Street Fighter Fig update - Forums

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1124th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 12:31post reply

Round 3 packaged pics. Adon comes with a SF1 head. And apparently one of those Sakuras is supposed to be Dark Sakura.

Bad scans of some Round 4 proto pics. It appears they are using the Birdie from the UDON comics. I know this line was inspiried or whatever by those comics, but I really hate how they drew Birdie. Atleast the fig isn't AS exagerated. Other than that the figs seem to be off to a good start. They probably won't be out until early next year at the rate SOTA goes so they have plenty of time to change them.


1851th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 12:39post reply

Why does that site say long awaited CVS2 toys? I've had those figures of Ryu, Ken, Kyo and Iori for some time now. Many Toy Shops had them, all of the text on the boxes was in English, looked like they were region free, hmmm.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Dr Baghead
3476th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 13:03post reply

Round 3 packaged pics. Adon comes with a SF1 head. And apparently one of those Sakuras is supposed to be Dark Sakura.

So which head is the SF1 head and what's the difference?

Also... a customizer who doesn't mind SOTA making all their efforts absolet could make a pretty nice Mike custom using Balrog's upper Torso and alternate hands, Sodom's lower, and um, someone's feet I don't know.

The Dark Sakura's disappointing. I think I'll make my own... which means SOTA will release a better one next ComicCon.

and Adon's portrait on the boxart... where is that from? that's a pretty bishy looking Adon they used, I mean for someone who's always got a wrinkly cranky face they sure chose a flattering image of him

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1126th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 13:09post reply


So which head is the SF1 head and what's the difference?

It is probably most noticable in this pic

On the head already on the figure you can see the hair is flatter and wider while the extra head's hair is taller and there are deeper indentations on the hair.

I think that the art on te box is an Alpha 3 in game art.

Dr Baghead
3477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 13:14post reply

On the head already on the figure you can see the hair is flatter and wider while the extra head's hair is taller and there are deeper indentations on the hair.

Ohhh I see. That's pretty neat.

I think that the art on te box is an Alpha 3 in game art.

They drew him that pretty officaly?! that's kinda weird

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

Burning Ranger
1233th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 14:21post reply


Round 3 packaged pics. Adon comes with a SF1 head. And apparently one of those Sakuras is supposed to be Dark Sakura.

Bad scans of some Round 4 proto pics. It appears they are using the Birdie from the UDON comics. I know this line was inspiried or whatever by those comics, but I really hate how they drew Birdie. Atleast the fig isn't AS exagerated. Other than that the figs seem to be off to a good start. They probably won't be out until early next year at the rate SOTA goes so they have plenty of time to change them.

I'm not a fan of SOTA's figures at all. I saw their Cammy figure and was just turned off by it. I'm also not liking Sakura either. I think I'll just stick to the PVC figurines.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

405th Post

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"Re(4):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 21:13post reply

> > think that the art on te box is an Alpha 3 in game art.

> They drew him that pretty officaly?! that's kinda weird

No. All the artwork on the box is Udon's stuff.

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

shin ramberk
144th Post

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"Re(5):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 22:44:post reply

> > think that the art on te box is an Alpha 3 in game art.

> They drew him that pretty officaly?! that's kinda weird

No. All the artwork on the box is Udon's stuff.

Nope. All the artwork is official Capcom artwork taken from various games-- well at least for the Round 2 figure it is (those are the only ones I have). The back of the cards has a Street Fighter 3 Ryu. The Ryu next to the Street Fighter logo is a recolor of an Alpha 3 Ryu. And the character portraits of all the characters that appear on their respective cards is taken from Super Street Fighter 2 Revival for the GBA.

I could have quoted you all this from memory but if you want absolute proof, just go look it up in the Street Fighter Eternal Challenge book which has pretty much every illustration from SF except for the Super Street Fighter 2 Revival game for the GBA and CFA.

Official Capcom SSF2XR page. There's only a few portrait artworks but Ken's matches his SOTA portrait. And its just plainly the same style as the rest of the SOTA portraits.

What SOTA Should have done was commissioned UDON to do all of their official artwork-- that way it all would look uniform and clean. Instead its a mish mash of different styles from different game artworks. I like almost any official Capcom artwork piece but every game has the characters drawn in a different style. Its not uniform on SOTA's packaging and thats... not that good. Its a not terrible sin but still!

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

[this message was edited by shin ramberk on Thu 30 Jun 22:52]

1127th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Street Fighter comic update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 22:56post reply

Since I already had this thread I thought it would be okay to put this here

Looks amazing. Hopefully that is how every character will look in "SFII" and they won't take certain liberties like they did with Birdie.

488th Post

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"Re(6):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Thu 30 Jun 23:04post reply

Nope. All the artwork is official Capcom artwork taken from various games--

Some of them are pretty easy to recognize, like Sakura's portrait, or Gen's. Anyway:

(console version only)


shin ramberk
144th Post

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"Re(1):Street Fighter comic update" , posted Fri 1 Jul 00:16post reply

Since I already had this thread I thought it would be okay to put this here

Looks amazing. Hopefully that is how every character will look in "SFII" and they won't take certain liberties like they did with Birdie.

Woah. Nice artwork. I had never seen that. That's definitely an UDON piece. But I wonder where its been used or where it will be used.

I can pretty much pin point where any official SF artwork originated from. I can't tell you who drew it because most art is either uncredited, difficult to find the credits or the artist has so many styles that its hard to find consistency in artwork. And thats the thing about Capcom artists-- they can wildly change their style from game to game. Western comic book artists maintain a consistent style but of course western artists illustrate a lot more and its more suitable for games to have different character art also.

Too bad I'm likely to not go to comic-con this year. Two official Capcom artists will be there. :(

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

2078th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Street Fighter comic update" , posted Fri 1 Jul 00:53post reply

Ibuki! The new SF figures are still too early in development -and the pictures are still too fuzzy- for much comment but I'm glad to see they are going with the older SF3 Akuma. An angry old man beats a young punk every time.

Speaking of angry old men, I like that Gen has his normal head and a very slight smirk alt head. I feel sorry for the sculptors; I'm sure they felt the need to include a second head but the guy doesn't have a wide variety of expressions. All the little extras that Sakura comes with are a nice touch. What are the red and blue things? I'm assuming one of them is her picture of Ryu but what is the other? Also, does she come with a stocking foot in addition to that extra shoe so she can recreate her full win animation?


Wow, the SF2 series is going to look pretty slick.

Dr Baghead
3480th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Street Fighter Fig update" , posted Fri 1 Jul 03:06post reply

What SOTA Should have done was commissioned UDON to do all of their official artwork

They tired to but Udon was busy.

... which if you ask me is a good thing, after Udon called Dan "the idiot savant Shotokan" I lost all respect for them. (not only is he not a Shotokan, I don't even think they know what 'idiot savant' means, that would mean he's incompetant at most things BUT in Shotokan he excells... 'idiot Shotokan' would have made a lot more sense)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1128th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Street Fighter comic update" , posted Fri 1 Jul 05:53post reply

Game Time! I just noticed one of the characters in not in their P1 colors from SFII. Can you figure out who it is?

Dr Baghead
3481th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Street Fighter comic update" , posted Fri 1 Jul 06:04post reply


Game Time! I just noticed one of the characters in not in their P1 colors from SFII. Can you figure out who it is?

Sagat! He's in his Alpha trunks, right?

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

3400th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"There's something evil inside" , posted Fri 1 Jul 12:20post reply

While we're on videogame related toys:

3062th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):There's something evil inside" , posted Fri 1 Jul 17:59post reply

While we're on videogame related toys:

I want a Leon figure, after playing though RE4, he became one of my favorite game characters. I want an Ashley figure too.

Hungry Like the Wolf

2079th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):There's something evil inside" , posted Fri 1 Jul 23:50post reply

That Ada looks a lot better than the initial pics they had. It looks like all she will be able to do is stand there but she looks good doing it.

1129th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Street Fighter comic update" , posted Sat 2 Jul 09:35post reply


Game Time! I just noticed one of the characters in not in their P1 colors from SFII. Can you figure out who it is?

Sagat! He's in his Alpha trunks, right?

You are correct. Although they are his main Alpha trunks, they are also his old P2 trunks in SF2. I wonder if someone pointed this out a SRK they would change it like how they gave Juli and Juni their tights on that one cover. Or am I being really stoopid?

1517th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Street Fighter comic update" , posted Sat 2 Jul 15:11post reply

I pre-ordered my two set of series 3 today!!! I saw that review at action-figure. They had the collage of all 15 figures wow they look incredible all together.