OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SDCC!!! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Dr Baghead
3486th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SDCC!!!" , posted Mon 18 Jul 10:40post reply

So I just got home from ComicCon and I just wanted to show off the coolest thing I own...


I got Steve Silver (character design of Clerks the Animated Series and Kim Possible) to draw Jessi (the lead character from my in-progress-for-years-but-finally-coming-late-next-month-web-comic) for me!! (for a price... but hey, where's YOUR drawing of Jessi drawn by Steve Silver, yeah, so I still win even if I'm poor)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)


6742th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SD" , posted Mon 18 Jul 10:41post reply

Wow, thanks for sharing! ^_^

1881th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SD" , posted Mon 18 Jul 11:18post reply

Very nice!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

1152th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SD" , posted Mon 18 Jul 16:35post reply

So I just got home from ComicCon and I just wanted to show off the coolest thing I own...


I got Steve Silver (character design of Clerks the Animated Series and Kim Possible) to draw Jessi (the lead character from my in-progress-for-years-but-finally-coming-late-next-month-web-comic) for me!! (for a price... but hey, where's YOUR drawing of Jessi drawn by Steve Silver, yeah, so I still win even if I'm poor)

I'm worried that I will forever read your work and finding that it fails to meet the level of expectation and goodness set forth by that image.

1394th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SD" , posted Mon 18 Jul 20:24post reply

That image is truly amazing. Hopefully, it'll provide some worthwhile incentive to finally get your long delayed comic into high gear.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

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New Customer

"Re(2):OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SD" , posted Tue 19 Jul 02:25post reply

I got Arnold Tsang from Udon to draw one of my characters... That was pretty cool... would've gotten Silver to do it, but I didn't have a sample pic with me so I settled for Kim Possible instead. He has a kick ass art book.

Dr Baghead
3489th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SD" , posted Tue 19 Jul 05:32:post reply

I'm worried that I will forever read your work and finding that it fails to meet the level of expectation and goodness set forth by that image.

Ha, welcome to my world, buddy... you may just *worry* that, but I *know* I'll never meet that level...

That image is truly amazing. Hopefully, it'll provide some worthwhile incentive to finally get your long delayed comic into high gear.

It has (well it and the fact when Silver reviewed my portfolio he didn't hate it, so not being told "this is garbage" has really helped me feel ready to start my web-comic)... in fact, just to prove I'm actually working on it now look at these extra special sample pages!!


things to keep in mind:
-This is a very rough 'sample comic'... it'll be inked, have sound effects, rewritten dialog (it's chalk full of typos right now), and tightened visuals (this was literally drawn in a day)... and maybe I'll redraw Jessi in her 'punk rock school girl-esque' outfit Silver drew her in/she actually wears in the real comic instead of the 'school approprate MOTW-Terry-based' one I went with for the assingment.

-the Luchador's name is "El Hijo Del Toro De Oro Jr." I realized I never mentioned his name in the comic... his name came about because I don't know what the son of a 'El Hijo de ____" or a "____ Jr" would call themselves... so if his name bugs anyone consider it the "Stupid white guy's way of saying 'Son of the Son of the Golden Bull'"

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Tue 19 Jul 05:42]

3410th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):OT: I got the coolest thing EVER at SD" , posted Tue 19 Jul 10:56post reply


-the Luchador's name is "El Hijo Del Toro De Oro Jr." I realized I never mentioned his name in the comic... his name came about because I don't know what the son of a 'El Hijo de ____" or a "____ Jr" would call themselves... so if his name bugs anyone consider it the "Stupid white guy's way of saying 'Son of the Son of the Golden Bull'"

Looks good so far, but I couldn't read it due to the font being so small. Anyway, "Son of the son of the golden bull" should be "El Hijo del Toro Dorado Jr." (or you could use "El Nieto del Toro Dorado" which means "The Grandson of the Golden Bull", but it's not as catchy and I haven't seen it used before).

6748th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Toronjas bien doraditas" , posted Tue 19 Jul 11:38post reply

You got me quite interested with those samples, I like the flow of the action, it doesn't feels forced. Just that you should get a more comic book looking font, if you ask me... maybe in Blambot? Just a suggestion. But maybe you're aiming for a pulp book look?

Dr Baghead
3489th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Toronjas bien doraditas" , posted Wed 20 Jul 06:36post reply

"Son of the son of the golden bull" should be "El Hijo del Toro Dorado Jr." (or you could use "El Nieto del Toro Dorado" which means "The Grandson of the Golden Bull", but it's not as catchy and I haven't seen it used before).

I assumed it was "Toro Dorado", but when I put "Gold" into my pocket translator it said 'Oro' was the word, I went with that since I liked the rhyme scheme... I'll change it to "Toro Dorado" though since I'd rather his name be correct then rhyme.

(random luchalibre question: Do you know the name of AAA wrestler who's costume is a Halloween Devil mask, red body paint, a red speedo with eyes on the butt, and really cool hooved boots? He's been on teams with La Parka and 'Chucky' if that helps, but everytime I see him fight they only intruce his teammates or I miss his intro because I've never heard his name... His costume is so insanely laughable I had to base a monster in my comic around him and I'd like to know the name of the wrestler I'm parodying)

You got me quite interested with those samples, I like the flow of the action, it doesn't feels forced. Just that you should get a more comic book looking font, if you ask me... maybe in Blambot? Just a suggestion. But maybe you're aiming for a pulp book look?

The final will have a more comicy font. the text shown was laided in just so I'd have a script to show at ComicCon, I used TimesNewRoman only because it's easiest to read if not insanely boring.

And it is supposed to vaguely pulpish, but that's no excuse to use ugly more-suited-to-book-report fonts

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

3413th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Perhaps..." , posted Wed 20 Jul 09:00:post reply


random luchalibre question: Do you know the name of AAA wrestler who's costume is a Halloween Devil mask, red body paint, a red speedo with eyes on the butt, and really cool hooved boots? He's been on teams with La Parka and 'Chucky' if that helps, but everytime I see him fight they only intruce his teammates or I miss his intro because I've never heard his name... His costume is so insanely laughable I had to base a monster in my comic around him and I'd like to know the name of the wrestler I'm parodying

I don't watch AAA, but I know the "characters". The one you're describing sounds like Gronda. He's a big muscular guy with a speedo and is painted red, has a devil mask and is always growling.
He recently moved to the CMLL (which I'm starting to dislike due to having luchadores from the AAA transfered into their ranks and touting them as the biggest thing since sex, ignoring the fact that the CMLL has big talented no-big name guys...), and due to copyright crap, he's now called "Grond Triple X", and now he wears a copper color Batman cowl instead of the devil mask, has "fangs" and his color is more brownish/copperish than red. AAA found a replacement for him, another big muscle guy with the same make up, name and mask as Gronda. And the Parka you see in AAA is not the real Parka, the original is in the CMLL under the name of L.A. Park (He was robbed of his name and costume by Antonio Peņa, the Vince McMahon of the AAA, and La Parka couldn't keep the name and the costume, but still wears an skelleton pattern outfit). AAA is basically a gimmick show, every "original" luchador you see there is copyrighted by the AAA, not by the luchador himself, that way you can always have a La Parka or a Gronda without necessarily having the same luchador under the outfit. Plus, they have created the most blattant rip offs like Leatherface (He's dressed exactly like the character of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, has a leather face and a fake chainsaw), Jason, chucky etc. And when they have a character not based on anything already existing, they have the most retarded costumes ever, with an overabundance of spikes, like 80 different colors, makeup under the costume and stupid gimmicks. They also have the "exotic luchadores" which basically are luchadores pretending to be gay fighting and screaming like little girls. They also fight on a ring with 6 sides and, and, and... my god, I'm on the edge of a mental breakdown, I can't go on...
The saddest thing is that AAA is very popular among kids and young people, and now I want to cry...


[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Wed 20 Jul 09:03]

Dr Baghead
3490th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Perhaps..." , posted Thu 21 Jul 13:34post reply

I don't watch AAA, but I know the "characters". The one you're describing sounds like Gronda. He's a big muscular guy with a speedo and is painted red, has a devil mask and is always growling.
He recently moved to the CMLL (which I'm starting to dislike due to having luchadores from the AAA transfered into their ranks and touting them as the biggest thing since sex, ignoring the fact that the CMLL has big talented no-big name guys...), and due to copyright crap, he's now called "Grond Triple X", and now he wears a copper color Batman cowl instead of the devil mask, has "fangs" and his color is more brownish/copperish than red. AAA found a replacement for him, another big muscle guy with the same make up, name and mask as Gronda. And the Parka you see in AAA is not the real Parka, the original is in the CMLL under the name of L.A. Park (He was robbed of his name and costume by Antonio Peņa, the Vince McMahon of the AAA, and La Parka couldn't keep the name and the costume, but still wears an skelleton pattern outfit). AAA is basically a gimmick show, every "original" luchador you see there is copyrighted by the AAA, not by the luchador himself, that way you can always have a La Parka or a Gronda without necessarily having the same luchador under the outfit. Plus, they have created the most blattant rip offs like Leatherface (He's dressed exactly like the character of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, has a leather face and a fake chainsaw), Jason, chucky etc. And when they have a character not based on anything already existing, they have the most retarded costumes ever, with an overabundance of spikes, like 80 different colors, makeup under the costume and stupid gimmicks. They also have the "exotic luchadores" which basically are luchadores pretending to be gay fighting and screaming like little girls. They also fight on a ring with 6 sides and, and, and... my god, I'm on the edge of a mental breakdown, I can't go on...
The saddest thing is that AAA is very popular among kids and young people, and now I want to cry...


That's him alright... although the picture shows him in a different outfit then the super creepy own I've seen him fight in.

Sorry to make you have to think about AAA... I promise I'll try and accidentally watch CMLL from now on when flipping through the channels.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1399th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Perhaps..." , posted Fri 22 Jul 02:51post reply

You drew all that in a day? Jesus. I don't think I could have drawn that much in a week. The samples are a little small, but I'd say you're off to a great start... finally. :p

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.