Sakura Taisen 1&2 for PSP - Forums
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1337th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Sakura Taisen 1&2 for PSP" , posted Wed 17 Aug 05:28
Dunno if this is old news or what, I just came across it and thought it might interest some of you:
What it says? The compilation will come out at the beginning of 2006 in Japan, and that they're adapting them to panoramic format. Nothing else.
There ya go.
But none of these games were ever translated to English, right? I've always wanted to try the series, but the lack of knowledge of Japanese prevents me from enjoying the game. Oh well... Let's hope for a US release.
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.
462th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(2):Sampaguita for PSP" , posted Wed 17 Aug 16:57
I think that's great news for Fujishima fans, but I find the release of Shirow's "Sampaguita" even more appealing...
7047th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Sampaguita for PSP" , posted Wed 17 Aug 17:31
quote: I think that's great news for Fujishima fans, but I find the release of Shirow's "Sampaguita" even more appealing...
I think the best news here is that nobody reads my random news threads, so I will continue posting there with even greater pleasure.
"Re(4):Sampaguita for PSP" , posted Wed 17 Aug 19:20
quote:I think the best news here is that nobody reads my random news threads, so I will continue posting there with even greater pleasure.
And I reported about Sampaguita in my site and here like a month ago?
Plus Sampaguita is closer to a 30 minute OVA than to a game, if you were wondering. But it is good.
463th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(5):Sampaguita for PSP" , posted Wed 17 Aug 23:27
quote: Plus Sampaguita is closer to a 30 minute OVA than to a game, if you were wondering. But it is good.
Mmmmmmmm....then this must be even better than I expected. Another game I'm looking forward to now...
2984th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Sakura Taisen 1&2 for PSP" , posted Wed 17 Aug 23:47
I am compelled to buy this but I already own both of these games. The only answer to this is that I am a moron.
Mav 99th Post
Occasional Customer
"Re(2):Sakura Taisen 1&2 for PSP" , posted Fri 19 Aug 05:54
I may sound late to the game, but how import-friendly are the Sakura Taisen games, anyway? I'm sure there's in-depth FAQs, but hauling around a .txt file doesn't exactly make for a great portable title. As a frame of reference, I'm capable of playing the SRW games with rare guidance.
2989th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Sakura Taisen 1&2 for PSP" , posted Fri 19 Aug 07:06:
quote: I may sound late to the game, but how import-friendly are the Sakura Taisen games, anyway? I'm sure there's in-depth FAQs, but hauling around a .txt file doesn't exactly make for a great portable title. As a frame of reference, I'm capable of playing the SRW games with rare guidance.
Well.. Unless you have some knowledge of the language or want to use the faqs, there's really no point. Basically the game is divided into episodes and most episodes follow this setup:
Conversation loosely setting up plot -> Walk around randomly until you meet someone and talk -> repeat for about 20 minutes or so until you trigger the next plot point -> Eyecatch -> Enemy attacks -> Eyecatch -> Very easy SRPG battle -> Eyecatch -> Walk around randomly until you meet someone and talk -> repeat for about 20 minutes or so until you trigger the next plot point -> Eyecatch -> Enemy attacks again -> Eyecatch -> Slightly harder but still very easy SRPG battle -> GOOD JOB OOGAMI!! Let's take a picture!! -> NEXT TIME ON SAKURA TAISEN!! STAY TUNED! -> Eyecatch.
That repeats until you beat the game. I like the series a lot but it's not really import friendly by itself. The language isn't really very hard. I'm not that great and I can figure out what's going on for the most part. The charm is in the characters, not the SRPG parts.
[this message was edited by Radish on Fri 19 Aug 07:07]