Doom movie trailer - Forums

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1137th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 03:00post reply

Just in case anyone cared.


Burning Ranger
1256th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 04:59post reply


Just in case anyone cared.

October 2005? Wow, time does fly.

This game seems to be taking cues from the first Resident Evil movie. It even looks like the story takes place on Mars (even though rumors have said that the movie would take place in Poland or Eastern Europe). Still, it's missing a lot of what makes Doom 3 what it is (1 man vs Hell, not STARS vs monsters).

But then again, Resident Evil, while not quite like the game had in mind, was a decent action flick. Maybe Doom will be the same: a good action flick but a bad game adaptation.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

513th Post

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"Re(2):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 06:10post reply

Still, it's missing a lot of what makes Doom 3 what it is
The same thing all over again for the fourth or fifth time?


1908th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 08:34:post reply


Just in case anyone cared.

Note to Hollywood: Please stop making video game movies. The only reason we've had good comic book movies (okay not all of them are good) is because you have people who actually read these comic books and loved them and grew up to make movies of these franchises. The genearation that actually played these games and loves them, lives and dies for them is not old enough to make movies of these franchises. Please wait another 10 years for this generation to grow up to make these movies. Every time you guys make another Street Fighter movie or Super Mario Bros. movie a kitten dies.

P.S. Please wait another 20 years for the American Anime Generation to grow up to make some good live Action Anime Movies.

Doom trailer looked lame / same old crap.

Resident Evil movies were okay but no R Rating is a criminal offense(they get points for Jill's hotness though). Mortal Kombat 1 was decent, the rest of them live action video game movies sucked Donkey Kong balls IMHO.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Thu 28 Jul 08:38]

1406th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 11:38post reply

Note to Hollywood: Please stop making video game movies. The only reason we've had good comic book movies (okay not all of them are good) is because you have people who actually read these comic books and loved them and grew up to make movies of these franchises.

X-Men was made by a man who had never read a single comic or seen the cartoon before he started on the project. It's not about love, it's about talent and ability

Besides, the movie is based on Doom 3 which has a little more to the story than the original game did. - My own personal waste of time.

1145th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 12:39post reply

The only reason we've had good comic book movies (okay not all of them are good) is because you have people who actually read these comic books and loved them and grew up to make movies of these franchises. The genearation that actually played these games and loves them, lives and dies for them is not old enough to make movies of these franchises.

Well Doom is over 12 years old, I think there are plenty of directors who could do it justice. But Hollywood wants someone "hot"

Burning Ranger
1257th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 13:19post reply


X-Men was made by a man who had never read a single comic or seen the cartoon before he started on the project. It's not about love, it's about talent and ability

Written by David Hayter, world reknowned Solid Snake and Xmen Fan (last part is speculation).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

1909th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 14:02:post reply


X-Men was made by a man who had never read a single comic or seen the cartoon before he started on the project. It's not about love, it's about talent and ability

Makes sense. Personally I enjoyed the second movie a lot more since it was based more on God Loves Man Kills, something Singer read. Then there's Avi Arad laying down the law of what you can and can not do in Marvel movies wich helps some what (he said he'd never allow Spider-Man to kill a person or something like that, how he allows a bunch of other things to pass is beyond me though but pound for pound Marvel still makes great movies I think) and here's your person who grew up reading comics. But Video Games just do not have an Avi Arad equivalent. Talent, Ability, sure, they come into play. But the chance for video games at this stage to get an A List writer / director is going to be few and far between. There's John Woo's Metroid Movie, I don't see how that can end in anything other than a train wreck, but I could be proven wrong though.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Thu 28 Jul 14:06]

1257th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 14:51post reply


Note to Hollywood: Please stop making video game movies. The only reason we've had good comic book movies (okay not all of them are good) is because you have people who actually read these comic books and loved them and grew up to make movies of these franchises. The genearation that actually played these games and loves them, lives and dies for them is not old enough to make movies of these franchises. Please wait another 10 years for this generation to grow up to make these movies. Every time you guys make another Street Fighter movie or Super Mario Bros. movie a kitten dies.

How is anyone supposed to make a good Doom movie? Unlike Marvel comics, Doom had no characters, no dialogue, no script, and no real story or theme. You're a faceless dude shooting a bunch of demons in what is essentially a Satanic, first-person equivalent of Space Invaders.

The real problem with video game movies is that the source material either has no plot or, like the Metal Gear Solid games, has more story than you could ever fit into two hours. The only games I own that you could really make a decent movie adaption of are Zelda, Devil May Cry 3, and maybe a handful of others.

1919th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 15:26:post reply


How is anyone supposed to make a good Doom movie?

How the Hell should I know. I just want them to stop making live action video game movies period. I still don't see how anyone is supposed to make a good Metroid movie. She's running around an Alien Base alone dealing with a bunch of Aliens that don't speak English, what the... not everything should be translated into a movie. I can't wait until someone comes up with the idea of live action Pac-Man for christs sake.

I think Devil May Cry could make a great movie I just have a feeling they are going to mess that one up to, it's going to be like the lame-o Tomb Raider Movies or something. Maybe if they could get the director of Versus who directed the DMC3 cut scenes, fat chance though. I can just imagine Brad Pitt as Dante. Um, no thanks.

Zelda, I dunno. I'd rather anything RPG based were made into a TV series be it Animated or live Action. Just doesn't seem right to me to have Link gather the Triforce, beat Ganon and save the Princess in two and a half hours. But I do think there is enough Zelda lore they can draw from to create a great Movie if they go all out and make it something like Lord of the Rings or the old Tom Cruise Legend Movie.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 31 Jul 01:17]

2120th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Doom movie trailer" , posted Thu 28 Jul 22:23post reply

I'm still convinced the only way a Doom movie will work -if it will work at all- is to have Dwayne Johnson be the only human in the entire movie. It would be like Silent Running but with occasional machine gun fights against demons. If the entire film was shot from a camera mounted on top of the Rock's beefy head it would be even better but nobody makes the movies I want to see.

Resident Evil movies were okay but no R Rating is a criminal offense(they get points for Jill's hotness though).

Not to be a nitpicker or anything, but both the RE movies had R ratings. I can understand the confusion tho' since the RE films were oddly tame as far as zombie movies go. What's the point of a restrained zombie movie?

1912th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Doom movie trailer" , posted Fri 29 Jul 01:04:post reply


Resident Evil movies were okay but no R Rating is a criminal offense(they get points for Jill's hotness though).
Not to be a nitpicker or anything, but both the RE movies had R ratings. I can understand the confusion tho' since the RE films were oddly tame as far as zombie movies go. What's the point of a restrained zombie movie?

Hmmm. Could of sworn both were not R Rated. I guess I was confused about the tameness of both like you said. I remember for part one when asked about the violence they said "Don't worry, we got cool stuff like people getting sliced up with a lazer instead of showing someone's intestines" and usual stuff you here when a movie that should be R Rated gets a PG 13 rating. Anyway, sorry about the mistake and all.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 29 Jul 01:05]

Undead Fred
2455th Post

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"This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Fri 29 Jul 11:52post reply

How is anyone supposed to make a good Doom movie? Unlike Marvel comics, Doom had no characters, no dialogue, no script, and no real story or theme. You're a faceless dude shooting a bunch of demons in what is essentially a Satanic, first-person equivalent of Space Invaders.

The real problem with video game movies is that the source material either has no plot or, like the Metal Gear Solid games, has more story than you could ever fit into two hours. The only games I own that you could really make a decent movie adaption of are Zelda, Devil May Cry 3, and maybe a handful of others.

OH MY GOD. I knew it'd be a RE knock-off, but DAMN.

Doom 1 and 2 did have backstory, but the overall story was pretty light. Doom 3 however, had a good bit of story going on in the game as you played through it. Even if they were making the Doom 3 movie, that's not the point. This isn't like taking Super Mario Bros and turning it into John Leguizamo fighting Dennis Hopper in Neo-Tokyo or whatever the hell was going on in that movie. There's actually something to go on in Doom (well, specifically, Doom 3), but they don't care. They want some slick, sleek, knock-off of a movie people have already seen to get everyone but the game's fans to watch. I had heard a comment from the writer saying he WANTED to include Hell in the mix, but the studio wouldn't let him... but who knows. I could deal with having to watch the Rock in a movie about one of my favorite games if anything other than "shooting at stuff" was true to the source material.

1542th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Doom movie trailer" , posted Fri 29 Jul 13:08post reply

So, many video game movies still suck, while many comic book movies are awesome?

This one's simple: they should've based the Doom movie off the Doom comic book!

(... and man, was it comic.)


40th Post

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"Re(1):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Fri 29 Jul 13:08post reply

OT: Hey Undead Fred, i just wanted to know about that image in your signature, I see a lady, boobs maybe?, and...a duck? I dont understand it but it calls me, please explain me what is it :)


3157th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Doom movie trailer" , posted Fri 29 Jul 16:38post reply

Note to Hollywood: Please stop making video game movies.

Amen to that!!

We are all mad at some point...

140th Post

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"Re(5):Doom movie trailer" , posted Fri 29 Jul 17:06post reply


This one's simple: they should've based the Doom movie off the Doom comic book!

(... and man, was it comic.)


Holy CRAP how many times am i gonna hear "That Scream!" AGHHH


41th Post

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"Re(1):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Sat 30 Jul 17:59post reply

PLEASE Undead Fred answer me that one, i really really want to know.


Undead Fred
2460th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Sun 31 Jul 09:44post reply

PLEASE Undead Fred answer me that one, i really really want to know.

Ha ha... sorry to keep you waiting. I just now got the post.

Yeah, I've gotten a LOT of questions about that tag.... it's from Eiken. And it's an Undead Fred Approved anime.

1139th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Mon 1 Aug 01:53post reply

I saw some news about this the other day and, but it appears they took it down. It was just some pics of the monsters, but it had a couple of things about the characters. One of them is a wheelchair bound communications officer.

I will make the prediction right now that he will last throughout the course of the movie, but die when the remainder of the team(The Rock and a chick) is about to leave.

42th Post

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"Re(3):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Mon 1 Aug 14:37post reply

PLEASE Undead Fred answer me that one, i really really want to know.
Ha ha... sorry to keep you waiting. I just now got the post.

Yeah, I've gotten a LOT of questions about that tag.... it's from Eiken. And it's an Undead Fred Approved anime.

Thanks for answering Undead F. but I wanted to know about the picture, I mean, is that a girl with boobs and a duck? I just want a short explanation :P Thanks!


Undead Fred
2461th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Mon 1 Aug 15:35post reply

I will make the prediction right now that he will last throughout the course of the movie, but die when the remainder of the team(The Rock and a chick) is about to leave.
Actually, from what I've read, he basically turns into a Cyber... monster. Whatever the hell they're called since they're not demons anymore.
If he's not a Cyberdemon, then he turns into something else.
Thanks for answering Undead F. but I wanted to know about the picture, I mean, is that a girl with boobs and a duck? I just want a short explanation :P Thanks!

Ahh, okay. Nah, it's a girl with giant boobs sliding down a yogurt slide with someone's foot in her mouth.

1147th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Mon 1 Aug 15:39post reply

This isn't like taking Super Mario Bros and turning it into John Leguizamo fighting Dennis Hopper in Neo-Tokyo or whatever

LOL I forgot all about that. So Land of the Dead wasn't the first time Leguizamo and Hopper worked together. Wonder if they reminisced about that piece of crap mario movie while working together on Dead?

Undead Fred
2462th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Tue 2 Aug 07:26post reply

LOL I forgot all about that. So Land of the Dead wasn't the first time Leguizamo and Hopper worked together. Wonder if they reminisced about that piece of crap mario movie while working together on Dead?

Heh heh heh. I just pictured Cholo running into a parking garage and jumping on Kaufman's head and squishing him flat.

2th Post

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"Re:This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Tue 2 Aug 08:18post reply

Heh, doesn't look like Doom at all, but DEFINATLEY looks better than both the REs (Did anyone else out there think that the second one was worse than the first in terms of story?)


3076th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Re:This is a live-action thrill ride!" , posted Tue 2 Aug 10:54post reply

Heh, doesn't look like Doom at all, but DEFINATLEY looks better than both the REs (Did anyone else out there think that the second one was worse than the first in terms of story?)


Not really. I didn't like the end of RE: Apocalypse, but overall I thought it was better than the first, but maybe I thought that since they included Raccoon City and almost-Jill Valentine (I didn't think the characterization of Jill was quite right, but she was hot). I think what I didn't like at the end was all the experiment stuff with Alice and the fact she apparantly gained telepathic or telekenetic powers to kill at some point. I'm still bummed out that they didn't make the movies based directly on the games stories, especially since I don't think I'll ever see Leon in one of the films (though considering how he'd get screwed by the writers, that's probably a good thing). I heard that Romero did a script for the first movie and that it was closer to the first game, but when I read his script that I found online apparantly he made Chris and Jill lovers and though that might not have made it into the final draft if he'd gotten to it, I'm sure if it had I wouldn't have been happy about that either. I didn't read through that whole script yet (if that was the real one he wrote) so maybe later in the script it becomes closer to the game. One day I hope that we will see a video game movie made very close to the source material, if not one that is spot on. I believe that day will come. I'd love an RE movie based completely on the fourth game myself, but it'll never happen.

Hungry Like the Wolf