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Iggy 7009th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):KenSamu pushed back to september" , posted Thu 11 Aug 18:13
quote: Am I the only one who's not expecting anything from KenSamu neither looking forward to it?
The only thing I fear is the spirit select, and especially the ten spirit. Ah, and the art is awful. As for the core changes, the lowering of the jump, the speed tweak, the damage balance, the step, I'm really eager to find out the influence they will have on the gameplay.
But the variety of the cast will allow everyone to find several characters to play. The game propose everyone we loved from Supisupe, and most of them will have more moves, and the most shallow characters will gain some depth ; plus, Sieger, Nicotine and Wan Fu come back. And finally, the four new characters all look fun in their own different ways. What's not to like ?
And I really, really trust Yuki to make a balanced game with this. The rythm of the location tests has intensified to become the one of Supisupe. Only very few bugs remain. They had another month left to balance and only do that, and now they have even more time to do it.
I can't imagine what you could wait from a new SS game. Or then, you don't like the series.
ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ! そう かんけいないね => 殺してでもうばいとる ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
Stifu 232th Post
Frequent Customer
| "Re(5):KenSamu pushed back to september" , posted Thu 11 Aug 20:37
Yeah, okay. It's not like Yuki finished the game ages ago, and that Playmore made them wait all this time, heh ? Better have more time than enough than the other way around...
By the way, I don't mind the artwork that much, I think it's good enough overall. Sure, it's not as great as the artwork of the 2 SS64 games for example, but it's still good. I just wish there was more than just one artwork per character, like in NBC, or SS3 and 4... Like 1 artwork + 1 portrait for each character would have been cool.
Anyway, I do hope this game slaughters NBC, popularity-wise.
tenguman 233th Post
Frequent Customer
| "Re(4):KenSamu pushed back to september" , posted Fri 12 Aug 02:30
quote: Am I the only one who's not expecting anything from KenSamu neither looking forward to it? The only thing I fear is the spirit select, and especially the ten spirit. Ah, and the art is awful. As for the core changes, the lowering of the jump, the speed tweak, the damage balance, the step, I'm really eager to find out the influence they will have on the gameplay.
But the variety of the cast will allow everyone to find several characters to play. The game propose everyone we loved from Supisupe, and most of them will have more moves, and the most shallow characters will gain some depth ; plus, Sieger, Nicotine and Wan Fu come back. And finally, the four new characters all look fun in their own different ways. What's not to like ?
And I really, really trust Yuki to make a balanced game with this. The rythm of the location tests has intensified to become the one of Supisupe. Only very few bugs remain. They had another month left to balance and only do that, and now they have even more time to do it.
I can't imagine what you could wait from a new SS game. Or then, you don't like the series.
I like the series, I really do. It's not my favorite and I majorly suck at it, but I like it indeed. Played a lot of Musôken and Kôrin back in the days.
Maybe it's because I suck at it that I don't get the real difference from Kôrin to Zero, besides that combo thing (keep in mind that I didn't play SamuSupi).
In fact, I'm hoping KenSamu will have something different, don't know exactly what.
Sorry for my lack of straightness.
Iggy 7012th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):KenSamu pushed back to september" , posted Fri 12 Aug 02:44:
I hate translating the gameplay terms.
Ikari・・・super-strong slash Shin・・・weapon destruction (buki hakai instead of buki tobashi), all the special movements except the short jump, hidden super, puppet Zan・・・rage concentration, evasion, roll in the back, air guard, always angry when the energy is under a certain point Ten・・・rage explosion, issen, evasion, roll in the back, dialup combo Zero・・・all special movements, rage explosion, mu no kyôchi, meditation, issen Ken・・・hidden super, mikiri slide, full guard
Ex D-moves, now E-moves : 5E Mikiri slide - Ken evation zan, ten 1E back roll Shin, zero 2E crouch shin, zero, ken 3E forward roll shin, zero 4E hop shin, zero, ken 6E short jump zero close6E roll in the back zan, ten airE air guard zan
The mikiri slide allows to raise the hidden special gauge.
System common to all the spirits
A, B, C : weak-medium-strong slash D kick E special movements
Item use : AD In versus, enable Hikyaku, then use his food and bombs.
push back (throw) : BC follow up : 3C ukemi : E or 4E reflection : 236E
Gauge max = Kenki gauge grows longer, except in ken spirit. In ken, the gauge doesn't empties until you do a buki tobashi (and only one)
ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ! そう かんけいないね => 殺してでもうばいとる ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 12 Aug 02:53] |