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Mav 103th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(5):old school belt buckles" , posted Sun 11 Sep 07:01
quote: Emo is seriously the worst trend ever. Cheer up, Emo kid.
I didn't want to make this post, but I felt compelled.
Maybe it's the area I live in being tragically unhip to all trends Costal and newer, but does this thing really exist? As far as my base of knowledge goes, "emo" has existed since Rivers Cuomo wore thick glasses and sang about Buddy Holly over a decade ago. It's just now catching on? As I knew it, emo was a look but never a trend.
I'm not emo in the least, as if posting on this message board doesn't imply it, and I'm not trying to defend it but I can't help but feel the internet is somehow forcing this concept as a trend from my perspective. Do I just have to go back to a Highschool and I'll see it? I'm constantly seeing internet people confusing emo with goth or more hardcore punks or even angstbag teenagers who think Papa Roach is the new Emily Dickinson. So it's really a trend, now?
To anyone still of Highschool age, it would be difficult for them to grasp the proper retro effect of these buckles, post-NES. More likely, the Genesis was their Genesis of gaming.
Radish 3032th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):old school belt buckles" , posted Sun 11 Sep 07:21
quote: Emo is seriously the worst trend ever. Cheer up, Emo kid.
I didn't want to make this post, but I felt compelled.
Maybe it's the area I live in being tragically unhip to all trends Costal and newer, but does this thing really exist? As far as my base of knowledge goes, "emo" has existed since Rivers Cuomo wore thick glasses and sang about Buddy Holly over a decade ago. It's just now catching on? As I knew it, emo was a look but never a trend.
I'm not emo in the least, as if posting on this message board doesn't imply it, and I'm not trying to defend it but I can't help but feel the internet is somehow forcing this concept as a trend from my perspective. Do I just have to go back to a Highschool and I'll see it? I'm constantly seeing internet people confusing emo with goth or more hardcore punks or even angstbag teenagers who think Papa Roach is the new Emily Dickinson. So it's really a trend, now?
To anyone still of Highschool age, it would be difficult for them to grasp the proper retro effect of these buckles, post-NES. More likely, the Genesis was their Genesis of gaming.
Emo is like if Indie and Goth had a kid, but it was a miscarriage and somehow survived. At first glance Emo is indie, but upon closer inspection it involves more crying and self aggrandizing and less actual effort into a creative art.
trogdor 35th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(7):old school belt buckles" , posted Sun 11 Sep 11:49
quote: Emo is seriously the worst trend ever. Cheer up, Emo kid.
I didn't want to make this post, but I felt compelled.
Maybe it's the area I live in being tragically unhip to all trends Costal and newer, but does this thing really exist? As far as my base of knowledge goes, "emo" has existed since Rivers Cuomo wore thick glasses and sang about Buddy Holly over a decade ago. It's just now catching on? As I knew it, emo was a look but never a trend.
I'm not emo in the least, as if posting on this message board doesn't imply it, and I'm not trying to defend it but I can't help but feel the internet is somehow forcing this concept as a trend from my perspective. Do I just have to go back to a Highschool and I'll see it? I'm constantly seeing internet people confusing emo with goth or more hardcore punks or even angstbag teenagers who think Papa Roach is the new Emily Dickinson. So it's really a trend, now?
To anyone still of Highschool age, it would be difficult for them to grasp the proper retro effect of these buckles, post-NES. More likely, the Genesis was their Genesis of gaming.
Emo is like if Indie and Goth had a kid, but it was a miscarriage and somehow survived. At first glance Emo is indie, but upon closer inspection it involves more crying and self aggrandizing and less actual effort into a creative art.
look at the crap they are selling kids these days. it's no wonder why emo exists...
catalyst 72th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(6):old school belt buckles" , posted Sun 11 Sep 12:22
quote: Emo is seriously the worst trend ever. Cheer up, Emo kid.
I didn't want to make this post, but I felt compelled.
Maybe it's the area I live in being tragically unhip to all trends Costal and newer, but does this thing really exist? As far as my base of knowledge goes, "emo" has existed since Rivers Cuomo wore thick glasses and sang about Buddy Holly over a decade ago. It's just now catching on? As I knew it, emo was a look but never a trend.
I'm not emo in the least, as if posting on this message board doesn't imply it, and I'm not trying to defend it but I can't help but feel the internet is somehow forcing this concept as a trend from my perspective. Do I just have to go back to a Highschool and I'll see it? I'm constantly seeing internet people confusing emo with goth or more hardcore punks or even angstbag teenagers who think Papa Roach is the new Emily Dickinson. So it's really a trend, now?
Personally I consider some what emo to have some what music involved, but Radish certaintly hit the head on what Emo is with its indie goth gary coleman love child physics. Really screaming lyrics about their girlfriend cheating on them and they cant do anything bout it so they cry alot or make songs pertaining to violence but look no where near a sociopath. I suppose you could say its the "cool" dorky people who still don't have confidence in their selves.
Maybe your right though, everyone is starting to pick it up more as a trend saying with things as the buddy holly glasses and all but thats one of many things.
Though I suppose it used to be about the music with groups of kids saying I'm more hardcorer than you cause I listen to a band you've never heard of or Im more emo than you are because I'm in the hardcore dance circle and you aren't, I listen to hot cross but you listen to Saosin I'm so more emo!! Yet with how things are with the younger kids, I think they see it as a trend as well.