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Hungrywolf 3061th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Japanese Fantastic Four trailer" , posted Wed 29 Jun 15:18
quote: But perhaps this movie is a setup, and we'll see Doom scheming and manipulating some other villains in the sequel... at least I hope so.
Well, the director said he "researched" the FF by reading Ultimate Fantastic Four. (The characterization in Ultimate FF is pretty one dimensional. And Doom there is a stuck up wannabe named Van Damme, that is turned into a metal satan/goatman, and tries to build himself a kingdom by mindcontrolling disposed homeless teens.)
And said he liked Doom because Doom was one of the simplest villians Marvel had, because Doom had no other motivation other than to beat Reed.
And this is a movie that has Doom saying "You're fired" as he shoots electricity at Sue.
Personally, movies like Spider-Man are the flukes when it comes to Marvel. Spider-Man just happened to get the right director to do a good job. Blade (the first) mainly took names from the comic, as did Men in Black (which was very loosely based on a comic made by a company that Marvel had bought.)
Avi Arad either doesn't know what he is doing when he licenses movies or doesn't care. Considering that he wants Ghost Rider to face a tidal wave because he liked the look of the CG in Perfect Storm and likes the idea of seeing Ghost Rider's skull still burning while underwater, I'd lean towards "doesn't know what he is doing." And I won't even mention the direct-to-video garbage that is Man-Thing.
At least Doom doesn't have goat legs in the movie, thank God. And maybe the actors at least researched better and Doom may come off better for that than for the director. I like the effects I've seen with Mr. Fantastic. I'm looking forward to seeing him in action the most.

Hungry Like the Wolf