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Hungrywolf 3077th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Im late to the party..." , posted Tue 2 Aug 16:45
quote: Note: Im not a fan of Zelda or Metroid Prime
Well...no wonder you didn't have a Gamecube.
Anyway, yeah I reccomend the same things he said(except PoP, kinda), plus Ikaruga doesn't hurt if you haven't gotten it some other way yet.
I recommend Donky Konga, Eternal Darkness, P.N.03 (I like it, anyway), REmake, Resident Evil 4, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Viewtiful Joe. Of course, I would recommend Windwaker and Metroid Prime usually too. And Animal Crossing.
Hungry Like the Wolf
Time Mage 2221th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Im late to the party..." , posted Tue 2 Aug 19:31
F-Zero GX is the best racing game I've seen ever, although is difficult as hell. But the kind of difficulty that makes you first yell at the screen, then retry again immediately. Also, Tales of Symphonia is a very fun RPG. It has one of the best battle systems around, the graphics are nice, the music is great, and the story is interesting enough. Great game.
Of course, RE4, the Metroids, Zelda:WW, SMBM, VJ, Ikaruga and SoA (if you don't have them in DC), Paper Mario 2, etc. There's plenty to choose.
Pollyanna 1273th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):Im late to the party..." , posted Wed 3 Aug 05:55
quote: And if you don't like screwing around and wasting time what are you doing posting on this board?
I don't know. I JUST DON'T KNOW.
I hate Animal Crossing. I mean, I really think it's the most stupid waste of time ever, but everyone around me seemed to like it. As a result, I still have to recommend it. Or like...Zelda...I don't like Zelda games (excluding 2 for some reason), but the games are so well put together and popular that I can't say they're bad...just not my thing.
Also, I DO NOT recommend Mario Party, because it turns your friends into your enemies. Even the most mild-mannered loving people will hate you after playing Mario Party (unless they win). I've warned people (and myself) about this before playing, and yet...we still seem to fall for its evil tricks. If you want a board game game, do yourself a favor and hunt down Gaia Master for PS1. It'll make your day.
I have to try extra hard to take an objective view with Nintendo games, because I really hate Nintendo. So much that I won't buy a DS, even though it has a growing number of games I want on it. As a result, I may feel obligated to recommend or compliment a Nintendo game (even if I don't, personally like it) to make sure that my opinion isn't too biased to be trustworthy.
Time Mage 2222th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Im late to the party..." , posted Wed 3 Aug 06:51
quote: Oh yeah, I forgot about Tales of Symphonia, because I played the PS2 one. It looks a bit better on GC, but I really think the PS2 one is best, as it has more stuff. (though it has 1 second loading times that GC fanatics/bitchasses will say ruin the game. Yes...one second...a terrible time to wait)
Keep in mind that not everyone knows Japanese, and the only English version available is the Game Cube one.
quote: But Time Mage, I don't see what was so good about the soundtrack. I can think of maybe 3 songs that were exceptional and one of them was from ToP. It had a LOT of music and none of it was BAD, but on the whole it failed to evoke any emotion (much like most of the plot) or interesting atmosphere. I wouldn't complain about it, but I can hardly applaud it when I look at how many RPGs have truly exceptional soundtracks.
Well, I said great, but in fact it's more like you say, with one exception: The battle themes. There are a lot, which is rare in rpgs, and all of them are great. Also, some character themes are very good also (Kratos, Zelos serious version). I might have said "great" because now I'm playing Baten Kaitos, and Sakuraba has made an excellent work with this one (that, along with the gorgeous graphics compensates the crappy battle system and horrible, horrible voice acting).
quote: I hate Animal Crossing. I mean, I really think it's the most stupid waste of time ever, but everyone around me seemed to like it. As a result, I still have to recommend it.
Wow, I totally agree here. I bought it because basically everyone said it was the best thing since sliced bread, oh-so-wonderful, etc, but I got totally bored of it in a week. Now it's sitting in a shelf collecting dust until I find a good game to trade with it (like Pikmin 1/2, or MP2, but anything decent will do).
Pollyanna 1275th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(8):Im late to the party..." , posted Wed 3 Aug 07:14
quote: Well, I said great, but in fact it's more like you say, with one exception: The battle themes. There are a lot, which is rare in rpgs, and all of them are great. Also, some character themes are very good also (Kratos, Zelos serious version). I might have said "great" because now I'm playing Baten Kaitos, and Sakuraba has made an excellent work with this one (that, along with the gorgeous graphics compensates the crappy battle system and horrible, horrible voice acting).
Yeah, the battle themes are pretty good. That's Sakuraba's specialty, I guess. I'm really in love with some of the battle themes from Golden Sun 2, which otherwise I wouldn't care about at all.
But YES Baten Kaitos has an amazing soundtrack. I feel like Sakuraba is "spread too thin" with all the work he does. Sort of like when Uematsu does a 4 disc Final Fantasy soundtrack, I feel like there are 3-5 inspired pieces (you know them when you hear them) and 3 1/2 discs of music that "just had to be made". Sakuraba is stretched even MORE thin as he's always doing a new Tales game AND picks up other projects from time to time.
BUT...Baten Kaitos, because it uses real instruments and is a little different than his usual stuff, feels much more inspired to me.
I haven't managed to play the game yet, though. I just listen to the soundtrack. I love the character designs, but I haven't heard anything good about the game itself. Well, that and I inherited my GC not too long ago.
Time Mage 2223th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Im late to the party..." , posted Wed 3 Aug 08:05
quote: I haven't managed to play the game yet, though. I just listen to the soundtrack. I love the character designs, but I haven't heard anything good about the game itself. Well, that and I inherited my GC not too long ago.
The battle sistem, while original, is bad. It's too random (because of the cards), but, even if you have to play the cards in specific orders to get the better results, you have a time limit. That's *really* frustrating sometimes, and gets even worse when defending. The story is pretty average so far (I've just saved before changing disks right now), but many people has said me that it gets way better in the second disk. I'll see. I first liked the game for the novelty of the battle system and the amazing graphics and music, then hated it after some frustrating series of battles (including a boss), and now that I more or less have managed to understand the better way to battle, I'm starting to enjoy it again. Oh, and beware of the voice acting, it is (the english one, at least) HORRIBLE, and on top of that, you hear the voices with a metallic echo, as if you heard them through a pipe. There's story reason behind it, but I find stupid downgrading the sound quality because of that.