TMNT Season 4 - Forums

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The Big Bad
96th Post

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"TMNT Season 4" , posted Mon 8 Aug 20:43post reply

So, has anybody else seen last Saturday's preview? Next season looks varied, if nothing else: we have The Slayer/possibly The Rat King, Hun on his own, more Renet, dinosaurs, ZombieStockman, monsters, more Bishop, and, apparently, a new Shredder. Prognosis? It's going to kick ass.


1145th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):TMNT Season 4" , posted Mon 8 Aug 22:56post reply

So, has anybody else seen last Saturday's preview? Next season looks varied, if nothing else: we have The Slayer/possibly The Rat King, Hun on his own, more Renet, dinosaurs, ZombieStockman, monsters, more Bishop, and, apparently, a new Shredder. Prognosis? It's going to kick ass.

UGH! I missed it! Is there anyplace I can download it? I was trying the official site, but didn't see it.

I love this cartoon. Of all the 80's stuff they've been bringing back, this has been able to stick. Though I do have to say that GI JOE Sigma 6 might be good but Duke and Scarlet's character design are pretty plain.

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):TMNT Season 4" , posted Tue 9 Aug 03:25post reply

I need to watch season season 3 again, bishop was pretty friggin sweet. refresh my memory: wasn't there a big cliffhanger in which they launched into space or something? or did that get resolved?

The Big Bad
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"Re(3):TMNT Season 4" , posted Tue 9 Aug 05:00:post reply

I need to watch season season 3 again, Bishop was pretty friggin sweet. refresh my memory: wasn't there a big cliffhanger in which they launched into space or something? or did that get resolved?

Yeah, it got resolved. Short version: the turtles had set the ship's engine to blow and were about to bite it when the Utroms, who had been summoned by Das Fugitoid, teleported everyone out. The episode ended with Saki standing trial on the Utrom homeworld for his crimes and being exiled to an ice asteroid.

Gekiganger, here's a link, courtesy of Alison at The forums:

[this message was edited by The Big Bad on Tue 9 Aug 05:11]

3175th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):TMNT Season 4" , posted Tue 9 Aug 18:18post reply

Can someone help me with the season? In france epidodes are show in disorder and they oftenly restart before showing anything new.
So I'll tell some of the episodes I saw an tell me how far I was. BTW some name may change fro the french version...

-Turtle VS shreder (beginning)
-Trutle vs Junkyard dude.
-Trutle vs the underground monsters
-Trutle vs Baxter
-Michelangelo super hero
-Turtle vs The triceraton
-Turtle in the past
-Turtle vs Krang.
-Tutrle with a Triceraton on earth.

That all I can remember so far.

We are all mad at some point...

The Big Bad
98th Post

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"Re(5):TMNT Season 4" , posted Tue 9 Aug 20:35post reply

Can someone help me with the season? In France epidodes are show in disorder and they oftenly restart before showing anything new.
So I'll tell some of the episodes I saw an tell me how far I was. BTW some name may change fro the french version...

Okay, I have no idea what Baxter episodes you saw, but here's a list of the episodes you saw, and their proper order:

Garbageman (Turtle vs Junkyard dude)

The Shredder Strikes (Turtle VS Shredder [beginning])

The Unconvincing Turtle Titan (Michelangelo super hero)

Notes from the Underground (Turtle vs the underground monsters)

Turtles in Space (Turtles vs The triceraton)

Secret Origins (Turtle in the past/Turtle vs Krang)

Rogue in the House (Turtle with a Triceraton on earth)

So right now you'd be at the last third of Season Two. Since we're starting Season 4 in September, I'd say you have quite a ways to go.

3177th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):TMNT Season 4" , posted Tue 9 Aug 20:55post reply

So right now you'd be at the last third of Season Two. Since we're starting Season 4 in September, I'd say you have quite a ways to go.

OK thanks. I'll wait and see what's comming next.

We are all mad at some point...

1147th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):TMNT Season 4" , posted Wed 10 Aug 04:04:post reply

That preview was nice minus the bad music of course.

The DVDs aren't coming out fast enough to satisfy me, but there is one coming out at the end of this month.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 10 Aug 04:04]

3178th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):TMNT Season 4" , posted Wed 10 Aug 17:20post reply

Well... I'm trying to get the preview, but each timeI'm trying to they told me that the download are stop for "today".

And since I dodn't want to pay for an acces...any idea?

We are all mad at some point...

638th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):TMNT Season 4" , posted Thu 11 Aug 12:51post reply

Guess they're giving Mr. Stockman an actual body again, since they really can't take any more pieces off of him the way he is now.

As for the Shredder, it was my pet theory that Karai would become the next Shredder, but the preview has the Shredder look exactly the same as before.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

The Big Bad
99th Post

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"Re(2):TMNT Season 4" , posted Thu 11 Aug 23:08post reply

Guess they're giving Mr. Stockman an actual body again, since they really can't take any more pieces off of him the way he is now.

As for the Shredder, it was my pet theory that Karai would become the next Shredder, but the preview has the Shredder look exactly the same as before.

I don't see how that disproves anything; it wouldn't be the first time Karai has worn that particular Shredder armor.

In any case, I'd be deeply dissapointed if the new Shredder turns out to be Saki again. We've gone down that road before; we don't need to do it again.

3180th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):TMNT Season 4" , posted Fri 12 Aug 19:44post reply

I don't see how that disproves anything; it wouldn't be the first time Karai has worn that particular Shredder armor.

In any case, I'd be deeply dissapointed if the new Shredder turns out to be Saki again. We've gone down that road before; we don't need to do it again.

Well It seems that your talkinf about character I didn't saw yet, fr exemple who is Saki?
And if I listen to what you're saying Kairi didn't get a more important role in the serie. Because for what I saw so far she was more a cameo thatn anything else.

We are all mad at some point...

The Big Bad
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"Re(4):TMNT Season 4" , posted Sat 13 Aug 00:11:post reply

Saki a.k.a. Oroku Saki a.k.a. The Shredder. Sorry for the confusion.

As for Karai, she gets a much more prominent role in Season 3. In fact, the main plot centers on her.

[this message was edited by The Big Bad on Sat 13 Aug 00:12]

639th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):TMNT Season 4" , posted Sat 13 Aug 13:01post reply


And if I listen to what you're saying Kairi didn't get a more important role in the serie. Because for what I saw so far she was more a cameo thatn anything else.

Have you been watching the same show we've been watching?

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.