The Fantastic Four Movie Thread - Forums

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Burning Ranger
1240th Post

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"The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 15:27post reply

Just came back from watching Fantastic Four. I wasn't disappointed--the characters were satisfactory and I loved the effects. I'm glad the movie...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

...was fairly true to the source material in that:
1) Their powers are the result of a scientific accident
2) Reed feels the guilt of what happened
3) The "Family" dynamic that develops
4) Every main member of the FF has the powers they should have

As long as these conditions are met, everything else doesn't matter in my opinion. Doom was altered from the source, but it works. Then again, in live action adaptations, things have to be adapted.

End of Spoiler

It could have been better, since the storyline was slightly lacking--still enjoyable.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 15:31:post reply

Just came back from watching Fantastic Four. I wasn't disappointed--the characters were satisfactory and I loved the effects. I'm glad the movie...

It could have been better, since the storyline was slightly lacking--still enjoyable.

Darn you, Burning Ranger, this thread wasn't here when I started typing my post! Heh. I'll delete my thread and put my thoughts here.

I enjoyed it. There were things I didn't like, but I thought the characterizations of the four members of the group were good. I didn't like the characterization of Doom, but I believe his character will be different in any sequels. I think the movie is worth seeing, and while it wasn't the greatest comic book movie of all time, it didn't suck, in my opinion. I think I liked it a little more than I liked the first X-men, and I think it could definately improve in any sequels. I think Chris Evans did a good job with the role of Johnny Storm, and the moments between Johnny and Ben were really good. Ioan and Jessica were fine too. Some say there didn't seem to be any chemistry between them, but I'm not sure how much chemistry an outsider could really view with Reed and Sue. I'm glad there wasn't a lot of Alicia, because frankly, I'm disappointed that they made her black. I loathe saying that, because I don't want people to say I'm being racist. It just bugs me because there wasn't a reason to change her in such a drastic way, and the actress playing her did NOT do a good job of being blind in her scenes. Alicia could have not been in this movie and it wouldn't have mattered. They should have saved her for introduction if they decide to use the Puppet Master. Doom's origin being changed didn't bother me that much, since I still feel his origin is a little complicated, but they don't completely ignore Latveria in the movie, and that is nice. I don't think it was better than Batman Begins, though I do think they are two very different kinds of superhero movies, and the Fantastic Four movie was a fun watch for me. I'd like to see Namor or Galactus show up, of course, but I hope if that happens they are done right.

Hungry Like the Wolf

[this message was edited by Hungrywolf on Sat 9 Jul 15:35]

123th Post

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"Re(2):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 19:15post reply

the movie was horrible imo.

Where Life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
the empty room

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sat 9 Jul 21:01:post reply

I didn't care for it. Bad cuts in the movie, bad music, (an extrmely repetitive score) and Doctor Doom just wasn't Doom to me. The family dynamic and the relationships were good, but I felt the movie could of been a lot better.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Doctor Doom didn't even try to take over the world, talk in third person or sound menacing, boooo. Green Goblin was much scarier in Spider-Man 1 and that's just wrong because Doctor Doom > Green Goblin. And Thing just deciding to live like a rock forever when he could have the change altered at will? Yeah right. Am i supposed to believe that he and Alicia can now have sex and children for him to decide to live his life that way? Sure... way to Hollywood up the Thing and give him a happy ending.

End of Spoiler

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sat 9 Jul 21:02]

84th Post

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"Re(4):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 13:52post reply

I didn't care for it. Bad cuts in the movie, bad music, (an extrmely repetitive score) and Doctor Doom just wasn't Doom to me. The family dynamic and the relationships were good, but I felt the movie could of been a lot better.

Was it me, or did this movie come off as REALLY kiddy? I mean sure, Dr. Doom made holes in a lot of chests, but the jokes and entire scenes looked like it was meant to wow kids. Yes yes, kids watch all superhero movies, but c'mon, they had a dog use its friggin paw to cover its eyes like a cartoon!

I'll admit that I don't think the F4 comic was that interesting to begin with either, so maybe that's coloring my view of the movie.

1123th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 13:58post reply

Dr. Doom made holes in a lot of chests,

...he has HOW many chests?!

It would've been funny if someone could spot a big dipper pattern in the holes on his chest.

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"Re(6):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 14:42:post reply

I don't know much about the original Fantastic Four, except from the main characters' powers... (I actually remember of a cartoon when I was a kid, but that's a long time ago, and it didn't do that well in France anyway... not as well as the spider-man cartoon at least)
I'll say I went expecting nothing much more than some good summer popcorn fun, and that is exactly what I got. The movie was cheesy, but not in a bad way (it didn't try to be serious while being cheesy, so it worked) The pace was ok, since I didn't get bored at all and was pretty happy with the movie when I got out of the theater. Obviously you can't make a superhero movie these days that isn't a part I of a new series, but what the hell, if Dr. Doom can be a reall bad guy (like he starts to become at the end of the movie) in the sequel, I guess it'll make good cinema.
Johnny Storm was funny as the flaming ass who loves to show off (I actually kinda remember the cartoon character to be a bit like that, but maybe I'm wrong), you knew from the trailer he was gonna be the humourous part of the film, and IMO it worked pretty well, even though most jokes started to get old before the end, but it's not that big of a deal.
There could have been more action, but like I said, I can't say I got bored, so it's ok with me!
All in all, I think this movie doesn't deserve all the hate it seems to get, and it did it's job as summer fun in my case! I guess I'll see the sequel (especially if the trailer suggests that Dr. Doom is more evil and badass!)


[this message was edited by Mokona on Sun 10 Jul 14:43]

shin ramberk
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"Re(1):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sun 10 Jul 17:27post reply

It was... okay, passable. But since we get such great movies like Spider-Man, Batman Begins and X-Men, its disappointing that FF is not as good as them.

The Bad:
A little cheesy dialog. Not a lot but there was some. Too kiddish I suppose.

The lack of chemistry between Reed and Sue. The acting was very good, very good between the two but there still wasn't that chemistry.

Jessica Alba is not Sue Storm. She did a good job but she's still not Sue Storm. Just felt sorta shoe horned into that role.

The lack of tension. Doom goes crazy, semi-believeable but I didn't really care. He didn't really seem like he'd be able to kill the FF.

I didn't really care for the characters. Well I did, but I wish I had cared more. I felt a lot more sympathy for Spidey, Batman and the X-Men.

It was just a straightforward film. The entire story felt awkward.

And the music stunk. Bad score. It was okay but... no, it was a bad score.

Human Torch CGI was not that great. Not that bad, but not that great.

Very kiddish film. Spidey was a kids movie but still a great movie. FF is just a kids movie with the whole family dynamic thing going on.

The Good
The very beginning of the movie was great. Great characterization at the start.

Johnny. Oh yeah, Johnny stole the show. Just about any scene with Johnny was so much fun. Why don't they just make a Human Torch movie.

Thing's costume. I wasn't sure about it, but I thought it was good. Not perfect but good. Prefer this over CGI.

Reed's CGI was cool.

Stan Lee was kick ass of course too!

Well I hope it makes a lot of money so they can make a good sequel. I personally think the FF are a very difficult group of characters to write stories about. Other posters in other bbs have said that Incredibles is what FF should have been. Never saw Incredibles. But there you go.

It wasn't a bad movie just... eh.

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

289th Post

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"Re(2):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Tue 12 Jul 01:33:post reply

It did an estimated 56 million dollars first weekend... despite the bad reviews. (Most experts expected 30 millions at best...)
I guess we can expect a (good?) sequel now. Funny how the first movie this year to actually allow box office results to top those of the same week last year is this one (and not even Star Wars, War of the Worlds, Mr. and Mrs. Smith or Batman Begins...).
I think the movie will lose a lot of interest next week though, but I might be wrong. Next week is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Wedding Crashers (which looks really funny). I think Crashers will be #1 next weekend (the trailer is very efficient IMO).


[this message was edited by Mokona on Tue 12 Jul 01:33]

Time Mage
2201th Post

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"Re(3):The Fantastic Four Movie Thread" , posted Sat 16 Jul 08:04post reply

Saw it a few hours ago.

The Fantastic Four: Great characterization, very well done interactions between them, the powers were very well done as well. All in all, they seemed perfect to me.

Doctor Doom: Ugh. I cried BLOOD. How coud they make the most badass, intelligent and menacing villian of all the Marvel universe into this Electro wannabe without any intelligence? Doom is defined by his great, but twisted intelligence, and his great suit with all sort of weapons. Not only by wearing a mask. This guy wasn't Doom, he was generic stupid enemy #356345.

In conclusion, it was a very frustrating experience. I enjoyed a lot all the parts with only the F4 involved, but cried when I saw what they did to Victor.