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Pollyanna 1241th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):jump" , posted Mon 18 Jul 15:55
Ganbarion does One Piece games, not Naruto. Based on their track record, I have no reason to believe that Jump Superstars will be anything more than a temporarily fun, thoroughly mediocre game. The sprites look great, and I'm excited about many of the characters, but that's it. The more I see flashy comboes, the more I worry, as, based on the system, they'll just be button-jamming ones. I have no reason to think that the game will be as technical as Smash Bros, but I hope it's not totally mindless, either.
I'm worried...because I'm willing to buy a DS for the game, but I want to wait on reviews. The problem is, I doubt I can get a decent review on it, because people will either be positively biased by the cool idea, negatively biased because their favorite series/character is missing, or just won't get it. I'd like a Jump fan such as myself to scrutinize it as a game.
Tai-Pan 35th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(3):jump" , posted Tue 19 Jul 04:30
quote: Ganbarion does One Piece games, not Naruto. Based on their track record, I have no reason to believe that Jump Superstars will be anything more than a temporarily fun, thoroughly mediocre game. The sprites look great, and I'm excited about many of the characters, but that's it. The more I see flashy comboes, the more I worry, as, based on the system, they'll just be button-jamming ones. I have no reason to think that the game will be as technical as Smash Bros, but I hope it's not totally mindless, either.
I'm worried...because I'm willing to buy a DS for the game, but I want to wait on reviews. The problem is, I doubt I can get a decent review on it, because people will either be positively biased by the cool idea, negatively biased because their favorite series/character is missing, or just won't get it. I'd like a Jump fan such as myself to scrutinize it as a game.
Remember the time when there was no Internet (no information) and we all used to buy any game without knowing anything about it? We used to buy crap and we learned to adore it, or at least we werent as biased as now, ahh..it was easier, we spent more time playing and not talking about the games. Polly, if you think you will like it, and if you have money to spend, just buy it, you will probably like it ;)
Pollyanna 1243th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):jump" , posted Tue 19 Jul 06:26
quote: Remember the time when there was no Internet (no information) and we all used to buy any game without knowing anything about it? We used to buy crap and we learned to adore it, or at least we werent as biased as now, ahh..it was easier, we spent more time playing and not talking about the games. Polly, if you think you will like it, and if you have money to spend, just buy it, you will probably like it ;)
I appreciate your romanticism, but I don't think things have changed that much. As you said (or implied) we talk/read too much now, but that doesn't really change anything. As much as I talk to people about games or read reviews, they're all either ridiculously biased or totally wrong. I can't trust any gaming magazine/online publication and 99 times out of 100, I can't trust Gamefaqs. So I'm in the same situation I was in when I was a kid where I look at the pictures, find out what the game is about, and take a leap of faith.
I have taken too many leaps of faith into painful scorpion pits and the market is far too crowded for me to make myself like a game when I can spend time with a different game I may like.
I will never run out of things to buy, so why not spend my money on a different game, or a few new CDs, or a pretty dress, or a slave, or recording equipment or whatever?
Note: Oh, I realize I got in trouble for saying "biased" before, as all reviews are biased, but the reviews on Gamefaqs that give games 1s or 10s based on the polar extremes of "like" and "dislike" are "ridiculously biased. As are "professional" reviews by people who simply don't understand what they're playing.
Tai-Pan 37th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(5):jump" , posted Tue 19 Jul 12:35:
quote: Remember the time when there was no Internet (no information) and we all used to buy any game without knowing anything about it? We used to buy crap and we learned to adore it, or at least we werent as biased as now, ahh..it was easier, we spent more time playing and not talking about the games. Polly, if you think you will like it, and if you have money to spend, just buy it, you will probably like it ;)
I appreciate your romanticism, but I don't think things have changed that much. As you said (or implied) we talk/read too much now, but that doesn't really change anything. As much as I talk to people about games or read reviews, they're all either ridiculously biased or totally wrong. I can't trust any gaming magazine/online publication and 99 times out of 100, I can't trust Gamefaqs. So I'm in the same situation I was in when I was a kid where I look at the pictures, find out what the game is about, and take a leap of faith.
I have taken too many leaps of faith into painful scorpion pits and the market is far too crowded for me to make myself like a game when I can spend time with a different game I may like.
I will never run out of things to buy, so why not spend my money on a different game, or a few new CDs, or a pretty dress, or a slave, or recording equipment or whatever?
Note: Oh, I realize I got in trouble for saying "biased" before, as all reviews are biased, but the reviews on Gamefaqs that give games 1s or 10s based on the polar extremes of "like" and "dislike" are "ridiculously biased. As are "professional" reviews by people who simply don't understand what they're playing.
Youve got a good point there; yea, so im gonna stick to my opinion that we talk too much now instead of playing,,,well,, i think i just got romantic and was speaking like an old person about my good old times of video games..sigh
[this message was edited by Tai-Pan on Tue 19 Jul 12:41] |