I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Thu 30 Jun 19:55post reply

It was like... 480 yen. That is all...

oh and ps: Someone was talking about Skygunner in another thread here, I think. I just bought it for about 5000 yen. Damn it's an old game and it's still that expensive... is it rare? Also, I hope the game is good... I only played the demo a few times, I did enjoy it then...

oh and I bought Valkyrie Profile as well, for like 22 bucks. I want to hear the Japanese voices really bad...

that is all.

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Thu 30 Jun 20:02post reply

Either you're a really naughty boy, or you're aiming to make your girlfriend really really happy.

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Fri 1 Jul 02:53post reply

Man, at that price, if it was a used one, I wouldn't touch this thing with a ten-foot pole... you need to soak it in bleach for at least 2 days... lol


165th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Fri 1 Jul 02:59post reply

Skygunner is a bit hard to find in the US, but it's not expensive here. I picked up a new copy for 20 this year. I've never seen 2nd hand Japanese copies so can't say.

At least it's worth the 5000 yen...I like to think.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Fri 1 Jul 03:52post reply

Second hand Japanese copy = Practically new game. I can't even tell it's used 99% of the time.

Skygunner is a lot of fun. Hard as hell though.

I know this is going to sound really stupid... hokey, whatever... but ... that trance vibrator, it actually adds a lot to the experience! I won't say how.

I'll have to somehow get a PS2 over to my GFs house.

"You like techno, right baby?"


"You'll like it now!"

hahah dumb

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Fri 1 Jul 10:01post reply

Does it vibrates strong enough or it is more of an urban legend?

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Fri 1 Jul 10:04post reply

This story, is just beginning

655th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Fri 1 Jul 20:01post reply

Does it vibrates strong enough or it is more of an urban legend?

It does the job.

It actually vibrates a LOT more than the controller. I almost wish I had some kind of vibrating chair to sit in while playing REZ.

... or something

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):I bought a REZ Trance Vibrator Today" , posted Sat 2 Jul 04:43post reply

Does it vibrates strong enough or it is more of an urban legend?

It does the job.

It actually vibrates a LOT more than the controller. I almost wish I had some kind of vibrating chair to sit in while playing REZ.

... or something

You could try sitting on the lap of a horny man in an epileptic fit.