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kurushimi 94th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 07:21
Oh dear - that sums up what I have to say about this. It somehow seems late to be doing this - I mean, KOF has been around for ages now.
If production IG is handling it, I sincerely hope it's a movie or OVA. I'd rather opt for them to focus on one specific storyline (Orochi, WAREZ, etc), and be treated with gorgeous animation, as opposed to a drawn out TV series that tries to piece all the storylines together, or worse, something like Street Fighter V.
Also, maybe I've been out of the loop, but I don't remember Kyo having this outfit, not even in Maximum Impact:
Looks snazzy for sure
shin ramberk 161th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(5):KoF Anime announced" , posted Tue 9 Aug 08:16
quote: *waves goodbye to any chance of a coherent, canon story*
Just the fact that it's an Anime based on a fighter in the first place means you should of waved goodbye to a coherent canon story as soon as you heard about it. They are never canon, never have been, never will be. The only thing that's canon is the games themselves and what the companies declare is canon or not within said games.
I have to agree with Sano here. Game companies like SNK, Capcom and Konami that have these intricate and mixed up storylines are like fickle children. Sometimes they say "Oh no that counts! Yes, that's true!" and then they say "Oh, wait a minute, I change my mind, that is not true. Ignore what I just said." and other times they are like "Stop bothering me, I am sucking on my lollypop!"
Not even in-game storylines can be trusted because the next game might dissolve them or re-write them. I'm waiting for the game that actually has its characters tell the player that that last 30 hours of gameplay and storyline were alll a dream or hallucination. Or better yet, another character shows up and convinces everyone in the game that you DID NOT beat the last boss, even though you actually did and have his chopped off head in your backpack.
Okay, I think I should start my career in game development now...
Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!