Arcade Releases for 06 - Forums

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16th Post

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"Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 01:49post reply

One of the forum members emailed us last time and asked "...if The Stinger Report thinks its so ahead of the time, why not list some of the new arcade games planned for us non-subscribers?"

As a sign of good faith and to prove a point here is the first part of just our JAMMA show preview list:

‘Battle Gear 4’ (TypeX+)
‘ZOIDS Infinity EX’ (TypeX)

‘House of the Dead 4’ (LindBergh)
‘GunDam 0079’ (CHIHIRO)
‘Sega Network Pro Tour Vers. 2005’ (CHIHIRO)
‘NeoGeo Coliseum’ (A-Wave)
‘Samurai Spirit: Tenkaiichi’ (A-Wave)
‘Fist of the North Star’ (A-Wave)
‘Under Defeat’ (Naomi GD-ROM)
‘AfterBurner Next’ (LindBergh)
‘Virtua Fighter 5’ (LindBergh)
‘OutRun Coast-2-Coast’ (LindBergh)
‘SEGA Rally 3’ (LindBergh)

‘Tekken 5.1’ (System 258)
‘Cobra: The Arcade’ (System 258)
‘Mario Kart: Arcade GP’ (TriForce)
‘Counter Strike Neo V2’ (Namco N2)
‘Druaga Online: The Story of Aon’ (CHIHIRO)

‘Chou DragonBall Z’ (System 246)
‘GunDam 0079 Card Builder’ (Naomi 2)

‘Paintball Mania’ (Pysone)
‘Beatmania IIDX12: Happy Sky’ (System 572)
‘Battle Climaxx 2: Wrestling Arena’ (Pysone)

‘Street Fighter 4’ (A-Wave)
‘Donkey Kong Jungle Fever’ (System 246)

‘Shoot’em-up X’ (Proprietary Hardware)
‘Online Tank Battle’ (Proprietary Hardware)

This is obviously our first pass at the information that will go into the finished piece and not all of these games have been offically comfirmed.

All the best,

The Stinger Report"the 'out-of-home entertainment news service"
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235th Post

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"Re(1):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 02:09post reply

Hmmm... I'm confused.

For example, NBC and SS Tenka are for 2005... I thought you'd only list 2006 games.

Also, "‘Street Fighter 4’ (A-Wave)" ?
A 5 button SF game ? And on a seemingly dying system ? o_o

17th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 02:13post reply

Hmmm... I'm confused.

For example, NBC and SS Tenka are for 2005... I thought you'd only list 2006 games.

Also, "‘Street Fighter 4’ (A-Wave)" ?
A 5 button SF game ? And on a seemingly dying system ? o_o

It was said this was the JAMMA (Japanese Amusement Machine Manufacturer Association) AM show preview information. This is what we have been told would be at the event or announced at the event. I agree surprised about SF4 as an A-Wave, the same way that we first heard GGXX was going to be A-Wave only to jump to Naomi!

The Stinger Report"the 'out-of-home entertainment news service"
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Shin Ramberk
164th Post

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"Re(3):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 04:34post reply

Hmmm... I'm confused.

For example, NBC and SS Tenka are for 2005... I thought you'd only list 2006 games.

Also, "‘Street Fighter 4’ (A-Wave)" ?
A 5 button SF game ? And on a seemingly dying system ? o_o

It was said this was the JAMMA (Japanese Amusement Machine Manufacturer Association) AM show preview information. This is what we have been told would be at the event or announced at the event. I agree surprised about SF4 as an A-Wave, the same way that we first heard GGXX was going to be A-Wave only to jump to Naomi!

SF4 too good to be true. Impossible. But I have no reason to doubt Mr. Editor. On the other hand, I still can't believe it. Hrm... I won't be holding my breath.

Burning Ranger
1268th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 06:19post reply

All of this has to be speculation, though; 2006 is still a long ways away.

NGBC is out now, isn't it? And SF4's on there? Now I know it's speculation.

Though did Sega officially announce Outrun Coast2Coast? I think I read somewhere that they were working on Sega Rally 3, but I was under the impression it was for consoles only.

But, I will say that we're overdue for another Dayona game. 1993-1998 (Daytona to Daytona 2): 5 years. 1998-2005: 7 years--we're definitely overdue for round and round action.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

7013th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 06:46post reply


ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

Shingo The One
609th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 06:50post reply


Well Iggy-san, there is only one way to know what's fiction and what's fact...Till next month.

There is a difference between doing it FIRST and doing it RIGHT.

2896th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 07:15post reply

skeptical, but we'll find out soon...

18th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 07:45post reply

Though did Sega officially announce Outrun Coast2Coast? I think I read somewhere that they were working on Sega Rally 3, but I was under the impression it was for consoles only.

But, I will say that we're overdue for another Dayona game. 1993-1998 (Daytona to Daytona 2): 5 years. 1998-2005: 7 years--we're definitely overdue for round and round action.

Agree a rumor about Daytona USA 3 was run back in 2004, with a claimed test piece that went the same way as the 2005 test Sega Rally 3 machine. Most AM teams test about 15% more than they release.

Regarding our list - yes we have to wait and see, but if you check out our 2004 preview we had a 80% hit rate, lets see if we achieve this in 2005.

All the best,

The Stinger Report"the 'out-of-home entertainment news service"
Link Here

1099th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 13 Aug 09:35post reply

Is the 80% hitrate all games that had already been announced previously?

14th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sun 14 Aug 09:57post reply

hmmmm better i go to jamma show next month to check whether Street Fighter 4 in 2d or 3d .

or in system 258 (6 buttons) maybe.

7022th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sun 14 Aug 16:32:post reply

I would like to say "can't... stop... laughing", but this bores me too much to make it sound even remotely accurate.

EDIT : Just when I post this, I notice this thread is being used on 2ch as a source for the rumor.


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ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 14 Aug 16:57]

3181th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sun 14 Aug 18:01post reply

Well my 2 cents: Out run coast-2-coast and After burner, VF5 will be just shown as a video like Sega did before, some small trailer, but nothing else (if they're shown!)

As for SF4 like it have been said on A-wava ahahahaha....especialy with Capcom who have closed all his Arcade developement team...
Unless Iggy cursed us and Yuki is making the game....

We are all mad at some point...

43th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(6):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sun 14 Aug 20:41post reply

from what i know, the atomiswave can handle anything....much more than the cps III. The only thing is that it renders everything in 3d, and CPS III is rendered on a 2d plane, so the ports tend to not be too accurate. But anyways, its problem not going to live up to any of the street fighters before it. F**k it, i wont be pessimist, lets hope its at least announced, it will be something to look forward to .

1941th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sun 14 Aug 21:40:post reply

‘Street Fighter 4’ (A-Wave)
‘Donkey Kong Jungle Fever’ (System 246)

SF4 on Atomiswave? Even I'm not spreading that rumor around. Still it's always good to hear anything in regards to SF4 weither it's rumory or not, thanks. We'll find out soon enough anyways.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Sun 14 Aug 22:00]

2148th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 04:27post reply

EDIT : Just when I post this, I notice this thread is being used on 2ch as a source for the rumor.

Wow. Did they also note the responses and AA that accompanied the rumor? If SF4 somehow turns out to be true it's going to make it even funnier that the first place this information debuted was this thread.

1357th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 04:41post reply

EDIT : Just when I post this, I notice this thread is being used on 2ch as a source for the rumor.
Wow. Did they also note the responses and AA that accompanied the rumor? If SF4 somehow turns out to be true it's going to make it even funnier that the first place this information debuted was this thread.

At this point I had pretty much assumed that SF4 would use 3D graphics... and well Atomiswave isn't exactly famous with 3D fighters like Force Five and that cel shaded deal that might not have even come out... if it actually turns out on Atomiswave it would have to be sprite based. One would hope high rez sprites.... but this is Capcom... the destroyer of dreams... so it would likely be recycled third strike sprites with Ingrid thrown in.

236th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(7):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 04:58post reply

I can't see SF4 as a 3D game. The SF Ex series is there for that.
What convinces me that this won't be on the AW is the fact the AW has 5 buttons, not 6. All the previous SF games, even the very first one, used 6 buttons.

I hope it'll happen on another hardware though... However, the SF licence is now owned by Capcom USA, right ? That lowers my hopes and expectations.

1942th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 05:29:post reply

Can't they change the button lay out from five to six? Is it that big of a deal? CVS1 and Pro had 4 buttons, CVS2 had six, all used Naomi. I'm sure there are a bunch of examples of 'different buttons for different games on the same board' but that's the one that comes to mind right now. Are the SNK games released on Atomiswave patterened to the same five button set up since my memory is bad in regards to these things? Isn't the most important thing that it runs on the same board and not if they can recycle an old Arcade Machine complete with controllers and buttons and just swap out GG ___ for SF4 for it to say that it runs on Atomiswave? Can't they just use a machine that has an 'outer shell' of six buttons and still use Atomiswave on the inside?

Not that I believe this rumor is true mind you.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Mon 15 Aug 07:26]

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(9):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 11:16post reply

Can't they change the button lay out from five to six? Is it that big of a deal? CVS1 and Pro had 4 buttons, CVS2 had six, all used Naomi. I'm sure there are a bunch of examples of 'different buttons for different games on the same board' but that's the one that comes to mind right now. Are the SNK games released on Atomiswave patterened to the same five button set up since my memory is bad in regards to these things? Isn't the most important thing that it runs on the same board and not if they can recycle an old Arcade Machine complete with controllers and buttons and just swap out GG ___ for SF4 for it to say that it runs on Atomiswave? Can't they just use a machine that has an 'outer shell' of six buttons and still use Atomiswave on the inside?

Not that I believe this rumor is true mind you.

well yeah. but one of the big deals with the atomiswave is that the system takes cartridges, so you would only need to buy the cartridge and put it in the arcade unit. So basically its for cost effective measures, kind of like the neo-geo. So im assuming all a-wave games will use the 5 button layout. I hear cartrdges are very good for 2d games, since you can have a lot of ram and shit, this may better than anyone thinks.

but well, lets find out if its true first.

722th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 11:27post reply

Can't they change the button lay out from five to six? Is it that big of a deal?

I can't imagine playing SF without 6 buttons, personally.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

384th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 18:20post reply


I can't imagine playing SF without 6 buttons, personally.

Back in the days of SFII here in Spain, most of the SFII arcades only had about 3 buttons. You were really lucky if you had a strong punch and kick, sometimes you had 3 punches and no kicks, etc...

1313th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 18:43post reply


Back in the days of SFII here in Spain, most of the SFII arcades only had about 3 buttons. You were really lucky if you had a strong punch and kick, sometimes you had 3 punches and no kicks, etc...

That's totally messed up. Couldn't afford 6 buttons, huh?

Oh, I've been meaning to ask you...have you ever heard The Inazuma Sentai?

3182th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 20:06post reply

If we take the SF4 rumor as true, the buttons settings wouldn't be a problem for me a 5 or for buttons didn't disturb be, well maybe I'm too much used of this due to KOF. Anywya SF characters in SVC were using only 4 buttons and most if not all of their moves were available...

With a SF4 rumor I'm much more worried about a 2D/3D story...

We are all mad at some point...

237th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 20:20post reply

This isn't KoF... And SvC Chaos sucked so much it shouldn't ever be used as a reference for that kind of stuff.
Down/forward + High Kick to sweep the floor with Ryu and pals, instead of just Down + High Kick ? No thanks.

126th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 21:08post reply

isnt naomi a better system than atomiswave? why move from a better hardware to a inferior one? dont tell because a-wave is cheaper. they've released so many games in naomi to degrade

Where Life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
the empty room

385th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Mon 15 Aug 21:58post reply


Oh, I've been meaning to ask you...have you ever heard The Inazuma Sentai?

No, but for some reason, the name sounds familiar to me. Is it パンクロク?

1943th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 01:19:post reply

To me the 3D fighters Capcom themselves have made are fine, they were either underated or lost in the shuffle. Both Rival Schools/Project Justice and Star Gladiator/Plasma Sword are great game series'. I may be the only one who enjoyed Tech Romancer and Heavy Metal Geomatrix but that's another story. SF EX was made by Arika and not Capcom themselves(the only game I enjoyed of that series was SF EX 2). I think an SF game like RS or SG would be great. The Gundam game Capcom made with Banpresto/Bandai while not your traditional fighter was one of the top arcades of last year in Japan, showed up as #1 for many months and right now it's #2 only being beaten by Tekken 5. Capcom as it stands now is more equiped to make a 3D game.

I honestly can't see how SF4 will be 2D at this point unless they reuse a bunch of SF3 Third Strike, CVS2 and SFZ Sprites and toss in every SFer in there. Heh, that would actually make a lot of people happy, whenever there's a "Street Fighter 4 Thread" a few people ask for something like that.

The polygonal sprites are whatever they hell you would call them that they had in CFAS for Ryu, Chun-Li, Alex, Haggar and Nash looked fine, they could just tweak those and render them a bit better. Well, maybe not Haggar since chances are he'll make some FF Streetwise appearance and maybe not Nash unless they wish to resurrect him.

Though at SDCC unless the Capcom rep was just blowing smoke with usual PR BS he said they didn't want SF4 to be a rehash and wanted it to be the 'future' of fighting games. I don't know, I just can't read 2D in that statement. At Fighting games 'present' Tekken 5 a 3D game is dominating. I can't see the 'future' going back to 2D. But again, who knows if this rumor of SF4 on Atomiswave is even true in the first place or again if the Capcom rep was BSing in the first place. It might just be Sammy vs Capcom for all we know because you just know how the internet likes to fuck up any news regarding SF(SFA4 on PSP? Rose being confused for Poison in CFAS and Adon being confused as Alex in CFAS? Internet rumors no goody for SF newsy, plagued by typos and people who no care about SF in the first place or know enough about it). Hell, even though Sam/Cap is 'supposedly' canned that actually makes more sense than SF4 on A-Wave...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Tue 16 Aug 01:26]

7031th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 01:46post reply

The Gundam game Capcom made with Banpresto/Bandai

Capcom edited the game, and didn't do anything on it.
I remember an interesting parralel between those games and the Yuki-made SS games : the most recent games were simply advertised "Capcom" or "Imoya", and players feared in both cases the editor took the license back to capitalize on the success brought by the small and more skilled team.
It was only when the involvement of Banpresto in one case and Yuki in the other was clear that the fans began to look forward for the games (in both cases, because Banpresto/Yuki eployees were spotted at the beta tests).

But their collaboration was never made official, even though the acknowledgement of the parent company (Capcom/Imoya) that they didn't do anything could only have brought more fans to the game.

Still, on Capcom's subject, I've hear the 3D teams which worked on Onimusha, BH or DMC were not quite bad.
If they have not been made to work on any 3D fighting game, it's just that Capcom doesn't believe in the genre.
And if you ask me, they are right. Moejus and Kikaiô were good games, but not good fighting games.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

1944th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 02:06:post reply


Capcom edited the game, and didn't do anything on it.

Okay thanks for the clear up. Just edited the game? Strange Capcom's name always comes up in the copyright. Did an Executive Producer of sorts look at it and make final decisions or something like Okamoto and Funamizu Executive Produced the SF EX games? I hear it plays like a Capcom Fighter though, not exactly sure what that means unless it plays like Tech Romancer/Kikaio. Is it going to be the same deal with the upcoming Gundam Seed game?

Of recent, I dunno. Dante in DMC3 plays like a Fighting Game character, if they somehow could pull off a fighter like that (a lot of his moves are obviously SF/Fighting game inspired) that would be amazing. But Onimusha Blade Warriors/Buraiden really sucks donkey balls, but it lacks fighting game moves for one, don't think they'd make an SF game like that...

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Tue 16 Aug 02:13]

49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 04:48post reply


Capcom edited the game, and didn't do anything on it.

Okay thanks for the clear up. Just edited the game? Strange Capcom's name always comes up in the copyright. Did an Executive Producer of sorts look at it and make final decisions or something like Okamoto and Funamizu Executive Produced the SF EX games? I hear it plays like a Capcom Fighter though, not exactly sure what that means unless it plays like Tech Romancer/Kikaio. Is it going to be the same deal with the upcoming Gundam Seed game?

Of recent, I dunno. Dante in DMC3 plays like a Fighting Game character, if they somehow could pull off a fighter like that (a lot of his moves are obviously SF/Fighting game inspired) that would be amazing. But Onimusha Blade Warriors/Buraiden really sucks donkey balls, but it lacks fighting game moves for one, don't think they'd make an SF game like that...

Just look at this:
DMC 3:
Project Justice:
Power Stone 2:

now.... can you make the relation?

ALSO! The Gundam vs. games were developed by Capcom.
(want shots?)

2901th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 04:58post reply


ALSO! The Gundam vs. games were developed by Capcom.
(want shots?)

yes please

1314th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 05:14post reply

Moejus and Kikaiô were good games, but not good fighting games.

YES. Exactly.

Which Gundam games are everyone talking about? Not that it matters, I'm just curious.

IkariDC: Yeah, kinda. They're...uhm..."Banchou Rock?" Only unlike Kishidan, they look normal. They're pretty good, in my opinion.

1945th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Make clickable links already peeps!" , posted Tue 16 Aug 05:36:post reply





ALSO! The Gundam vs. games were developed by Capcom.
(want shots?)

Come on guys, clickable links please. I'm starting to think we need to sticky a thread to teach people how to do this... here's a hint, click edit on this post, see how I did it, write it down or something.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Tue 16 Aug 05:42]

238th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Make clickable links already peeps!" , posted Tue 16 Aug 05:44post reply


write it down or something.

Or just use the "URL" button that's there when you type replies...

7037th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 05:50post reply

now.... can you make the relation?

I was not talking of the director, but of the 3D team... I mean, the guys who create the 3D models.
Moejus or the SFEX games were not really pretty even by the standards of the time, and neither was the (early ?) version of CFA☆.

ALSO! The Gundam vs. games were developed by Capcom.
(want shots?)

Why not ?
My previous source was nothing more than an anonymous post on a forum dedicaced to a totally different game. Which I felt was enough for a game I wasn't interested in, so I didn't looked any further.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

1946th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Make clickable links already peeps!" , posted Tue 16 Aug 05:56:post reply


write it down or something.

Or just use the "URL" button that's there when you type replies...

That hasn't worked for me ever since the MMCAFE crash for some reason. It will usually put the 'Link Here' words to early, I have to backspace and adjust. I think it's one of the main reasons people just stopped making clickable links around here.

Anyway, I believe this is in the game in question, it's out now in the US and came out a little while ago if memory serves it says Capcom on the back of the box along with Bandai/Banpresto.


Oh, I'm all for seeing shots and all, just make them clickable please.

And Iggy FOR SHAME. I usually take what you say (regarding games and only games while ignoring your opinions) as Bible. Oh for shame... what's next? Shingo2K4 will start trashing Naruto, Abster will turn against blood, where have all my heroes have gone? Don't worry, I'll remain as annoying as ever....

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Tue 16 Aug 06:01]

51th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 06:07:post reply


ALSO! The Gundam vs. games were developed by Capcom.
(want shots?)

yes please

Since my DC isn't working right now , i only have shots for Gundam vs Zeta Gundam (PS2). But, if you really want to see the credits for Federation vs Zeon, i can take them next week (probably)


now, try looking for the names+capcom in google:
-Nakano Tau Masahiro
-Kaw Tld *(Manabu Kawase Tld)*
-kazushi sano
-teruaki hirokado
-kumiko morita
-Shinya Kuwajima (C-ya)
-Youichi Tanoue
-Katsuhiro Nakano
-Tomohiko Ohsumi
-Ryuji Higushi
-Sho Sakai
-Jun Takeuchi
-Masayuki Maeda
-Naoki Fukushima
-Sayuri Shintani

[this message was edited by vava on Tue 16 Aug 06:15]

7040th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 06:17post reply

You are the second most valuable poster of this board.
After Onsy.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

239th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Make clickable links already peeps!" , posted Tue 16 Aug 06:17post reply


That hasn't worked for me ever since the MMCAFE crash for some reason. It will usually put the 'Link Here' words to early, I have to backspace and adjust.

True, but it at gives the code at least... You just have to replace the Link_Here with the address, which is better than nothing. No need to write down anything... That's what I meant.

1946th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 06:23post reply


ALSO! The Gundam vs. games were developed by Capcom.
(want shots?)

yes please

Since my DC isn't working right now , i only have shots for Gundam vs Zeta Gundam (PS2). But, if you really want to see the credits for Federation vs Zeon, i can take them next week (probably)


now, try looking for the names+capcom in google:
-Nakano Tau Masahiro
-Kaw Tld *(Manabu Kawase Tld)*
-kazushi sano
-teruaki hirokado
-kumiko morita
-Shinya Kuwajima (C-ya)
-Youichi Tanoue
-Katsuhiro Nakano
-Tomohiko Ohsumi
-Ryuji Higushi
-Sho Sakai
-Jun Takeuchi
-Masayuki Maeda
-Naoki Fukushima
-Sayuri Shintani

Thanks for clickable links. And once again hooray for Capcom's involvement!

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

2905th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 07:12post reply


stuff vava posted

cool, thanks!!

at first I thought you meant the 2D ones...

3183th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 20:16post reply

Well just an idea, but abou this SF 4 rumour, could it be a misunderstood? I mean there is maybe a Capcom VS in work and like Iggy accidentaly hinted it, it could be a CFAS resurection?

Even if IMO my dream would be a brand new Vampire game, in a SF3.3 quality...

We are all mad at some point...

419th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Tue 16 Aug 23:37post reply

Anywya SF characters in SVC were using only 4 buttons and most if not all of their moves were available...

As has been noted, never EVER use SvC as a test (except how *not* to make a fighter). SvC, much like CvS1, proves that SF characters + 4 buttons = ass. 5 will be no better.

SF4 at JAMMA? I'll believe it when I see it. (And if it indeed is on Atomiswave, and uses 5 buttons... Christ, they might as well not have bothered).


The models in CFAS were *terrible*. Better than EX, but every 3D game that has SF characters in it has always looked like ass relative to what else is out there. If a *new* SF game doesn't look better than everything else in its genre, or at least *as good* as what else is out there, then they shouldn't bother.

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

1948th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Wed 17 Aug 01:31post reply


Better than EX, but every 3D game that has SF characters in it has always looked like ass relative to what else is out there.

I'll agree with that much.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

3184th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Wed 17 Aug 03:05post reply


Better than EX, but every 3D game that has SF characters in it has always looked like ass relative to what else is out there.

I'll agree with that much.

Well in CFAS, the characters model weren't bad, they were better than those from KOF MI IMO, it was the background who were so empty and f**king lame....

We are all mad at some point...

2156th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Two Things" , posted Fri 19 Aug 00:27post reply

1. The list that the Stinger's editor supplied seems to be getting quoted everywhere, including The Magic Box.

2. This thread has over 5,000 hits.

2913th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Two Things" , posted Fri 19 Aug 00:49post reply


2. This thread has over 5,000 hits.

I linked it on insert credit...

1321th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Two Things" , posted Fri 19 Aug 02:25post reply


2. This thread has over 5,000 hits.

I linked it on insert credit...

Well, then we still have about 4900 hits that are unaccounted for.

2916th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Two Things" , posted Fri 19 Aug 04:14post reply


back atcha!

let it never be said that I won't resort to childish base humor.

1950th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Fri 19 Aug 05:15:post reply

Posted by Editor, you know, the thread starter who has abandoned us like an unwanted step child for some people at snk-capcom who love Master Akuma's combo vids(but I still love snk-capcom and a... big up to Master Akuma for doing his thang, there, that should curb some death threats against me...) where he posted this yesterday, over there at snk-capcom but not here even after I asked him nicely to do so. Hey now, us 5,000 have to eat too! Here's The Stinger Reports' peoples' response to this SF4 messy.


Some of your forums members just emailed The Stinger Report website asking where the SF4 information came from. Rather than writing four seperate emails - thought it would be better to come straight to the horses mouth!

TSR recieved rumors that 'Sammy Vs. Capcom' (A-Wave) had been cancelled for a bigger project, which was later revealed as a start on SF4 development. The hardware platform was said to be A-Wave on the back of CVS dev, but the last mail we recieved said it might now be a System 258.

Can I just confirm the Stinger AM Show preview feature is not just confirming games to be shown at the event, but also games that will be confirmed or previewed. TSR has doubts about Sega Rally 3 for example but have a source that stands by his information - and as he revealed SNKP dropping the A-Wave we have to stand by him.

Just for the record Capcom's AM division is still alive and kicking if a lot smaller. They worked jointly on the Banpresto Gundam shooter and have a strong Crane and Token division.

Hope this helps,


Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 19 Aug 06:15]

shin ramberk
165th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Fri 19 Aug 06:41post reply

Thanks for passing this on Sano. But I'm not getting my hopes up. All this talk about SF4 is only upsetting me because there is no concrete evidence behind it, the likelihood of it is incredibly small. Just drives me nuts. ARGH.

19th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Fri 19 Aug 08:36post reply

Posted by Editor, you know, the thread starter who has abandoned us like an unwanted step child for some people at snk-capcom who love Master Akuma's combo vids(but I still love snk-capcom and a... big up to Master Akuma for doing his thang, there, that should curb some death threats against me...) where he posted this yesterday, over there at snk-capcom but not here even after I asked him nicely to do so. Hey now, us 5,000 have to eat too! Here's The Stinger Reports' peoples' response to this SF4 messy.

Dear Sano,

The Stinger Report has been syndicated on over seven forums, all of whom claim they started the ball rolling over our original JAMMA coverage.

If you sent a email asking for a clarification, we are sorry if we missed it, but I am sure the readers will understand that we are a bit busy at the moment.

Regarding SF4, I (as editor) feel that Capcom is up to something, is it a new SF I can not say.

Just to finish, I say... roll on AM Show.

The Stinger Report"the 'out-of-home entertainment news service"
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1952th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Fri 19 Aug 12:45:post reply

Oh don't worry about it, I didn't mean to offend I was being my usual annoying self is all . ^_^

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 19 Aug 13:10]

Variable Savior
297th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Fri 19 Aug 13:03post reply

I find all this SF4 speculation and worry kind of funny since even if it is legit then it will most likely be a weak and under developed project.

The eventual release of SF4: The Other Half Of Our Ass however will surely kick butt.

Blood marks heaven's path

3188th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Fri 19 Aug 21:10post reply

Oh don't worry about it, I didn't mean to offend I was being my usual annoying self is all . ^_^

Well I take the rumor in a different way. Like the stinger mail said Capcom seems to have something big in works.

So, for me the rumor is not a "SF4 rumor" anymore, but more a Capcom have a Arcade game project rumor... which is a bit different.

We are all mad at some point...

465th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Fri 19 Aug 22:31post reply

So, for me the rumor is not a "SF4 rumor" anymore, but more a Capcom have a Arcade game project rumor... which is a bit different.

Well, IMO that's even better, I just don't care for Street Fighter anymore (well, I wouldn't mind if Capcom decided to make another sequel and I'd probably play it, but SF is no longer amongst my preferences...)

3190th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SF4 might be 258 or not exist at all." , posted Tue 23 Aug 16:41post reply

Well, it maybe nothing but the 4 vs 6 buttons settings subject and Iggy's CFAS memorys, make me look to my old arcadia issues.
In those I found that CFAS was made on the system 246, with a 5 buttons settings.
now that we have a rumor of a VS based on the system 258 with 5 buttons, seems more than a coincidence....

We are all mad at some point...

20th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Fri 26 Aug 23:01post reply

‘Battle Gear 4’ (TypeX+)
‘ZOIDS Infinity EX’ (TypeX)

Just recieved confirmation that Taito will also be showing:

'Half-Life 2: Survivor' (TypeX)


The Stinger Report"the 'out-of-home entertainment news service"
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7089th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Fri 26 Aug 23:12post reply


And where are VMJ and Sorcerian ?


ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Arcade Releases for 06" , posted Sat 27 Aug 00:56post reply


And where are VMJ and Sorcerian ?


Did not include ARUZE or TECMO on the list I supplied back all those weeks ago. So no e-Online titles or TypeTune mentioned, but if you wanted an abridged list just ask.

All the best,

The Stinger Report"the 'out-of-home entertainment news service"
Link Here