Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Tue 23 Aug 07:36post reply

At least, I've got my black Nintendo DS! The only bad thing about it, is that it has a dead pixel in the top screen...

Ouendan is really awesome, I've just noticed that it's made by Inis, the creators of the neat Gitaroo-man. If you still don't know about the game, read this review, or watch this video!

The only bad thing that I can say about the game is that there's no multiplayer mode with 1 cart. Too bad, because my friends aren't going to pick it up...

If anyone is interested in the music featured in the game, I'll post a list. There are quite a bunch of j-rock and j-pop classic tunes, and some other hit songs of these days.


1326th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Tue 23 Aug 09:34post reply

Yaaay! Glad you got it!
You know, I was quite surprised...I have the originals of most of the songs, and I actually like the Ouendan versions MORE now that I go back and listen to them. Taisetsu na Mono, especially.

I really think this is THE game that makes getting a DS worthwhile, though I guess there are a growing number of games that you could make that claim about these days.

Hahaha...it's sad...I'm so into Ouendan that it made me do the most ridiculous things...like cheer when the old woman shakes the candidate guy's hand in the Taisetsu na Mono level or cry. Yeah...the game made me CRY...TWICE.

17th Post

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"Re(2):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Tue 23 Aug 11:50post reply

This weekend at Otakon I got at least 10 people addicted to Ouendan

394th Post

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"Re(2):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Tue 23 Aug 19:48:post reply

Yaaay! Glad you got it!
You know, I was quite surprised...I have the originals of most of the songs, and I actually like the Ouendan versions MORE now that I go back and listen to them. Taisetsu na Mono, especially.

I really think this is THE game that makes getting a DS worthwhile, though I guess there are a growing number of games that you could make that claim about these days.

Hahaha...it's sad...I'm so into Ouendan that it made me do the most ridiculous things...like cheer when the old woman shakes the candidate guy's hand in the Taisetsu na Mono level or cry. Yeah...the game made me CRY...TWICE.

I'm playing in easy mode, and I'm still in the third wave of levels, so I haven't seen everything yet. I know about half of the bands that are featured on the game, but even If I know them, I don't know some of the songs that appear in the game.

It's really awesome how perfectly the music fits the levels, when it kicks in with the appearence of the Ouendan (the way they appear is just too cool!), how they dance to the rhythm of the music, and how the story is told until the music finishes.

One of my favourites so far, is the Dodgeball story featurig Suriru by Tomoyasu Hotei. The music fits like if it was done just for the game, and it is very well done, although it is very easy to notice it's a cover. Hotei's voice is quite unique, you know XD.

I just love the wacky art, and how it is animated, and how well they show you everything with both screens, with some art scrolling throw the screens. It's a very pleasant game to watch and play!

You can bet it's a game that makes the DS worthwhile! I was very excited whith images of the game, but when I saw a video of the game, and the tracklist at the end of it, I jumped out of the seat and shouted "I'm going to pick a DS and this game right now!", there are many people that can testify this XD.

You cried? Twice? Of joy it must be. I really don't remember if any game made me cry.

By the way, did you get my e-mail address?

This weekend at Otakon I got at least 10 people addicted to Ouendan

That's the power of the cheering dance of Ouendan! Yesterday I showed the game to 2 friends. One of them knew about the game, but he was very surprised, the game was beyond his expectations! The other one, started mumbling "Mmm I might get a DS, I like this kind of games...". We had a very good time playing it and having some laughs.

[this message was edited by IkariDC on Tue 23 Aug 19:54]

1329th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Tue 23 Aug 20:03post reply

1st-You're a weenie for playing on easy.

2nd-I'm a weenie, because quite a few games have made me cry. I cry easily, but only when I'm touched, not when I'm sad or angry...and just like...tears, not sobs. (it would be kinda...messed up if I was sobbing for Ouendan) The first time I cried (just a bit) on is ...well, it's the only sad level (don't want to spoil it if you aren't there yet), but I also cried just a little on the last level because I was so into it.

3rd-I got your E-mail address...sort of. I mean, I saw it, but I forgot to write it down and I've been too lazy to mail you. If you want to save me the trouble of digging for it, you can post it again, and I promise I'll get to you before the end of the week.

I'd like to spread the Ouendan love at cons by doing a costume, but (alas?), I'm not nearly manly enough to be the guys and the cheerleaders are lame in comparison. Fufufu...but I know someone who did a Gitarooman costume and talked about the game on...some...game show.

394th Post

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"Re(4):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Tue 23 Aug 20:26post reply

I'm playing on easy because I know the game is short and when I finish that I move to normal, this way the game lasts longer!

Ah well, it could have been tears of being laughing. The game is funny, I'm always playing it with a smile in the face, but it's not hilarius. LOOK! MATSURI!

An Ouendan cosplay! Good idea. The best thing would be getting 2 people so you cosplay as the 3 main guys, and dance around while walking your way. You know, I was planning to cosplay as Kishidan with my friends, but finaly we scrapped the idea because the patterns on the suit are too complicated. In a way it's a relief, cos I don't like to cosplay.

Oh, and there it goes again: IkariDC at yahoo dot es.

1351th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Wed 24 Aug 03:18post reply

Ouendan is really awesome, I've just noticed that it's made by Inis, the creators of the neat Gitaroo-man. If you still don't know about the game, read this review, or watch this video!

Hm! Nice! I've got a friend who'd love this one. I'll show him.

Gracias pol video!

Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-

My philosophy professor was a flan Myself

230th Post

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"Re(2):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Wed 24 Aug 09:28post reply

Would you guys consider this game import friendly?


1330th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Wed 24 Aug 10:51post reply

Would you guys consider this game import friendly?

Do you mean "I don't understand Japanese friendly?"

Either way, yes. Yes...totally "import friendly". I wouldn't say "this is the reason to buy a DS" or "Everyone has to get this" otherwise.

1342th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Fri 26 Aug 18:01post reply

Wah wah wahhhh....I just won it with Kai(hard), which was quite fun. It feels very good to miss 3 or less on a song (you tend to die if you miss more) and the hard patterns are way more enjoyable.

I spent enough time with the cheerleaders to know that I won't be spending much time with them in the future. It's not like it's more FUN on expert, just more frenzied. New patterns were too much to hope for, and I'm not disappointed as it is now, so no big loss.

I'm glad after playing so many "pretty good" games to play a truly excellent one. The only problem I have is that it doesn't have much regard for the fact that drawing the circles furiously could easily damage your poor DS screen. Well, that, and my hand gets in the way sometimes...and the intro to the last level is too long, especially when you screw up right off and have to do it again.

Ahhh...I love hout Kai looks like he's going to kill someone when he appears.

395th Post

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"Re(5):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Fri 26 Aug 20:24post reply

I finished easy mode yesterday, so today I may start with normal mode. Yeah I agree that the intro of the last level is too long, but it's so great...

The ghost story is so beautiful! But it's kinda strange that the girl doesn't get scared in the beggining XD. And, what does the violinist drink? I just love how energicaly it pays the drink, and how energically the clerk gives him it.

I'm also playing Minish Cup, which I abandoned on GBA, and I just bought Anoher Code, but this one I'm planning of only playing when I'm heading to work or to home from work, by train.

1346th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan" , posted Sat 27 Aug 19:02post reply

Hmm...I dunno what kind of drink it is. I have no clue what you get when you put those Kanji together.

As for the girl in the ghost story, I don't think I would be scared, but I would almost definitely cry rather than just be moderately pleased. She's pretty laid back...but it's still really touching and romantic. I haven't ever missed more than 1 or 2 on that song, though...so I don't know what the "fail" animations are like.

1360th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Importing advice..." , posted Mon 29 Aug 18:36post reply

At least, I've got my black Nintendo DS! The only bad thing about it, is that it has a dead pixel in the top screen...

Ouendan is really awesome (...)

From what you said in the first post, I guess you imported them both. I want to import JSS now, but I don't know where from, I've never done this, so I ask for advice (not only IkariDC, but everyone in general. Specially Spanish people).

Amazon.co.jp? lik-sang? play-asia? some Spanish one like chollogames (the only one I can think of right now)? try to find some local import store? etc.

Thanks in advance (or rather, "in DS" ... ), and sorry for making this go off-topic.

Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-

My philosophy professor was a flan Myself

1352th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Importing advice..." , posted Mon 29 Aug 18:45post reply

Can you get games from NCSX outside of America? I'm sure someone has -some- horror story from them (as well as anywhere else) and they aren't the cheapest, but they're close, and they ship quickly for a reasonable price. I hate places that have "handling time".

I've ordered games from countless numbers of places, but...they seem to be perfectly satisfactory.

Also, can you order games from Amazon.jp? I get my manga and magazines from them, but I didn't know you could get games. I usually order from them to avoid giving business to overpriced importers, though I think it's stupid that foreigners can't order used stuff.

7105th Post

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"Re(2):Importing advice..." , posted Mon 29 Aug 18:55post reply

Also, can you order games from Amazon.jp?

I don't think you can.
I use Play Asia myself, and I like them a lot.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

1354th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Importing advice..." , posted Mon 29 Aug 18:59post reply


I use Play Asia myself, and I like them a lot.

Do they ever have a "shipping wait period?" I thought I remembered ordering like...3 day shipping, then them telling me the item would arrive in 14 days. I thought that was quite ridiculous, but I may have been ordering something out of stock and at least they warned me.

397th Post

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"Re(4):Importing advice..." , posted Tue 30 Aug 01:25post reply


I use Play Asia myself, and I like them a lot.

Yeah, I always shop at play-asia, but I ordered my DS + Ouendan at lik-sang. Shipping is free at lik-sang, so I ordered it choosing DHL as shipping method, so I could have it faster without paying for it. The thing is that later I had to face a customs fee of 63€...

From now on I don't know if I'll continue shopping at play-asia, cos if you just buy a game or two, shopping at lik-sang and choosing airmail as shipping method will be a lot cheaper.

1364th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Importing advice..." , posted Sat 3 Sep 02:35:post reply


I use Play Asia myself, and I like them a lot.

Yeah, I always shop at play-asia, but I ordered my DS + Ouendan at lik-sang. Shipping is free at lik-sang, so I ordered it choosing DHL as shipping method, so I could have it faster without paying for it. The thing is that later I had to face a customs fee of 63€...

From now on I don't know if I'll continue shopping at play-asia, cos if you just buy a game or two, shopping at lik-sang and choosing airmail as shipping method will be a lot cheaper.

Well, thanks, first of all, even if it's a little late.

I decided on play-asia an paypal, but now this friend is scaring me saying things like I have to pay 10€ for custom fees (or something similar), advising me against using paypal...
So, what's true in all of this? how's your experience?
Ack... me damn noob...

PS: BUMP get some...

EDIT: Oh, I should've read better. 63€? ugh... x_x

Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon-

My philosophy professor was a flan Myself

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Sat 3 Sep 02:40]

398th Post

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"Re(6):Importing advice..." , posted Sat 3 Sep 09:27post reply

My explanation was a bit messed up, let me try again. I had to pay 63€ because I chose DHL as shipping method. It will be fine for you if you choose Airmail, but you may have to pay a fee anyways, or maybe not.

So right now, I think that lik-sang with their free shipping option and airmail shipping method is the best thing.