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Pollyanna 1360th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Londonian Gothics" , posted Tue 30 Aug 19:29
Well, it's made by Megacyber, so it's gotta be good. I mean, they made Planetogener! PLANETOGENER!
Buuut... it's genre is "gothic lolita action RPG"...so it's going to have a tough time moving off the shelves in the "Gothic Lolita action RPG" section of game stores, since it has so much competition.
If I had any guarantee that it was good, I'd give it a shot, since, for the first time in my life, I'm not poor...but the downside is that I have even less spare time than usual and I'd rather buy Castlevania and Advance Wars. I'm looking at a month-long run (at least) without a single day off. Maybe I'll just spend my money on clothes, since they don't take time like games do.