KoF Anime announced - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Cain Highwind
590th Post

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"KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 03:27post reply

Thanks to Ying123 at the S-C forums for finding this.


Apparently, designs for Kyo, K', Alba and Ash (the two of them together will definetely be intresting) were shown.

Oh and the Anime is being done by Production IG.


1356th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 03:42post reply

Thanks to Ying123 at the S-C forums for finding this.


Apparently, designs for Kyo, K', Alba and Ash (the two of them together will definetely be intresting) were shown.

Oh and the Anime is being done by Production IG.

You sure this isn't just some opening video for a game? A KOF anime from Production I.G. just sounds too good to be true... wonder if it's a TV series, OAV, or Movie if it is true....

Cain Highwind
592th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 03:57:post reply

Thanks to Ying123 at the S-C forums for finding this.


Apparently, designs for Kyo, K', Alba and Ash (the two of them together will definetely be intresting) were shown.

Oh and the Anime is being done by Production IG.

You sure this isn't just some opening video for a game? A KOF anime from Production I.G. just sounds too good to be true... wonder if it's a TV series, OAV, or Movie if it is true....

I hear ya, but why would they show detailed "Anime designs" if it were just an opening video? They didn't do that with Namco X Capcom.

This could get SNK's foot in the door, especially with the US fanbase. I mean they could get someone like Bandai to dub the voices and then when MI2 comes out (as this is obviously for that if it includes Alba) just use those same voice actors so we don't get the crappy ones from the first MI. They could also show it on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim or G4's Anime Un leashed and that would also bring in more fans.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Sun 7 Aug 04:03]

1800th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 05:00post reply


You sure this isn't just some opening video for a game? A KOF anime from Production I.G. just sounds too good to be true... wonder if it's a TV series, OAV, or Movie if it is true....

Well, if both Alba and Ash are in it, it's hard to imagine that it's for a game, unless Ash is going to be in MI2 (which is possible I guess). We already know Alba's not in KoFXI unless there's been some kind of drastic change in roster. Plus the article doesn't make it seem like it's for a game, although they don't specifically say so.

1205th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 05:27post reply

*waves goodbye to any chance of a coherent, canon story*

Shingo The One
604th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 05:41post reply

Thanks to Ying123 at the S-C forums for finding this.


Apparently, designs for Kyo, K', Alba and Ash (the two of them together will definetely be intresting) were shown.

Oh and the Anime is being done by Production IG.

Fuck yeah!!!! Now this is one long-standing dream of mine becoming reality!Now all there is left to know is if it will be an episodic series, and a long one for that point, and of course if it will kick ass, but having the best animation studio in the world is a step in the right direction.
And a tip for all you anime and Naruto fans:
Go and watch the second movie.It's a zillion times better than the first one, and so I'll easily hold my breath to see it next year along with the next one.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

94th Post

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"Re(1):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 07:21post reply

Oh dear - that sums up what I have to say about this. It somehow seems late to be doing this - I mean, KOF has been around for ages now.

If production IG is handling it, I sincerely hope it's a movie or OVA. I'd rather opt for them to focus on one specific storyline (Orochi, WAREZ, etc), and be treated with gorgeous animation, as opposed to a drawn out TV series that tries to piece all the storylines together, or worse, something like Street Fighter V.

Also, maybe I've been out of the loop, but I don't remember Kyo having this outfit, not even in Maximum Impact:

Looks snazzy for sure

Burning Ranger
1264th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 08:15post reply

*waves goodbye to any chance of a coherent, canon story*

*cough* Fatal Fury motion picture *cough cough*

Well, a KOF anime is good, especially since it will have the blessing of SNK Playmore (unlike all those Doujin).

Let's see how this goes.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

6781th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KoF Anime announced" , posted Sun 7 Aug 09:22post reply

Being Production IG, this could easily be a videogame opening. Maybe MI or something.

And being Production IG, quality isn't guaranteed *points angrily at the crappy xxxHOLiC movie trailer*

196th Post

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"Haircut !!!" , posted Sun 7 Aug 09:24post reply


FALきゅん has a new haircut !


1290th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Haircut !!!" , posted Sun 7 Aug 11:43post reply


FALきゅん has a new haircut !

Looks like a bad Hikaru (no go) cosplay attempt. (not like I can talk. I've had black and blonde hair for the last year and half)

I'd rather make fun of Falcoon's art than his relative unattractiveness, but people tend to get on my case when I do that. Everyone seems united in making fun of his weight.

1195th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Haircut !!!" , posted Sun 7 Aug 12:20post reply

FALきゅん has a new haircut


1151th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Haircut !!!" , posted Sun 7 Aug 13:14post reply

The big question is whether Fatal Fury and AOF characters show up, is there any legal mumbo jumbo involved since they already had their own respective anime OVA's and films?

Oh, and any story past KOF 97 sucks anyway IMO.

1937th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Haircut !!!" , posted Sun 7 Aug 22:11:post reply

Finally a KOF Anime! All we need is a Guilty Gear Anime now. With this and the SFZ2 Anime coming out there's finally something for me to get excited about especially for people who like Martial Arts Anime. I haven't cared much for the current state of Anime, where's the Kung Fu grip Anime yall? In the eighties and nineties these shows were a dime a dozen. There's stuff based on the Mangas that are great(Naruto for example, One Piece has some Martial Arts too with Zoro/Sanji) but I prefer reading Manga to watching Anime most of the time, for some reason in the last few years even more so. The last Fist of the North Star Anime blew chunks, hope the new version fares a bit better. I'm excited about the new JoJo Anime too and that's about it. More Martial Arts themed Anime please!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Mon 8 Aug 00:53]

126th Post

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"Re(1):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 00:43post reply

Thanks to Ying123 at the S-C forums for finding this.


Apparently, designs for Kyo, K', Alba and Ash (the two of them together will definetely be intresting) were shown.

Oh and the Anime is being done by Production IG.

I believe the report says a "short animation", so it's probably an animated short of some kind.

Of course, I could be wrong since my command of Japanese is flimsy at best.

Where darkness turns to light and order turns to chaos. 2003.

2138th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 03:58post reply

Thanks for the info on this.

This could get SNK's foot in the door, especially with the US fanbase.

If it is an anime and it stars Kyo, Iori, K', Ash and Alba all flaming around, angsting out and looking pretty this is going to bring a fascinating new demographic to the KoF fan-base.

1293th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 06:12post reply


If it is an anime and it stars Kyo, Iori, K', Ash and Alba all flaming around, angsting out and looking pretty this is going to bring a fascinating new demographic to the KoF fan-base.

NEW? I don't know about that.

On a moderately related note, I hope it's an opening and NOT an anime. I gave up on anticipating game anime years ago. Now I hide under the bed when they're announced. Maybe it's because I worked on Goemon.

6782th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 07:27post reply

On a moderately related note, I hope it's an opening and NOT an anime. I gave up on anticipating game anime years ago. Now I hide under the bed when they're announced. Maybe it's because I worked on Goemon.

But... Tales of Phantasia!

245th Post

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"Re(1):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 17:12post reply

I just hope that this series will be good.

852th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 18:16:post reply


If it is an anime and it stars Kyo, Iori, K', Ash and Alba all flaming around, angsting out and looking pretty this is going to bring a fascinating new demographic to the KoF fan-base.

NEW? I don't know about that.

On a moderately related note, I hope it's an opening and NOT an anime. I gave up on anticipating game anime years ago. Now I hide under the bed when they're announced. Maybe it's because I worked on Goemon.

wow you suck

[this message was edited by Oroch on Mon 8 Aug 18:19]

821th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 18:19:post reply

Since the seemingly impossible task of animating the AMG manga and doing it justice has begun- I don't see why KOF can't be given the same treatment.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Mon 8 Aug 18:35]

230th Post

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"just looking around!" , posted Mon 8 Aug 19:21post reply

Just an example!!!

Some people never go crazy
what truly horrible life they must lead
Charles Bukowski.

1297th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 19:24post reply


wow you suck

You figured me out!

Rid: I wouldn't say that Tales of Phantasia is a good anime, but it certainly is a -wonderful- anime adaptation. Regardless, I'm a low-risk type of person, so I say "safer not to try if you're probably going to fail."

1937th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):KoF Anime announced" , posted Mon 8 Aug 23:58post reply

*waves goodbye to any chance of a coherent, canon story*

Just the fact that it's an Anime based on a fighter in the first place means you should of waved goodbye to a coherent canon story as soon as you heard about it. They are never canon, never have been, never will be. The only thing that's canon is the games themselves and what the companies declare is canon or not within said games.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

12th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):KoF Anime announced" , posted Tue 9 Aug 03:55post reply

Ah... Been a while since my last mindless fighting Anime. I personally would have loved to see Orochi!!


All one needs in life is Tea Sonic Super Robot Wars KOF and Pineapples

shin ramberk
161th Post

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"Re(5):KoF Anime announced" , posted Tue 9 Aug 08:16post reply

*waves goodbye to any chance of a coherent, canon story*

Just the fact that it's an Anime based on a fighter in the first place means you should of waved goodbye to a coherent canon story as soon as you heard about it. They are never canon, never have been, never will be. The only thing that's canon is the games themselves and what the companies declare is canon or not within said games.

I have to agree with Sano here. Game companies like SNK, Capcom and Konami that have these intricate and mixed up storylines are like fickle children. Sometimes they say "Oh no that counts! Yes, that's true!" and then they say "Oh, wait a minute, I change my mind, that is not true. Ignore what I just said." and other times they are like "Stop bothering me, I am sucking on my lollypop!"

Not even in-game storylines can be trusted because the next game might dissolve them or re-write them. I'm waiting for the game that actually has its characters tell the player that that last 30 hours of gameplay and storyline were alll a dream or hallucination. Or better yet, another character shows up and convinces everyone in the game that you DID NOT beat the last boss, even though you actually did and have his chopped off head in your backpack.

Okay, I think I should start my career in game development now...

Go buy the new Warlock series by Marvel. It is good support this title!

1938th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):KoF Anime announced" , posted Tue 9 Aug 10:56post reply

Yeah, everything shin ramberk said.

Anyway, since the Anime is prolly doing it's own thing, I'm praying that Shermie is in it somehow. If not it would be great to see MOTW Terry Bogard make his Anime debut, hopefully beating up on Ryo and the AOF team... at the very least I think we can expect a kick ass Anime fight between Kyo and Iori like KOF 98's Anime intro.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

Undead Fred
2465th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KoF Anime announced" , posted Tue 9 Aug 13:40post reply

All I can say is that my fingers are crossed that Yamazaki is in it.

And for more than 5 seconds.

98th Post

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"Re(8):KoF Anime announced" , posted Tue 9 Aug 22:18post reply

All I can say is that my fingers are crossed that Yamazaki is in it.

And for more than 5 seconds.

I have weak hope that it would be series. And have one season for each saga. Well dreaming wont hurt.

here is kapadokya/cappadocia
Link Here.php?main=4&sub=1
and pamukkale
Link Here

Hi from Türkiye

6785th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KoF Anime announced" , posted Wed 10 Aug 00:59post reply

All I can say is that my fingers are crossed that Yamazaki is in it.

And for more than 5 seconds.

Probably aound two minutes, and then the KOFMI2 - Press Start screen will show up.

2162th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KoF update" , posted Tue 23 Aug 22:55post reply

Pretty boys and lots of form fitting leather.

63th Post

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"Re(1):KoF update" , posted Tue 23 Aug 23:14post reply

Pretty boys and lots of form fitting leather.

For some reason when I look at the backgrounds, if it is finalized it kinda reminds me of the stand alone complex backgrounds from the thumbnails but it looks pretty interesting. Pretty clean for the character designs, Ash's teeth look pretty funny.

"Have some confidence in me Pris--the odds are only two against one." -- Cole Cash "Grifter"

Burning Ranger
1277th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):KoF update" , posted Wed 24 Aug 01:04post reply

Pretty boys and lots of form fitting leather.

I'm not too crazy about Kyo's new jacket--but I can kinda understand it (I guess it's one of those motorcycling jackets). Still, it looks a little bit loud, especially given Kyo's earlier looks.

And another thing" why change Kyo but leave everyone else looking the same?

Nice find.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

64th Post

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"Re(2):KoF update" , posted Wed 24 Aug 01:40post reply


And another thing" why change Kyo but leave everyone else looking the same?

Personally they can argue that it could be time constraints updating everyones character designs but then again I'm no artist expert, for all you people who draw frequently after some point in time when you guys draw doesn't things get to the point where its fluid and you know what you want on pad and paper?

Something to stir up on why an artists design on a character couldn't be updated possibly.

"Have some confidence in me Pris--the odds are only two against one." -- Cole Cash "Grifter"

Undead Fred
2471th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KoF update" , posted Wed 24 Aug 02:59post reply

Pretty boys and lots of form fitting leather.


Not bad so far... I'm still wondering who else will be in it, though. I want to see May Lee, Vanessa, and Yamazaki show up in there (I don't see any reason why Leona or Iori WOULDN'T be in it too)... but who knows.

141th Post

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"Re(2):KoF update" , posted Sat 27 Aug 20:21post reply

And another thing" why change Kyo but leave everyone else looking the same?/quote]

Maybe its kyos default outfit in MI2? Is Ash gonna be in MI2"? And Why?


396th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):KoF update" , posted Sat 27 Aug 21:10post reply

So in the end, Rid guessed it right! Well, it's a shame we're not getting a KOF anime/movie/OVA, but it's still a nice thing.

I want to see more designs! Oh, and kofoguz, good luck!