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3425th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 03:39post reply

I've been looking for these babies since forever, and now thay are mine for a reasonable price!
Now I have to find the rest of series 2 (I have Olga and Fortune).


219th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 03:46post reply

I guess you made an ebay account just for this auction ? You must have been really motivated to get this set then. :p


Burning Ranger
1260th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 04:07post reply

I've been looking for these babies since forever, and now thay are mine for a reasonable price!
Now I have to find the rest of series 2 (I have Olga and Fortune).

These aren't made by McFarlane toys, are they? I remember seeing the MGS2 figures from them--I liked them.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

3426th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 06:35post reply

I guess you made an ebay account just for this auction ? You must have been really motivated to get this set then. :p

Yes, kind of, it's a friend's account, but this was the first time we used it.


These aren't made by McFarlane toys, are they? I remember seeing the MGS2 figures from them--I liked them.

Yes, they are.

2881th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 06:43post reply

woah, that's a reasonable amount?

I hope you take them out of the package and make photo-comics with them.

4209th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 06:46post reply

Basically $12 each figure not counting the loose ones. He probably got em cheaper than when they were first released.


woah, that's a reasonable amount?

I hope you take them out of the package and make photo-comics with them.

1143th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 09:39post reply

That is a great price! Have you seen what some places charge for them?

A great find indeed ONSY. Now is an excellent opportunity to inject my own great findings of action figures. I found myself some Marvel Legends from that shipment of formerly hard to find figures. I snagged myself a Dark Phoenix, Phasing Ghost Rider/Vision, Deadpool and Goliath all for $35. Before then all that together would have cost close to $200 on ebay. Dark Phoenix by itself was around $80.

1527th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 10:37post reply

I have had those babies for a long time. I think i payed retail of 8 bucks a figure when they came out. I am glad I kept them. I have been tempted to sell them. I also have the MSG2 ones as well.

2973th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 12:05post reply

Good for you.

On a related note the boss at my second job has all those in his office in the original packaging as well.

6967th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 19:47post reply


2132th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Score!" , posted Wed 3 Aug 21:31post reply

Cool, it even comes with an out of the box Snake so you can play with his rocket launcher that shoots out of the wrong end.

Hagen de Merak
898th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Score!" , posted Thu 4 Aug 02:12post reply

I've been looking for these babies since forever, and now thay are mine for a reasonable price!
Now I have to find the rest of series 2 (I have Olga and Fortune).

felicidades onsy. al fin los conseguiste, me imagino que quieres que los cruce fuera de la lista no?

3428th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Yeah!" , posted Fri 5 Aug 10:01:post reply

That is a great price! Have you seen what some places charge for them?

Great price indeed, even though it seems the guy has phantom accounts and bumped the price several times (just look at the bid history)
And man, those toyglobe prices are insane. And I've heard stories of people that have paid like 80 dollars just for the Ninja.
A great find indeed ONSY. Now is an excellent opportunity to inject my own great findings of action figures. I found myself some Marvel Legends from that shipment of formerly hard to find figures. I snagged myself a Dark Phoenix, Phasing Ghost Rider/Vision, Deadpool and Goliath all for $35. Before then all that together would have cost close to $200 on ebay. Dark Phoenix by itself was around $80.

Are those from the "Best of ML"? It's great to see them rereleased, I bet this is like a kick to the nuts for scalpers.
I have been tempted to sell them. I also have the MSG2 ones as well.
Care to sell me the MGS2 figures in the near future?
felicidades onsy. al fin los conseguiste, me imagino que quieres que los cruce fuera de la lista no?

Gracias, y si, ya puedes quitarlos de la lista, al fin puedo disfrutar esas hermosas figuras. Por cierto, cuando veas a Shuang, dile que las figuras van a llegar a su casa, luego nos ponemos de acuerdo con el dinero del envio.
Ah, y ya que jamas te veo conectado, dejame decirte que ya tengo un empleo nuevo, no gano como antes, pero al menos ya es constante, y podre enviarte tus cosas muy pronto. Tambien te comprare a Hagen y a Alberich en 2 semanas (ya que pague todas mis deudas), y tambien al Cisne Real Cloth y si sale, el Boxset de Andromeda.

And thanks everyone for the replies, I think I'll buy some ROFLcopter waffles.

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Fri 5 Aug 10:02]

Juke Joint Jezebel
3440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Yeah!" , posted Fri 5 Aug 18:26post reply

this thread is worthless

3428th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Yeah!" , posted Sat 6 Aug 23:01post reply

this thread is worthless

1932th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Score!" , posted Sat 6 Aug 23:32post reply

Um, if this is the scoring neat stuff thread, I got all of Stick-Click's Arcadia issues in my apartment right now. SCORE and nice doing business with ya Click!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

3437th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"On the MGS topic..." , posted Sat 20 Aug 01:28post reply

The other day, my family was watching a movie on DVD, called Man on Fire, I was in my room as usual, but then I heard some familiar tune, and had to go outside and see what the hell was going on. Said melody was playing while the mother was talking to the kidnnapers saying something like "we didn't know it was an ambush" or some crap like that... my point is, that the music playing was from MGS3, the part where Eva is telling Snake about Boss' sacrifice at the end.
Acording to IMDB, both Man on Fire and MGS3 came the same year, making me question. Was Harry taking shortcuts and using the same track for both compositions? Has he done this before? He's he a ripoff? I need answers!