's another tip : run in the middle of the level when he follows you, check for foes with dynamite and let them throw it. Since you keep on running with the big guy behind you, he will be hit by the explosion of the dynamite. Only two explosions and he is dead.

Oh yeah... I forgot about those guys! I prefer letting them light the dynamite and THEN killing them just so I have more control over where they'll explode. You could try that too.

97th Post

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"Re(4):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Tue 28 Jun 10:13post reply

Yeah, I hate infinite ammo personally... when I found out that I had unlocked infinite ammo on RE0 for the pistols and shotguns, I was pretty irritated. I like managing ammo, and I love reloading.

Yes, I think the Chicago Typewriter might have been a bit more fun if you had to level it like the handcannon to get infinite ammo, rather than just buying it like the infinite launcher. Though I can understand that they might not have wanted to introduce yet another specialty ammo in the long run. (You can use an Action Replay to put a box of the CT's exclusive ammo in your inventory. Interestingly enough, there is also a box for exclusive rifle ammo for use with the thermal scope. Removing the latter is a change that I don't mind.)

But anyway, my favorite weapons in RE4 were the Red9 or whatever that WW2-style pistol was (same gun EVA used in MGS3) and the first rifle you get... mostly because of that great reload sequence.

The Broken Butterfly had the best reload animation for me.

I liked the original sniper rifle, but in the long run the second rifle beats it down thoroughly. The difference in effective rate of fire between the two, plus losing your aim after each shot on the original, is just too much of a trade-off for the slight space that you save with the smaller classic rifle. It is a shame that it seems less effort was put into balancing some weapons compared to others. While people will argue support for an exclusive punisher or default handgun or even a matilda, it is pretty hard to argue support for the classic shotgun over both the riot and striker (though people argue between the riot and striker themselves) or the classic rifle versus the semi.

EDIT: Oh yeah, all I can really recommend with the Super Bagheads with Leon at the pier is to knock them down with a grenade, then unload with the shotgun while they're down, then run like hell otherwise.

Strangely enough, Waterworld with Leon was about the only part of Mercenaries mode that I liked. While people say it is one of the hardest, to me it felt like it was designed specifically for Leon.

Undead Fred
2433th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Tue 28 Jun 16:23post reply

I liked the original sniper rifle, but in the long run the second rifle beats it down thoroughly. The difference in effective rate of fire between the two, plus losing your aim after each shot on the original, is just too much of a trade-off for the slight space that you save with the smaller classic rifle. It is a shame that it seems less effort was put into balancing some weapons compared to others. While people will argue support for an exclusive punisher or default handgun or even a matilda, it is pretty hard to argue support for the classic shotgun over both the riot and striker (though people argue between the riot and striker themselves) or the classic rifle versus the semi.

Yeah, I haven't tried using the first rifle in heavy firing situations yet, so I'm sure the second rifle is much better. Also, I'm pretty sure you NEED to the second rifle if you ever hope to take down those regenerators, but I just enjoy the breech-loader rifle or whatever it's called. The rifle may be iffy, but the Red 9 definitely does not have any heavy use issues if you've got the stats maxed. I don't have the clip size maxed, but once the firing speed and reload are good, you don't have to worry. Plus, it's a lot of fun to use for those simple little reasons like the reload action.

98th Post

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"Re(6):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Wed 29 Jun 06:39post reply

Yeah, I haven't tried using the first rifle in heavy firing situations yet, so I'm sure the second rifle is much better. Also, I'm pretty sure you NEED to the second rifle if you ever hope to take down those regenerators, but I just enjoy the breech-loader rifle or whatever it's called.

Entertainingly enough, you don't even need a rifle at all for regenerators if you have enough Magnum ammo. The first one I met, I took down with a non-maxed Broken Butterfly (around 5 shots?). (Of course, when maxed a Broken Butterfly kills darn near everything.)

And with a maxed rifle, I don't know if you even need to spend time aiming. I was killing regenerators on damage with the Semi-Auto for a while because I didn't know about the parasite on the back. By the time I did find out, and found an effective way to hit it (shoot the front parasites, shoot a leg, shoot the back while it is down), the rifle was strong enough to kill it on pure damage using only about one or two more rounds anyway. I cannot remember, but does the bolt-action rifle max to higher damage than the semi?

3060th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Wed 29 Jun 11:00post reply

Yeah, I haven't tried using the first rifle in heavy firing situations yet, so I'm sure the second rifle is much better. Also, I'm pretty sure you NEED to the second rifle if you ever hope to take down those regenerators, but I just enjoy the breech-loader rifle or whatever it's called.

Entertainingly enough, you don't even need a rifle at all for regenerators if you have enough Magnum ammo. The first one I met, I took down with a non-maxed Broken Butterfly (around 5 shots?). (Of course, when maxed a Broken Butterfly kills darn near everything.)

And with a maxed rifle, I don't know if you even need to spend time aiming. I was killing regenerators on damage with the Semi-Auto for a while because I didn't know about the parasite on the back. By the time I did find out, and found an effective way to hit it (shoot the front parasites, shoot a leg, shoot the back while it is down), the rifle was strong enough to kill it on pure damage using only about one or two more rounds anyway. I cannot remember, but does the bolt-action rifle max to higher damage than the semi?

Which of the magnums maxes out better, the Broken Butterfly or the Killer 7?

Hungry Like the Wolf

381th Post

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"Re(8):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Wed 29 Jun 11:30post reply


I cannot remember, but does the bolt-action rifle max to higher damage than the semi?

Yes, the exclusive upgrade lets the bolt-action do more damage than the semi-auto.


Which of the magnums maxes out better, the Broken Butterfly or the Killer 7?

It depends on your personal prefferances. Similar to the rifles, the Broken Butterfly does more damage in the end, while the Killer 7 fires and reloads faster.

Time Mage
2192th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Thu 30 Jun 06:44post reply


Which of the magnums maxes out better, the Broken Butterfly or the Killer 7?

It depends on your personal prefferances. Similar to the rifles, the Broken Butterfly does more damage in the end, while the Killer 7 fires and reloads faster.

Who needs to fire more than once, maybe twice, with a 50 power Broken Butterfly? It's so powerful that scares me.

101th Post

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"Re(10):Finally completed Resident Evil 4...." , posted Thu 30 Jun 08:51post reply

Who needs to fire more than once, maybe twice, with a 50 power Broken Butterfly? It's so powerful that scares me.

Ah, but what of cases where there are multiple targets?

The trade-off between the Broken Butterfly and Killer 7 is power versus speed. But against most foes, the extra power of the Broken Butterfly is overkill. Speed, on the other hand, is generally useful. It is a less extreme version of the power/speed trade-off for the classic and semi-auto rifles.

(There has been a second trade-off mentioned, in that the Killer 7 is a more effective faster. But I found that distinction to not matter so much. Besides, the BB is found for free.)

Personally, I find the Broken Butterfly fast enough under any circumstances where you would choose to use it though. If you are being so swarmed that its rate of fire becomes a liability, you should arguably be using another gun anyway (or you have managed to fill your inventory with magnum rounds and hate to throw them away.)

Time Mage
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Finally completed Resident Evil" , posted Sat 2 Jul 20:06post reply

For crowds, I prefer a maxed Striker. Such a wide area of effect, plus 100 capacity is just lovely.

401th Post

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"Mercenaries Mini-FAQ" , posted Tue 5 Jul 03:34post reply

Hey, sorry I'm late to the discussion, but after playing Mercenaries so much earlier this summer, I just can't help but to put in my two cents. People have already given some good advice in this thread, so I'll just try to cover the parts I thought were the most difficult. It's been a month or two since I played, so hopefully I'm not forgetting too much.

As you've probably noticed, dealing with the "big" guys on each stage is the hardest part. Obviously, Krauser's super arm is the best way to deal with any of them, so use it wisely. Ada and Wesker are in pretty good shape too with their rifles (and Wesker's magnum of course). Things get kind of hairy with Leon and HUNK though.

For HUNK, I highly recommend making use of his neck breaker. It kills enemies instantly, saving you ammo; the twist of snapping their neck pushes back nearby enemies; and you're pretty much invincible during the animation. All I would ever do with HUNK is sweep the enemies at head-level. As they encroach on you, and you're pressing , you'll automatically start snapping their necks if they're close enough after a headshot.

Like Undead Fred said earlier about the blind guys in the castle stage, (and the same advice he gave me when I was playing through) you HAVE to get behind them and unload on the parasite. Use a grenade to make them kneel down (and hopefully clear out the other riff-raff in the area) and then get around them quickly and shoot the shotgun or TMP at close range. It's usually not worth it to try killing them with just grenades, and you can't just ignore them and run away. They WILL catch up to you eventually. It's probably best not to go into the final room up on the balcony at all with Leon or HUNK. It's just not worth the difficulty of killing two more blind guys.

For the big chainsaw guys on the docks, grenades are simply your best bet with Leon and HUNK (as some people have already mentioned). Just make sure you have plenty of room to run around when you take them on.

The gatling guys aren't too tough if you don't let them get started. Usually you can get them with a grenade and then finish them off with the shotgun or TMP before they can recover.

The chainsaw women are a pain in the ass. They just take so much freaking damage to kill. It seems fairly hopeless at first, but once I learned how to deal with them they weren't too much of a problem. With Leon, SAVE YOUR SHOTGUN AMMO. You'll obviously have to use the shotgun from time to time when you get surrounded, but it helps so much in dealing with the chainsaw chicks. Why? Because it knocks them down. This is so very helpful. No matter how tough a situation you're in, you can always lay the ladies out with a quick blast from the shotgun (no innuendo intended) and then return to business with the other village folk. Eventually, you'll kill them. You just have to be patient and not lose your cool. Unless you run out of shells. Then you run.

With HUNK, the chainsaw girls are dangerous, but easy enough. Just snap their necks. They may be really tough normally, but unlike the other "big" guys, you can insta-kill them no problem. Just be careful when you move in for the kill.

Hope that helps those who are still playing this mode. RE4 was an absolutely wonderful game, which made Mercenaries mode all the more pleasant a surprise. There's a good chance I ended up playing it as much as the single player game.

Undead Fred
2443th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mercenaries Mini-FAQ" , posted Tue 5 Jul 04:37post reply

Hey, sorry I'm late to the discussion, but after playing Mercenaries so much earlier this summer, I just can't help but to put in my two cents. People have already given some good advice in this thread, so I'll just try to cover the parts I thought were the most difficult. It's been a month or two since I played, so hopefully I'm not forgetting too much.

Grahf's got some good, solid advice there (I'll have to try using more neck breaks with HUNK from now on... I didn't even think of aiming for their heads as a stun).

Personally, I don't have as much trouble with the chainsaw girls in the village in terms of taking damage... it's their NUMBERS that get you. When one shows up, she's pretty much guaranteed to be followed by her sister, and it's not very unusual to see three or four at once in a large crowd. The other "big guys" usually show up alone, but man, those sisters get extra dangerous. The only thing you can really do about their numbers is try to keep your back open or to a wall and watch out as you go through doors and windows. And of course, use explosions wisely to clear an escape route when you need it most. This also means to make sure you keep at least one emergency grenade for HUNK or anyone else you have trouble with getting knockbacks.

Man, I wish I had video of this one close call in the village with HUNK... I had FOUR chainsaw sisters closing in, and the only way I could get out was through the middle of their group. They all took a swing at once, so there was this freaky chainsaw circle trying to close in around my neck as I ran through. Heh heh.

Undead Fred
2446th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Mercenaries Mini-FAQ" , posted Wed 6 Jul 17:05post reply

Heh heh... just for anyone who thinks it's impossible to get a good score with HUNK on the castle stage, my high score there is 105,180, and I got it with HUNK.