Sonic's debut on PS3 and XBOX360... - Forums
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1366th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Sonic's debut on PS3 and XBOX360..." , posted Fri 9 Sep 21:51:
Is gonna be none other than Sonic The Hedgehog.
Yup. The first one. Directed by Yuji Naka himself. To commemorate the 15th birthday, it seems (it'll come out in 2006).
Interesting, although with this remakes there's always the possibility of ruining the classic... optimistic me. ^_^
EDIT: He got his ol' shoes back...
Za Peepaa Yomiko chan! -Nyoooon- My philosophy professor was a flan Myself
[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 9 Sep 21:53]
1163th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(1):Sonic's debut on PS3 and XBOX360..." , posted Sat 10 Sep 03:44
Personally I'd rather see a remake of Sonic CD complete with a real-time 3D level where you can actually run up the chain to the small planet.
6832th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Sonic's debut on PS3 and XBOX360..." , posted Sat 10 Sep 04:15
quote:complete with a real-time 3D level where you can actually run up the chain to the small planet.
You mean keep pressing forward on the analog for five minutes or so.
Abster 211th Post
Frequent Customer
"Re(3):Sonic's debut on PS3 and XBOX360..." , posted Sat 10 Sep 04:30
I like that he's got his old shoes as well, but exactly how much actual platforming is in this game has yet to be seen...