What do you know about Türkiye thread. - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 04:49:post reply

Assuming that I am the only member who lives in Turkiye, I decided to make a thread. I wanna ask what do you know and think about Turkiye. Since I always see prejudiced thoughts and opinions about us.
I'm gonna try to reply all of your questions about our country and culture. I wanna hear your experiences and thoughts about Turkiye.

Thanks in advance for your addition.

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Hi from Türkiye

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"Re(1):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 05:35post reply

Assuming myself as only member who live in Turkiye i decided to make a thread.I wanna ask what do you know and think about Turkiye.Since i always seeing prejudiced thoughts about us.
Im gonna try to reply all your questions about our country and culture.I wanna hear your experiences and thoughts about turkiye.

Thanks in advance for your addition.

i heard people in turkey eat baked squid! is this true?

2833th Post

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"Re(1):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 05:39post reply

I know nothing about turkey except that when I was in the netherlands and france, turks seemed to be a disenfranchised/minority race, similar to I don't know...mexicans, in the US?

68th Post

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"Re(2):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 06:32:post reply

i heard people in turkey eat baked squid! is this true?

Eventhough we are surrounded by sea, we're not familiar with seafood (except fish). We had hesitations to eat about sea food,(We were considering it as extreme Far-East cousine and it might be forbidden by our religion because according to our religion, unhealthy meat of some animals like donkey,horse,cat,dog and especially pork is forbidden). But now we have seen that there's nothing wrong about seafood so we have just started tasting it.
To answer your question, we hadn't even been eating sea creatures so it's not true, majority of our people don't eat baked squid.

And exodus you're right, we also have throng of immigrants in Germany.

Thanks for your addition.

Edit:I edit this post due to the grammar mistakes. With the assist of my friend.

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Hi from Türkiye

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"Re(1):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 07:23:post reply

I have heard something about heavy civil liberties problems for people of Kurdish descent, although I understand the government has taken big strides to rectify that lately, in its ongoing effort to please the EU commission.

I know that Turkey has been trying to get into the EU for around forty years -- long before the EU was the EU. Right now it's allowed to sit in at EU meetings, and it's trying to address a bunch of social, economic, and government-related problems that are blocking its full-fledged entry.

I know that a lot of Europeans have problems with Turkey for one reason or another, perhaps lingering from that whole Ottoman deal. I know that Turkey considers itself a part of Europe while most of Europe considers that idea kind of a stretch considering that only the sliver of land containing Istanbul is actually on the European continent, and even that is separated from the Turkish mainland (which contains something like 98% of the country's landmass). There's also the religious issue, as a lot of people for whatever reason think that Europe is defined as a predominantly Christian area.

In return, Turkey argues that Istanbul is the most major population center of its country and that the country has a long and important role in European history.

At any rate, EU membership is still probably a long time coming. The EU is more interested in working out the Balkans and other more clearly European issues before it overly bothers with this argument.

I also know the version of "Istanbul (not Constantinople)" sung by the Four Lads. And I know that Condorman considered the place kind of magical.

And I know about Constantine, and the split of the Roman empire.

I don't think most Americans have any opinion on Turkey either way. I doubt 95% of them could even spot it on a globe. Bush calls Turkey an ally, and that's about all we ever hear about the country through mainstream channels.

I've a feeling the notion most people have over here, though, is that even today the country looks like something out of Lawrence of Arabia.

Which, I presume, is not as accurate as it might be.

[this message was edited by aderack on Mon 11 Jul 07:32]

110th Post

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"Re(2):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 08:59post reply

I know Turkey's government is staunchly secular thanks to Ataturk and the continuing influence of the military. And there was a big stir when Erdogan won the Prime Minister spot, since he used to run on a heavy Islamic platform, and recently became a bit more muted on relgion. So I wonder how he's faring and how much of an Islamic influence he wants in the government.

Turkey's made reforms in an effort to join the EU, and I think, at this point, the only thing keeping Turkey back is the EU's reluctancy on what is "Europe." As the EU pushes eastward with the former nations of the Soviet Bloc wanting to join in, it's an issue they're going to have to deal with.

I'd mention and ask about Armenia, but I feel like a massive jerk for bringing up such a sensitive, nasty topic.

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"Re(1):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 09:14post reply

Assuming myself as only member who live in Turkiye i decided to make a thread.I wanna ask what do you know and think about Turkiye.Since i always seeing prejudiced thoughts about us.
Im gonna try to reply all your questions about our country and culture.I wanna hear your experiences and thoughts about turkiye.

Thanks in advance for your addition.

I know of the historic rivalry with Greece.

I also know some soccer teams; Fenerbahçe and Galtasaray (sp?). Fenerbahçe just won the local championship, with Alex as the big star.

And from what I've seen, Istambul looks like a very beautiful city.

"Tsuki yo ni agake."

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"Re(2):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 10:54post reply


I know of the historic rivalry with Greece.

Cyprus is the island that's split between them, right? Last I remembering about it, they were about to reach some sort of agreement brokered by the UN, I think.

68th Post

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"Re(2):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 12:18:post reply

I have heard something about heavy civil liberties problems for people of Kurdish descent, although I understand the government has taken big strides to rectify that lately, in its ongoing effort to please the EU commission.

I know that a lot of Europeans have problems with Turkey for one reason or another, perhaps lingering from that whole Ottoman deal. I know that Turkey considers itself a part of Europe ....

About Greece: We have a rivalry about Agean Sea and our former islands. We had given them to Italia, but now they belong them and they support the southern part of Cyprus.But we are getting friendly now because we realized our cultures (except for the religion part) looks alike lot each other. Our traditional dances and music is similar in some ways. We actually have a lot in common. Anyway, now the rivalry is just in government level, if you don't count the fanatics.

For soccer teams Fenerbahçe-Galatasaray>Kyo-Iori. I support Fenerbahçe. My best friend supports Galatasaray.I like to piss him off.

Kurdish citizens' rights: It's a very very hot issue so I don't know where to start. To disobey someone or some races civil liberties we must behave them as secondary people/race, right? We shouldnt let them improve their career, their revenue. They shouldn't be speaking freely,right? But let me explain my uncles' and my aunts'have Kurdish spouses and some of my cousins are Kurdish. And people were respectful to them in community.

One of our President of Republic was Kur ,One of our Prime Minister's(Erdoğan) counselor is kurdish.There are a lot of Kurdish policemen, parliamentaries, teachers... the list goes on. So how come a racist country lets "a race they misbehave" be in higher place -like goverment-so easily.

However there was some prohibitions due to the security precautions. Because we're multi-culture country and some terror actions turned it taboo. There is a Kurdish terror organization named PKK/KADEK/KONGRA-GEL. They say "We're defending the rights of Kurdish people" and "We're a political organization".
But they were terrorist-guerillas and they killed 30.000 (or more) citizens -thousands of Kurdish citizens included- countinuously 30 years. I have grown-up watching news as they were attacking and killed whole villages,in the south-eastern area. (Not only soldiers but also innocent babies, women, children and old people were slaughtered)
<<<And now they still exist in north Iraqi mountains. That bush who call us "ally" is doing absolutely nothing to finish them off when he has chance to. And yet calls all nations to be partners to terminate terror.Damn liar.>>>>
Being in fear of this there were laws forbidding to set up Kurdish, Circassian etc.. language courses and tv channels but that's all. Now those laws do not exist. By the way im Circussian-Turkish.

So I can assure you there's no racism against our Kurdish citizens in this country. Still, some systems should be fixed but they're broken for all of us.

P.S.:Im writing this with assistance of two dictionaries.Please forgive me if my sentences broken.Thanks

While the Ottoman Empire was living its collapsing times, Armenians who live in east start to kill their neighbours to become a majority in that area. They even were kill Armenians who refuse to kill their neighbours so they could dominate the area and join Armenia.(We started INDEPENDENCE WAR at that time against occupations, and we won it.) Those traitors were expelled. There were some clashes between traitors and angry citizens who heard what they done. Some Aermians died because of coldness and lack of food while they were immigrating from the area they were expelled from. That was all. One of our Armenian history pro. says "Pople can understand by checking immediate raise of Armenian population in the other countries that there were no genocide."

Also we have Armenian citizens and rooted Armenian families and communities from republic time and most of them in high-society and bourgeisie. They also have their schools, hospitals, churchs...

So that's all.There werent a genocide of Armenian people there were expulsion of ARMENIAN TRAITORS.
For more information you could check this link:


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Hi from Türkiye

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 13 Jul 09:04]

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"Re(3):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 14:55post reply

This is going to be hard to move out of gracefully - I don't intend or want to drag Turkey through the mud and I'm probably just ruining the thread with such a dark, controversial, and sensitive topic. I just was remembering this article about Turkey proposing a joint investigation.

And God knows other countries (America included) have done worse things.

But, in the interest of fairness, I feel I must at least provide background for the other side of the arguement (MMCafe, actually Fair and Balanced, unlike Fox News!). The Straight Dope did a piece on the issue, and there was a heated debate on the boards. Also, a great history site compiled figures from various historians on the matter.

I apologize for bringing up such a sore and controversial topic - I hope I'm not rubbing salt in the wounds. Hopefully, a crass jerk like me won't ruin your experience on the board. But let's move on to the prouder moments and aspects of Turkey.

92th Post

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"Re(4):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 15:24post reply

But let's move on to the prouder moments and aspects of Turkey.

Do the residents of Turkey really say the country's name like the Thanksgiving feast, or is Türkiye some pronunciation we're missing out on?


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"Re(5):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 16:44post reply

Everytime I heard the name "Turkey", Aytekin Akkaya, Cüneyt Arkin and kebabs come to my mind.

BTW, is kebab a Turkish typical dish or is it a common meal throughout Middle East? IIRC, Joseph and Jotaro bought some Kebab meat before fighting against Steely Dan in Afghanistan. Is that possible or simply inaccurate?

173th Post

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"Re(6):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Mon 11 Jul 19:29post reply

Everytime I heard the name "Turkey", Aytekin Akkaya, Cüneyt Arkin and kebabs come to my mind.

Cüneyt Arkin ! The turkish Star Wars !

BTW, is kebab a Turkish typical dish or is it a common meal throughout Middle East?

True Kebab/Kebap can only be made with a local race of sheep which keep its grease in its tail, giving turkish kebab's meat a unique taste. Therefore, as true kebab can only be done with turkish meat, it's quite hard to be found outside of Turkey.

I know the modern Turkish language took and adapted a lot of french words such as Ascenseur, Photocopie, Police, Coiffeur and Buffet (among many other examples). Also, turkish people's traditional drink when having lunch is cold milky yogurt with a bit of salt. The local alcohol is Raki. And their speciality is eggplant.

I know there's a town called Batman.
I might know more stuff on Istanbul than Kofogüz.

Half circle backward forward + A A A B B B C C C quarter circle backward + C

2836th Post

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"Re(7):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 00:58post reply


I know there's a town called Batman.


378th Post

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"Re(8):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 02:14post reply

Yeah, we discussed about the Turkish Star Wars before. Amusing that you also know about it!

68th Post

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"Re(7):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 02:36:post reply

BTW, is kebab a Turkish typical dish or is it a common meal throughout Middle East?

True Kebab/Kebap can only be made with a local race of sheep which keep its grease in its tail, giving turkish kebab's meat a unique taste. Therefore, as true kebab can only be done with turkish meat, it's quite hard to be found outside of Turkey.

It is true and considering the Ottoman Empire dominated the half of Arabian peninsula and also some part of North africa for in its reign for 600 years. It is natural there are many other countries making kebab.

I know the modern Turkish language took and adapted a lot of french words such as Ascenseur, Photocopie, Police, Coiffeur and Buffet (among many other examples).

It is also true. There are a lot of French words adapted to our language along with old Persian language. Now English words started getting into our language but in a disturbing and ruining level. We're trying to clean redundant English words got in our language.

Also, turkish people's traditional drink when having lunch is cold milky yogurt with a bit of salt.

And it iss my favourite. You can make it by yourself. Just have some good quality yogurt and mix it with cold water (salt is optional.) until the mix is completely liquid.

The local alcohol is Raki. And their speciality is eggplant.

Yes, but it is called "RAKI". In our language "I" and "İ" are pronounced differently. I don't take alcohol that much.

I know there's a town called Batman.
I might know more stuff on Istanbul than Kofogüz.

Batman is pronounced different than "Batman" in our language Bat man = Bet men. You might since im living in Mediterranean Region. And you can call me OĞUZ, which is my name.

JLG: It is ok about so-called Armenian genocide thing, because many people know the incident vice versa. There was no genocide, there was exile. And unlike in one of the links you sent, it was them who kill men women and children using guns,blades and throwing people in bakery. They wanted to become majority of that area and unite Armenia. That traitors were exiled. Still, we have Armenian citizens and we're happy that they exist. Because they are connected in the heart with this country. And the traitor Armenians were the ones who live east side of Ottoman, not the ones who live in west side. It would be funny (weird way) that a country massacred a race in east but not west, don't you think? But political games now are rising up. And they want us accept as if there was a genocide.
The people who bring up this "so called-genocide" are actually people who are even not historians, that never even lived in the Ottoman times, never did a search on those times. They have been brainwashed by more powerful nations, so they can terrorize and tear our nation up.

P.S.:I have four more brothers who use this computer also so i might not answer immediately.Thanks again.

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Hi from Türkiye

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 13 Jul 09:12]

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"BATMAN" , posted Tue 12 Jul 02:43post reply


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"Re(5):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 06:57:post reply

Do the residents of Turkey really say the country's name like the Thanksgiving feast, or is Türkiye some pronunciation we're missing out on?


We try to change Turkey to Turkiye generally. Mine is weak attempt to change it (It's the original Turkish name of our country.) Its pronouncation is like Tur(u like in "cure)-key-yeah but you should speak it fast and sharp.
And for BATMAN you should pronounce the letters as "A" as when you pronounce the "U" in "LUCK"
In our language every letter is pronounced as it seems no symbols or other pronounciations optional. That's the only thing practical in Turkish. What you pronounce is what letters you see. You never ask the how to pronounce it to someone when you see a new word.

Oh and the Traditional drink made of yogurt and water is named "AYRAN" which has exact same pronounciation with "I RUN"
Can I request something; If someone interested in this drink please make it and tell me whether you like or not. It is practical to make. Just buy some yoğurt(The thicker one better one.). Throw it in mixer then add some cold water,start mixing them and add a little salt. When it becomes bubbly it means you made it well. You should add some ice before you drink. And don't that forget delicious "AYRAN" is made of good quality yogurt which my grandma make it in her village.
(Also you can make yogurt in your house but its complicated to make though it is cheap to make.)

Please try it and tell me how it tastes to you. If you have never drunk it I wonder about your first impression about it.

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Hi from Türkiye

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 13 Jul 09:21]

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"BUTMUN" , posted Tue 12 Jul 06:59post reply


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"Re(1):BUTMUN" , posted Tue 12 Jul 07:01:post reply


That's correct!
But to stress "T" letter

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Hi from Türkiye

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Tue 12 Jul 07:02]

834th Post

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"Re(6):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 07:03post reply

Do the residents of Turkey really say the country's name like the Thanksgiving feast, or is Türkiye some pronunciation we're missing out on?


We try to change it Turkey to Turkiye generally. Mine is weak attempt to c-hange it(Its original turkish name of our country.)Its pronounce like Tuur-key-yeah but you should speak it fast and sharp.
And for BATMAN you should pronounce the letters "A" as when you pronounce the "U" in "LUCK"
In our language every letter pronounce as it seems no symbols or other pronounciations optional. Thats the only thing practical in Turkish.What you pronounce is what letters you see.

Oh and the Traditional drink made of Yoğurt and water named "AYRAN" exact same pronounciation with "I RUN"
Can i request something.If someone interested in this drink please make it and tell me whether you like or not.Its practical to make.Just buy some yoğurt.(The thicker one better one.)Throw it in mixer then add some cold water,start mix them.When it become bubbly it means you made it well.You should add some ice before you drink.And dont forget delicious "AYRAN"s made of good quality Yoğurt which my grandma make it in her village.
(Also you can make yoğurt in your house but its complicated to make though its cheap to make.)

Please try it and tell me how is it taste to you.If you never drink it i wonder about your first impression about it.

i have tasted your yogurt

it is most excellent and creamy

i love it!

2839th Post

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"Re(7):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 07:10post reply

I like turkish yogurt, but not the drink...I had it carbonated once, and it was basically like - carbonated yogurt. I was expecting it at least to be sweet...

so yeah, I thought it was kind of gross.


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"Re(8):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 07:28post reply


I know I enjoy Turkish delight!

909th Post

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"SCARY MONSTERS" , posted Tue 12 Jul 08:37post reply

Tell me about the monster in Lake Van. The video of it is gross and weird.

68th Post

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"Re(7):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 08:45:post reply

Oh and the Traditional drink made of Yoğurt and water named "AYRAN" exact same pronounciation with "I RUN"
Can i request something.If someone interested in this drink please make it and tell me whether you like or not.Its practical to make.Just buy some yoğurt.(The thicker one better one.)Throw it in mixer then add some cold water,start mix them.When it become bubbly it means you made it well.You should add some ice before you drink.And dont forget delicious "AYRAN"s made of good quality Yoğurt which my grandma make it in her village.
(Also you can make yoğurt in your house but its complicated to make though its cheap to make.)

Please try it and tell me how is it taste to you.If you never drink it i wonder about your first impression about it.

i have tasted your yogurt

it is most excellent and creamy

i love it!

I knew you would. If you did it creamy that's real delicious(yay). AYRAN is my favourite drink.
And exodus; it was not meant to be sweet. Because sometimes if you want you can add salt. You can drink it in dinner. It's better with pilav (rice meal) and traditional pastries of our own.

It's also best with Kebab/Kabob (i always eat it with Ayran.I dont like kebap with coke or "ŞALGAM") or a ring shaped special bread covered with susame, named "SİMİT" and finally "LAHMACUN" one our traditional meal with dough, spicy mince meat and other stuff(Kinda like pizza).
So AYRAN is not supposed to be sweet, never ever add sugar.

Pssst, Oroch. If you want, I can tell you how to make extreme version of "AYRAN" but this time you should use spoon to drink it.(optinal)

Do you know Turkish delights also serviced to guest of "MEVLÜT". "MEVLÜT" is religious ceremony in the name of our deceased loved ones. Some kind of after funeral remembrance.

Actually there were big speculationS at one time some people jump on tv and say "Yeah I have seen it. It was this big and had a huge body like dinaosaur" etc. etc...
To me they were exeggerating some different creature or they might be attention whores.

Anyway I don't believe in that such kind of monsters live there but I do think there might be over sized creature due to the diferent type of Lake Van's water, like soda I suppose.

By the way you can pronounce "VAN" as "ONE".

Thanks for keeping this topic alive.

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Hi from Türkiye

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 13 Jul 09:33]

62th Post

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"Re(1):SCARY MONSTERS" , posted Tue 12 Jul 08:53:post reply

Tell me about the monster in Lake Van. The video of it is gross and weird.

Actually there were big speculation at once some people jump to tv and say "yeah i saw it.It was this big and have huge body like dinaosaur" etc.. etc..
To me they were exeggerating some different creature
or they might be attention whores.

Anyway i dont believe some kind of monsters live in there but i do think there might be over sized creature due to the diferent type of Lake Van's water, like soda i suppose.

By the way you can pronounce "VAN" as "ONE".

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Hi from Türkiye

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Tue 12 Jul 08:59]

836th Post

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"Re(8):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 11:46:post reply

Oh and the Traditional drink made of Yoğurt and water named "AYRAN" exact same pronounciation with "I RUN"
Can i request something.If someone interested in this drink please make it and tell me whether you like or not.Its practical to make.Just buy some yoğurt.(The thicker one better one.)Throw it in mixer then add some cold water,start mix them.When it become bubbly it means you made it well.You should add some ice before you drink.And dont forget delicious "AYRAN"s made of good quality Yoğurt which my grandma make it in her village.
(Also you can make yoğurt in your house but its complicated to make though its cheap to make.)

Please try it and tell me how is it taste to you.If you never drink it i wonder about your first impression about it.

i have tasted your yogurt

it is most excellent and creamy

i love it!

I knew you would.If you did it creamy thats real delicious.(yay)"AYRAN" is my favourite drink.
And exodus it doesnt meant to be sweet.Cause sometimes if you want you can add salt.You can drink it in dinner.Its better with pilau and traditional patries of our own.

Its also best with Kebab (i always choose it over coke or "ŞALGAM"),-ring shaped special bread covered with susame- named "SİMİT" and finally "LAHMACUN" our traditional pancake with spicy mince meat.
So AYRAN is not supposed to be sweet, never ever add sugar.

Pssst, Oroch. If you want, i can tell you how to make extreme version of "AYRAN" but this time you should use spoon to drink it.(optinal)

Do you know turkish delights also serviced to guest of "MEVLÜT". "MEVLÜT" is religious ceremony in the name of our deceased loved ones.Some kind of after funeral remembrance.

Thanks for keeping this topic alive.

i want to drink the yoghurt while eating your kabobs!

are not turkish kabobs simply the best!

[this message was edited by Oroch on Tue 12 Jul 13:01]

63th Post

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"Re(9):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 13:46post reply

i want to drink the yoghurt while eating your kabobs!

are not turkish kabobs simply the best!

Yes they are.And "Kebap" with "ayran" is the best choice for me.Especially when "ayran" is ice-cold.

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Hi from Türkiye

454th Post

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"Re(10):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 16:12post reply

i want to drink the yoghurt while eating your kabobs!

are not turkish kabobs simply the best!

Yes they are.And "Kebap" with "ayran" is the best choice for me.Especially when "ayran" is ice-cold.

Mmmmmm...the combination sounds promising. Being a Kebap enthusiast as I am, I'll try it as soon as I can...

2518th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):What do you know about Türkiye t" , posted Tue 12 Jul 18:26post reply

I made the yoghurt drink just for fun and it's quite nice. I think prefer it with a bit of salt.
It's not an alien taste to me because it's almost like the indian lassi, which I can get easily where I live.

I think the only Turkish dish I've made was Hunkar Begendi. Nice creamy eggplant goodness, and not too hard to make either (although getting the right cheese is a bit tricky).

927th Post

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"Re(7):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 12 Jul 20:05post reply


i have tasted your yogurt

it is most excellent and creamy

i love it!

Oroch, you're so....!

2840th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):What do you know about Türkiye t" , posted Wed 13 Jul 00:36post reply


It's not an alien taste to me because it's almost like the indian lassi, which I can get easily where I live.

what? I'm used to lassi being sweet too...my world is crumbling!

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"Re(3):Re(10):What do you know about Türkiye t" , posted Wed 13 Jul 00:37:post reply

I made the yoghurt drink just for fun and it's quite nice. I think prefer it with a bit of salt.
It's not an alien taste to me because it's almost like the indian lassi, which I can get easily where I live.

Wow I did not know that Indians had a similar drink to ayran but there's something wrong with Wikipedia. Ayran can't be a version of lassi since the inventor of yogurt and ayran were old Turks. So yogurt was first made by immigrant old Turks and later it has became worldwide-known.

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Hi from Türkiye

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"Re(4):Re(10):What do you know about Türkiye t" , posted Wed 13 Jul 02:38post reply


It's not an alien taste to me because it's almost like the indian lassi, which I can get easily where I live.

what? I'm used to lassi being sweet too...my world is crumbling!

Nah there's salty lassi too.

You know what freaked me out? When someone told me that singaporean laksa wasn't supposed to be very hot(spicy). That was a jarring thought, but one I have yet to confirm the validity of.

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"Singapore" , posted Wed 13 Jul 03:38post reply

I've heard that people from signapore are dirty, and smell of loli juices. to what extent is this true?

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"Re(1):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Wed 13 Jul 08:49:post reply

LOL I have been a member for years(and don't remember my password for years) here and been watching the forums since 2000, yet only seeing another Turk pushed me into posting.

Does anybody else miss MESSATSU?

EDIT: About the subject of "The man who saves the world":

I know that it is very poorly-made and thus ridiculously funny, but it was not a serious movie. The story of it goes like this: Cüneyt Arkın, Aytekin Akkaya were on vacation, but the residence was very boring. So they decide to film a movie to have fun, and film it with using the lowest sources/budget possible.

By the way, there are other spin-off movies like "Three Supermans(men)", "Tourist Ömer in Star Trek" "Three Giant Men (Starring Captain America & A Mexican wrestler, and Spidey as the main villain :D) etc. etc...

Hehe I love my country.

[this message was edited by insan on Wed 13 Jul 09:09]

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"Re(3):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Wed 13 Jul 09:46post reply

I know Turkey's government is staunchly secular thanks to Ataturk and the continuing influence of the military. And there was a big stir when Erdogan won the Prime Minister spot, since he used to run on a heavy Islamic platform, and recently became a bit more muted on relgion. So I wonder how he's faring and how much of an Islamic influence he wants in the government.

He has no Islamic influence in the government. Not even a bit. He used to be a religionist man in his prime ministery times, but he changed.Where did you get that information from?

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"Re(4):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Wed 13 Jul 11:18post reply


He has no Islamic influence in the government. Not even a bit. He used to be a religionist man in his prime ministery times, but he changed.Where did you get that information from?

It was just from various BBC News articles I remembered. I hadn't heard much after he was elected, though, so thanks for filling me in and setting me right.

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"Re(2):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Wed 13 Jul 16:10post reply


I know that it is very poorly-made and thus ridiculously funny, but it was not a serious movie. The story of it goes like this: Cüneyt Arkın, Aytekin Akkaya were on vacation, but the residence was very boring. So they decide to film a movie to have fun, and film it with using the lowest sources/budget possible.

I didn't know about that background motivations, but I'm sure they accomplished their goals by far...

"3 Dev Adam" is equally hideous and hilarious, a real gem. Did Aytekin make such a shitty film like this on purpose as well? And is "Turist Omer Uzay Yolunda" worth the watching?I heard this one was an intentional comedy...

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""Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda"" , posted Wed 13 Jul 21:33:post reply

And is "Turist Omer Uzay Yolunda" worth the watching?I heard this one was an intentional comedy...

Yes, it is.And you're right it was an intentional comedy.Its referring the certain episode of the show which there was a creature needs salt to live.
"Turist Ömer" is a movie serie about a adventurer, named Ömer. He travel all around the world. I guess the "Star Trek" parody is the last of the serie. Turist Ömer starred by Sadri Alışık who is respectful comedian/drama actor in our film endustry "Yeşilçam".

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[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 13 Jul 21:47]

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"Re(1):Singapore" , posted Fri 15 Jul 05:17post reply

I've heard that people from signapore are dirty, and smell of loli juices. to what extent is this true?

I'm annoyed that our singaporean member didn't see this.

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"Re(2):Singapore" , posted Fri 15 Jul 05:28post reply

I've heard that people from signapore are dirty, and smell of loli juices. to what extent is this true?

I'm annoyed that our singaporean member didn't see this.

There's a Singaporean non-lurker member here?

> Spoon
Where did you eat Singapore Laksa?
It isn't very spicy; there are much more frighteningly spicier laksa from Indonesia and Malaysia.

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"Re(3):Singapore" , posted Fri 15 Jul 06:54post reply

oh, it might be a secret.


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"Re(3):Singapore" , posted Fri 15 Jul 08:04post reply


> Spoon
Where did you eat Singapore Laksa?
It isn't very spicy; there are much more frighteningly spicier laksa from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Ah, that might've been it, then.
I probably had the Malaysian laksa.

1079th Post

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"Re(1):Singapore" , posted Fri 15 Jul 12:31post reply

I've heard that people from signapore are dirty, and smell of loli juices. to what extent is this true?

They do

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"Re(2):Singapore" , posted Fri 15 Jul 15:37post reply

I've heard that people from signapore are dirty, and smell of loli juices. to what extent is this true?

They do

Really? Wow...how I envy them, at least they don't smell of smoked ham as us Basque people (well, according to Kikkoken, that is)...

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"What Iggy thinks?" , posted Fri 15 Jul 17:20post reply

I wonder what Iggy and Professor thinks about Turkiye.

Just curious.

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"Re(1):What Iggy thinks?" , posted Fri 15 Jul 17:32post reply

I have nothing to contribute to this thread, because I saw it too late and all I knew about the country had already been said before I could post.

On the other hand, a friend of mine just love turk men.

And I love kebab. Except we call them greek here. Not "greek sandwich", just "greek".
"I want a greek please", and nobody even thinks about making a lame joke about it.

That's all.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

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"Re(2):What Iggy thinks?" , posted Sat 16 Jul 07:41post reply

I have nothing to contribute to this thread, because I saw it too late and all I knew about the country had already been said before I could post.

On the other hand, a friend of mine just love turk men.

Because of hairy chest? I have hairy chest and majority of Turk men have hairy chest.(note:to know this, you dont have to sleep with all turk men.)

And I love kebab. Except we call them greek here. Not "greek sandwich", just "greek".
"I want a greek please", and nobody even thinks about making a lame joke about it.

That's all.

I didn't get it. Really, I did not.

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"Re(1):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Sat 16 Jul 10:17post reply

Maybe in his country, they think that kabop is a Greek dish? So instead of saying I want a Turk, they say, I want a Greek?

Oğuz belki de amerikan salatası gibi bisidir amerikanlı sosis ver deriz ya?

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"Re(2):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Sat 16 Jul 10:45post reply

Maybe in his country, they think that kabop is a Greek dish? So instead of saying I want a Turk, they say, I want a Greek?

Oğuz belki de amerikan salatası gibi bisidir amerikanlı sosis ver deriz ya?

Şimdi anladım, sağol.Ama belki de Iggy ve arkadaşlarının aralarında bir şakadır.

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"Re(3):What Iggy thinks?" , posted Sat 16 Jul 15:44post reply

I have nothing to contribute to this thread, because I saw it too late and all I knew about the country had already been said before I could post.

On the other hand, a friend of mine just love turk men.

Because of hairy chest? I have hairy chest and majority of Turk men have hairy chest.(note:to know this, you dont have to sleep with all turk men.)

now you tell me that


And I love kebab. Except we call them greek here. Not "greek sandwich", just "greek".
"I want a greek please", and nobody even thinks about making a lame joke about it.

That's all.

I didn't get it. Really, I did not.

its ok, i did

78th Post

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"Re(4):What Iggy thinks?" , posted Sun 17 Jul 04:19post reply

I have nothing to contribute to this thread, because I saw it too late and all I knew about the country had already been said before I could post.

On the other hand, a friend of mine just love turk men.

Because of hairy chest? I have hairy chest and majority of Turk men have hairy chest.(note:to know this, you dont have to sleep with all turk men.)

now you tell me that

Well,You never asked.

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"Re(5):What Iggy thinks?" , posted Sun 17 Jul 12:52post reply

Thanks for making this thread. I want to learn more about my Turkish heritage, even though my father never taught me the language...

I don't even know simple greetings and stuff like that... =(

The only sore spot that sticks out in my mind is the difficulties with Armenia, which I need to research more about. It's difficult in this kind of situation because there is so much history and conflict... the facts don't come out easily.

Anyway thanks again for making this thread.

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"Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Karabasan" , posted Sun 17 Jul 19:12:post reply

Thanks for making this thread. I want to learn more about my Turkish heritage, even though my father never taught me the language...

I don't even know simple greetings and stuff like that... =(

Anyway thanks again for making this thread.

My pleasure.Dont hesitate to ask anything. Me and insan can help you to answer your questions.

About greetings Majority of people in Turkiye , first shake hands then kiss cheeks while hugging. Thats how we do when we met someone. We say merhaba(means hello)but traditonal and religious guys says; "Selam-ın aleyküm" and the respond is "Ve Aleyküm selam".

BTW i read your preview and it was good. And i notice that your surname is turkish, too.

Edit:Im gonna search about Lake Van monster and any other supernatural creatures which has stories in here.
I only remember a few. Gulyabani,Cin,Karabasan,öcü.... Im going to search real deep about turkish demons and such. But ı gotta go cause i have drawing lessons today.

Btw, did anyone know that Kount Dracula's first enemy was turks, the ottomans? He and his wife are scared of them.Ahahahahhah take this Demitri.

See you tonight.

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Hi from Türkiye

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Mon 18 Jul 19:17]

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"Re(1):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Wed 20 Jul 06:31post reply

A friend of mine is going to visit Turkey soon, he's trying to learn the language now, and uses it whenever he gets the chance around Boston. We went to a Turkish restaurant on lunch today, and the lamb kebabs were amazing.

Ayran, though...


I cannot find words to explain my disgust upon trying this drink. Yogurt and salt... yogurt and salt... NO! NO, NO, NO! I couldn't drink more than one sip, it was so bad. Leyla (Turkish friend) insists that it was just too salty and we'd like it if it was made properly, but I don't know. I was much happier with my Cola Turka, but Elliot drank the whole glass of ayran. He is a much braver man than I.

I'd like to know more about Turkish monsters of legend, mythical creatures, cryptozoology, etc. Lots of neat stuff like that all over the world.

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"Re(2):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Wed 20 Jul 07:01post reply


I'd like to know more about Turkish monsters of legend, mythical creatures, cryptozoology, etc.

I'd like to know more about Turkish sexuality: the percentage of gay men, the density of hair on Turks' chests, etc.

1157th Post

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"Re(2):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Wed 20 Jul 07:12post reply

I cannot find words to explain my disgust upon trying this drink. Yogurt and salt... yogurt and salt... NO! NO, NO, NO! I couldn't drink more than one sip, it was so bad. Leyla (Turkish friend) insists that it was just too salty and we'd like it if it was made properly, but I don't know.

If it was over-salty, I'd imagine it'd be gross. Personally, I haven't tried a salty version, and I don't think I'd like the flavour of just yogurt+salt. I imagine just PLAIN yogurt would be decent enough (cuz it'd just taste like yogurt with a different texture...), or with some manner of spices.




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"Re(2):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Wed 20 Jul 07:57:post reply

A friend of mine is going to visit Turkey soon, he's trying to learn the language now, and uses it whenever he gets the chance around Boston. We went to a Turkish restaurant on lunch today, and the lamb kebabs were amazing.

Ayran, though...


I cannot find words to explain my disgust upon trying this drink. Yogurt and salt... yogurt and salt... NO! NO, NO, NO! I couldn't drink more than one sip, it was so bad. Leyla (Turkish friend) insists that it was just too salty and we'd like it if it was made properly, but I don't know. I was much happier with my Cola Turka, but Elliot drank the whole glass of ayran. He is a much braver man than I.

I'd like to know more about Turkish monsters of legend, mythical creatures, cryptozoology, etc. Lots of neat stuff like that all over the world.

Salt is optional for ayran. You can simply tell them not to add salt in it. You should try it once more without salt if you dont like with salt.
Im still searching mystical creatures. I just want to be sure that I'm well-informed. but I can give you a link about Jedah. Because he is also inspired of Dajjal, the Embodiment of Evil. In Islam its something like black messiah. The link:


Also Islam says "CİNLER"-genies exist in this world but, you cant see them, they could see you. They're going to be judged for their sins, too.So Its like they exist in this world but in another dimension of this world.Also they dont have the power for granting your wishes. This is my superficial knowledge about them. And also some people can contact with some of them but it is not good for both side. Cause some genies are mean and they usually contact with people and harm them. Dont know how. And yes I'm serious. Thank god i never have any experiences with them. (At least I guess so: When I was younger electricity was gone and when i was with my family i saw a shadow guy who is hiding behind the tv shelf, and i saw that thing in balcony after a few months. I always think it as a hallucination. God, that memories scared me now.))

And kikkoken since im not a homophobic person i can answer some of your questions.In Turkiye people are still thinking gayness as a weakness. They can tolerate gay singers but not someone fromtheir family (at least easily).They think something wrong with gay people, so they cant avoid this sin etc... Gay people who are Passive-bottom type they mostly open but they dont accept anything directly to out of their community. forgive my english but its like everyone know who they are but nobody names it. So here is closeted gay heaven. There are a lot of heterocurious people who are desperately needs anal sex. So they run to softboys.

How can i say it, Its a no-no situtation being gay here.But horny husbands who desperately needs anal sex, doesnt care about it at all.But in secret.

Where do i know this stuff. There is a park in our city which became gaysex-date theme park when it is evening.When you go through there, you can see older guys trying to get some boys.Its obvious and they dont care.

And yes %95 of our people has hairy chest. And turks love sex very much.Turks are very sexual people. Is it enough for you kikkoken?

BTW how was your date,Iggy? Did you get what you want?

EDIT: I wrote this post when i was sleepy, So PLEASE ignore my stupid grammar mistakes. God, I need to sleep. BADLY.


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[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 20 Jul 09:00]

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"Re(3):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Wed 20 Jul 14:09post reply


And kikkoken since im not a homophobic person i can answer some of your questions.In Turkiye people are still thinking gayness as a weakness. They can tolerate gay singers but not someone fromtheir family (at least easily).They think something wrong with gay people, so they cant avoid this sin etc... Gay people who are Passive-bottom type they mostly open but they dont accept anything directly to out of their community. forgive my english but its like everyone know who they are but nobody names it. So here is closeted gay heaven. There are a lot of heterocurious people who are desperately needs anal sex. So they run to softboys.

How can i say it, Its a no-no situtation being gay here.But horny husbands who desperately needs anal sex, doesnt care about it at all.But in secret.

Where do i know this stuff. There is a park in our city which became gaysex-date theme park when it is evening.When you go through there, you can see older guys trying to get some boys.Its obvious and they dont care.

And yes %95 of our people has hairy chest. And turks love sex very much.Turks are very sexual people. Is it enough for you kikkoken?

BTW how was your date,Iggy? Did you get what you want?


oh my dear boy, its never enough for him

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"Salty yoghurt over my ..." , posted Wed 20 Jul 18:19:post reply


oh my dear boy, its never enough for him

Maybe, but at least I did not start it. You were the ones who have been driving me crazy with all that horny stuff about salty yoghurt and such! you must face the consequence now ;-)

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Wed 20 Jul 18:20]

6906th Post

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"Re(4):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Wed 20 Jul 19:39post reply

BTW how was your date,Iggy? Did you get what you want?

Wait, which was the last date I talked about here ?

Things are melting in my brain.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

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"Re(3):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Wed 20 Jul 22:49post reply


And yes %95 of our people has hairy chest. And turks love sex very much.Turks are very sexual people. Is it enough for you kikkoken?

It's enough for me =)

hahaha I always thought I got it from my dad, but maybe it's just my raging turkish BLOOD!


But yea, is libido a racial thing? They say that Japanese couples have very little sex after they are married on average... but damn if the porn industry here isn't enough...

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"Re(5):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Thu 21 Jul 02:26post reply

BTW how was your date,Iggy? Did you get what you want?

Wait, which was the last date I talked about here ?

Things are melting in my brain.

With the hetero-curious guy. But you didnt mention it here. In another thread you said "if he sucks as well"

And Spoon, its not yoğurt with salt.

Its Yoğurt + Cold water (mix them) = Ayran. Add some ice.
For salt ıssue. I'm repeating it again YOU-DON'T - HAVE - TO - ADD - SALT - TO - THIS - DRINK, for God sake. Its optional. If you'll add, add small amount of salt.

BTW ktall , did you have the chance to host third video of ngbc?

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"Re(6):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Thu 21 Jul 04:10post reply

With the hetero-curious guy. But you didnt mention it here. In another thread you said "if he sucks as well"

I failed, unfortunately.
The good thing is that, so far, the two other fags I competed with also failed to put him in their beds, so I'll try again later.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

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"Re(7):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Thu 21 Jul 05:27post reply

With the hetero-curious guy. But you didnt mention it here. In another thread you said "if he sucks as well"
I failed, unfortunately.
The good thing is that, so far, the two other fags I competed with also failed to put him in their beds, so I'll try again later.

What can ı say, Good luck...

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"Re(8):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Thu 21 Jul 05:31post reply

Everything is melting in my pants.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

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"Re(9):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kara" , posted Thu 21 Jul 08:18post reply

Everything is melting in my pants.

Pour them into a bottle and send to me.

932th Post

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"Re(10):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Öcü,Kar" , posted Thu 21 Jul 17:52post reply

Everything is melting in my pants.

Pour them into a bottle and send to me.

... add some cold water,

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
and a moderate amount of salt (optional)

End of Spoiler

and mix.

3th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Lake Van Monster,Gulyabani,Cin,Ö" , posted Thu 21 Jul 18:40post reply

Looks like you are getting the hang of it, kikkoken!

We should get together to... make creamy drinks sometime.

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"69" , posted Fri 22 Jul 05:37post reply

Looks like you are getting the hang of it, kikkoken!

We should get together to... make creamy drinks sometime.

It is a strange coincidence, but this post of yours is the 69th...

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"Re(1):69" , posted Fri 22 Jul 07:11post reply

Looks like you are getting the hang of it, kikkoken!

We should get together to... make creamy drinks sometime.

It is a strange coincidence, but this post of yours is the 69th...

Is this the baby steps to a new relationship "friendship"?


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"Re(1):69" , posted Fri 22 Jul 07:45post reply

It is a strange coincidence, but this post of yours is the 69th...

I do not believe in coincidences.

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"Re(2):69" , posted Fri 22 Jul 08:04post reply




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"Re(2):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Wed 27 Jul 04:59post reply

What do I know about Türkiye (outside from the facts learned from this thread)? not much: I only know how part of Istambul is from the pics my mum took in a trip there, and that Turkish men are really erotically appealing to women.

No, that last one is just that there's this really famous book in Spain La pasión turca (The Turkish passion) by Antonio Gala, with its corresponding movie version, very famous too, in which this Spanish tourist woman falls madly in love with a Turkish man... and dunno the rest.

Sorry. ^_^;
There's also the religious issue, as a lot of people for whatever reason think that Europe is defined as a predominantly Christian area.

About that, there definitely be. Nonetheless, apparently some smartass managed to get a christian (or maybe even catholic-only, dunno) symbol to be the flag of the union: Those 12 stars forming a circle actually come rather from Virgin Mary's holy crown/whatsoever, which is so (12 stars around her head), than the 12 initial states that formed it then.

Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-

My philosophy professor was a flan Myself

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"Re(3):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Wed 27 Jul 23:25post reply

What do I know about Türkiye (outside from the facts learned from this thread)? not much: I only know how part of Istambul is from the pics my mum took in a trip there, and that Turkish men are really erotically appealing to women.

I wish I could help more.... please ask more...

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"Re(3):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Fri 29 Jul 07:01post reply

You are right, there are a quite number of tourist women here that marry with Turkish men. Especially the waiters, for some reason. I find it quite ironic because the Turkish women think that they are hicks/bumpkins/yokels.

It is quite true that we are appealing foreigners, I tried to hook up with some Japanese tourists, impressed them and then they turn out to be Singaporean or Taiwanese or something like that. Damn.

6th Post

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"Re:What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Tue 2 Aug 08:57post reply

I'm not Turkish, nor do I live in Turkey. But, my best friend is turkish, and I have attended many turkish events, and can even say a few words. Beautiful people, Beautiful music. Almost wish I were Turkish!!!


All one needs in life is Tea Sonic Super Robot Wars KOF and Pineapples

11th Post

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"Re(1):Re:What do you know about Türkiye threa" , posted Wed 3 Aug 17:29post reply

It is true that we are very warm and hospitable people. If you are really tired of driving in countryside, you can just go up to a village people and tell that you need a place to stay, you will either stay at the guesthouse or in a guestroom of someone else's house. Or if you are thirsty, you can just go into any kind of shop among the street, they will most probably offer you to drink tea or something else.

How well the people are amazes even me sometimes, the whole country is like a family here. People call each other in their age, brother or sister; older people uncle or aunt; youngsters nephew. It is amazing.

100th Post

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"Garbage-Run baby run" , posted Fri 12 Aug 01:15post reply

Hey this morning as i was watching new video of garbage, and I thought that I saw a advertisement of turkish gsm company in it. And I was in "WTF" situtaion. I thought to myself you should sleep more. But when i watched rest of the vid i realize it was in İstanbul.
You should watch it guys. It could visually help you know smthng more about turkiye and its wonderful city, "İstanbul". It could, obviously more than this thread.

Thanks Garbage.

(Yayyyy, a way to revive this thread. Its your turn Sensenic.)

here is kapadokya/cappadocia
Link Here.php?main=4&sub=1
and pamukkale
Link Here

Hi from Türkiye

104th Post

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"Re(1):HISTORICAL STUFF and MONSTERS" , posted Fri 12 Aug 06:35:post reply

Ok. This is my last attempt to keep this alive. Here it goes...

Tonight I was watching The 23rd Universiade 2005,Izmir.
It has a great opening involved with our cultural and historical dance performance and demonstration. Then I decide to share it with you ( thats why this thread exist ).

First; The Map of PİRİ REİS.

Its about a turkish admiral who draw first world map when he was travelling with his ship.

Secondly:Hazerfan Ahmet Çelebi's story

And the painting of that event.

And late answer of monsters questions (sorry, there was smthng wrong about board that i couldnt get in two weeks)
We're believing geenies but theyre not wishmasters. They live for their quest for otherside as we do. We believe they exist and you can get in connection with them. But dont.Cause theres something we call Cin Çarpması.If you mess with them they can make you worse than now Takuma is.(majority scared of geenie stories, i know i do).

About GÜLYABANİ, jus think about a creature which eats people and taller than Kusaregedo. And having money desire as Earthquake. Now think Kusaregedo with more hair in Gaoh's or Amakusa's outfit.I can only describe him like that. I saw it when i was a child.In a turkish movie called "SÜT KARDEŞLER", has his puppet/costume image.

His story: he is a noble demon who lives in big mansions or farms. Hes got lots of cervants.He eats people for fun or he eats his cervants who breaks rules or rebels against him. He usually walks outside when its night and very dark. The poor ones lives in mountains and look for big mansions to took over. He's about 300 cm --350 cm. Thats all i know.

Any members who knows more than i do, can feel free to correct me.


[this message was edited by kofoguz on Fri 12 Aug 06:38]

852th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):HISTORICAL STUFF and MONSTERS" , posted Fri 12 Aug 09:43post reply

Ok. This is my last attempt to keep this alive. Here it goes...

kikkoken emailed me to ask you about where he can learn Turkish Wrestling

12th Post

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"Re(3):HISTORICAL STUFF and MONSTERS" , posted Fri 12 Aug 19:26post reply

Ok. This is my last attempt to keep this alive. Here it goes...

kikkoken emailed me to ask you about where he can learn Turkish Wrestling

Just FYI, fruitcakes are not welcomed here... Some wrestler even sued some fags who took his photos.

105th Post

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"Re(3):Turkish Oil Wrestling...Iggy bait?" , posted Fri 12 Aug 20:08post reply

Ok. This is my last attempt to keep this alive. Here it goes...

kikkoken emailed me to ask you about where he can learn Turkish Wrestling

Ok, Kikkoken you cant wrestle with those guys, youre not allowed to but you can learn it and perform it by teaching someone volunteered to wrestle with you.

Just have a olive oil shower
Find an opponent
Make him have a olive oil shower
Find a grassy field (your backyard?)
And start to wrestle
How to win : Wrestler who has his opponent's back (with shoulders) touch the ground (without hurting his opponent) is winner. (I assume kikkoken will lose easily)

For more information;
Now, go wrestle...


947th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Turkish Oil Wrestling...Iggy bait?" , posted Fri 12 Aug 21:35post reply

Now, what I'd like to know is, is there a variation in this sport which allows multiple partners to enter the wrestle? Can I reproduce this sport in the intimacy of my house without losing the original flavour of this noble sport? Can the referee join in if it is getting too hot? Can hairy men participate?
Oroch, I thought you'd keep our email exchange secret. I hope you won't divulge my smutty photos next.

106th Post

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"Re(5):Turkish Oil Wrestling...Iggy bait?" , posted Fri 12 Aug 22:03post reply

Now, what I'd like to know is, is there a variation in this sport which allows multiple partners to enter the wrestle?

No, no threesome wrestling allowed in this sport.
Can I reproduce this sport in the intimacy of my house without losing the original flavour of this noble sport?

It depends on you. But grassy field is not optional.
Can the referee join in if it is getting too hot?

No. No Kurokos allowed.
Can hairy men participate?

As long as it's male, its ok.

Oroch, I thought you'd keep our email exchange secret. I hope you won't divulge my smutty photos next.

No comment on this one, of course. :P


853th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):HISTORICAL STUFF and MONSTERS" , posted Sat 13 Aug 14:20post reply

Ok. This is my last attempt to keep this alive. Here it goes...

kikkoken emailed me to ask you about where he can learn Turkish Wrestling

Just FYI, fruitcakes are not welcomed here... Some wrestler even sued some fags who took his photos.

well then you had better take down the whole website

949th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5): Gorgeous bodies" , posted Sun 14 Aug 00:13:post reply

Ok. This is my last attempt to keep this alive. Here it goes...

kikkoken emailed me to ask you about where he can learn Turkish Wrestling

Just FYI, fruitcakes are not welcomed here... Some wrestler even sued some fags who took his photos.

well then you had better take down the whole website

That site is definitely not worksafe. I'll visit it when I'm home, with a nice glass of whiskey.

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Sun 14 Aug 01:51]

0th Post

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"Re(6): Gorgeous bodies" , posted Sun 14 Aug 06:22post reply

Please, do me a favour, just google "armenian genocide" and take a quick look...
Spare me the official turkish lie about the "so called" genocide...

In fact, I'd love to see you in France, I could sue you for negationism, it would be great.

I guess we'll have to wait a while to see a Turkey with its own memory, not the official one which was written down by the Turkish-republic builders.

I have hope that this will eventually happend: some people in your own country DO realise what really happened and went all across your country to ask survivor's family what their story his.
The only obstacle is your governement policy which voted (once more) a law against a way out.
You cant speak about it, you cant work on it or else you'll have to face some charming cells.

I know you'll be looking for an answer to your further post but it's not gonna happen.
I just want every one of you who is reading all that pro-turkish crap to think twice "do I have to believe to a official lie"

I think I dont have to read all those lies.

13th Post

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"Re(7): Gorgeous bodies" , posted Sun 14 Aug 10:33post reply

ljs, by the way you talk, I understand that either you are an Armenian or someone from France, a country that try supported and try to support every threat against Turkey.

There actually is no way for any of us normal citizens to know what really happened, unless we are able to reach official documents about that "incident".

We Turks never really harmed anyone in the history. Look at the Americans, the British etc. Nearly everywhere that they have colonized is Christian, speaks English, and had their culture destructed. Look at the closest regions near Anatolia when the Ottoman reigned. The people in this time still have their religions, speak their own languages, and lost nothing a part of them when their soils were added to the Ottoman's. Instead of destroying every building in wars like other empires had done, we had BUILT them from 0. We supported the places by making universities, roads, bridges... WE EVEN BROUGHT THE WORLDWIDE HATED JEWS TO OUR COUNTRY WHEN THEY WERE BEING ATTACKED IN SPAIN AND TO THIS THEY ARE STILL PRESENT.(I am not saying that we hate them, they are like any citizen of Turkey) You know why? Because our religion tells us not to discriminate people in any way [(Be they woman, Jew, Christian, Black, etc)(No, Afghanistan, Iraq and countries like those are not real Muslims). Why would we genocide Armenians? They were the citizens like any other people too.

We also had no time to attack anybody when living in those "so-called genocide" times. We were being attacked by Arabs, Persians, the Greek, most of the Europe countries, and our only alliances were beaten. Do you really think that our priority in those times would be more "attacking" than "defending"?
Would you try to expand the soil of your country when you were being attacked from 4 sides, instead of protecting what you have? Do you think that it makes sense?

Besides, if we really were racists/nazis/whatyouwanttocall it, wouldn't we kill the Kurdish, whom most become terrorist and genocide US?!

You tell us to make a google search, how do you know that everything you read is true? Do they really show you any evidence? Oh, seeing pictures of a dead body is no evidence by the way. There were millions of people killed in those black & white photograph times.

I, for once, am not brainwashed by my elders, unlike which most probably is what happened to you. The Turks are not patriotic as you think, not at least my family, my relatives or anyone that I know is.

People, please use global common sense, at least try think of what you are thinking, instead of using the common sense of your community. Yes, this was directed at someone particular.

ljs, I want you to keep this conversation in maturity-level, without flaming and you know what. I myself is trying to observe this subject with objectivity, basing my claims on easy-to-find-on-history-books truths. Please you do the same too.


14th Post

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"Re(1):What do you know about Türkiye thread." , posted Sun 14 Aug 10:38post reply

Oh, and just another contrary thing to what you claim.

There are 2 Armenians in only my class. I ask them what is up with this "so-called genocide" and they say there is no such thing, even they asked their grandparents. How do you explain that? If even the Armenians tell me that such thing does not exist, why would I believe it? Why would I believe we have something against Armenians, if there is no incident of attackings to a Church, a school or a graveyard of Armenians? Not at least these 80 years or what?

I want answers.

111th Post

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"Re(8): Gorgeous bodies" , posted Sun 14 Aug 13:16:post reply

Me too. And by the way ljs, please make a google search and learn the families which are in the high society. Which families have the giant companies. There are a lot of Armenian families living in here and most of them are rich. I mean really rich and their grandparent has that fortune since the very beginning of our independence. If we hate Armenians so much why did we let them get so powerful?
Correct me if I am wrong but we "genocided" them, we "hated" them so much, we "killed" Armenians as much as we could, but right after that time we let the rest of the Armenians become powerful and respectful families of our country. Why didn't we kill them also? Who can tell me the logical mistake of this? Why we let Armenians live with us when we hate them so much?


[this message was edited by kofoguz on Sun 14 Aug 14:11]

1th Post

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"Re(9): Gorgeous bodies" , posted Sun 14 Aug 16:38post reply

basing my claims on easy-to-find-on-history-books truths

It's in every school book in France.
Our Parlement passed a law on it.

The only thing your gouvernment has done, and I thing it's a major step forward, is agreeing to settle an historical commission.

My grand parents arrive when they were 4 months in Marseille, France so please spare we your so manichean way of thinking.

"we are ok with everybody blablabla" is really the last thing you can argue in a debate like this.

If you want a shade of thruth (it requires to be open minded) just take a look at who build your republics, and who were the leader of the Young Turks.

Maybe then you'll understand that some things couldnt be told at the begining.
turkey is now a republic with tend to free itself from the military power and it's a good thing but you should really start interogating you without thinking in terms of love and hate...

In fact I'm a in favour of the turkey integration in the UE as soon as you are ready, which will take some time.

I dont intend to convert you, just want you to interrogate you further than what you were told, what you've learn in your books (we obviously have not the same ones...)

In fact, you bring me down here with your shitty "so-called" which I really despise.
In France we have our states lies but they dont last 90 years.

2th Post

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"Turkish negationism" , posted Sun 14 Aug 16:41post reply

title fixed*

7021th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ethnic struggle" , posted Sun 14 Aug 16:44post reply

And that's why I was reluctant to post in this thread.

The three of you, take each other adresses and discuss whatever you want in the privacy of an AOL chatroom, this kind of argument has nothing to do on this BBS.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

3th Post

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"Re(1):ethnic struggle" , posted Sun 14 Aug 16:48post reply

I do agree.
the "so-called" term has nothing to do here either.

I just wanted to add my insight, I cant let everyone of you read only their part of the story.

7022th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"THIS IS NOT THE FUCKING PLACE" , posted Sun 14 Aug 17:01post reply

                \ │ /
                 / ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─(-_-)< …。
                 \_/   \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\∩ ∧ ∧ \(-_-)< …Shut up.
…。           >( -_-)/ |    / \__________
________/ |    〈 |   |
              / /\_」 / /\」
               ̄     / /

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

949th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):THIS IS NOT THE FUCKING PLACE" , posted Sun 14 Aug 21:23post reply

I've had a really nice time with Oroch's site on Turkish wrestling BTW!

15th Post

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"Re(2):THIS IS NOT THE FUCKING PLACE" , posted Sun 14 Aug 21:30post reply

LOL, c'mon everybody knew that someone like kljs would come and ruin the topic.

I did not think that it would be a problem if we discussed politics in a lightly manner. Sorry if anyone is offended.

7024th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 02:35post reply

I've already said I found extremely unpleasant to be called directly in the title of a thread.
Also, I'm not the only French person on this board, which makes your question even more disrespectful to the other frenchmen.

And finally, I don't like most of French music produced these days, so I'm definitely the last person you should ask.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

856th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):THIS IS NOT THE FUCKING PLACE" , posted Mon 15 Aug 04:51:post reply

I've had a really nice time with Oroch's site on Turkish wrestling BTW!

it is my business doing pleasure for you!

edit: i meant to say its my pleasure doing business for you

[this message was edited by Oroch on Mon 15 Aug 04:52]

114th Post

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"Re(3):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 08:41:post reply

I've already said I found extremely unpleasant to be called directly in the title of a thread.
Also, I'm not the only French person on this board, which makes your question even more disrespectful to the other frenchmen.

And finally, I don't like most of French music produced these days, so I'm definitely the last person you should ask.

Sorry your the only french person i know in this site. I guess i knocked the wrong door.

So who are the other french guys?


[this message was edited by kofoguz on Mon 15 Aug 09:23]

7027th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 17:01post reply

Sorry your the only french person i know in this site. I guess i knocked the wrong door.
So who are the other french guys?

I won't tell you, because I plan to date-rape each of them, and threaten to reveal their nationality on this very board if they resist.

But yeah, you can pretty much ask the question to everyone, and wait for the answers to come from whoever knows anything on the subject, even non french people.
I think that's pretty much the difference between a message board and a private e-mail, you know, like public discussion, all that.
That is, unless you're trying to join exodus, of course.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

16th Post

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"Re(5):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 18:17post reply

Hey, Iggy, can you help me translate some Japanese characters? I guess some of them are not katakana, which is the only alphabet I know.

114th Post

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"Re(5):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 20:51post reply


I won't tell you, because I plan to date-rape each of them, and threaten to reveal their nationality on this very board if they resist.

But yeah, you can pretty much ask the question to everyone, and wait for the answers to come from whoever knows anything on the subject, even non french people.
I think that's pretty much the difference between a message board and a private e-mail, you know, like public discussion, all that.
That is, unless you're trying to join exodus, of course.

No i was asking them that who they are.

But, thanks for your advice because I am new to posting forums. I guess i carried away.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
BTW I can insist to learn other french guys id if you want me to do, so you can threaten them more. Enjoy your upcoming date-rapes.

End of Spoiler


8th Post

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"Re(4):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 23:02post reply

Hi sir.

I invite you to do some research about Hélène(poor her,she looked like a fossil in the program"1ère compagnie" ),Dorothée(cult),Bernard Minet(even more cult) and Les Musclés(I think I've forget some).

They are our national heroes.

If I refer to what you appreciate,you should try to get the cds of Florent Pagny,Pascal Obispo,Natasha St Pierre,Garou,Lorie.
I know it's bad but,here is a link for hear some french (c)rap:

ah ah ah.

RIP Barry White 9/12/44 - 7/4/03

Your music will never be forgotten.
( '3`)~

9th Post

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"Re(5):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 23:14post reply

Even if I don't know you personnaly,Iggy and Kikkoken,I'm sure you are going to appreciate it:



RIP Barry White 9/12/44 - 7/4/03

Your music will never be forgotten.
( '3`)~

7028th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):About French culture" , posted Mon 15 Aug 23:22post reply

Don't listen to his lies.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Strange, I've seen this ass before.

End of Spoiler

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

18th Post

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"Re(6):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 00:02post reply

Hey, Iggy, can you help me translate some Japanese characters? I guess some of them are not katakana, which is the only alphabet I know.

Answer now or else I am going to make a new thread only titled as "IGGY! IGGY! IGGY!"
With or without the quotes, whichever you like.

116th Post

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"Re(5):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 00:12post reply

Hi sir.




I only know garou. He has a great voice. I thought that he was canadian.


7029th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 00:26post reply

Answer now or else I am going to make a new thread only titled as "IGGY! IGGY! IGGY!"
With or without the quotes, whichever you like.

I won't answer either way, because I feel gorgeous today.
I've been drinking rum instead of water for 6 days now, and god this is definitely the best alcohol ever.
Also, I may be in love.
Therefore, I won't be answering anything until the Martinique stops exporting rum, or until I get tired or get dumped.

Ask Hagen, I've heard he speaks chinese.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

1671th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 02:52post reply


I've been drinking rum instead of water for 6 days now, and god this is definitely the best alcohol ever.

What brand?

/ / /

7032th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 03:11post reply

What brand?

All sorts. I've discovered a restaurant - bar specialized in rum and things to eat with rum, and I've already spent 12 hours straight in there without going out.
Several times.
So I've tried quite a variety of things I definitely can't remember.

But since I'm just a fag, I prefer the cocktails with lots of juices and pretty colors.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

2149th Post

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"Rum Diaries" , posted Tue 16 Aug 03:22post reply

What brand?

All sorts. I've discovered a restaurant - bar specialized in rum and things to eat with rum, and I've already spent 12 hours straight in there without going out.
Several times.
So I've tried quite a variety of things I definitely can't remember.

But since I'm just a fag, I prefer the cocktails with lots of juices and pretty colors.

Rum? I thought only sailors drank that stuff but there are specialty shops that specialize in a rum-centric lifestyle? Or did Iggy fall for a seaman and start drinking grog in order to better understand his world?

301th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 03:28post reply

Hi sir.




I only know garou. He has a great voice. I thought that he was canadian.

He is (from Sherbrooke, Quebec), so are Natasha St-Pier (though I think she's not from Quebec, but from New-Brunswick), Linda Lemay, Isabelle Boulay, Celine Dion (well, everyone knows that one...), etc.
Frankly, I understand perfectly if France hates Quebec, when you see all the crappy artists they send their way, lol! (Especially when you live in Quebec like I do and you know there are really good artists that would deserve the attention, like Stefie Shock, Dumas, Les Cowboys Fringuants, Ariane Moffatt, etc.)


7033th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rum Diaries" , posted Tue 16 Aug 03:34post reply

Rum? I thought only sailors drank that stuff but there are specialty shops that specialize in a rum-centric lifestyle? Or did Iggy fall for a seaman and start drinking grog in order to better understand his world?

The rums I like come from Martinique, and the food you can eat in my restaurant also comes from there.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

120th Post

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"Re(2):Rum Diaries" , posted Tue 16 Aug 03:50:post reply

The rums I like come from Martinique, and the food you can eat in my restaurant also comes from there.

You're having a nice week, huh?. I hope that you wont be heart broken and sad because of that man you're about fall in love with.

Edit: I've just read "Random News" thread and realized my mistake.

Is any member who live in europe fmiliar with Sertab Erener, Tarkan or Mustafa Sandal? Or Barış Manço (He was huge in Japan back then...He died 4 years ago. He was the one of rockers who made this country love rock tunes. A. R. E.)


[this message was edited by kofoguz on Tue 16 Aug 04:08]

303th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Rum Diaries" , posted Tue 16 Aug 04:21post reply

The rums I like come from Martinique, and the food you can eat in my restaurant also comes from there.

You're having a nice week, huh?. I hope that you wont be heart broken and sad because of that man you're about fall in love with.

Edit: I've just read "Random News" thread and realized my mistake.

Is any member who live in europe fmiliar with Sertab Erener, Tarkan or Mustafa Sandal? Or Barış Manço (He was huge in Japan back then...He died 4 years ago. He was the one of rockers who made this country love rock tunes. A. R. E.)

I remember Tarkan, he had some success with his song where he "kisses" (smooch sound...) Not my bag though...


856th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 05:07post reply

But since I'm just a fag, I prefer the cocktails with lots of juices and pretty colors.

hey me too! i mean the fruity cocktail part, i mean the drinks not the...

ill just stop now

want to get some funny looks at a club, drink a shirley temple, and then get ready for a nice fight, its kinda fun

19th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):About French culture" , posted Tue 16 Aug 06:43post reply

Can we open a second topic because my 128k connection can't open it without refreshing 3 times.

4212th Post

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"PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Tue 16 Aug 06:45post reply

Turkish Revenge

Can we open a second topic because my 128k connection can't open it without refreshing 3 times.

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"Re(1):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Tue 16 Aug 07:43post reply

Turkish Revenge

Can we open a second topic because my 128k connection can't open it without refreshing 3 times.

Not specificly about this post but I find juan very mysterious and cool.Maybe its just that i saw a few of his posts and they were all cool.

His answer to abster still in my memory and i dont think i could forget that easily. It's the one : "Blood hurrrrllllll.....

Arghhh? I've forgotten it, nooooooo!

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
BTW, what is penguin piramide?

End of Spoiler

What do you know about Türkiye? sequel is on the way. Im just enjoying Iggy's posts in this thread.


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"Re(2):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Tue 16 Aug 08:12post reply

Bad spanish for "Penguin Pyramid"?


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"Re(2):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Tue 16 Aug 12:14post reply

Turkish Revenge

Can we open a second topic because my 128k connection can't open it without refreshing 3 times.

Not specificly about this post but I find juan very mysterious and cool.Maybe its just that i saw a few of his posts and they were all cool.

His answer to abster still in my memory and i dont think i could forget that easily. It's the one : "Blood hurrrrllllll.....

Arghhh? I've forgotten it, nooooooo!

What do you know about Türkiye? sequel is on the way. Im just enjoying Iggy's posts in this thread.

you dont understand juan, hes not cool

hes like ...so beyond cool

oh my brain hurts thinking about it, someone hold me

7041th Post

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"Re(3):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Tue 16 Aug 16:26post reply

Juan is the flipitiflapitiflu.

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  そう かんけいないね
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"Re(4):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 19:49post reply

Juan is the flipitiflapitiflu.

wow i didnt know that.


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"Re(5):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 20:50post reply

Hey oh, I'm late to the party.

I don't know much about Turkey, but I eat kebabs from time to time... o_o

More seriously, I heard a story about some guy who was on holiday in Turkey with his wife... and he just disappeared at some point (in some kind of crowded market place), his wife looked for him but couldn't find him. She went to the police, and they told her her husband was probably alright, and that she'd see him again soon, only with "something missing".
Sometime later, she did find her husband... He had been drugged, and something in his body had been stolen... (a kidney I think)

That kind of stuff doesn't give a great image of Turkey...

On the other hand, my parents and my little brother have been on holiday in Turkey too, and nothing happened to them.

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"Re(6):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 21:55post reply

Bleh, these kind of things happen in every country. There are always very poor people who can do anything for money...

This thread became too crowded, I opened a new one to continue fresh:
Please post in the link above, think about the 56kers dammit!

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"Re(6):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 22:05post reply

Hey oh, I'm late to the party.

I don't know much about Turkey, but I eat kebabs from time to time... o_o

More seriously, I heard a story about some guy who was on holiday in Turkey with his wife... and he just disappeared at some point (in some kind of crowded market place), his wife looked for him but couldn't find him. She went to the police, and they told her her husband was probably alright, and that she'd see him again soon, only with "something missing".
Sometime later, she did find her husband... He had been drugged, and something in his body had been stolen... (a kidney I think)

That kind of stuff doesn't give a great image of Turkey...

On the other hand, my parents and my little brother have been on holiday in Turkey too, and nothing happened to them.

Did you watch Urban Legends 2?

And when i was high school there was warn memo on the board, something like "dont drink or eat anything bought by a person you dont know that well. There are INTERNATIONAL criminal organizations in our country now and they sell human organs illegally.Becareful... Etc..."

That was smthng like that.I heard just one story and that was a young girl, her kidney was stolen. After her operation a doctor who is connected to mafia make another stole her kidney. Anyway these crimes not just peculiar to Türkiye. Every country has this kind of mafia so not to worry travelling türkiye.

Also its not gauranteed that when I go to England/France/Germany/usa/Japan, I wont face this kind of crime, right?


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"Re(7):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 22:36post reply

Every country has this kind of mafia so not to worry travelling türkiye.

Eeeerrh... no.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Some countries prefer to have police forces to fight crime so that such things don't happen, instead of having them to fight different opinions and freedom of speech.

It's all a matter of priorities, I guess.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
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"Re(8):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 22:50post reply

Every country has this kind of mafia so not to worry travelling türkiye.
Eeeerrh... no.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Some countries prefer to have police forces to fight crime so that such things don't happen, instead of having them to fight different opinions and freedom of speech.

It's all a matter of priorities, I guess.

I didnt mean we allow them.All im saying sometimes it doesnt matter how hard police fights criminals they exist, right.
And I think our police fights them good enough cause I only heard one story (And it might not be true).

We may have lots of trouble but organ trading its not a big threat in our country. I meant to say organ dealing is not a problem that occurs all the time. And in our country this kind of problem occurs as much as big and safe countries.


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"Re(8):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 22:52post reply

lol, Iggy is mostly right... although I think he makes France looks better than it actually is, but that may not be intentional. :p

The fact the police knew what was happening during that incident in Turkey I mentioned shows it's something common there... But it isn't in France (and nearby countries). I haven't heard of any story like that happening around here...
I guess tourists visiting France can only complain about how expensive life is here (especially in Paris), but that must be it...

And no, I didn't watch Urban Legends 2... O_o

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"Re(9):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 23:04:post reply

lol, Iggy is mostly right... although I think he makes France looks better than it actually is, but that may not be intentional. :p

The fact the police knew what was happening during that incident in Turkey I mentioned shows it's something common there... But it isn't in France (and nearby countries). I haven't heard of any story like that happening around here...
I guess tourists visiting France can only complain about how expensive life is here (especially in Paris), but that must be it...

Damn bad police... Ok, maybe he didnt care with that people when the wive say her husband is missing and he didnt care.(Again police should care with those people), Anyway all i wanna say I'm living in this country and i know that crime is not common.

And no, I didn't watch Urban Legends 2... O_o

There was a steal kidney scene in the beginning. It was my first time to see...aww that scene was awful and disgusting...


[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 17 Aug 23:12]

7050th Post

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"Re(9):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 23:06post reply

although I think he makes France looks better than it actually is, but that may not be intentional.

Not all of France, mind you. Just Paris and the Provence region.
Everything lese can go to hell and it wouldn't bother me the least.

I guess tourists visiting France can only complain about how expensive life is here (especially in Paris), but that must be it...

The fact life in Paris is expensive is just a clever lie.
It's actually only expensive for tourists.

As for the kidney traffic : when someone offers something, then it means someone wants to buy it.
If people steal kidneys in poorer countries where the police is easily bribed, it's because they can use them in countries rich enough to afford it.
When someone kidnaps pretty girls in eastern countries, it's because we don't have enough whores in Paris.
Here's the sad truth.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
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"Re(10):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 23:14post reply


we don't have enough whores in Paris.

Hence the invention of a first year at INALCO. It all makes sense to me now


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"Re(10):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 23:14:post reply

Yeah, France is expensive for tourists... and also for French people who can't be bothered going to cheaper places.
For example, having a mere drink at a cafe near the Seine can cost like 4-5 euros, which is just shameful. That's the price of a meal, or of 3 big soda bottles...

Anyway all i wanna say I'm living in this country and i know that crime is not common.

You should take in consideration the fact that organ thieves are probably much more likely to aim for foreigners rather than local people... So I don't doubt that you, your family, your pals etc didn't encounter that kind of problems, but that doesn't mean there's no threat for anyone...

[this message was edited by Stifu on Wed 17 Aug 23:19]

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"Re(2):Re(10):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Wed 17 Aug 23:24post reply

For example, having a mere drink at a cafe near the Seine can cost like 4-5 euros, which is just shameful. That's the price of a meal, or of 3 big soda bottles...

Which is why those place are targeting tourists, and not parisians who have no reason to be in such crappy spots in the first place. Unless they live on one of the two islands, which means they probably have enough money to purchase the whole Café. There are cheaper places about everywhere around.

HOWEVER, it was recently discovered that life wasn't cheap for a vegetarian. Damn vegetarians!


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"Re(2):Re(10):PENGUIN PIRAMIDE" , posted Thu 18 Aug 01:12post reply

Hence the invention of a first year at INALCO. It all makes sense to me now

This has been created to provide ME with my annual ration of whores.
I know it's hard to believe, especially for me, but I'm not the totality of France ; there are not-me french people who need prostitutes as well.
I mean, they even want to PAY for it ! And they don't even kill them after they used them !
I don't understand.

For example, having a mere drink at a cafe near the Seine can cost like 4-5 euros, which is just shameful. That's the price of a meal, or of 3 big soda bottles...

No real Parisian would ever go to a place like that. I mean, we LIVE here. We know places that are cheaper, more pleasant, and that serve far better meals.
The only reason these place continue to exist is because of the filthy tourist who feed them.

Also, there is no such thing as a French vegetarian.
We kill them before they are born.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

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"What do you know about Fransa?" , posted Thu 18 Aug 03:18post reply

Just kidding.

Anyway, for the curiosity of mine, how is arcades doing in Fransa? Or do they kill them before they born?


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"Re(1):What do you know about Fransa?" , posted Thu 18 Aug 03:34post reply

Arcades ? Another example where France is too expensive ! :p

There aren't many arcade places, and they often stuck... I rarely go to there at all...

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"Re(2):What do you know about Fransa?" , posted Thu 18 Aug 07:13:post reply

Arcades ? Another example where France is too expensive ! :p

There aren't many arcade places, and they often stuck... I rarely go to there at all...

Holy shit people, the second topic still has no replies. Are you trying to make this one "the most-replied-topic"?


Somebody tell me how to do clickable links, the URL button down there does not work.

[this message was edited by insan on Thu 18 Aug 07:21]