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The Big Bad 96th Post
Occasional Customer
| "TMNT Season 4" , posted Mon 8 Aug 20:43
So, has anybody else seen last Saturday's preview? Next season looks varied, if nothing else: we have The Slayer/possibly The Rat King, Hun on his own, more Renet, dinosaurs, ZombieStockman, monsters, more Bishop, and, apparently, a new Shredder. Prognosis? It's going to kick ass.
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GekigangerV 1145th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(1):TMNT Season 4" , posted Mon 8 Aug 22:56
quote: So, has anybody else seen last Saturday's preview? Next season looks varied, if nothing else: we have The Slayer/possibly The Rat King, Hun on his own, more Renet, dinosaurs, ZombieStockman, monsters, more Bishop, and, apparently, a new Shredder. Prognosis? It's going to kick ass.
UGH! I missed it! Is there anyplace I can download it? I was trying the official site, but didn't see it.
I love this cartoon. Of all the 80's stuff they've been bringing back, this has been able to stick. Though I do have to say that GI JOE Sigma 6 might be good but Duke and Scarlet's character design are pretty plain.