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NARUTO 3208th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Virtua Fighter 5, Afterburner, Virtua T" , posted Sun 4 Sep 04:17
quote: I'd settle for just a tad less dorky. Jacky isn't a bad character but that "YEEEEAH!" he constantly shrieks out grates on my nerves so badly that I can't stand to play the guy for more than a few rounds at a time. While I like that Akira and Kage are turning into big, fat slabs as the series progresses I agree with Ammadeau that a redesign of the characters probably wouldn't hurt them in the least.
Both the luchadore and the new girl look like they will be fun additions to VF. Does anyone know what sort of style she's using?
Well those were close to my thoughts. When I see the amout of dorks who cries when Iori didn't have a sprite change, I find it more abused on VF5 when Sarah, Kage, or Jefry still have their old suit especially in a 3D game where 2P and 3P suit are so easy to make.
Still I fear that this game will have all of the VF usual bad point, like, no scenario, no ending at all, I don't even talk about CG ending on the home port, and Dural as a boss... I will not complain on the "only" 2 new characters (3 years ago I would have done so, but since I've learned how as it is to master a VF character and so... 2 new faces in enough.) Still why not bring back takaharashi??? it's stupid to let a characters aside, and I still fear that dural will not be a "full character". I mean I fear that she'll be a simple pupet as aboss and not a character whit scenario and items for her.
Well even whit all those usual VF "bad point" I'm waiting the game like crazy. After all, most of the things I've talked about can be changed or corrected until the game release so...
 Tu Fuis Ego eris... Like you I was Like me you'll be...
Ktallguy 733th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(9):Virtua Fighter 5, Afterburner, Virtua T" , posted Sun 4 Sep 08:23
quote: I find it more abused on VF5 when Sarah, Kage, or Jefry still have their old suit especially in a 3D game where 2P and 3P suit are so easy to make.
That's the great thing about VF4, you could create a costume for your character with the huge selection of items available. I do admit that the old designs are a little boring, but it's easy to customize your character so that it's 'not' boring.
Still I fear that this game will have all of the VF usual bad point, like, no scenario, no ending at all, I don't even talk about CG ending on the home port,
I do kind of wish there was a scenario too, but at the same time, VF never really was about the story. It's about the game. The characters are really just extensions of the player, which is why the costumes are so important, to make that character 'you'.
quote: why not bring back takaharashi??
I hope they do too! But I fear that they won't. Vf is a really fast paced game, and although Sumo move very fast, maybe they're not wave dashing around like Jacky. They'll have to do a lot of special things to make him move realistically and believably... I kind of doubt that he's returning... otherwise they probably would have shown it in the demo.
quote: and I still fear that dural will not be a "full character". I mean I fear that she'll be a simple pupet as aboss and not a character whit scenario and items for her.
Dural is just a boss because there needs to be a boss. If dural was a real character, they'd have to balance her and honestly I think it's not worth the time and effort.
What I'm interested in is what's new with the fighting engine. I really want to see what SEGA has used to innovate the genre...I can't wait!!!
I'm thinking maybe the wrestling character might have throw reversals, or maybe there will be a little more interactivity with the backgrounds, and I'm actually hoping that SEGA can fit both square rings and more interesting, sprawling environments into the new game. That way there's always something to fall back on for tournaments.
Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY "テメエがヤクブソクなんだよ!"
NARUTO 3209th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Virtua Fighter 5, Afterburner, Virtua " , posted Sun 4 Sep 18:03
quote: That's the great thing about VF4, you could create a costume for your character with the huge selection of items available. I do admit that the old designs are a little boring, but it's easy to customize your character so that it's 'not' boring.
The fact that we can customs characters is not an excuse for Sega to no Actualize their characters design. Especially with their Items who cost a lot! On a different way I hope that now characters will have a different normal stance from each other, and nor "crash dummy" reaction when hited.
I do kind of wish there was a scenario too, but at the same time, VF never really was about the story. It's about the game. The characters are really just extensions of the player, which is why the costumes are so important, to make that character 'you'.
If on the arcade it doesn't really matters, on home port a scenario would be a bad thing really. And they doesn't need to bring deamons or aliens in it. Buriki one have a reallistic scenario where shen you win you'll have an interview of you character. MAke a small ending show you character having a prize and back to his life would be bad.
quote: I hope they do too! But I fear that they won't. Vf is a really fast paced game, and although Sumo move very fast, maybe they're not wave dashing around like Jacky. They'll have to do a lot of special things to make him move realistically and believably... I kind of doubt that he's returning... otherwise they probably would have shown it in the demo.
Well where I play the "fast paced" gamplay isn't really right. A lot's of player play in a hit and away style or in a Samurai spirit way where they're waiting for you. Still I thing that takaharashi have his place in VF, and if he's slow that would bring some new stuff in the game.
quote: Dural is just a boss because there needs to be a boss. If dural was a real character, they'd have to balance her and honestly I think it's not worth the time and effort.
I disagree, we are in 2005 now, and a character that the player can't use is an usless character. the old rule of the bos is usless nowaday. And waisting some time to balance Dural, and to create items for her (Infact any items from sarah, Aoi, pai & co in a metal style would work.) isn't a waste. it's just more character for the player, so somehow a good thing.
What I'm interested in is what's new with the fighting engine. I really want to see what SEGA has used to innovate the genre...I can't wait!!!
Here I agree! Deffinitely.
I'm thinking maybe the wrestling character might have throw reversals, or maybe there will be a little more interactivity with the backgrounds, and I'm actually hoping that SEGA can fit both square rings and more interesting, sprawling environments into the new game. That way there's always something to fall back on for tournaments.
That what I thinking to, Sega should learn to get rid of the usual arena. and bring diversity. like usual closed arena, open arena, unfinite field a la Tekken, and even multiple stage a la DOA. If Namco and Tecmo can do such, Sega can do for sur, and maybe in a better way.
Still as a Goh player I'm curious to see the Evolution in gameplay, and curious to see the new faces as well. But I'm sure that Suzuki is taking care of his game.
 Tu Fuis Ego eris... Like you I was Like me you'll be...
NARUTO 3210th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Virtua Fighter 5, Afterburner, V" , posted Mon 5 Sep 19:30
quote: You're right, it's just a matter of implementing them.
Where do you play though? I have a feeling the style you guys play is quite different from the style played in Japan. Japan is very much in-your-face, get those combos. Some characters do have the ability to get you from a long distance though...
Well I play in france. And where I play, Lei fei/Pai/Law players rush you, Kage/Vanessa/Brad hits and away, And with Goh, I'm waiting... ^^
Suzuki is said to have absolutely no hand in this project. I wonder how that will work ...
At leats if it's the same team as VF4, I think it'll be OK.
 Tu Fuis Ego eris... Like you I was Like me you'll be...