Great, now it's Hillary Clinton - Forums

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sat 16 Jul 07:26post reply

Here we go again


812th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sat 16 Jul 14:01post reply

Here we go again

I knew she was lesbian.

2097th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sun 17 Jul 04:12post reply

Considering GTA is the 800 pound gorilla of gaming at the moment it's not surprising that they are being targeted for easy political stumping. But, geez, I know Rockstar's gameplan is to step in it whenever possible but didn't anybody think that leaving the Hot Coffee code in the game was a bad idea?

1190th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sun 17 Jul 09:20post reply

"No wonder these games are falling into the hands of our children and no wonder so many parents feel everyday like they are fighting this battle with their hands tied behind their backs," Clinton said. "We need to do better. We need to do everything we can to make sure that parents have a line of defense against violent and graphic video games and other content that go against the values they are trying to instill in their children."

Hey Hillary, News flash:
It doesn't take a goddamn village to raise a child, it just takes a parent that actually bothers to be aware of and control what comes in and out of their household. ****ing Hippie!

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

484th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sun 17 Jul 12:17post reply

This is all a political move. Although i personally don't really even care for GTA I think this a political move for Hilary to appeal to the mainstream for her future presidency. Although I am all for a woman president, this is kinda gay.

Another thing this will do is make Japanese sell even less adult content here in the states and censor the hell out of everything like the guncons back in the columbine days or night trap thanks to lieberman. This is dumb. If you really want to shelter children from adult content, HAVE LESS CHILDREN.

Its called birth control. I feel birth control should be mandatory like China. Lets figure out this food/air thing first ok? I think we can all agree republican or democrats alike that we need less of each other. We can all agree we need less crackers shitting out more generations of trailer-trash to financially cripple our entire social security system and further deplete our national resources.

Most people in the u.s.don't even recycle and we use something like 50% of the worlds national resources for like 20% of the population.

"No wonder these games are falling into the hands of our children and no wonder so many parents feel everyday like they are fighting this battle with their hands tied behind their backs," Clinton said. "We need to do better. We need to do everything we can to make sure that parents have a line of defense against violent and graphic video games and other content that go against the values they are trying to instill in their children."

Hey Hillary, News flash:
It doesn't take a goddamn village to raise a child, it just takes a parent that actually bothers to be aware of and control what comes in and out of their household. ****ing Hippie!

I would rather be a peace-loving hippie thats close to mother Earth than a materialistic hating polluting scumbag.(like yourself perhaps? Hopefully not....) Also I guess it doesn't count if the village has so many polluted minds in it that it will further fuck up the child.

just my 2 cents.=)

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

691th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sun 17 Jul 12:37post reply

... didn't anybody think that leaving the Hot Coffee code in the game was a bad idea?

Yes, Rockstar was very stupid.

Clinton is ... hmmm ... not stupid but she doesn't remember what it was like to be a kid during those days... I don't really know if kids today are different, or imitating what they see in videogames really...

All I know is I played Wolf 3D and Doom and stuff like that (Crusader: No Remorse, anyone? The soldiers exploded into pieces of meat when you killed them!) when I was 12, played the Leisure Suit Larry series around that age too, and I consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer but not mentally damaged in any way. I don't consider myself overly violent in anyway (not that I've never been violent before)... never shot a gun or wanted to own one (I think they should be banned in the US).

Side note: I remember you had to answer questions about the 80s in order to play LSL 2, I think. You wouldn't be let in the game until after passing the quiz. It was really funny, I just kept going by trial and error until I got it right. =)

Do you think that games these days are so realistic that kids won't be able to tell the difference between reality and a game? I guess I'm an adult now, and I can obviously see that difference... but I'm not sure what kids are like these days... what kind of evidence do you see?

In Japan, I see schoolgirls playing mostly music games, kids playing shooters and stuff, they look normal to me... =P as normal as Japanese society shapes them to be, anyway.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

1784th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sun 17 Jul 19:39post reply

This is all a political move. Although i personally don't really even care for GTA I think this a political move for Hilary to appeal to the mainstream for her future presidency. Although I am all for a woman president, this is kinda gay.

Yeah, that's likely the case. Trying to show that she's a mother too and not just the snubbed wife of an ex-president. Unfortunately, having the workload of a lawyer and politician, I have to wonder how many hours a month she actually spent with her kids growing up and how many she delegated to nannies and whatnot. A lot of politicians seem to try to raise their kids through legislation instead of parenting.

1141th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sun 17 Jul 20:01post reply

GTA is the juicy target of the moment.

Before, it was famously Doom, and before that it was Mortal Kombat (which is kinda laughable today).

I do agree that representations of violence are reaching a level of graphic and interactive sophistication that reaches above the abstractness that was once present in games due to technological weakness; you don't need to use your imagination anymore to be able to see and have a gut reaction to some of the graphic imagery that's on display in some games these days.

It'll blow over like it always does.

506th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Sun 17 Jul 20:54post reply

Side note: I remember you had to answer questions about the 80s in order to play LSL 2, I think. You wouldn't be let in the game until after passing the quiz. It was really funny, I just kept going by trial and error until I got it right. =)
That was in LSL1. In LSL2 you had to look in the manual that came with the game for the phone number of the girl (girls?) displayed on-screen.


1191th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Mon 18 Jul 05:35post reply


I would rather be a peace-loving hippie thats close to mother Earth than a materialistic hating polluting scumbag.(like yourself perhaps? Hopefully not....) Also I guess it doesn't count if the village has so many polluted minds in it that it will further fuck up the child.

just my 2 cents.=) reply to stuff like:

"We must think of the childrens sake, they are our future after all"

I usually say "**** the children, we got too many problems for this generation to handle that the last couple of generations left us."

If that makes be a hateful bastard, oh well..I just believe that the government should not have a hand in anything that not only can be but should only be handled by parents. Its 'hipple liberal extremists' and 'old fashioned family value' conservatives that can't focus on essentials. The argument that violence and sex in the media is something of national concern and should have government regulations is OLD, goes back at least to the early days of action comic books. Oh but the amount of humbug that goes unchecked in the US Government isn't of great or greater concern? What an assbackwards society we have. Its clear that Bubba's wife is just playing the safe political card game for something big in the future, probably a seat in the Oval Office.

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

43th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Mon 18 Jul 10:31post reply

... didn't anybody think that leaving the Hot Coffee code in the game was a bad idea?

Yes, Rockstar was very stupid.
The game is less likely to "break" if they disable/hide something rather than delete it.

1786th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Mon 18 Jul 11:23post reply

The game is less likely to "break" if they disable/hide something rather than delete it.

That is a total myth. There is no difference between disabling something and deleting it except disabling leaves the code behind to waste space it's not using.

2955th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Mon 18 Jul 21:42:post reply

Quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if this was left in specifically to create some extra buzz for the non PS2 releases. Leaving something like this in the game takes knowledge of many people since this isn't the days where one programmer writes the code, sneaks in his name and then the product ships. I can't really feel that sorry for Rockstar since they know the kind of climate we live in and obviously someone did it intentionally. Plus they make tons of money; if anyone suffers it's going to be smaller developers.

I do agree that this kind of legislation is bullshit. It's just a safe move that politicians pull in order to appeal to parents that don't really buy these games for their kids anyway. They live in the fear that somehow Johnny will go over his friend’s house and start down the path of drugs and whores by booting up the Xbox. No one is going to defend video games since it's not like people under the age of 25 vote.

However I totally doubt that anything will come of this. I remember back when Tipper Gore was crying about Night Trap and Mortal Kombat and now we're killing prostitutes to get our money back after having sex with them or blowing off specific parts of the enemy's body.

[this message was edited by Radish on Mon 18 Jul 21:48]

694th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Great, now it's Hillary Clinton" , posted Mon 18 Jul 21:46post reply

quote: we're killing prostitutes to get our money back after having sex with them or blowing off specific parts of the enemy's body.


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