Shenmue is not dead ? - Forums

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7080th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Wed 24 Aug 18:57post reply

If Sega can survive the cost and commercial failure of Sakura Taisen 5, Ryű no Gotoku and this, then I want them to make that Space Channel 5 Part 3 before they go bankrupt.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!


213th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Wed 24 Aug 19:25post reply

If Sega can survive the cost and commercial failure of Sakura Taisen 5, Ryű no Gotoku and this, then I want them to make that Space Channel 5 Part 3 before they go bankrupt.

Actually, Space Channel 5 part3 was canned while in (very) early production, so I guess there might still be some chance.

By the way, did you know it was supposed to be

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
a self-conscious parody of another very famous game from Sega ?

End of Spoiler

I can't say more...


1419th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Wed 24 Aug 20:20post reply

I want Jet Set Radio Past. Jet Set Radio Perfect (an enchanced port of the original) would also be fine. Then they should sacrifice Sonic Team to Baal and be reborn as Zega. - My own personal waste of time.

2992th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Wed 24 Aug 20:35post reply

If Sega can survive the cost and commercial failure of Sakura Taisen 5, Ryű no Gotoku and this, then I want them to make that Space Channel 5 Part 3 before they go bankrupt.

Hmm, I heard that Sakura Taisen 5 was good and turned the series around after 4 and "Gemini's Horse Flipping Adventure". That's sad if it flopped...

But we all know that Shenmue is a huge waste of resources.

7083th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Wed 24 Aug 21:19post reply

Hmm, I heard that Sakura Taisen 5 was good

You must kill the person who said so to you.
Quick, before he kills you.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

2994th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Wed 24 Aug 21:32post reply

Hmm, I heard that Sakura Taisen 5 was good
You must kill the person who said so to you.
Quick, before he kills you.

But when I look in the mirror that person is ... ME!!!


7084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 00:10post reply

But when I look in the mirror that person is ... ME!!!

Don't worry, it's going to be all right.
Please, stop vomiting goo all over the place and spinning your head while I'm chanting to exorcise the demon inside your body, it doesn't help me, really.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

1358th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 02:05post reply

Hey whatever happened to Shen Mue Online? Was it ever released in China or what?

This Ryuga game looks pretty cool though... like a sort of Yakuza GTA. I wonder if Yu Suzuki is involved?

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(6):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 03:28post reply

I love Shenmue. The problem is that the game should have been released in the 80´s;but the technology didnt exist back then.


1335th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 05:05post reply

I don't know what happened to Sega. They used to be one of my favorite developers and now I can't remember the last game they made that I was even slightly interested in. There has to be a REASON for this.

Anyway, rather it was good or not, wouldn't Sakura Taisen 5 have bombed after Zero anyway? What makes it "bad", though? I don't understand Sakura Taisen. It's funny and boring to me.

12th Post

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"Re(6):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 05:05:post reply

" Hey whatever happened to Shen Mue Online? Was it ever released in China or what?"

Suspended since may.


RIP Barry White 9/12/44 - 7/4/03

Your music will never be forgotten.
( '3`)~

[this message was edited by Alex_moss_kidd on Thu 25 Aug 05:11]

2166th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 09:53post reply

I don't know what happened to Sega. They used to be one of my favorite developers and now I can't remember the last game they made that I was even slightly interested in. There has to be a REASON for this.

It's funny, I only started to really like Sega when everyone in the company seemingly went insane and started releasing huge games that had no discernable audience. Games like Shenmue and Seaman obviously had a great deal of talent and money poured into them but, outside of the executive producers, who were those games made for? Watching a company so dramatically try something different was fascinating to watch. I like the idea that there is the possibility of a final Shenmue game just for the sense of conclusion it brings to a weird chapter in the life of Sega.

While on the subject of crazy crap from Sega, Ryu ga Goto Ku looks like it could be fun. The cynical part of me thinks it could be Shenmue with a more violent edge; GTA sensibility transferred to a pre-exisiting game engine in the hopes of better sales. But something tells me the game is going to have more of a Sega than Rockstar feel. If at some point in the game you can make your yakuza tough guy go collect capsule toys then it will be a truly great game.

1336th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 10:44post reply


It's funny, I only started to really like Sega when everyone in the company seemingly went insane and started releasing huge games that had no discernable audience.

Oh, I'm not talking about crazy fun DC-era Sega. I wasn't a big Seaman or Shenmue fan, but at least those games didn't say "we're dying!"

Actually, I need to give Panzer Dragoon Orta more credit. I think that was the last Sega game I was pumped about, even if the music cheapened the whole experience.

1420th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 11:14post reply

Anyway, rather it was good or not, wouldn't Sakura Taisen 5 have bombed after Zero anyway? What makes it "bad", though? I don't understand Sakura Taisen. It's funny and boring to me.

Imagine completely talentless developers doing their best to copy a really good game without ever once understanding what made it good in the first place, and you have Sakura Taisen 5.

It's not a bad game per se, just a pointless one if you played ST1 or 3. - My own personal waste of time.

Burning Ranger
1280th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"It doesn't matter..." , posted Thu 25 Aug 11:19post reply

Sega approached the Shenmue series all wrong from a financial/marketing standpoint. It just wasn't a big hit and Shenmue 2 should never have been released in the US. HOWEVER, a Shenmue collection would be a brilliant idea. It's the kind of game that you can't just tack "To be continued" at the end.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.

1337th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 12:00post reply


Imagine completely talentless developers doing their best to copy a really good game without ever once understanding what made it good in the first place, and you have Sakura Taisen 5.

I don't understand what makes Sakura Taisen good in the first place. It has obvious appeal to otaku-types, the battle system is good and it's certainly funny, but...the battle system almost doesn't count, since you don't spend enough time fighting, the humor isn't enough to get me through the mediocre plot and the characters, for the most part, are all stereotypes. Maybe I've just got anime burnout, but I don't quite get it. It doesn't seem like a bad game by any stretch, but I still don't "get it".

143th Post

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"Re(1):It doesn't matter..." , posted Thu 25 Aug 12:05post reply

Man I really miss Sega. Even more than 90s Capcom. The last Sega games I've bought and enjoyed was Rez, Orta, Otogi and VF Evo.

I can look back and remember being able to boast having better games than my snes conterparts. Or in the past looking at my 16&32bit library and see almost nothing but Sega.

But I do look forward to having a traditional rpg in Phantasy Star Universe.

Undead Fred
2474th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"I'm off on a tangent!" , posted Thu 25 Aug 12:54:post reply

I want Jet Set Radio Past. Jet Set Radio Perfect (an enchanced port of the original) would also be fine.
Oh my GOD yes. Yes yes yes. Future was pretty and fun and hooray for the hard drive, but I didn't like the "remixed" character backgrounds... and the way they handled the enemies, "high score modes", and how you lose all of your unlocks when you start a new game were all "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" features I didn't like. The police and enemies weren't really threats at all anymore, and I REALLY missed the way you could just go through story mode over and over and keep your unlocks like you could in JGR. If we can get the original with the updated graffiti maker and a few more polygons, I'd love it.


[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Thu 25 Aug 13:06]

37th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(9):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 14:24post reply


It's funny, I only started to really like Sega when everyone in the company seemingly went insane and started releasing huge games that had no discernable audience. Games like Shenmue and Seaman obviously had a great deal of talent and money poured into them but, outside of the executive producers, who were those games made for? Watching a company so dramatically try something different was fascinating to watch. I like the idea that there is the possibility of a final Shenmue game just for the sense of conclusion it brings to a weird chapter in the life of Sega.

Yeah Sega is one of the few videogame companies with some balls. Sega during the Dreamcast years was like the Vincent Van Gogh or the David Lynch of the videogame world. The sheer genius and insanity of games like Shenmue, Seaman, Jet Set Radio, etc. of course was overlooked by the masses. But for those of us that 'got it' it sure was a beautiful thing.

I still love my Dreamcast and have yet to see a game as original or off the wall as Illbleed.

As far as the virtual pet thing goes I'd take Seaman over a Nintendog anyday. People need to get up off their virtual, fat, lazy asses and get a real dog.

Whichever next gen console gets Shenmue 3 I will purchase it's as simple as that. I'm a completist and I gotta see how that goddamn series ends.

Interesting how a lot of you shit all over Shenmue but probably wasted hours of your life playing that crappy Pokemon ripoff cardgame in FFVIII. The biggest regret of my life is wasting time completing that piece of shit game.

1338th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 17:14post reply


Interesting how a lot of you shit all over Shenmue but probably wasted hours of your life playing that crappy Pokemon ripoff cardgame in FFVIII. The biggest regret of my life is wasting time completing that piece of shit game.

Somehow I feel like saying that is like going to a baseball stadium and telling the players that they should stop playing such a lame sport and play soccer instead. Is it OK if you love Shenmue, but also waste a lot of time playing the "Pokemon ripoff" cardgame? What if you shit on Shenmue, but skip the ripoff and go straight for Pokemon?

I think Shenmue is a good series that sometimes forgets that it's supposed to be fun.

Also, Illbleed is the worst game I've ever enjoyed. It simultaneously demands that you play it and tries everything in its power to make you stop. I've never loved being crapped on so much, though playing it twice was absolutely out of the question. Even if I loved it, I had suffered enough.

1199th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 19:13post reply

If Sega can survive the cost and commercial failure of Sakura Taisen 5, Ryű no Gotoku and this, then I want them to make that Space Channel 5 Part 3 before they go bankrupt.

<raises hand>
Um...I have a question.
Doesn't Sammy own their ass? If thats the case how could they ever run out of money?


Anyway, personally I could care less about the Sakura Taisen games since I've never been given the chance play them, that and my Japanese isn't good enough to play a freak'n RPG(of any kind)...action game? Sure. Fighting game? Definitely...but RPGs forget about it. I pray for one day the US will see like a "Sakura Wars collection"...but that will probably happen as soon as we get a "Tengai Makyo collection" which is equally unlikely...

Anyway. After playing Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Tuned, Sonic Gems(yeah its not a "new" game but its freak'n worthy of praise),Panzer Dragoon Orta and Sonic I still have faith in Sega. Personally I think they do better in the Arcades than on consoles but Post-DC era, I think they've done rather well...I personally don't believe in the whole "it was the best of times" nonsense. I've always thought of Sega as a hit-and-miss company. They always have been and always will be.

I welcome the idea of playing a new chapter in Shenmue...I say its about time they wrapped up the damn story. I just hope you can play all of the games on one system and actually play the series as it was meant to be...

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

2998th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 20:28post reply

Shenmue was kinda a Japanese version of Quest for Glory where you had individual installments of an overarcing plot. Like Quest for Glory you have to solve adventure styled puzzles while raising your character's stats and fighting bad guys. The problem was that they did everything wrong. The day night cycle was incredibly constricting instead of being there to improve atmosphere, the fighting was good but used too little, the puzzles were lame and the story totally uninteresting due to its ridiculously slow pace. The idea behind Shenmue was good, but the execution was awful.

420th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 22:27post reply

Interesting how a lot of you shit all over Shenmue but probably wasted hours of your life playing that crappy Pokemon ripoff cardgame in FFVIII. The biggest regret of my life is wasting time completing that piece of shit game.

Triple Triad was neither boring nor was it a "Pokemon ripoff". I suggesst you return your alternate-reality copy of FFVIII (if you havn't already) and play the real version of FFVIII.

Besides, Triple Triad was just a side distraction in the rest of FFVIII. You wren't forced to play it.

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron - U's Rambling Page

Variable Savior
301th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Thu 25 Aug 23:26post reply

I want Jet Set Radio Past. Jet Set Radio Perfect (an enchanced port of the original) would also be fine.

I would love another JSR game (I bought a freakin Xbox just to play JSRF). But if they make a sequel, prequel, or remake I just hope that they return to the graffiti controls from the first game. Future was fun but completing a massive tag by just skating by and hitting the button was quite unfulfilling.

Blood marks heaven's path

6798th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"TT" , posted Fri 26 Aug 09:21post reply

Triple Triad was neither boring nor was it a "Pokemon ripoff". I suggesst you return your alternate-reality copy of FFVIII (if you havn't already) and play the real version of FFVIII.

Besides, Triple Triad was just a side distraction in the rest of FFVIII. You wren't forced to play it.
Actually I think that the only thing that kept me playing through FFVIII was Triple Triad and the Chocobo Pocketstation minigame, had more fun with those than with the game itself. Then they make a FF I like (IX) but ruin the card game. Damn, nothing is perfect.

Undead Fred
2474th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Fri 26 Aug 16:21post reply

Future was fun but completing a massive tag by just skating by and hitting the button was quite unfulfilling.

I agree.

1343th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Fri 26 Aug 18:04post reply

I want an online JSR game where you design your characters and graffiti (and maybe theme music?. That adds a new element to the "feeling". I didn't recieve much gratification from painting my graffiti on the computer's turf, but it may be different with a real person.

Anyway, I didn't like JSRF, not because it was bad, but because it failed to improve on the original in any way but graphically. Actually, I would say they made just about everything WORSE. Even if it's fun, it's hard to like a game that screws up like that.

3001th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Fri 26 Aug 21:46post reply

I didn't like JSRF because to this day it is the only game to give me motion sickness. After playing for an hour I felt so shitty I had to lie down and try to stare at a point on the ceiling to forget about the massive headache and nausea.

In the first JSR you could upload your own graffiti via downloading pictures off the internet. I ruined JSR Tokyo's innocence with an influx of pornography. Then I cried myself to sleep.

Variable Savior
302th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Fri 26 Aug 22:15post reply


Anyway, I didn't like JSRF, not because it was bad, but because it failed to improve on the original in any way but graphically. Actually, I would say they made just about everything WORSE. Even if it's fun, it's hard to like a game that screws up like that.

I don't think anyone would argue that JSRF was better than JSR but I wouldn't say that the sequel didn't improve anything. I thought the addition of the trick buttons while grinding was a worthwhile feature (if for nothing else then it gave you something to do while doing a long grind). And I really loved the fact that you could do multiple tricks mid-air during big jumps. I know these are minor improvements at best and in no way compensate for things lost in the original - but they were still improvements.

On another note; the online JSR idea sounds great.

Blood marks heaven's path

725th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Sun 28 Aug 06:06post reply

Shenmue 3? A collection/remix of the first 2 games with enhancements (hopefully)?

I'm extremely happy. I loved Shenmue... the execution wasn't perfect at all... but the ideas within the game were good enough that it was fun even with less than perfect execution.

For those who played Shenmue 2 on X-box, do you remember carrying those books outside and airing them out so that they wouldn't get moldy? I remember that part the most vividly from all of Shenmue 2... (that and some of the final boss fights, and the disappointing/'I want MORE' ending).

I remember it for being monotonous, annoying, and almost boring, but then as I was playing it, the combination of the graphics, the little tests of QTE, and the music (the heavenly music!) really hit me. It was a zen-like experience. I enjoyed that part almost as much as I love and enjoy the VF-esque fighting system in the game.

Honestly I think Sega is trying but they are out of touch with a lot of things. They need to release something that will make them a TON of money: but a lot of their moneymakers have been shut down (for example, ESPN football). If they can't make a lot of money, they won't have room to do anything creative anymore for us 'artsy fartsy niche gamers'. We're the ones that would love to see a new Jet Set, but unfortunately 90% of the population in the US, and suprisingly, a lot of people in Japan don't know Jet Set Radio.

It's sad, I know.

So basically SEGA needs a new, good flagship product, one that is "cool" enough that it can capture a large demographic (but not 'trying' to be cool, like the new Sonics), and one with a nice, easy to use hard to master system, etc.

That's not easy. I hope they can do it though. I loved SEGA's stuff for the longest time, and I would hate to see them die out...

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

1151th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):Re(10):Shenmue is not dead ?" , posted Mon 29 Aug 02:07post reply

Hey, for SEGA games that keep people in faith with the company, I'm surprised NOBODY has mentioned their Initial D series yet. If not, I'm even more surprised there are little to no players of this great arcade racer here. Sorry, just had to let that off my chest :lol:. But anyway, SEGA to me is still the king of arcade gaming.

Shenmue was one of the very main reasons I bought and still have a Dreamcast and the fact that Suzuki was also behind the project. I thought the pics at first were FMVs and didn't believe that they were gameplay graphics themselves until I first got my hands on that game (I still remember I bought the game on December 31, 1999). I had little Japanese knowledge at the time so all I knew was just getting around town. But the simulated feel of Japan was there for me and I still felt the intensity and a deepness of a story I had very limited understanding of at the time. Then when I finished the first chapter, I knew what we did was just barely the beginning.

Then I also got the import version to Shenmue II on Dreamcast. Though the gameplay was slightly altered, I felt the different type of world fighting in Hong Kong. Partially because of Ryo's limited knowledge of the area, and the fact that I did not know much about China/Hong Kong nor have I ever been there. Still, the action felt like you were playing a Jackie Chan movie when Ryo fought in allies and restraunts. I also found the moment when Rantei/Lan Di shows up on the chopper to be a breath taking scene in all of the games intense battles and adds a certain excitement to it though it does little to help progress the story.

I consider myself a dedicated fan to this series and SEGA itself. I will admit that Saturn was a big screw up and I personally feel that firing Bernie Stolar was a big mistake. Especially when he told the truth and how much it could hurt the company's reputation, but he was right on the money. I think Dreamcast could have survived in the U.S. much longer under his guidance. But the failure of Saturn in America introduced me into import gaming and I consider it to be my favorite import system.

727th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Everyone loves Shenamari-Munacy! +MsgforMaou" , posted Mon 29 Aug 14:25post reply

...the simulated feel of Japan was there for me and I still felt the intensity and a deepness of a story I had very limited understanding of at the time. Then when I finished the first chapter, I knew what we did was just barely the beginning...

It's so funny that you say 'the simulated feel of Japan', because while I was in Japan (just got back =( ) I'd sometimes put the Shenmue soundtrack on, there's a specific track: "The Place Where the Sun Sets", and I'd just put that on and walk around at sunset or late night. It really reminds me of the game! Especially in winter, and if you go to an area that's more rural. I really felt like I was on some sort of adventure or something.

Damn that's geeky though =)

And also, I have some CDs for Maou, who asked me to get them for him. I have 2 FF9 cds (couldn't find the FFX one, sorry =( I really tried!!). So yea, let me know if you still want them!

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY