Udon Interview - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Udon Interview" , posted Sat 20 Aug 00:21post reply

An interview with Erik Ko and Ken Siu-Chong about Udon's self-publishing plans and upcoming comics.


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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Udon Interview" , posted Sat 20 Aug 01:37:post reply

Pretty nice interview. It sucks to hear that Darkstalkers isn't going to pick up again until Spring 06. I thought that it had a lot better pacing and dialogue than Street Fighter. Well, atleast it is going to be coming back and it is nice to know that Rival Schools will finally be starting up next year.

I wonder what specific aspects of the official story that UDON believes won't translate well into a comic book. Because if the tiamatroar's plot FAQ is even pretty acurate, I would love to have seen that in comic form. Perhaps it was the lack of Bison/Guile/Cammy in the early part of the story.

I can't wait to see what products they will be selling. Hopefully something interesting.



Covers for Street Fighter II #1. It would seem that the Ryu and Akuma covers link up. I can't choose which one to get. Usually I really like one cover and hate another.

Oh and it has an interview with some people from Capcom of Japan.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sat 20 Aug 01:43]

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Udon Interview" , posted Sat 20 Aug 01:51post reply

Thanks. Wow, they are actually going to give us the Ryu/Sagat rematch. Would be nice to get that out of the way.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

1529th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Udon Interview" , posted Sat 20 Aug 02:13post reply

Thanks. Wow, they are actually going to give us the Ryu/Sagat rematch. Would be nice to get that out of the way.

Wow pretty cool to see something happen here. I still have some DS foils in my box at the C-Store. That is if I still have my box its been like almost 3 months since I went in. So it looks like an Evil Ryu Foil. Hmm now I have to wonder will they go back and do alpha characters in like Charlie and Guy or will they just start doing the same characters all over again.