Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbox 360 - Forums

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88th Post

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"Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbox 360" , posted Tue 26 Jul 07:31post reply

Begin polygonal boob jokes now

Konami also announced two other sports series, Winning Eleven and a baseball one. For Japan only right now, but good chance of Winning Eleven and Rumble Roses for a US release.

On a sidenote, I never did play the original RR - was there at least a half-decent wrestling game in there? I felt too awkward to purchase or rent it...


6763th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Tue 26 Jul 07:45:post reply

On a sidenote, I never did play the original RR - was there at least a half-decent wrestling game in there?

Yes, there was. But get the Japanese version if you can, the US game makes my ears bleed with its voice acting.

Also, and terribly more important, there's a SRW on the list. That'll probably suck like the Dreamcast and Gamecube SRWs, since only the Playstations get decent non portable SRW games.

[this message was edited by Rid on Tue 26 Jul 09:03]

1402th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Tue 26 Jul 11:30post reply

The most important game on the list is Oneechanbara X. - My own personal waste of time.

12th Post

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"Re(1):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Tue 26 Jul 11:49:post reply


On a sidenote, I never did play the original RR - was there at least a half-decent wrestling game in there? I felt too awkward to purchase or rent it...

yeah as said before play the japanese version if you can. Its a fun wrestling game. Its basically smackdown with girls. There are some flaws with the game (too few arenas, too few modes, no create a character) but its still fun. If you can find it at a circuit city its only 10 dollars right now and its worth the money.

my god, I mean the game looks good for Ps2, I wonder how good they are going to make it look for 360. And we need more ULTRA cheesy theme songs like B.E.C.K.Y.

Also, Namco announced "Love Football" for Xbox 360 all I'm waiting for is Square Enix to announce Super Galdelic Hour 2 for the Xbox 360

[this message was edited by Nickey on Tue 26 Jul 12:00]

33th Post

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"Re(1):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Tue 26 Jul 12:14post reply


that is all.

1794th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Tue 26 Jul 13:33:post reply


Wow, art style change. No comment.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 26 Jul 13:34]

2966th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Tue 26 Jul 20:26post reply

On a sidenote, I never did play the original RR - was there at least a half-decent wrestling game in there? I felt too awkward to purchase or rent it...

I got it for $10 at Circuit City. I played it with some friends and the gimmick of "LOL BOOBS" wore thin after 2 fights and after that it was a pretty generic fighting game. Also the first few times through story mode are funny but the insane plots get tired quickly and I haven't played it much after that. I think I got $10 of entertainment out it, but I'd be pissed if I paid anything more.

2116th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Tue 26 Jul 22:32post reply

I got it for $10 at Circuit City. I played it with some friends and the gimmick of "LOL BOOBS" wore thin after 2 fights and after that it was a pretty generic fighting game. Also the first few times through story mode are funny but the insane plots get tired quickly and I haven't played it much after that. I think I got $10 of entertainment out it, but I'd be pissed if I paid anything more.

That's sort of the problem with RR; at the end of the day it's still just a wrestling game. I don't claim to be an expert on wrestling or wrestling games but their flaw always struck me as being that all the characters are a variation on the same theme. When playing the game I felt like I my choices were limited to a fast wrestler, a wrestler with slightly different grapples... it was like playing a SF where Ryu and Ken were the only characters. If the producers could create a greater variety in the moves list it might make the game stand out more but would it still be a proper wrestling game then?

That, or they need individualized and/or controllable stretching and rolling around on the beach sequences in the gallery.

13th Post

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"Re(3):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Wed 27 Jul 00:08:post reply

I got it for $10 at Circuit City. I played it with some friends and the gimmick of "LOL BOOBS" wore thin after 2 fights and after that it was a pretty generic fighting game. Also the first few times through story mode are funny but the insane plots get tired quickly and I haven't played it much after that. I think I got $10 of entertainment out it, but I'd be pissed if I paid anything more.

That's sort of the problem with RR; at the end of the day it's still just a wrestling game. I don't claim to be an expert on wrestling or wrestling games but their flaw always struck me as being that all the characters are a variation on the same theme. When playing the game I felt like I my choices were limited to a fast wrestler, a wrestler with slightly different grapples... it was like playing a SF where Ryu and Ken were the only characters. If the producers could create a greater variety in the moves list it might make the game stand out more but would it still be a proper wrestling game then?

That, or they need individualized and/or controllable stretching and rolling around on the beach sequences in the gallery.

Yeah I agree, the big thing is the game has potential, but they just need to use it. The game esentially has 3 characters, Power girl (hits hard), Pin girl (has alot of throws that end in a pin) or Submission girl (Girl with lots of subbmission moves). I think if Yukes actually developed more for this game instead of just using the Smackdown engine and pasting boobies over the men It would have been a better game. Also the mud isn't really sexy its just kinda messed up cause it looks like they are wrestling in uhhh yeah....

Also with the US version, I have a funny feeling it wasn't finished and rushed out. The Japanese version has more moves or each character and gets rid of alot of the shared moves between characters. Also in the story the text in the US gets misaligned alot.

Although I wish they would take The Catfights awesome weapon system of 3 weapons, Chair, Nailbat and Machine gun.

[this message was edited by Nickey on Wed 27 Jul 00:13]

2967th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Wed 27 Jul 03:31post reply

Also the mud isn't really sexy its just kinda messed up cause it looks like they are wrestling in uhhh yeah....

Tee hee hee.

Also I just wanted to say I remembered reading some interviews of the main guy behind this game and he sounds pretty much how you'd expect. That being like a horny guy who writes pornographic fanfiction.

6766th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Wed 27 Jul 03:50post reply

Also I just wanted to say I remembered reading some interviews of the main guy behind this game and he sounds pretty much how you'd expect. That being like a horny guy who writes pornographic fanfiction.

Yeah, I've talked with the main character designer, and he likes his girls a lot. He said he wanted to make the game more popular than Tekken and DOA. Which is good, creators actually liking what they do, and don't doing it for commercial purposes. Or just talking nonsense like Itagaki.

Plus it was a really cool guy *hugs autographed artbook*

And Rowdy Reiko ROXS...

13th Post

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"Re(6):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Wed 27 Jul 04:46post reply

Oh yeah for those who own the game, for some added fun, after you select characters and arena before you play to start the match hold down L1+L2+R1+R2 to switch the characters intro. This makes some intros either down right hilarious (lady-X switched with Becky) or makes you feel down right dirty (Aigle switched with Show Biz).

And Killer Khan could humiliate Rowdy Reiko any day.

6768th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Wed 27 Jul 19:10post reply

Mail from the RR main character designer:
RumbleRoses XX on Xbox360 is true,and surprise
,because i have no news from Konami...(^-^;)

Maybe,it project is still stated soon,and have little plan yet.
and,it will be transplant version from RR/PS2
so my works will be few need in this time.
but,it will get tag battle mode, and graphic will be more beautifull.

1405th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Rumble Roses XX + 2 more sports for Xbo" , posted Wed 27 Jul 20:23post reply

Also I just wanted to say I remembered reading some interviews of the main guy behind this game and he sounds pretty much how you'd expect. That being like a horny guy who writes pornographic fanfiction.

This description fits ever male Japanese videogame designer, and I'm sure fits the vast majority of those from other countries as well.

On topic, I only rented RR and felt like it was something restrained by the PS2, so seeing on a better system should really show off it's potential in tag and modes and such. - My own personal waste of time.

92th Post

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"More System Details" , posted Thu 28 Jul 08:36:post reply

Tag Team Action, more stages, and something better than mud wrestling?

I've heard some of the english clips, and yea, maybe I'll get lucky and find the import at play-asia for dirt cheap sometime.

But now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever played a wrestling game before - always preferred the more traditional fighting game, but for those who play them, would you put them in the same category as say, Tekken, SF, etc? I mean, it seems to me that yes, it's a fighting game, but the feel of it is significantly different?

Or maybe I should just shut up and find it at Circuit City...

[this message was edited by kurushimi on Thu 28 Jul 12:17]

140th Post

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"Re(1):More System Details" , posted Thu 28 Jul 11:32post reply

The cheaper Best rerelease is out in a month

1261th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):More System Details" , posted Thu 28 Jul 12:23post reply


But now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever played a wrestling game before - always preferred the more traditional fighting game, but for those who play them, would you put them in the same category as say, Tekken, SF, etc? I mean, it seems to me that yes, it's a fighting game, but the feel of it is significantly different?

Or maybe I should just shut up and find it at Circuit City...

Wrestling games are nothing like fighting games. They're -very- simplistic. As far as I can tell, they're more about visuals. If you're into wrestling, or you think the characters are sexy, then Rumble Roses is for you, because the motion capture is excellent and you have a wide variety of moves. However, unlike a fighting game, those moves all basically amount to the same thing. You'll do just as well doing the same attack over and over as you would doing a wide variety of attacks, especially as you target certain body parts in Rumble Roses.

Since I'm not much of a wrestling fan and I think most of the characters in Rumble Roses are quite unlikable (excluding the Cutey Honey parody, of couse), it didn't do much for me. But even still, from a wrestling game perspective, I think it has a lot of appeal in terms of move variety, graphics and motion capture. I found it quite fun for a few days, but it's all style and no substance. If you want a fighting game, though, you should stay far away.

Of course, if it's something you find really sexy, then I can't relate at all and it may be something you really want to pick up.

2119th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):More System Details" , posted Thu 28 Jul 22:01post reply

Tag Team Action, more stages, and something better than mud wrestling?

"Users will be able to customize [their characters] beyond imagination. This is especially the part that we've put a lot of effort in, so please look forward to it,"

Oh dear. Actually, it does sound like there's going to a lot more in the game than just a straight port of the PS2 title which is good to see.

18th Post

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"Re(2):More System Details" , posted Sat 30 Jul 06:30post reply

Oh dear. Actually, it does sound like there's going to a lot more in the game than just a straight port of the PS2 title which is good to see.

hopefully they'll take this series seriously and it'll turn into a credible wrestling franchise with tons of T&A as a bonus.

1264th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):More System Details" , posted Sat 30 Jul 07:36post reply


"Users will be able to customize [their characters] beyond imagination. This is especially the part that we've put a lot of effort in, so please look forward to it,"

But YOU can't customize YOUR characters beyond YOUR imagination, can you?

19th Post

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"Re(3):More System Details" , posted Sat 30 Jul 09:06post reply


"Users will be able to customize [their characters] beyond imagination. This is especially the part that we've put a lot of effort in, so please look forward to it,"

But YOU can't customize YOUR characters beyond YOUR imagination, can you?

lol, that's no less a retarded statement than itagaki talking about how his "motion blur" for doa4 adds realism. *shrugs*

1409th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):More System Details" , posted Sat 30 Jul 14:28post reply

But YOU can't customize YOUR characters beyond YOUR imagination, can you?

Since you're not the one that imagined the characters or whatver options they come with to customize, then yes, yes you can. I would say no imagination at all is required.

And from a kung fu cinema perspective motion blur does in fact add realism. It gives the actions more force. So both statements make sense. - My own personal waste of time.

21th Post

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"Re(4):More System Details" , posted Sun 31 Jul 14:05:post reply

And from a kung fu cinema perspective motion blur does in fact add realism. It gives the actions more force. So both statements make sense.

no, the impact of the move and the "selling" of said move by the stuntman gives the action more force; not some fluffy special effect like forced motion blur.

see: ong bak

[this message was edited by afrojesus on Sun 31 Jul 14:06]