Digital Life Show in October - Forums

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Digital Life Show in October" , posted Fri 26 Aug 04:02:post reply

Just wondering if any of you guys (the members on the East Coast or that will be in or near the New York in October) are planning to go to the second annual Digital Life show this year. Last year's show was great, we played a lot of up and coming video games for free and played a lot of Guilty Gear XX# Reload matches for free. There was a Guilty Gear Isuka Tournament too we faced off in. Sadly Capcom and SNK had no presence at the show last year but there where plenty of Capcom and SNK cosplayers at least. There is nothing sold at the show except for food so you don't have to worry about spending a lot of money, there's a McDonalds a few blocks away if you get hungry. You can check out all of the new up and coming technology for computers, DVD players, TIVO, new refridgerators etc., there's free internet and they serve FREE LIQUOR! Anyway if some of you guys would like to go I'll be there all three days so some of us could meet in person if you want. Here's the info -


Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Fri 26 Aug 04:14]
