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Just a Person 732th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Mortal Kombat Seven." , posted Wed 10 Aug 07:18
quote: I guess noone in the cafe likes mk. At least, must be failure of last ones.Anyway im not a big fan either.
Actually, I love most of the MK games (although I dislike the blood and fatalities in it, no matter how weird it sounds). I wonder what innovations the MK team is planning to the MK system. And the biggest number of characters for a MK game?? Wow! I guess it means that my beloved Sonya will be in it!! Maybe even some unpopular characters I like, like Sheeva, Rain, Reiko, etc. But I guess MK7 will be released only for the new platforms (PS3 and Xbox 360 - maybe Revolution, but its version would be quite different due to its promised innovations and inferior processing capacities), since releasing it to the consoles from nowadays would probably demand some sacrifices. But since the next generation consoles will be released soon, I don´t think this is a problem...
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Dr Baghead 3503th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Mortal Kombat Seven." , posted Wed 10 Aug 15:13
quote: I'd care if they'd actually care about improving the game and game engine, rather than just working on what extras they can shove into each sequel and how "kryptic" they can be in chat rooms promoting the series.
I think the gameplay and engine are fine the way they are, granted it ain't Vitura Fighter, hell, it isn't even Dead or Alive, but all I want from a game like MK is for it to be easy to play and be fun... and considering how much easier it use the stage breaking here then in DoA it succeeds!
Although I could do with the "krypic" bullshit too... for Christ sake just say "there are 24 characters, DEAL WITH IT, you were just gonna use Scorpion and Sub-Zero most of the time anyway so quit acting like Sektor not being in the game makes it unplayable" stop it with the "Well let's just say you haven't tried everything yet, I don't think anyone's found all the secrets yet" Yes, MK fans are easy to fuck with since 90% of them are idiots but c'mon, fool them 6 times shame on them, fool them 7 shame on you.
... I'm looking forward to MK7, but what I really look forward to is seeing more of the "Stryker isn't playable?! I HATE THIS GAME!", "I HATE the new costumes!", and "This game would be better if it played like MK4!" GameFAQ post that show MK fans fear progress more then Street Fighter fans.
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Shingo The One 611th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Mortal Kombat Seven update." , posted Sun 14 Aug 13:05
quote: will unveil something concrete about Mortal Kombat 7 this weekend. We shall wait and see.
I hope it's that Strykers playable!!!!
Cuz if he's not this game is absolute garbage and I'll just go back to playing MK3 on my SNES.
Well man, if you want something concrete, here it is(well, let's just say that it's obvious they(the guys at MKO) know more then they tell, so we'll have to wait till next year to see the info gear kicking in): And finally... as expected, there was nothing official said about Mortal Kombat 7. We did a bit of asking, and what little we can tell at this point is that the game will have a huge roster, but it's not so much a Mortal Kombat Trilogy 2, as it has its own storyline. Also, it was apparent they were interested in improving the fighting engine over Deadly Alliance and Deception, including features not previously seen in other fighting games. More info will be forthcoming in the months to come, but as one might imagine right now the people at Midway were focused on Shaolin Monks; other than three or four key people, MK7 and MK:SM are being worked on by two totally different development teams.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.