Tales of Legendia - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Tales of Legendia" , posted Fri 26 Aug 23:05post reply

Long load times
Crappy battle system
Can't play 2 player mode in battles
Can't change character in battle
Weak specials
Senel's normal attacks are stronger than his specials
Stupid AI
Sherry sucks
Chloe isn't virgin

I thought the game was strangely annoying and unfun when I was playing it. Then I looked at 2ch... 地雷だった


3002th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Tales of Legendia" , posted Sat 27 Aug 00:33post reply

Chloe isn't virgin


1344th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Tales of Legendia" , posted Sat 27 Aug 05:58post reply

Is there anything GOOD about the game? I heard the music was higher quality than usual. Is the story any good? I mean...you know...much better than usual Tales good?

What's wrong with the battle system? My favorite is still ToD2 (in terms of battle), though I liked ToR OK.

What ultimately made me stop playing ToR was the stupid weapon upgrading system and the fact that the characters had SO MUCH to say, and none of it was interesting. It took 30 hours for the characters in ToS to (mostly) run out of interesting things to say, but it only took 5 in ToR.

6799th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Tales of Legendia" , posted Sat 27 Aug 07:45post reply

I heard the music was higher quality than usual.
Yes, for the samples that are on the site, I suspect that people that did the (wonderful) Mr Driller G soundtrack were involved here.

Keep in mind, this game wasn't made by the Tales Studio, it must be the first Tales game of this team.

1106th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Tales of Legendia" , posted Sat 27 Aug 14:49post reply

The story seems to be repeating the pattern of sister kidnapped sister saved sister kidnapped sister saved. There hasn't been a single interesting skit yet.

The battles are just... sluggish. The character does the same attacks no matter what direction you hold on the controller. Then for some reason the character also seems to randomly change targets in battle, then dashes past the enemies in front to hit the enemy at the back. Special attacks are really weak and only increase your lag time after attacks.

Soooo... an efficient way to fight battles is to just press the circle button.

Comparison of first day sales:
TOD2 490,000
TOR 330,000
TOL 190,000

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1345th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Tales of Legendia" , posted Sat 27 Aug 18:48post reply

That sounds...awful.
But if the Tales Studio didn't work on it (obviously they were working on Abyss) I wonder why the game was made at all. "More Tales=More money" is a pretty rotten excuse.

Well, I'm glad I decided to skip on this one. If I get Tales hungry, I'll just finish ToR.

6800th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Tales of Legendia" , posted Sat 27 Aug 22:32post reply

That sounds...awful.
But if the Tales Studio didn't work on it (obviously they were working on Abyss) I wonder why the game was made at all. "More Tales=More money" is a pretty rotten excuse.

Well, I'm glad I decided to skip on this one. If I get Tales hungry, I'll just finish ToR.

I think that the "Project Melfes" thing indicates that they want(ed?) to make something else than a single game, maybe more games on the same world, or (like Kenran Butoh Sai and Eureka Seven) a related anime to complement it. But that's just speculation.

6808th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"OST" , posted Thu 1 Sep 03:21post reply

Easily the best OST I've listened in a while. And yes, Go Shiina worked on it, as well ans in Mr Driller G.

A must get for soundtrack fans.