Going to Japan next week - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1130th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Going to Japan next week" , posted Sat 2 Jul 10:01post reply

I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on where to go(arcades, manga/toy shops, shrines or what not I should go and visit). I will be in Shinjuku, Tokyo for a couple of days, Hiroshima after that then I will be staying in Kyoto with an Aunt for a little over a week.

I will have a two week JR pass so I will be going to other places with Kyoto as my HQ.

Quick Q about manga. Do they still sell that SF manga that Karin was first introduced in and what are some of the more interesting SF mangas I should get.

I am SO going to stock up on Ashita no Joe mangas when I get there.

LOOK OUT JAPAN here I come!


1856th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Going to Japan next week" , posted Sat 2 Jul 10:24:post reply

I went to Japan in 2002 for about a week and a half, I'm sure more people here have better experience with going there than I do. But here goes -

Best place to go is Electric Town, or at least that was my favorite spot. (I always pronounce this name wrong and I will do so again, Akibihara, or Akihabara, one of these is right...)Plenty of Arcades, video game shops, Mangas, Anime, Doujins, a Gundam store in the train station, I loved it! I didn't really look for the SF Mangas because I have most of them, wasn't looking for them, but I found it incredibly easy to pick up all of the rare All About Capcom Books.

I can give you some advice on the Tourist trap. Everyone wants to go to Kyoto, be warned that's the most expensive tour you can take. Nikko's like a poor man's Kyoto if you want to save some bucks and go next time like I do. I didn't go to Osaka either, nore did I get a chance to hit up Plaza Capcom, waaaah... but you will be in Kyoto anyways, let me just shut up...

If you see one cloud in the sky when you are going to Mount Fuji, cancel your tour right away. You won't see anything. Don't be a sucker like Sano was...

Tokyo tours as in a tour of Tokyo are pretty cheap and very cool if you get the one day tour. Get to go to the famous Tower, participate in the Tea Ceremony, etc.

If you are going to wine and dine, lots of luck with the wallet. Me, the Hotel I stayed at they offered you a free all you can eat breakfast so I would eat enough to cover lunch too... the tours I went on offered free meals at fancy restaurants, and there's a McDonalds everywhere in Tokyo. Sure, people say "Sano you didn't go for the food!" But I didn't go for the food, I went for Otakuness...

Roppongi gots some nice dance clubs, um, women like Americans there... that's all I'll say about my adult adventures...

Shinjuku has every type of shopping you can find under the sun. Be warned, some of these department stores are huge. You will be exhausted, take a day out to shop their at least.

I got by okay with just English. Either people understood me or new enough to at least help me get to point A and point B, how much I had to pay, etc.

The trains are pretty easy to use, the number one recommended way of traveling.

I'll throw up the diet I used to cut down on jet lag up. Still feel there are people here who have spent a lot more time in Japan then I have or at least have gone more recently and can be of much better help...

Anyway, I really loved my trip to Japan, wish I could go more often but it's like one of those vacations where you don't really save money, it's like spending a little more just to stay at home if anything. I'm going back to visit my folks in the Dominican Republic this year I think and that will be my vacationing for 2005...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sat 2 Jul 10:45]

1855th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Going to Japan next week" , posted Sat 2 Jul 10:43post reply

Taken from the Book of Home Remedies II here's how I beat the Jet Lag. At least on my way there. Coming back I really didn't care since I'd be at work, I'd be miserable regardless, LOL!

1. Get enough sleep the night before.

2. Avoid in-flight alcohol.

These are the two big ones, now for the diet that will help you cut down on the lag so you can enjoy more of your trip -

A. Three days before departure: Feast day! "Have a relatively high-protein breakfast and lunch and a supper high in complex carbohydrates to stimulate the body's daily cycle of activity and inactivity," advises Dr. Ehret. Good choices include eggs, cottage cheese, fortified cereals, yogurt, lean meats and green vegetables.

B. Two days before departure: Fast Day! "This is a day to lessen the calorie intake, but fasting doesn't mean you shouldn't eat anything," according to Dr. Ehret. Stick with "light" foods such as fruits, soups and broth, skimpy salads and small pieces of unbuttered toast. The key is to keep calories and carbohydrates to a minimum.

C. The day before departure: Another feast day, with a high-protein breakfast and lunch and a supper high in complex carbohydrates.

D. The day of departure: Another fast day. Once you arrive at your destination, put on the feedbbag to "break" the fast with a regular meal or full-size breakfast at the appropriate local time. (Myself I arrived at the Hotel at night, ordered a meal to be sent to my room, watched the anime on the tube and went to bed.)

Oh yeah, don't forget to go to McDonalds over there and try out the McTeriyaki Burger, heh heh!

I'm all adviced out. Enjoy!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2807th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Going to Japan next week" , posted Sat 2 Jul 13:44post reply

two years old, but: read this.

And of course you should drink alcohol in flight, that's what it's there for! crazy.

168th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Going to Japan next september" , posted Sat 2 Jul 21:22post reply

two years old, but: read this.

And of course you should drink alcohol in flight, that's what it's there for! crazy.

Hey B, Tanguy and I are going back to Japan next september. Bonus track : Tristan *might* come with us. Just so you know, and in case you're there around the TGS.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Bring your visa.

End of Spoiler

Half circle backward forward + A A A B B B C C C quarter circle backward + C

1859th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Going to Japan next week" , posted Sat 2 Jul 21:36:post reply


And of course you should drink alcohol in flight, that's what it's there for! crazy.

LOL! Not trying to be an Asshole or anything but at least I can write down the book's reasoning behind the not drinking Alcohol on flight thing and you can decide from there. Myself on the way back to the United States I was drinking like a fish, but like I said, I really didn't care if I had jet lag while I was at work. The jet lag was Hell for about 1 week for me at home though (not in Japan since I followed the book's rules, the next day upon arrival I was at the arcade and ready to go), you've just had your internal clock, reversed, you'll want to sleep when there's daylight and stay awake when night falls, and the headaches will be torture if you get them. Anyway the bookey says -

"Airplane cabins are notoriously dry, and a lengthy trip can dehydrate you faster than a weekend in the Sahara. Dehydration worsens jet lag, and alcohol consuptions worsens dehydration. "Alcohol is one of the most potent dehydrators there is," says Howie Wenger, Ph.D, an exercise consultant to the globe-trotting Canadian Olympic Team and professional hockey's Los Angeles Kings. Instead of ordering an alcoholic beverage, do what the pros do - load up on fruit juices, water and sports drinks like gatorade while airborne."

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 3 Jul 01:31]

403th Post

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"Re(1):Going to Japan next week" , posted Tue 5 Jul 03:05:post reply

I'm also gonna be going to Japan later this summer, so keep the advice coming people! Also, let us know how everything went when you get back Gekiganger. I'm only gonna be in Tokyo for a few days, but I'm so excited. It's gonna be a blast I'm sure.

EDIT: speelling.

[this message was edited by Grahf on Tue 5 Jul 08:17]

Bata kun
2665th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Nihon ka?" , posted Tue 5 Jul 05:46:post reply


You know the usual stuff here.


There are various places, but when in doubt, you can always go to Kinokinuya. (If you visit one, see if there are anymore books of "Mahoutsukai Tai" by Oota Tami-san.)

Quick Q about manga. Do they still sell that "SF" manga that Karin was first introduced in and what are some of the more interesting "SF" manga I should get?


"Sakura Ganbaru" ("Sakura Does Her Best", a doujin I hope to read one day) is not that easy to find. You should find it in Comic Market (Komiketto), but that's not for another month. Hope that helps.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Wed 6 Jul 02:07]

1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Nihon ka?" , posted Wed 6 Jul 20:16post reply

"Sakura Ganbaru" ("Sakura Does Her Best", a doujin I hope to read one day) is not that easy to find. You should find it in Comic Market (Komiketto), but that's not for another month. Hope that helps.

Not doujin. Won't find it in Comic Market.
The last Comic Market had the "final chapter" though, that one's an exception because the chapter was supposed to be in a compilation book about sakura that failed to get published.

Also, the SF manga you'll probably only find in used bookstores, and it's not that easy to find too, I think.

Bata kun
2665th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Nihon ka?" , posted Thu 7 Jul 12:49post reply

"Sakura Ganbaru" ("Sakura Does Her Best", a doujin I hope to read one day) is not that easy to find. You should find it in Comic Market (Komiketto), but that's not for another month. Hope that helps.

Not doujin. Won't find it in Comic Market.
The last Comic Market had the "final chapter" though, that one's an exception because the chapter was supposed to be in a compilation book about sakura that failed to get published.

Also, the SF manga you'll probably only find in used bookstores, and it's not that easy to find too, I think.

You're serious? I always thought that you could get it in Comic Market. Oh. Well, in that case, you can't get it in Comic Market.

1134th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Nihon ka?" , posted Thu 7 Jul 13:07post reply

Thanks for the input guys. I will be heading out in less that 12 hours. I hope I can find that manga used. I hope the in-flight movie is good too. See ya again in about 2 weeks.

3405th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Nihon ka?" , posted Thu 7 Jul 14:08post reply

Thanks for the input guys. I will be heading out in less that 12 hours. I hope I can find that manga used. I hope the in-flight movie is good too. See ya again in about 2 weeks.

Take tons of pictures and bring me a red Monev the Gale, this I command!

1864th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Nihon ka?" , posted Thu 7 Jul 22:47post reply

Thanks for the input guys. I will be heading out in less that 12 hours. I hope I can find that manga used. I hope the in-flight movie is good too. See ya again in about 2 weeks.

I saw Spider-Man 1 on the way back home, with him being in Capcom fighters and all it seemed in my insane mind a perfect way to end my trip, I was very happy! Anyway, may you have a safe trip and have a great time!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!