It's that time of year again! - Forums
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"It's that time of year again!" , posted Thu 30 Jun 21:04
Yes time for a new Popn' Music release! And once again the limited edition comes with a bunch of useless, yet neat junk.
I know some other people play these games here (too bad Pollyanna is on hiatus for two weeks). I'm wondering if anyone knows of an online retailer that's getting the LE version in stock. NCSX doesn't even have it listed at all and yesasia and lik-sang only have the regular one.
"Re(3):It's that time of year again!" , posted Fri 1 Jul 03:40
Yeah I was just worried about NCSX since they don't have it on their upcoming imports calendar and I don't want to miss out like I did with 10 (I foolishly bought the game with the crappy controller even though I already have a far superior one I made since I couldn't fine the LE one at the time).