A Ken Samu thread - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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7125th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"A Ken Samu thread" , posted Wed 31 Aug 01:42post reply

The game will be released the 14/09.

The last beta test has ended recently; I wonder if they will use the two bonus weeks to organize a lasterer one.

I'm really eager to see how all this will turn out, and how many month late the PS2 version will be.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!


266th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Wed 31 Aug 02:02:post reply

Cool... *dances*

I worked the whole month to be able to afford the game on AW. Call me a psycho. :D

Edit: http://samurai.web2.jp/zero/ - page apparently says it's gonna be out on the 18th

[this message was edited by Stifu on Wed 31 Aug 03:30]

7126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Wed 31 Aug 03:39post reply

Edit: http://samurai.web2.jp/zero/ - page apparently says it's gonna be out on the 18th

No, it says they will organize a tournament the 18th.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

266th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Wed 31 Aug 04:52post reply

Edit: http://samurai.web2.jp/zero/ - page apparently says it's gonna be out on the 18th
No, it says they will organize a tournament the 18th.

Oh okay, sorry!! Thank you very much for clearing that up, Iggy-san.


1368th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Wed 31 Aug 06:57post reply

They're totally going to use the bonus time to collect more gold coins. They always do.

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Wed 31 Aug 12:39post reply

The game will be released the 14/09.

The last beta test has ended recently; I wonder if they will use the two bonus weeks to organize a lasterer one.

I'm really eager to see how all this will turn out, and how many month late the PS2 version will be.

Still no news about those two supposed characters still missing (say those two boxes deleted from the official character page)?

7151th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 2 Sep 00:04:post reply

More scenarii.

Charlotte and Gaira are uninteresting, Kazuki and Sôgetsu's scenario is their Ten Samu one, only with Enja abducting Hazuki, and Suijasama is just crazy awesome.
Hazuki and Enja in Suijasama's story are really cute.

I like how the story is a stand alone and doesn't really fit anywhere with the other games. A stand alone game was the only way to deal with it.
And now I think of it, this game may be some sort of improved version of the first SS game, scenario wise. After all, the first game was the only one to be a tournament, wasn't it ?

By comparison, the fact the KOF teams don't even have a scenario yet says a lot about the passion of the teams behind the two games.

EDIT : also, even though Kuraki Sumeragi / Gaô has more moves and animations, he apparently still can't jump. Or at least the computer never did.
Not a big lost, if you ask me.
The chances of Anbrogia being a hidden boss are slim, since Mizuki's ending is about her taking the soul of everyone (or only the bosses ?) and resurrecting Ambrogia with them (=> end of the world), and I don't see why they would have made 2 endings for her.

Yuki employee (reading the above comment) : Crap ! We forgot about Ambrogia !
Imoya employee : Who ?

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 2 Sep 06:38]

4100th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Thu 8 Sep 04:17post reply

And now I think of it, this game may be some sort of improved version of the first SS game, scenario wise. After all, the first game was the only one to be a tournament, wasn't it ?

No, SS1 story was basically the same that in Korin, everyone was summoned by one reason or other to deal with Amakusa, no referi nor anything.... I think that the showdown was in Shimabara ;P

See??? He is a God...

7182th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Thu 8 Sep 04:44post reply

Oh, let me use Toxico's bump to say I'm still reading the SS0 novel (while I wash my clothes), and Gaô, Yumeji, Yoshitora and Jubei are all incredibly classy.

Hanzô is great as well, and I think he's going to meet Kusare Gedô sooner or later. I can't wait.
Haômaru is uninteresting, but, well, he's Haômaru. I'm eager to see Ukyô as wel...

Also, I was wrong : the 6 concubines of Yoshitora are NOT geishas, they are women of rich families gravitating around the Tokugawa family. But that doesn't prevent Yoshitora to have fun with (several) other women.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

7195th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Thu 8 Sep 21:15post reply

More scenario.
The site is really badly done, with the flash and no hyperlink for the notes. And Tamtam scenario published before Chamcham's even though it happens after it.

On the other hand, the fact each character has more scenario than an entire KOF XI team (and a real scenario, not a parody) is refreshing.

Tamtam's scenario is appreciatively his SS one, with the two stones being stolen (I love Tamtam). Mina’s scenario looks like her SS0 one, only less dark. Champuru doesn’t seem aggressive yet.
Yoshitora, who was the center of SS0, is far less interesting here. He just opens that tournament to fight that particular strong guy of his age (I guess he means Andrew ? they both are in the same situation). It’s a small deception.
Unpi’s scenario is vague, but involves both Kuraki Sumeragi and the gate to Ambrojia (they both are his targets, not only Kuraki Sumeragi now).
Rasetsumaru’s is just his state of mind, and doesn’t talk about his creation, which was already quite vague in SS0. Let’s hope his ending will have more information.
Gedô is awesome.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

275th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Thu 8 Sep 21:56post reply

(I love Tamtam).

Sarcasm, heh ? *taps sarcasm detector*

Anyway, thanks for the info.

7196th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Thu 8 Sep 22:43post reply

Sarcasm, heh ? *taps sarcasm detector*

Shut up.
I do find Tamtam is cool.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

2183th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Thu 8 Sep 23:32post reply

Sarcasm, heh ? *taps sarcasm detector*
Shut up.
I do find Tamtam is cool.

Tamtam hoots, vomits fireballs in mid-air and can turn into a monkey; what is there about Tamtam that isn't cool?

251th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 00:17post reply

Unpi’s scenario is vague, but involves both Kuraki Sumeragi and the gate to Ambrojia (they both are his targets, not only Kuraki Sumeragi now).

Stupid question: Who's Unpi?


276th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 00:57post reply

Sarcasm, heh ? *taps sarcasm detector*
Shut up.
I do find Tamtam is cool.

Meh, cut it with the shut up attitude, it's not funny. ¬_¬

And I do think Tam Tam is cool too, it's one of my favorites... However, I remember you bashing him on several occasions in the past. Hence the confusion for me.

209th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(6):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 01:49post reply

Unpi’s scenario is vague, but involves both Kuraki Sumeragi and the gate to Ambrojia (they both are his targets, not only Kuraki Sumeragi now).

Stupid question: Who's Unpi?

Iggy's name for Yunfei.

I wonder what Gedo's scenario is like. Who's he trying to eat this time?

For those who want blood in SS Tenka use this template.

7198th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 01:50post reply

Stupid question: Who's Unpi?


And I'll say shut up to anyone who I don't feel like getting in my bed.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

277th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 01:55post reply

And I'll say shut up to anyone who I don't feel like getting in my bed.

Would that imply you wanted me in your bed before ? ¬_¬

7199th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 02:25post reply

Would that imply you wanted me in your bed before ? ¬_¬

No, not really.
You really aren't the smartest of the bag, are you ?

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

278th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(9):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 02:35post reply

No, not really.
You really aren't the smartest of the bag, are you ?

Oho, don't underestimate me, little man.

7200th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 02:44post reply

Oho, don't underestimate me, little man.

Oh, don't even try.
I'm already blue because of the two american (female) tourists who tried to get into my pants earlier today.
Because, you know, I needed to be remined chicks dig me more than guys. Who knows, I might have forgotten it for roughtly 50 seconds, thank God they were here.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

Olivier Hague
21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 05:29post reply

Real streetfight. Now.
And don't forget to take pictures to prove that you were there, just in case the other guy doesn't show up.

279th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Fri 9 Sep 06:24post reply

*rolls eyes*

213th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Sat 10 Sep 04:35post reply

Heh. I could go into a fight like that, except I don't feel like taking a plane just so I can kick someone's ass.

Is it just me or are some of these storylines pretty redundant? How many times did Tam Tam end up losing the stones? But in that case Cham Cham may have something original up her sleeve in her scenario unless she's also following in the search with Tam Tam.

For those who want blood in SS Tenka use this template.

280th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Sat 10 Sep 04:37post reply

Is it just me or are some of these storylines pretty redundant?

Strangely, redundancy doesn't bother you as much when it comes from you.

214th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):A Ken Samu thread" , posted Sat 10 Sep 07:17post reply

Don't make me repeat myself...

For those who want blood in SS Tenka use this template.