Masters of the Universe Question - Forums

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1140th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 01:55post reply

Is that cartoon still going on or was it canceled? I only ask because I saw these cool statues by NECA yesterday that included Hordak, who was mostly known as a She-Ra villain. I remember one episode of the newer cartoon that showed Hordak for a brief period, but thats about it.


3069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 02:23post reply

Is that cartoon still going on or was it canceled? I only ask because I saw these cool statues by NECA yesterday that included Hordak, who was mostly known as a She-Ra villain. I remember one episode of the newer cartoon that showed Hordak for a brief period, but thats about it.

I believe the new cartoon was cancelled, which is a shame (I thought it was good, whatI saw of it), though I didn't really help keep it on myself since I stopped watching it after the first season, except catching episodes every now and then. I loved Masters of the Universe when I was a kid, so I was excited by the series at first, but I just didn't keep up with it. I bought some of the new figures (He-man, Skeletor, Man-at-arms, and Teela) and I really wanted Evilyn but I could never find her, and there were others I couldn't find, there were too many different types of He-man and Skeletor. I also wanted that convention exclusive She-ra (I wish she had appeared in the new series, or maybe she did and I missed it). In any case, the new statues are nice, I've seen them around.

Hungry Like the Wolf

Dr Baghead
3498th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 02:30post reply

Is that cartoon still going on or was it canceled? I only ask because I saw these cool statues by NECA yesterday that included Hordak, who was mostly known as a She-Ra villain. I remember one episode of the newer cartoon that showed Hordak for a brief period, but thats about it.

Shows got canceled (because no one liked it, it didn't induce enough ADD to keep kids happpy, didn't have a good enough plot for most adults and adults who liked it gave up on it whent hey realized they'd never find a figure of whoever because kids didn't like the show enough to buy the 700 He-Men that come with one Sy-Clone)

... supposedly Hodak was going to be introduced after the snakemen though had it continued.

But the Staction Figures don't nessessarily reflect characters who would have been on the show (such as SnoutSpout and Mantanna)

they are awesome though, I sorta want a Clawful so I can try out the 'add articulation' tricked some people have been doing.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

Dr Baghead
3499th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 02:53post reply

I also wanted that convention exclusive She-ra (I wish she had appeared in the new series, or maybe she did and I missed it)

Psssst, if you still want the She-Ra try here:

I'm not sure if she's still in stock, but I ordered one a few months ago as a gift for a friend, $33 ain't a bad price for a $20 exclusive when you consider it sold for $100+ on eBay.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

631th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 06:42:post reply

Is that cartoon still going on or was it canceled? I only ask because I saw these cool statues by NECA yesterday that included Hordak, who was mostly known as a She-Ra villain. I remember one episode of the newer cartoon that showed Hordak for a brief period, but thats about it.

The show was cancelled because of the failed toy line (that is to say, it had no funding).

Hordak did appear quite a few times on the show; once in the first season, and a good third of the episodes in the second season. One episode was a flashback to He-Man's ancestor who fought Hordak back in the day, it also had Leech, Mantenna, and Grizzlor in it, too. Toward the later half of the season Evil Lyn was trying to restore Hordak to Eternia but everyone and their mothers (He-Man, Skeletor, King Hiss, AND Count Marzo) wanted to stop her.

Best episode in the series was the first episode of season two, when He-Man had to take on ALL of the bad guys by himself in the first ten minutes.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

[this message was edited by Amakusa on Mon 1 Aug 06:46]

3070th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 07:19post reply

I also wanted that convention exclusive She-ra (I wish she had appeared in the new series, or maybe she did and I missed it)

Psssst, if you still want the She-Ra try here:

I'm not sure if she's still in stock, but I ordered one a few months ago as a gift for a friend, $33 ain't a bad price for a $20 exclusive when you consider it sold for $100+ on eBay.

Thank you very much.

Hungry Like the Wolf

1141th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 11:39post reply

Thanks for answering my question guys. Its kind of a shame that it got canceled. They were moving into some interesting plots during the episodes I watched especially with Hordak. That con exclusive She-Ra looks pretty interesting. If they ever release the series on DVD I might get it.

Just to drag this topic on a little longer than it needs to has anyone see that "Best of" for the old He-Man cartoon? I hate that select episode release crap when a series is ready for season by season release on DVD. I would most likely of gotten a season 1 He-man DVD set though.

1796th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 12:34post reply


Just to drag this topic on a little longer than it needs to has anyone see that "Best of" for the old He-Man cartoon? I hate that select episode release crap when a series is ready for season by season release on DVD. I would most likely of gotten a season 1 He-man DVD set though.

Well, it took them this long just to give us that much. I think this "best of" stuff is a test market to gauge how many people would be willing to buy old He-Man DVDs. If it does well enough they might just release the full series.

3073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 13:48post reply


Just to drag this topic on a little longer than it needs to has anyone see that "Best of" for the old He-Man cartoon? I hate that select episode release crap when a series is ready for season by season release on DVD. I would most likely of gotten a season 1 He-man DVD set though.

Well, it took them this long just to give us that much. I think this "best of" stuff is a test market to gauge how many people would be willing to buy old He-Man DVDs. If it does well enough they might just release the full series.

I might pick up the best of but I'm sure it'll get a release of the seasons. Isn't Thundercats season one out or coming out soon?

Hungry Like the Wolf

1197th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Mon 1 Aug 22:40post reply

Its a damn shame it got canceled since I thought the advancements in the story were really well written and just plain interesting. I liked how it gave you backstory but still progressed the current plot. MotU + good writing + good animation = a Happy ShinAT...I just should have known that since I liked the show, it was going to be canceled...just like Brisco County Jr, Mighty Max and Megas XLR...

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

3074th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Tue 2 Aug 01:29post reply

Its a damn shame it got canceled since I thought the advancements in the story were really well written and just plain interesting. I liked how it gave you backstory but still progressed the current plot. MotU + good writing + good animation = a Happy ShinAT...I just should have known that since I liked the show, it was going to be canceled...just like Brisco County Jr, Mighty Max and Megas XLR...

I hope Brisco will get released on DVD. I love Bruce Campbell.

Hungry Like the Wolf

Dr Baghead
3500th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Masters of the Universe Question" , posted Tue 2 Aug 02:24post reply

Isn't Thundercats season one out or coming out soon?

August, it's due out in August.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

4208th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"march of the penguins: epic penguin struggle" , posted Tue 2 Aug 07:03post reply

No word at all in a Real Ghostbusters dvd release?

Isn't Thundercats season one out or coming out soon?

August, it's due out in August.

Dr Baghead
3501th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Tue 2 Aug 07:37post reply

No word at all in a Real Ghostbusters dvd release?

Go buy "Ghostbusters 1&2" now avalible in a handy 2-disc set.

It comes with TWO episodes of the animated series... yeah that's not a lot but I'm sure someone considers that a way to test the waters to see if people actually want the animated series on DVD based on responce to getting two with the real movies.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1142th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Tue 2 Aug 08:17post reply

No word at all in a Real Ghostbusters dvd release?

Go buy "Ghostbusters 1&2" now avalible in a handy 2-disc set.

It comes with TWO episodes of the animated series... yeah that's not a lot but I'm sure someone considers that a way to test the waters to see if people actually want the animated series on DVD based on responce to getting two with the real movies.

Hm, come with the movies huh? That reminds me. I saw a Bill & Ted boxset the other week that came with an episode of the old cartoon. I wonder if that is the new thing now.

2129th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Tue 2 Aug 09:07post reply

It comes with TWO episodes of the animated series... yeah that's not a lot but I'm sure someone considers that a way to test the waters to see if people actually want the animated series on DVD based on responce to getting two with the real movies.

Hopefully the cartoon episodes are the ones where their secretary was a gum chewing tart and not the episodes where they decided to tone her down for some silly reason.

After seeing March of the Penguins I realized two things:

1. This is the fourth movie I've seen this year that has Morgan Freeman in it.

2. All movies should feature penguins.

3165th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Tue 2 Aug 19:56post reply

Well About MOTU, I just saw some episode since it was shown on the german channel...
I saw the most of the 1st part and just a bit of the snake man part...Still I've missed Horak's episodes...

Finaly how many episode did the serie count now?? And is there an official site?

We are all mad at some point...

1797th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Wed 3 Aug 06:37post reply

Come to think of it, I've only seen about two or three episodes of the newer series. Anyone know if it's already on DVD or if I can download it from somewhere?

Random pizza and/or cat related link

633th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Wed 3 Aug 13:47post reply


Finaly how many episode did the serie count now?? And is there an official site?

26 episodes for season 1.

13 episodes for season 2.

Therefore, 39 total.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

3166th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Thu 4 Aug 18:53post reply


We are all mad at some point...

4097th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):march of the penguins: epic penguin str" , posted Sat 6 Aug 04:27post reply

No word at all in a Real Ghostbusters dvd release?

Wait, don't you have access to the spanish Boomerang CN channel on Mexico?? At least here they do broadcast the Real Ghostbuster on that channel (I think that they air the show on weekeneds).

Watching Garfiled after acting like a jerk to someone else surely brings a warm feeling to my heart.

See??? He is a God...