tenguman 215th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(1):Mizuchi=Orochi.Not!" , posted Thu 30 Jun 04:31:
quote: Why is Sega's logo on the video?
Because Sega and Sammy are not Sega and Sammy anymore. They are SegaSammy (really) Hey guys, I finally found out who is Mizuchi, courtesy of Kyosuke Kagami, the Iggy of the Nejibako thread at the highervoltage.net forums. Mizuchi is neither a clone nor a modern incarnation of Orochi, but he is a water spirit with the capability to create illusions. BTW, did you guys watching Mizuchi in action notice what he said as his win quote.I can't believe what I heard, they mentioned that horrible short franchise with the only good thing that it has is big-breasted bitches.Bullshit.
Stop, Grammar Time.
Am I the only one who finds rather difficult to understand what this person writes?
And even with that, there's no running away, Mizuchi is just a crappy Orochi rehash with new SFX and (maybe) a new VA. You're disappointing me again Imoya, I really hope you repent for your sins with XI.
[this message was edited by tenguman on Thu 30 Jun 04:33] |
Shingo The One 574th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(1):Mmmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 Jun 13:30
quote: Kyosuke Kagami, the Iggy of the Nejibako thread at the highervoltage.net forums. Man, comparing Iggy to that retarded piece of shit is like comparing Uwe Boll to Stanley Kubrik. Stop before it's too late.
BTW SNKNeoshingatumare, who are you at the herv boards, Regalsin?
Sorry Onslaught, that was really stupid of me, comparing anyone else to Iggy-san, I definitely wasn't thinking good.And no, I do not post at herv, I only mentioned it as the site from where I got the info.That is all. BTW, have you guys seen the clip showing Mizuchi in action, the link given in the first post of this very thread?If so, and if you heard what he said as his win quote, then you know what I mean. I apologize for being elusive when I do this kind of shit, but nonsense just ain't worth mentioning at all if you ain't no.1, like one manga/anime franchise(Naruto knows what this franchise is).
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
Shingo The One 575th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(3):Mmmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 Jun 14:11
quote: Sorry Onslaught, that was really stupid of me, comparing anyone else to Iggy-san, I definitely wasn't thinking good. No worries. And it's not like I hate you for camparing Iggy to someone else; heck, my reaction would have been the same had you compared Kyosuke Kagami to anybody else... yes KK is THAT bad (godamn retarded piece of fecal matter, I despise him!). no.1, like one manga/anime franchise(Naruto knows what this franchise is). Saint Seiya?
No problem Onslaught.And the no.1 franchise for me is Naruto.You know what, who cares if a worthless piece of shit is mentioned in a fighting game, because Naruto was, is and will be the greatest manga/anime franchise ever. And definitely no anime of any kind(not even hentai)got nothing on Naruto.Trust me.(Ain't this unstoppable devotion or what?)
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
Shingo The One 576th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(5):Mmmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 Jun 14:51
quote: Damn straight, Shingo. Naruto is a good comedy action anime. I am just waiting for the "jump." And I am hoping that this anime does not turn into Dragon Ball Z (in terms of spanning out an arc too long). Until then, I will keep watching this anime.
Word Digitalboy.Have you seen the latest episode, no.141?This one perfectly concludes this second, but this time cool, legit anime filler arc.And next week, we'll have another filler arc.But don't worry, they have a good reason to do this; after all, if they do the "jump" right now, the anime would be too close to the manga, and this means no more anime.Bring on more good filler.BTW Digitalboy, I forgot to say this to you, kick-ass Super Saiyajin Rock Lee AV.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
Shingo The One 578th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "So Digitalboy, what do you think?" , posted Fri 1 Jul 02:08:
quote: I haven't seen 141 yet. So what they're doing is a fill in arc that does not actually pertain to the focal scope of the anime? 
I think that you have mentioned about my avatar and signature before, I just never replied. But "thanks." Rock Lee is my favorite character, Konoha's admirable green beast!
Well Digitalboy, 141 is the conclusion of the second anime filler arc, and surprisingly this does pertain to the focal scope of the manga, cause at the end of the latest episode, you will see one character who will utterly transform, character development-wise.And who knows, maybe the the third filler arc that will start next week will do the same for someone else.And you're welcome.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
[this message was edited by Shingo The One on Fri 1 Jul 15:16] |
Shingo The One 578th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(1):So Digitalboy, what do you think?" , posted Fri 1 Jul 15:17
quote: I haven't seen 141 yet. So what they're doing is a fill in arc that does not actually pertain to the focal scope of the anime? 
I think that you have mentioned about my avatar and signature before, I just never replied. But "thanks." Rock Lee is my favorite character, Konoha's admirable green beast! Well Digitalboy, 141 is the conclusion of the second anime filler arc, and surprisingly this does pertain to the focal scope of the manga, cause at the end of the latest episode, you will see one character who will utterly transform, character development-wise.And who knows, maybe the the third filler arc that will start next week will do the same for someone else.And you're welcome.
So Digitalboy, have you had time to see the latest episode?What do you think in general?
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
Shingo The One 579th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Hey Digitalboy, here's your response." , posted Fri 1 Jul 21:17
quote: Holy crap, Shingo, give me some room to breath. You remind me of this fat chick I had. But this is more of a personal problem which I will get over it...eventually.
Anywho, the arc was wrapped up decently with a meaningful ending. I should have saw this coming before but it had never occured to me until then.
[Do not highlight and read if you haven't been keeping up with the Naruto anime]
And Shingo, go check the imagebbs and answer my question concerning Naruto, won't cha?
Well Digitalboy, you got the teacher-student comparisons perfectly, and "ero" stands for pervert. I noticed that you had a question for me, and I see that you have the exact same problem that I did when I saw that hand-seal for the very first time with that very same picture.And here's the answer: It's a difficult but not impossible hand seal to perform, and you do the right hand first and then the other one.That hand seal is most famously used to do the Chidori/Raikiri.I hope that clears things out.You're welcome man.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
Shingo The One 581th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Hey Digitalboy, you got your response." , posted Sat 2 Jul 15:00:
quote: Anywho, the arc was wrapped up decently with a meaningful ending. I should have saw this coming before but it had never occured to me until then.
And Shingo, go check the imagebbs and answer my question concerning Naruto, won't cha? Well Digitalboy, you got the teacher-student comparisons perfectly, and "ero" stands for pervert. I noticed that you had a question for me, and I see that you have the exact same problem that I did when I saw that hand-seal for the very first time with that very same picture.And here's the answer: It's a difficult but not impossible hand seal to perform, and you do the right hand first and then the other one.That hand seal is most famously used to do the Chidori/Raikiri.I hope that clears things out.You're welcome man.
Hey Digitalboy, I got the response to your question.I hope things are all cleared.And keep following it, because the third legit anime filler arc, starting next week, should be very exciting indeed.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
[this message was edited by Shingo The One on Sat 2 Jul 15:00] |