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Shingo The One 612th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(10):Official KOF XI site..." , posted Tue 16 Aug 00:44
quote: I see Digitalboy, I hope that you will somehow keep on following Naruto.And speaking of which, I recommend that you get Naruto:Uzumaki Ninden, a really fantastic 3D Naruto Action game.I just booked my copy, now of course I wait to get it, play it and enjoy it till maybe Narutimate Hero 3.
Yo Shingo, when you get the game in, tell me what you think of it. At this point I am skeptical about Naruto: Uzumaki Ninden. I don't think there will be any spoilers in the game but it just looks like a regular platform game (at least to me).
Well Digitalboy, what I do know for certain about Naruto:Uzumaki Ninden is that it is so not a platform game, but a 3D action game with fighting(taijutsu) and ninjutsu at your disposal.All the missions in the game are original, but the friends you play with(up to a three-man cell) and the enemies you face are well-known.Spoilers-wise, let's just say that allies become foes and you play with them and against them(it's up to you to find out), and you get a sneak preview concerning Naruto's forthcoming clash with Akatsuki.The rest about the game I'll know when someone posts about it when it's out this Thursday, and then, when I have it.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
Sensenic 1342th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Re(10):Official KOF XI site..." , posted Fri 19 Aug 05:04:
Site updated with more shots, system and Benimaru's (or from the positioning, Elizabeth's) team.
It's Branctorche. Elizabeth Branctorche. u_u;
She does look cool, tho', just like Oswald. EDIT: Of course, since she's French, she likes wine tasting and good wine, like Château Latour  But, come to think of it, Ash was raised in France, and she does have the looks of a tutor ( that stick at least makes me think so)... hmmm...
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 19 Aug 05:11] |
Iggy 7065th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Engrish for english so ?what? for Fren" , posted Sun 21 Aug 18:05
It doesn't mean anything. Even if the engrish had made it blanctorche, it should have been "blanche torche". Maybe something with "branche" (branch) ? It wouldn't mean anything either. Also, Elisabeth is much more an english name than a french name (even though we do have Elizabeth). And she's tall for a jockey, and horse riding is once again more english than french for female of the high society. As for wine tasting, it is a classy hobby, but it is more of a masculine one.
Finally, in french, you would have tried to NOT call a classy character by a name ending with "torche", which does mean flame, but is very ugly to hear, and can also mean amongst bad-mouthed people the action of cleaning yourself after you have shat.
Conclusion : 設定上, this character is inept.
ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ! そう かんけいないね => 殺してでもうばいとる ゆずってくれ たのむ!!
Sensenic 1344th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):Engrish for english so ?what? for Fren" , posted Sun 21 Aug 19:46
quote: It doesn't mean anything. Even if the engrish had made it blanctorche, it should have been "blanche torche". Maybe something with "branche" (branch) ? It wouldn't mean anything either. Also, Elisabeth is much more an english name than a french name (even though we do have Elizabeth). And she's tall for a jockey, and horse riding is once again more english than french for female of the high society. As for wine tasting, it is a classy hobby, but it is more of a masculine one.
Finally, in french, you would have tried to NOT call a classy character by a name ending with "torche", which does mean flame, but is very ugly to hear, and can also mean amongst bad-mouthed people the action of cleaning yourself after you have shat.
Conclusion : 設定上, this character is inept.
Well, aren't you glad that they're at least trying? I'm "pissed" (well, I mean, not really...) that still no Spanish character has made it into KOF.
And I guess you weren't expecting for them to do it right, were you?  As a matter of fact, I was actually surprised that the wine she liked was an actual brand.
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
Sensenic 1346th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):Engrish for english so ?what? for Fren" , posted Mon 22 Aug 05:25
quote: BUT there's the risk of having another Lawrence Blood there (who I still don't know if he's Spanish or German, but he is horrible either way). Do you REALLY want a Spanish character, despite having such a possibility? I'm happy enough with our pschycopath ninja, blind assasin, and zombie pirate (not LeChuc, the other one).
Yes. I'm curious to see what they'd come out with (of course, Lawrence Blood is just uck). ^_^; Maybe something like a Spanish Shermie could come out.
If anything I'd complain and bitch later, but for now I'm kind of... eh... tired about how Spain has been systematically ignored in KOF, with only one stage in '98.
quote: Well, aren't you glad that they're at least trying? No. (...) As far as settei are concerned, Shermie is the last good character to have appeared in any SNK related game if you except SS0 and Ken Samu.
Well, if they hadn't tried, Shermie wouldn't have come out at all, no?
PS: What does settei mean?
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
Sensenic 1354th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(7):Reno, Rude and Elena suck!" , posted Wed 24 Aug 03:31:
quote: PS:Sensenic how can i see the result of that poll?
quote: About Malin she suppose to be in a organization. It could be Heidern's secret agency <See ralf win quote to malin> or Nest's ghost with Ron, Misty and Angel, orrrr a new one. But we know that she's an agent and she must participate kof for her organization first high school girls for no reason now anti kyokugen team.
From where do we know she's an agent? *rereads High School Girls' story* Ah, ok. ^_^
quote: Ah, I had forgotten Malin's back story and didn't realize that she was some sort of improbable cloak and dagger mastermind. Then again, tricking Hinako and Athena probably isn't the toughest trick in the world.

quote: I still have a hard time believing that Malin is related to Hinako. They don't look anything alike. I like Malin though. She's very fun to use.
Were they? I think the comments started to appear after the first blurry images because they looked similar, but no info about it came out afterwards. Plus, Hinako doesn't know Malin in their story. EDIT:I'm editing this post, 'cuz I forgot to add this was an edit before. Yeah, right.
quote: And while we're at why do we have a KoF topic with the title about FFVII characters, where did that come from?
Well, Onslaught was replying 'his way' to an apparently rude post by kofoguz --> He sucks --> Turks suck --> Who're the Turks? Take a guess... ^_^;
And while we're at it, I'll say you can't trust Turkish girls because you never know whether they're blue or green. And if you pick/grab/get/acquire one of 'em, you're drunk.
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
[this message was edited by Sensenic on Wed 24 Aug 03:45] |
Sensenic 1357th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(9):Reno, Rude and Elena suck!" , posted Fri 26 Aug 06:06
quote: What the hell those 2 paragraphs mean?
Hahaha... don't worry, I wasn't insulting anyone. Lessee:
quote: Well, Onslaught was replying 'his way' to an apparently rude post by kofoguz --> He sucks --> Turks suck --> Who're the Turks? Take a guess... ^_^;
Here, I was just trying to guess the reasoning behind why Onslaught put FFVII characters in a thread about KOF, cuz Cain asked.
If you haven't played that game, those characters (Reno, Rude and Elena) are part of an organization called the Turks.
quote: And while we're at it, I'll say you can't trust Turkish girls because you never know whether they're blue or green. And if you pick/grab/get/acquire one of 'em, you're drunk.
90% of my "original humor" are easy non-funny puns. Learned from my father.
Well, so... there's this color called "Turquoise" which is a blue that seems green... or a green that seems blue. It's not clear enough, so it has its own name. Now, the name of this color in Catalan, "turquesa", means (well, doesn't literally mean but sounds like it does) "Turkish girl/woman".
Hence, Turkish girls --> "Turqueses" --> you can't trust them because you never know if they're green or blue. Thassit.
As for the drunkness... there's this expression in Spanish "coger una turca", that literally translates to "to pick/grab/get a Turkish girl/woman" which actually means "to get drunk".
Hence, you grab a Turkish girl --> you're drunk. Thassit too.
They just came to my head. 
quote: Certainly.
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
Shingo The One 616th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "KOF XI update" , posted Sat 27 Aug 18:41
quote: And btw, the link: KOF XI Official Site
Damn! I forgot to add link!
Hey guys, www.cyberfanatix.com has got the so far definitive summary on the general gameplay and a few character changes.Here's the whole summary text: General Info: - C+D attacks are back. They are done either by C+D or 'the fifth button' E (All the Kof2003 characters have new CD animation) - There is a new kind of recovery roll by pressing "Forward A+B" when player touches the ground. The character performs a forward recovery roll instead of usual backward. However this new recovery roll has same the properties as the basic one, and player cannot block during recovery animation. - The power gauge very difficult to fill without touching the opponent. You can't fill your gauge quietly in the corner; you'll have to attack your opponent. - The Skill gauge fills on its own with time (like MAX2 in Neowave) and there is no other way to fill it, you can store two levels and you can utilize it in following ways: Super Cancels: You need one power gauge level and one skill gauge level to perform a super cancel. If you want to super cancel an LDM, you'll need two power stocks and one skill stock. Saving Tag: Like Marvel Vs Capcom series, it is possible to cancel a blocked attack into a tag. And contrary to beta test, the new character who comes to save you hits the opponent to corner of the screen. Thus, a defense cannot be transformed into a combo, as it was the case of the dash-cancel in SVC chaos. Note that the saving tag cost two skill stocks. Combo Tag: The Tags attacks of KOF2003 are gone .In KOFXI, it is possible to cancel any cancellable move into a tag (A+C or B+D), Your next character will come and stun your opponent (like a KOF 2003 tag attack), allowing you to continue your combo (we still don't know if we can have the time to jump before the combo). Note that the Combo Tag costs one skill stock. Normal Tag: There is no more time delay between Normal Tag. You are free to switch characters whenever you want. However, there is nothing abusive about this system, because the normal tag leaves your next character vulnerable to attacks, so this switch is risky and can be done only under particular conditions. However, the advantage is, that it is now possible combo with the 3 characters! (eg: Kyo: jump C, C, tag, Iori: C, tag, K': C, before A Leader DM). But note that Tag combo with 3 characters is not really abusive, because two Tags in a combo cost two skill stocks for just two additional hits.
- KOFXI has Stun gauge. Like the Street Fighters 3 series, a gauge for stun is on the top of the life gauge. Once filled, the character gets dizzy. Every character has its own stun gauge and resistibility. - The Skill Balance is another new thing in KOF XI. The Time Over Wins is no longer decided by who has the most life. It is now the skill balance who does . There is 3 ways to make the balance goes in your side: 1. Hit the oppenent (Fastest way). 2. Go toward the opponent (Like GGXX). 3. Attack the opponent while he guards. - Guard Crush is same KOF2002. The life gauge start flashing when your guard is about be crushed . - Grabs are same by pressing Forward C or D. It is also possible by pressing C+D. However a missed grab leads to C+D (E button). Like CVS2, if an unsuccessful grab is done, a miss-grab animation is performed. - Like KOF2003 only leader can perform the LDM. Also the leader has a new cancel called "Dream Cancel" which allows him to cancel a DM by a LDM. This cancel need a skill gauge level and 3 power gauge levels (1 for the DM and 2 for the LDM). Small innovation, it is finally possible to change leader between two different versus matches.
Character Info: - Ash’s fireball (C version) is a slower - His qcfx2 C DM speed is also decided by the button you use (C for fast, A for slow). - Oswald has a three hit move like Iori - His Dragon punch like Heidern. - Shen’s qcb A first hit crushes guard. - He has a new roll animation . - Elizabeth has a Dragon punch perfomed vertically, - A special move of her does a projectile combo. - Duolon’s Genmu Hishou Keikou (qcb K) can be done in the air now. - His Suishu Ransaiki doesn’t stun the opponent anymore and it can followed up only by a super cancel. Bye bye infinite! - Terry’s Burning Knuckle has quicker recovery. - His Buster Wolf DM is same as Garou now. You cannot counter it with fireball anymore like KOF2003. - Kim f B has a new follow-up (A sliding kick). It is no longer an overhead - His Hishou Kyaku (d K in air) has time delay (like Dong Hwan). - Duck King has his Break Spiral. - His leader DM is his P power from Wild Ambition - B.Jenet’s LDM is her hiding Ppower from MOTW. You do not need to guard before performing it. - Gato can hit after his air dash (qcb P, A) - Tizoc can use his Olympus Over (qcb K) in the air. - Ryo has a new move (f C ) like Ryu’s f HP in SSFX2. - Yuri can hold her air projectile during her jump by holding the button. - King got her Surprise Rose back. - The speed of Malin’s moves have been changed and her game play is totaly different from KOF2003. - Kasumi have an new anti-air grab, like Goro Daimon. - Most of Eiji’s special moves can be followed . His move (Qcf , Hcb P) is a DM. - Ralf’s DP is unblockable and projectiles cannot hit him during it. - Clark’s Gatling Attack is back. - Whip has a new DM. - Her Boomerang shot (hcf P) has quicker recovery, and can be used to pressure opponents. - Vanessa’s Dashing Upper (b~f P) move animation has new dust effect. - Her One Two (f A) has a new animation. - Mary’s Splash Rose DM is back. - Ramon’s far C animation is changed. - He has a new grab that make the oppenent run and bounce off the corner (Like Shermie’s HSDM in KOF2002). - Athena has her KOF 98 Grab back. - She can perform her teleport in the air. - Kensou has new fighting style. A mix between his psycho powers (1998/2002) and Kung Fu (1999/2000). - He got his burning knuckles like move from KOF99. - He also has a new move. Its a palm like yun/yang and it can crush low guard. - Momoko is a Capoera fighter - She has a lot of combo possibilities and follow ups, like a second version of Angel with Bob Wilson fighting style. - K’ can perform a Narrow Spike as follow-up of his projectile. - He has a new CD, and he can hit after his CD without a counter hit. - Kula’s DP now does 3 hits. - She has an air projectile with a nice effect (Saint Seiya like) - Maxima has a new far Standing D like Daimon (Anti air). - A new Jump D - And he can cancel his Vapour canon (like KOFMI) - Kyo has his projectile back. Done with qcb P. - Iori’s Ura 316 Shiki: Saika is now a DM. - Shingo’s DP K is performed even if he miss the target. It's long, but I hope you enjoy the update.
There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.
ONSLAUGHT 3444th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Reno, Rude and Elena suck!" , posted Sun 28 Aug 02:59:
quote: Thanks sensenic, I didnt get the joke.And i dont mean to be rude and type "crapcom". But why onslaught do you love capcom to insult my nation, even in a indirect way?
I didn't insult your nation, I did insult you though. And don't bullshit me with that "I typed "crapcom" by accident" (unless you have a magic keyboard with the R besides the C or A). It's fine to dislike Capcom or even insult it, but stand up for what you believe in dammit, don't be a pussy. I would have been happy if you replied with a "Yes, I said crapcom, what are you going to do about it, you piece of shit"? or something like that.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - And you STILL suck.
End of Spoiler
[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Sun 28 Aug 03:01] |
insan 25th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(10):Reno, Rude and Elena suck!" , posted Sun 28 Aug 04:37:
quote: What the hell those 2 paragraphs mean? Hahaha... don't worry, I wasn't insulting anyone. Lessee: Well, Onslaught was replying 'his way' to an apparently rude post by kofoguz --> He sucks --> Turks suck --> Who're the Turks? Take a guess... ^_^; Here, I was just trying to guess the reasoning behind why Onslaught put FFVII characters in a thread about KOF, cuz Cain asked.
If you haven't played that game, those characters (Reno, Rude and Elena) are part of an organization called the Turks.
And... And while we're at it, I'll say you can't trust Turkish girls because you never know whether they're blue or green. And if you pick/grab/get/acquire one of 'em, you're drunk. 90% of my "original humor" are easy non-funny puns. Learned from my father.
Well, so... there's this color called "Turquoise" which is a blue that seems green... or a green that seems blue. It's not clear enough, so it has its own name. Now, the name of this color in Catalan, "turquesa", means (well, doesn't literally mean but sounds like it does) "Turkish girl/woman".
Hence, Turkish girls --> "Turqueses" --> you can't trust them because you never know if they're green or blue. Thassit.
As for the drunkness... there's this expression in Spanish "coger una turca", that literally translates to "to pick/grab/get a Turkish girl/woman" which actually means "to get drunk".
Hence, you grab a Turkish girl --> you're drunk. Thassit too.
They just came to my head.  Certainly. Certainly.
Don't worry, I did not get offended or anything. It is just that what you said made no sense to me. By the way, don't take it personally but you suck at making jokes... 1 out of how many million would be able to understand them?
By the way, Oğuz's keyboard is really phucked up, yes an R even may appear out of nowhere.
And Oğuz, stop the phuck away with spoilering.
[this message was edited by insan on Sun 28 Aug 05:07] |
ONSLAUGHT 3445th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Reno, Rude and Elena suck!" , posted Sun 28 Aug 05:27
quote: By the way, don't take it personally but you suck at making jokes... 1 out of how many million would be able to understand them?
Indeed, trying to translate local jokes won't give you good results with people. I speak spanish and I didn't understand what the hell was he talking about.
quote: By the way, Oğuz's keyboard is really phucked up, yes an R even may appear out of nowhere.
And Oğuz, stop the phuck away with spoilering.
And I think your keyboard is really fucked up, because it changes the F into PH
And damn you Iggy, the computer I'm using at work doesn't have any sound, but seeing those pics made me die a little inside, because I have a pic of me with my hair covering half of my face AND with a black t-shirt, but I didn't know about this emo crap when I took it a few years ago.
Sensenic 1358th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Re(10):Reno, Rude and Elena suck!" , posted Sun 28 Aug 05:42
quote: By the way, don't take it personally but you suck at making jokes... 1 out of how many million would be able to understand them?
Indeed, trying to translate local jokes won't give you good results with people. I speak spanish and I didn't understand what the hell was he talking about.
Oh, don't worry: 1- That it won't give good results - I know.
2- That I suck at making jokes - Most certainly I know. Hey, I never said jokes, I said "non-funny puns", which I got used to make a long time ago, just like my father did (and does).
3- It was not to be "understood", it was cryptic on purpose, so you'd read it and think "WTF? o_O"
Anyway, it was just a stupid PS to a rather on-topic post, nothing else 
quote: And damn you Iggy, the computer I'm using at work doesn't have any sound, but seeing those pics made me die a little inside, because I have a pic of me with my hair covering half of my face AND with a black t-shirt, but I didn't know about this emo crap when I took it a few years ago.
I don't know about it now. Someone care to explain, please?
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
kofoguz 144th Post

Regular Customer
| "why?" , posted Tue 30 Aug 07:47
quote: Do you hear that, Onslaught? He's not afraid of you. That's like a magic word to defeat monsters and bullies. I don't know how many children's shows I've seen where monsters grow smaller and smaller when people say they aren't afraid of them. Bullies, of course, lose their power that way as well. Your days are numbered. I'm not afraid of you.
You too,Polyanna? He was saying "you were being pussy about...blah blah" And then i say why would i lie about this. Okay Onsy could broke every bones of mine, but not from internet, could he? So why i should lie about that "crapcom" thing? About support issue, I'm not believeing magical things like lovefully wishes all around the world could help me to pass my test without studiing enough. But it would be nice gesture but it wasnt necessary. I wasnt holding my breathe either. When i learn that i fail, I write a small joke. Is this unbearable that much? I wanna say that I like this forum very much (especially iggys posts), I make mistakes of course, but im not a child. Nah no more explanation... Im going to enjoy this cafe anyway.
So, can I have hamburger?

Sensenic 1361th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Blackheart" , posted Thu 1 Sep 05:53
quote: But Im sure you're all kindhearted. That's slander, my heart is as black as my conscience!
But in the deep of your heart, there's light and brightness. I saw it. You can ignore but you cant get rid of it.
No, no, no, no... read the script again.
Before this ONSY had to say "oguz, I am your father", "Search your feelings, you know it's true", "we'll rule the galaxy as father and son" et caetera.
-tsk- how un-geeky
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-
 My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
Shingo The One 650th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "So what's new about KOF XI?" , posted Fri 30 Sep 21:55
quote: Where's the pic? Me can't see. I guess you need to register to see it. Ok , here is the easy way:
Gai Tendou Hayate
So, with the rumor(the one that mentioned that this charater would show up) ending up to be not a rumor, this means we got two characters, this one and Gai, who have nothing to do with KOF, and yet are in The King Of Fighters XI. I have to ask, has the latest issue of Arcadia Magazine, out now, mention anything about this, since it has their second article on KOFXI? And has anyone, especially you Iggy-san, check out the test report link I gave out the other day? If not, no problem, I'll post it again: www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~code-nt/text/kof11-locationtest.html Hope to receive some new interesting updates the soonest possible.
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen.
Shingo The One 651th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "About my KOF XI questions" , posted Sat 1 Oct 15:06
quote: Gai Tendou Hayate
So, with the rumor(the one that mentioned that this charater would show up) ending up to be not a rumor, this means we got two characters, this one and Gai, who have nothing to do with KOF, and yet are in The King Of Fighters XI. I have to ask, has the latest issue of Arcadia Magazine, out now, mention anything about this, since it has their second article on KOFXI? And has anyone, especially you Iggy-san, check out the test report link I gave out the other day? If not, no problem, I'll post it again: www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~code-nt/text/kof11-locationtest.html Hope to receive some new interesting updates the soonest possible.
Hey guys, can someone please me tell me what has happened to Iggy-san? I so need him to check out this link that I got two days ago regarding a KOFXI new location test report, but somehow I still got no response. I'll post the link again so that someone, anyone, can see and translate: www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~code-nt/text/kof11-locationtest.html Also, has anyone gotten their hands on the latest issue of Arcadia Magazine, which just came out? Because this latest issue has their second article on The King Of Fighters XI. I hope someone will come and give me and us some fresh good news regarding this game, since it's coming out this month.
kofoguz 196th Post

Regular Customer
| "Ash team story translated...." , posted Sun 2 Oct 02:10
Credits to cyberfanatix and Ayako Yajima. Enjoy.
Ash team story (main character team story)
>>DUBLIN, the capital of Ireland. It is an old and new city of most remarkable economic development in the recent years of Europe. This land was covered with glacier more than 10,000 years ago, however, the cold of winter would be not that severe thanks to the ocean current.
"......Shen, you are liar." "I said it was not SO cold, Ash." Ash was wrapped in a coat and his small body was still shaking. This city is almost the same temperature as Moscow and Hokkaido in the cold days. Now it's only a fresh temperature. They went into alley from Grafton Street. There are a lot of pubs in Ireland. Also inside the alley. Along several pubs which hang small signboards, they chose THE one, and opened the door. This is the typical Irish pub, there were ten table seats and bar stools. The place looked a bit empty though there were some regular guests in the pub, they might be neighbours as they are well-known and the mood was quite relaxed. In one of the tables, there was a middle-aged gentleman who was playing cards. "Ash, is that our man?" "Maybe" "Hey, you ...... well, ermm... 'Have Shamrock flowers bloomed?' " The gentleman stopped moving and looked at Shen. "... You seem to wait for someone" The old gentleman made a suspicious expression. "DAMN, it's not him! Go on, Old man" Ash has already sat on the bar. "Well. I'd like a stout (dark beer), but do you have something warm to drink?" The bartender, whom didn’t seem to know what was doing, served him a drink with a pleasant smile. "Irish coffee is the best drink when it's so cold. Are you a traveler? Welcome to Dublin." "Yeah. gimme an Irish coffee too, please." Shen asked to the pubkeeper. Irish Coffee: Hot cocktail made with Irish whisky, sugar, whipped cream and coffee. The delicious aroma went around the whole place.
"Hey guys, if you have a time, how about a game?" The mid-aged man invited them while he was shuffling the cards. It is a man who has considerable stature. His arms and legs are slender but nevertheless weak. There was some weight of power on him but his manners were exquisite. "He,he,he, it is good. OK, come'on!" "Shen, really you have a weakness for gaming, eh?" "What about poker? Woops, forgot, bridge it's more played locally, right?" "That in England. wanna play poker? Okay then..." The suited gentleman distributed 5 cards each, dealing one card per turn. "Though you may bet whenever one card is distributed, anyway... Open the game, please." "......" Shen's expression started to change gradually, grinning more and more, with an air of confidence. Ash was grinning too, but that was his usual smile. By the other hand, the mid-aged gentleman was wearing the typical expressionless poker face. "Of course I bet!" Shen exclaimed. "... I quit" Ash said " Why? No way." Shen showed his hand. King, 5, King, 5, 5. "I'm sorry. Then, next hand." The suited gentleman collected the cards soundlessly and vividly. "Well, Shen." "Ah?" "Do you know what's a poker face?" The man asked. "Don't make a fool of me, I know it." "Okay, just asked" The gentleman's shuffling of card was wizard-like, afterwards he let Ash to shuffle them. The dry sound of the cards was musical. "you shuffle the cards very well. It is worth to pay money to see your shuffle skill." "I appreciate it" The man replied with a smile. The gentleman began to deal the cards again. "By the way, 'Have Shamrock flowers bloomed?'" "Hey Ash, you have asked it already." "'If you wait to spring, it will bloom'" The suited man replied without moving his eyes from the cards. "What?!... hey you! Why you didn't answer" "Open the game." he said coldly. Shen ranted in low voice, and, as he checked his hand, his expression looked discontented more and more. "DAMN!" "Well, Shen." "Yes, poker face? I know, dammit! By the way, it was.." "First things first, now let's play the game. Ah, I will bet." "Shit, it's not fun! I will quit." "Double" Ash said with his typical smile. The youngish aged gentleman nodded. However, he didn't put bills or money on the table. It was not possible to watch the movement of his eyes by his red tinted glasses reflecting from the lighting of the pub. Or he might calculate the angle on purpose. "Hm. Then, double to me too." "I like it, once again." "Oh more? Well, raise once more" The gentleman and Ash continued raising their bets, but they didn't place any money on the table. The black-suited gentleman took a zip of his whiskey. "Ash, what do you bet?" Shen said confused. "That he will join us to fight in the KOF tournament. I told you already, didn't I?" "Never! Well, if you lose, what will you do?" "Just I pay for the drinks and pay money, of course. But if I win, I will still pay the drinks but he must take part in KOF with us." "Either way, it suffers a total loss!" "I try to return which it has retired the Carnefel already, I must do it." Carnefel? Shen tried to ask what was that as he never heard such word but he got cut because the progress of the game was quick. "Are you done? Then... show me your hand." Shen hung out to look at the card of Ash. Jack, Queen, 7, 7, 7. A triple set. "Ummm seems you defeat me." The mid-aged gentleman first changed his expression with his cards turned down, and then he drunk the whisky up the bottom of glass. "My name is Oswald. I accept this work." Oswald offered his hand to them. Ash and Shen shook hands with Oswald, and the deal was closed. "Well, we need to talk in detail... Let's change the place." The three men stood up, the bartender approached to the table to pick up the empty glasses. Ash left several bills on the table. "Master, it was tasty! Merci"
Oswald's hand remained turned down on the table.
He put on his coat at the entrance, and left the place.
After the three men went out, the tension environment in the pub dissapeared and returned to the usual normal mood. The pubkeeper turned up the cards of Oswald. Spade, club, and heart. Three Aces.
The bartender wondered why he let the foreign boy win, and suddenly he turned around to see that Oswald showed up again. "Excuse me, I forget my hat here." Oswald took the hat from the coat hanger, put it on, pushed up glasses by the middle finger, and then he watched the pubkeeper. A cold shiver roamed the bartender's back while looking at Oswald's expression.
"See you again." He said with a smile as he turned around and leave.<<

Pollyanna 1465th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Adel Arcadia scan" , posted Wed 12 Oct 20:04
quote: What? How can you say it's not Hiroaki? It's very clear it's him, compare this illustration and the character designs of this year's KOF to the art from KOF EX2, KOF 94 Rebout...
Anyways, I want to see the superior art he is capable of delivering, if I just love this art I'm mentioning, the art you're mentioning will blow me away!
Well, OK...the large illustration is like Hiroaki, and it's obvious that he's grown as an artist since his last SNK work. But the individual character illustrations are way below his normal level of quality. Some look good, but they're mostly mediocre.
So, I think I'm in denial. With the big illustration, I say "THAT'S the Hiroaki I know!" and with the individual illustrations, I'm so disappointed that I won't believe it's him.