Marvel vs EA - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Marvel vs EA" , posted Thu 14 Jul 21:31post reply

New stuff over at IGN. It's looking like it's going to be a not bad Powerstone style game and it seems the story mode is going to be fairly elaborate.


7th Post

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"Re(1):Marvel vs EA" , posted Thu 14 Jul 21:58post reply

Yeah this game looks really awesome. Makes me want to boot up both the Powerstones again. Make sure to watch the videos, The one where Spider-Man winning is awesome just because of what he says. "Know what I call that? A Web-Slinging Ass-Kicking!" That's Priceless!

Moving Every Zig for GREAT JUSTICE!

810th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Marvel vs EA" , posted Thu 14 Jul 22:59post reply

If EA was smart they'd make Marvel VS DC cuz as far as I'm concerned this game = Marvel VS Marvel. Thx for the link.

143th Post

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"Re(1):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 06:06post reply

No it doesn't.


2850th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 06:56post reply

I saw this game at EA's press had really simple combos, operating mostly like a smash brothers game. It's also only two player max, and does not (to my knowledge) have multi-tiered environments. They also mentioned that the game is not balanced - certain characters are just plain stronger than others. I fighting game is balanced, but to not even try...

1136th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 07:04post reply

As much as I do not want to defend EA, I really don't like how people keep referring to this as Marvel v.s EA. It is a Marvel game with made-up characters, nothing more. Would I prefer more true Marvel guys versus these wack new guys? Of course. But what is there *really* to complain about other than the game not being good in the gameplay department?

No one bitched this much over Abyss in Marvel v.s Capcom 2.

2852th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 07:06post reply

I really don't like how people keep referring to this as Marvel v.s EA.

.....but that's what they announced it as.

shin ramberk
147th Post

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"Re(5):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 07:24post reply

I really don't like how people keep referring to this as Marvel v.s EA.

.....but that's what they announced it as.

Yeah, no kidding. They might have well just have made a Marvel Universe fighting game / powerstone game. No one cares about these EA characters. They are not even EA characters because they were made for this game. Stupid idea. EA thought the game would be 'better' or would sell more copies if it were inherently a 'company a' versus 'company b' game. But the thing that EA didn't take into account is that in the Japanese versus games, we actually care for the different rosters in each company. No one gives a damn for some made up EA roster.


Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

109th Post

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"Re(6):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 08:33post reply

EA thought the game would be 'better' or would sell more copies if it were inherently a 'company a' versus 'company b' game.

Isn't part of the deal that Marvel gets to publish books based on the newly designed EA characters? Not that comics based on video games do well, and comics based on characters made for a comics/videogame will probably do worse.

2853th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 08:43post reply


Isn't part of the deal that Marvel gets to publish books based on the newly designed EA characters?

yeah, cross-promotion thingie

1657th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 09:04post reply


Isn't part of the deal that Marvel gets to publish books based on the newly designed EA characters? Not that comics based on video games do well, and comics based on characters made for a comics/videogame will probably do worse.

But... but... FAULT ZONE!

/ / /

1391th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 11:19post reply

I saw this game at EA's press had really simple combos, operating mostly like a smash brothers game. It's also only two player max, and does not (to my knowledge) have multi-tiered environments. They also mentioned that the game is not balanced - certain characters are just plain stronger than others. I fighting game is balanced, but to not even try...

You didn't try it at E3? It was playable and it's everything you say it is, and worse. It was pretty much garbage like Batman Begins.

If people want a decent Powerstone clone, go for One Piece Grand Battle. - My own personal waste of time.

Undead Fred
2449th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 12:41post reply

You didn't try it at E3? It was playable and it's everything you say it is, and worse. It was pretty much garbage like Batman Begins.

And no one anywhere should be surprised at all. Heh heh.

163th Post

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"Re(5):Marvel vs EA" , posted Fri 15 Jul 14:48post reply

it's strange how jae lee is such an awesome artist but such a shitty character designer.
