New Doom trailer - Forums

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Bronze Customer

"New Doom trailer" , posted Fri 26 Aug 01:02:post reply

Ok, I gotta say I had my doubts with the first teaser they released, but this new trailer proves that at least they want to do something that looks like doom.
Check for yourself, you have the weapons, the first-person perspective (looks great IMO, but I wonder to what extent it'll be used in the film, and how much it'll work...) and just at the end, we have a peak at a monster getting ready to be chainsawed, and there you have it, it IS doom!


[this message was edited by Mokona on Fri 26 Aug 01:08]


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Gold Customer

"Re(1):New Doom trailer" , posted Fri 26 Aug 01:40post reply

Ok, I gotta say I had my doubts with the first teaser they released, but this new trailer proves that at least they want to do something that looks like doom.
Check for yourself, you have the weapons, the first-person perspective (looks great IMO, but I wonder to what extent it'll be used in the film, and how much it'll work...) and just at the end, we have a peak at a monster getting ready to be chainsawed, and there you have it, it IS doom!

I dunno about all that. It looks like resident evil 4 without milla jovavich to me.
Probably the same director.

Weak son.

One thing i will say is that the rock looks
like the guy.

Whats this team crap tho? The whole point is the feeling of loneliness, one man vs. the legions of hell.

And not having some expendable "the kid".

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New Doom trailer" , posted Fri 26 Aug 01:47post reply

Ok, I gotta say I had my doubts with the first teaser they released, but this new trailer proves that at least they want to do something that looks like doom.
Check for yourself, you have the weapons, the first-person perspective (looks great IMO, but I wonder to what extent it'll be used in the film, and how much it'll work...) and just at the end, we have a peak at a monster getting ready to be chainsawed, and there you have it, it IS doom!


My only concern is that the first-person sequences remind me of those amusement park simulation rides... basically it looks like it could end up being a big fat gimmick. I mean, you have no control over the action obviously.

Probably a better hook than House of the Dead's randomly spliced footage I guess... still need to see that movie, since I found a free promotional copy in my laundry room along with about 20 other DVDs. Actually there was a whole CASE of promo/screening DVDs, many of them sealed, but I only took the ones I wanted since it was a community resource.

The whole box disappeared by the next day. Probably some greedy asshole took the whole lot. I hope he gets scurvy.

But yeah, if they don't have a really clever way of setting up these first-person shots and/or don't take care not to drag them out too long film critics are going to piss on this as if they'd just drank 32 glasses of melonade.

/ / /

Burning Ranger
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):New Doom trailer" , posted Fri 26 Aug 03:59post reply


My only concern is that the first-person sequences remind me of those amusement park simulation rides... basically it looks like it could end up being a big fat gimmick. I mean, you have no control over the action obviously.

Probably a better hook than House of the Dead's randomly spliced footage I guess... still need to see that movie, since I found a free promotional copy in my laundry room along with about 20 other DVDs. Actually there was a whole CASE of promo/screening DVDs, many of them sealed, but I only took the ones I wanted since it was a community resource.

I think it's just plain tacky--I figured they (Hollywooed) would have learned their lesson using 'Game-esque' footage in movies. Damn you, Uwe Boll!

Anyway--you got screener DVDs at your apartment complex? Wow, you are indeed fortunate.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Felicia & Morrigan: no explanation necessary.