The last Zelda as we know them... o_O - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 02:40post reply

(According to this, at least) Miyamoto said in some interview about Twilight Princess.

He said they're working hard on making it "Da Best Zelda EVAR. the richest, the most satisfactory, the... "melancholiest"? one." Well, the usual stereotypes.
But that first phrase got me...

As for the rest, he also said that "Mario 128" has been involved with the design of Revolution as 64 was with N64.

Anyway, I was just "impressed" by that first phrase... I'm starting to wonder how could next Zelda be...
Will it be like Mario 64 was to Mario in general? (I'm not meaning it was better nor worse, just a big change in concept)

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Variable Savior
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"Re(1):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 04:02:post reply

As for the rest, he also said that "Mario 128" has been involved with the design of Revolution as 64 was with N64.

I have to admit that this worries me a little. All of Nintendo's hype about the novelty of the RV controller makes me afraid that the next gen Zelda/Mario/etc titles will revolve around some gimmicky control scheme (eg. touching a screen, tilting the controller). I suppose it's pointless to worry about Nintendo's plan at this point (particularly since they usually produce decent products) but I'd hate to lose out on a Zelda installment due to Nintendo's insistence of a failing concept (ala the GBA/GC connection fiasco).

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Tue 6 Sep 04:03]

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"Re(1):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 04:58:post reply


Not another Zelda as I know them!

[this message was edited by aderack on Tue 6 Sep 04:59]

Burning Ranger
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"Re(1):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 06:17post reply

(According to this, at least) Miyamoto said in some interview about Twilight Princess.

He said they're working hard on making it "Da Best Zelda EVAR. the richest, the most satisfactory, the... "melancholiest"? one." Well, the usual stereotypes.
But that first phrase got me...

Maybe now we'll have a Zelda game where Link is a teenager in a Blade-Runner-esque world-- and maybe he'll use guns at first and eventually graduate to the legendary Master Sword.

Damn, I know I'm gonna be flamed for saying that...

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

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"Re(2):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 09:09post reply

(According to this, at least) Miyamoto said in some interview about Twilight Princess.

He said they're working hard on making it "Da Best Zelda EVAR. the richest, the most satisfactory, the... "melancholiest"? one." Well, the usual stereotypes.
But that first phrase got me...

Maybe now we'll have a Zelda game where Link is a teenager in a Blade-Runner-esque world-- and maybe he'll use guns at first and eventually graduate to the legendary Master Sword.

Damn, I know I'm gonna be flamed for saying that...

Considering Shadow the hedgeHog adopted guns out of the blue. Anything is possible.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 09:25post reply

Maybe now we'll have a Zelda game where Link is a teenager in a Blade-Runner-esque world-- and maybe he'll use guns at first and eventually graduate to the legendary Master Sword.

Don't forget giving Link a skateboard or possibly a hovering skateboard. You can't be hip like the kids unless you have a skateboard.

As for the Zelda franchise itself, it has changed so much since the original top down NES game will anyone really notice if the series changes yet again?

1427th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 11:12post reply

As for the Zelda franchise itself, it has changed so much since the original top down NES game will anyone really notice if the series changes yet again?

Since it hasn't changed at all since OOT, yes. - My own personal waste of time.

157th Post

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"Re(4):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Tue 6 Sep 11:18post reply

Since it hasn't changed at all since LttP, yes.

489th Post

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"Re(5):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Thu 8 Sep 01:50post reply

Since it hasn't changed at all since LttP, yes.

I hope they port the n64 versions to ds. I never got to beat ocarina or even play majoras mask, oohh maybe they will come out in a 2 for one package!

Yes the fantasies of 1 nerd.

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159th Post

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"Re(6):The last Zelda as we know them... o_O" , posted Thu 8 Sep 10:28:post reply

That doesn't sound very appropriate. They weren't inherently developed for a handheld system, for one; something that no amount of fussing could really counteract. Then there's the element that they won't make particularly good DS games in that they weren't developed with the hardware in mind (see the Mario 64 port). Then there's the element that they've already been ported to the Gamecube, so it's not like they're unavailable if you really want to play them. The Revolution supports Gamecube games, so add in the download feature and in the near future you'll probably even have two routes to play it in something more closely approximating the appropriate context -- both probably cheaper than a brand-new trussed-up port, which is likely to implement the touchscreen in both mandatory and irritating ways out of weak effort to turn the game into a native DS production.

Though heck, Ocarina will probably get a port anyway. Too many people asking for it, without really knowing what they're asking for.

[this message was edited by aderack on Thu 8 Sep 10:31]