Killer 7, now with full-blown sex - Forums

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1803th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 06:49post reply

Jack Thompson is out of control

Because without guys like these around, games are just killing everyone


1288th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 06:53post reply

All right everyone, it's time for the gaming community to rally. Let's all start "training" by playing GTA. I'm afraid I'm out, because I was trained by Virtua Cop and shot myself in the foot repeatedly as a result.

1096th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 11:18post reply

We train people in the army with Killer 7

21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 11:28:post reply

All right everyone, it's time for the gaming community to rally. Let's all start "training" by playing GTA. I'm afraid I'm out, because I was trained by Virtua Cop and shot myself in the foot repeatedly as a result.

I remember this cop watched me beat House of the Dead on one credit.

He just shook his head afterwards and made some comment about how I'm a trained killer now.

[this message was edited by HARO on Sun 7 Aug 11:29]

1289th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 11:41post reply

We train people in the army with Killer 7

Train them to have sex!!!!

3078th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 11:51post reply

Because of Time Crisis, I'm an unstoppable killing machine with incredible accuracy!

Hungry Like the Wolf

1291th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 12:59post reply

Because of Time Crisis, I'm an unstoppable killing machine with incredible accuracy!

Yeah, but you probably try to solve all of your problems by putting your foot down.

192th Post

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"Re(6):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sun 7 Aug 18:03post reply

Hmmmmmm, let's play around with this "claim". If games train us gamers to be deadly killers, that would make us gamers the ultimate army. Meaning, if the gamers of the world unite and had a decent amount of fire arms, we could easily take over a country of our choice, destorying any army that opposes us! Gamers unite, and we shall create a new country for and by gamers! Come on people, let's think up some good names. We could also make the BBS here are own little corp in the gamer army with the Prof leading our squad! Viva la Revolution!

The Einherjar Hachitoushi -- The 8 Warriors of the Ragnarok Plan

Red Falcon
5573th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 01:15post reply

I remember this cop watched me beat House of the Dead on one credit.

He just shook his head afterwards and made some comment about how I'm a trained killer now.

The proper response would have been, "And you aren't?"

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1196th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 02:22post reply

Killin` a guy ain`t no big deal!

6992th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 03:07post reply

Just a question... Maybe I was asleep while playing it, but...

Where is the full-blown sex in Killer 7 ?

2139th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 04:10post reply

Just a question... Maybe I was asleep while playing it, but...

Where is the full-blown sex in Killer 7 ?

The entire game is sex personified. That, or Samanta's antics at the beginning of Target 02: Cloudsman warped his fragile, little mind.

But out of all the games out there, why go witch hunting after Killer 7? Is the game a lot more popular than I thought it was? Are playgrounds the nation over abuzz with discussion about how underage players can get their hands on a copy of Killer 7? Are children wearing suits and/or Luchadore masks in order to emulate their favorite characters?

818th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 05:00post reply

I say the first target should be this Jack Thompson guy.

1668th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 05:13post reply


Where is the full-blown sex in Killer 7 ?
The entire game is sex personified. That, or Samanta's antics at the beginning of Target 02: Cloudsman warped his fragile, little mind.

Actually he's 'informed' by an IGN review.

But hey, Killer 7 could use the publicity!

/ / /

6996th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 05:49post reply

But hey, Killer 7 could use the publicity!

Actually, I think this guy has been HIRED by Capcom to make some buzz around their game and prevent it from failing in the US.

Sad thing is, I'm only half joking.
It IS a possibility.

126th Post

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"Re(5):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 11:28post reply

Actually, I think this guy has been HIRED by Capcom to make some buzz around their game and prevent it from failing in the US.

Sad thing is, I'm only half joking.
It IS a possibility.

Thompson has too much of an anti-videogame agenda to be hired by a videogame company for pretty much any reason. He automatically relegates anyone that plays videogames into some sub-class of humanity that is incapable of rational thought. (And has shown and said as much in responses to people.)

Remember, Thompson is the guy that went after The Sims 2 after he read that you could get full nudity via mods. At first, he thought that the models in the game were already anatomically correct (in great detail) and that all you had to do was remove the blur to see. When corrected with the information that the in-game models were featureless flesh under the blur, he rallied by arguing that the presence of the blur itself meant the creators knew they were hiding something that people shouldn't be allowed to see. That is when he made the comment that Ken and Barbie doll nudity in Sims 2 was worse than sex in GTA:SA. And he still kept with the argument about being able to mod fully detailed nudity into the game.

This is the guy that jumps on any hint of videogame scandal or suggested crime. He was present for the "Xbox killing" as well, where one kid killed another over drug money, but because an Xbox was an item stolen the media called it a videogame-related crime.

507th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 13:06post reply

That Jack Thompson dude reminds me of that lawyer from Beavis and Butthead.

"We are going to sue the school, we are going to sue the bus driver..."

696th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 18:41post reply


He just shook his head afterwards and made some comment about how I'm a trained killer now.

They shake their heads now, but when the undead/aliens/overfiend invade, they'll be thankful for their lightgun-armed and -trained battalions of young video game people.

...funny how the military doesn't seem to making the young into killing machines already. Hmm...


718th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 18:58post reply


...funny how the military doesn't seem to making the young into killing machines already. Hmm...

Haven't you heard of ARMY the game?

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

7000th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Mon 8 Aug 19:03post reply

I Killer think that 7 that Thompson guy 0 needs to 0 get laid 0 ASAP.

All the problems in the world could be solved if more phallus were inserted in more anus everyday.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

2141th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Death Race 7000" , posted Tue 9 Aug 00:01post reply

Iggy is a posting machine.

230th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(6):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Tue 9 Aug 00:48post reply

All the problems in the world could be solved if more phallus were inserted in more anus everyday.

*clap* *clap* *clap*


719th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Tue 9 Aug 23:33post reply


All the problems in the world could be solved if more phallus were inserted in more anus everyday.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Kevin didn't get any chances before dying... now did he. That's so sad.

End of Spoiler

Anyway, damn. This game freaked me out. I kind of get some things, but not others.

I haven't felt this psychologically traumatized since watching the End of Evangelion.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

Undead Fred
2466th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Wed 10 Aug 17:45post reply

Killin` a guy ain`t no big deal!

You just put a gun to their head and POOOOW...

God. I love how I apparently bought Manhunt to train myself to kill real human beings, not to enjoy a freaky stealth game THAT I RECOGNIZE IS A FUCKING GAME. I swear, these people are trying to give me an aneurysm. I guess what pisses me off so bad is that there are people that actually listen to these jerk-offs and can potentially ruin our games.

That's it. I'm doing the Reefer Madness gaming parody.

437th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Wed 10 Aug 21:54post reply

No, the Army trains people to be killers too, but they are killed in Iraq before they can do any harm to society...

Webmaster of Fighter Mania

2144th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Thu 11 Aug 02:57post reply

Anyway, damn. This game freaked me out. I kind of get some things, but not others.

What do you mean? Everything in Killer 7 makes sense... well, except for those parts that don't. Anyway, I'm sure any vague points in the story will be cleared up in the sequel, Super Killer 7: Andrei Ulmeyda's Tonic For High Energy Dudes.

350th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Thu 11 Aug 08:49post reply

Super Killer 7: Andrei Ulmeyda's Tonic For High Energy Dudes.

Defeat Kun Lan once again and his new band of Heavens Hands! Happy ending guaranteed.

1805th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"How to turn a losing argument into $$$" , posted Thu 11 Aug 12:13post reply

"GTA taught me to evade police by looking for little shield icons"

171th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):How to turn a losing argument into $$$" , posted Thu 11 Aug 14:15post reply

"GTA taught me to evade police by looking for little shield icons"

Thank you. One more group of people that show intelligence. Good riddance Devin. Is there something which you can sue people just for being stupid?

There's no substitution for dedication. -TeamTNT-

2146th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):How to turn a losing argument into $$$" , posted Thu 11 Aug 23:32post reply

A Killer 7 anime and a serialization of spin-off ideas? Does anybody have any news of this or a proper translation of the journal instead of the Babelfish babble I've been trying to decypher?

236th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):How to turn a losing argument into $$$" , posted Fri 12 Aug 02:41:post reply


A Killer 7 anime and a serialization of spin-off ideas? Does anybody have any news of this or a proper translation of the journal instead of the Babelfish babble I've been trying to decypher?

In today's post he says the anime thing was a joke, but nothing more about the spin off novel, only that it will be published at the Dengeki PS2 Magazine.


[this message was edited by tenguman on Fri 12 Aug 02:42]

102th Post

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"Re(3):Killer 7, now with full-blown sex" , posted Sat 13 Aug 02:46post reply

Well I just finished reading the plot analysis at gamefaqs (not a bad read, if not digging a little too deep). There is a reason for mentioning this; it has one of the better responses to the Jack Thompson affair than most do with out directly just calling him stupid or saying "it's just a game." Some of the better points to the argument:

"Even the most violently distressing scene in Killer7--involving Blackburn and Pedro--ultimately redeems itself as a stress, because of its function as a creator of pathos."

"The assessment of the sexual content of Killer7 as "full blown sex sequences" is misleading and exaggerated. Only one scene in the entire game qualifies as sexual, and--insofar as it contributes to the game's characterization and content--it is portrayed tastefully for the game's intended adult audience. The specific scene that I refer to is a cut-scene, at the beginning of the CLOUDMAN mission. Samantha […] is interrupted while molesting Harman in his wheelchair. She wears sexually suggestive clothing […] and audibly climaxes during the sequence. Then, exhausted, she collapses in a nearby chair--with suggestive posture--and offers Garcian sexual favors. Importantly for the game, Garcian refuses the invitation.

Other scenes contain sexually adult circumstances, but they are implicitly sexual (rather than explicitly sexual, as the scene described above)."

Also there is physical (sort of) evidence that Jack Thompson has no idea what he is talking about. From VGCats of all places.

I remember this cop watched me beat House of the Dead on one credit.

He just shook his head afterwards and made some comment about how I'm a trained killer now.

So that makes you equal then, right?