The daily weird - Forums

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"The daily weird" , posted Thu 14 Jul 06:47post reply

So there's this game that I'm looking forward to for PS2 called Flipnic (the vastly superior NA trailer), which promises to be a surreal pinball adventure with fun two-player minigames does that make any sense at all.

So when I go over to check out EB games online, I run across this:
CFJ new - 19.99
CFJ used - 26.99

I guess used copies of CFJ are rare so they get a markup oh ho.

It's not even 3pm over here right now.

I saw the premier of Jojo in the NA Jump. Wow, the image quality was garbage. Thankfully, Jotaro's name is STILL Jotaro. Jojo really sticks out among all the modern Jump stuff... I bet a lot of kids are going to see it and go WTH.

Someone then mentioned that not only is Jump SuperStars going to have Jojo representation in the form of Jotaro AND Dio (OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD), but also with Steel Ball Run (wtf?).


6858th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The daily weird" , posted Thu 14 Jul 07:53post reply

So there's this game that I'm looking forward to for PS2 called Flipnic (the vastly superior NA trailer), which promises to be a surreal pinball adventure with fun two-player minigames does that make any sense at all.

Japanese version of Flipnic >>>>>>>>>>>>(unsurmontable wall)>>>>>>>>>>>US version of Flipnic.

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

9th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):The daily weird" , posted Thu 14 Jul 08:09post reply

I was actually looking into this one. Care to explain why the Japanese version is superior?

6859th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The daily weird" , posted Thu 14 Jul 08:18post reply

I was actually looking into this one. Care to explain why the Japanese version is superior?

The japanese version has an extremely calm female voice to enhance the experience even if you don't use illegal substances.
The ambiance given by the american voice is..........different.

Also, the japanese version has been out for, what, 2 years now ? 3 ?

ねんがんの ネ申ゲーをてにいれたぞ!

1129th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):The daily weird" , posted Thu 14 Jul 09:39post reply

The japanese version has an extremely calm female voice to enhance the experience even if you don't use illegal substances.
The ambiance given by the american voice is..........different.

nobody told me this


Also, the japanese version has been out for, what, 2 years now ? 3 ?

I think it's two years now.

Burning Ranger
1243th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):The daily weird" , posted Thu 14 Jul 10:23post reply


So when I go over to check out EB games online, I run across this:
CFJ new - 19.99
CFJ used - 26.99

EB Games has really messed up prices to begin with. Example: often, for newer releases (or any releases), the difference between the new and used copies of a title is only about $2-3. So Metal Gear Solid 3, which can cost $39.99 new will cost something like $37.99 or $36.99. And their buyback prices are ass.

Salamande: I know your AV is based on a Real Bout game-- question is, which one?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

457th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):The daily weird" , posted Thu 14 Jul 16:16post reply


Someone then mentioned that not only is Jump SuperStars going to have Jojo representation in the form of Jotaro AND Dio (OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD), but also with Steel Ball Run (wtf?).

So Dio is confirmed already? Wow...

And this JoJo 7/SBR news is great as well !! I'm looking forward to beating the crap out of those Naruto and One Piece chars with the JoJo crew...yes, I know I sound like a silly fanboy but, who cares ?

99th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):The daily JoJo" , posted Fri 15 Jul 05:31post reply

I saw the premier of Jojo in the NA Jump.

This spurred me to send back the first response card I have ever sent back from a magazine. I answered all thier silly questions then in big black marker wrote: put out more JoJo. Worth the $0.37 stamp.

1133th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):The daily weird" , posted Fri 15 Jul 08:07post reply


Someone then mentioned that not only is Jump SuperStars going to have Jojo representation in the form of Jotaro AND Dio (OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD), but also with Steel Ball Run (wtf?).

So Dio is confirmed already? Wow...

And this JoJo 7/SBR news is great as well !! I'm looking forward to beating the crap out of those Naruto and One Piece chars with the JoJo crew...yes, I know I sound like a silly fanboy but, who cares ?

What was awesome in the Jump magazine preview pictures was that Dio did Road Roller Da! on some guy in one picture, another picture was Dio giving Naruto MUDAMUDA, and yet another one was ORAORA vs. MUDAMUDA (and was even labelled as such!). Even funnier, in the picture where you see the ORAORA vs. MUDAMUDA, at the lower part of the screen is Luffie doing his punch rush, and he just looks pathetic compared to them.

108th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):The daily weird" , posted Fri 15 Jul 08:29post reply

EB Games has really messed up prices to begin with. Example: often, for newer releases (or any releases), the difference between the new and used copies of a title is only about $2-3. So Metal Gear Solid 3, which can cost $39.99 new will cost something like $37.99 or $36.99.

EB online also has that nigh perpetual "15% off used games" code that you can enter, to make people think they are getting a great deal with used games. But it does bring down the cost of the more expensive used games.

EB isn't the only place to price used games nearly the same as new copies though.

And for the initial post where the new version was cheaper than the used, were new copies actually in stock? I know with Amazon and a few other sites, you'll get lured in with a cheap "New" price only to see that the new copies are back ordered, out of stock, or even out of print. But keeping the price listed gets them hits on price check websearches like froogle.

174th Post

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"Re(2):The daily weird" , posted Fri 15 Jul 09:21post reply


Salamande: I know your AV is based on a Real Bout game-- question is, which one?

If you allow anyone else to answer, its actually from

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The first Real Bout - Duck King's Ending

End of Spoiler


1134th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):The daily weird" , posted Fri 15 Jul 11:16post reply

EB Games has really messed up prices to begin with. Example: often, for newer releases (or any releases), the difference between the new and used copies of a title is only about $2-3. So Metal Gear Solid 3, which can cost $39.99 new will cost something like $37.99 or $36.99.

EB online also has that nigh perpetual "15% off used games" code that you can enter, to make people think they are getting a great deal with used games. But it does bring down the cost of the more expensive used games.

EB isn't the only place to price used games nearly the same as new copies though.

And for the initial post where the new version was cheaper than the used, were new copies actually in stock? I know with Amazon and a few other sites, you'll get lured in with a cheap "New" price only to see that the new copies are back ordered, out of stock, or even out of print. But keeping the price listed gets them hits on price check websearches like froogle.

EB online mysteriously no longer has new PS2 copies of CFJ, only used PS2 or new Xbox copies.

458th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):The daily weird" , posted Fri 15 Jul 15:27post reply


What was awesome in the Jump magazine preview pictures was that Dio did Road Roller Da! on some guy in one picture, another picture was Dio giving Naruto MUDAMUDA, and yet another one was ORAORA vs. MUDAMUDA (and was even labelled as such!). Even funnier, in the picture where you see the ORAORA vs. MUDAMUDA, at the lower part of the screen is Luffie doing his punch rush, and he just looks pathetic compared to them.

Yay!! I recently got the Jump preview pages you mention, and Gyro was there as a playable chaacter as well!!! And there also were Polnareff, Avdol and Joseph as assistant characters!! Now this game sure looks as a must buy to me...

And I agree with you about those One Piece comparison pics, Luffy looks simply pathetic (as always). As someone said in 4chan : "The power of WRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! will own Luffy, Naruto and all this crappy chars"...

1135th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):The daily weird" , posted Sat 16 Jul 15:32post reply

In no relation to anything posted earlier, today I saw that a game is going to be published named, "Erobomb!".