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DarkZero 1259th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Sat 17 Sep 12:27
HAYATO: Now that you mention it, Yazoo (I think that's his name) DOES look a lot like a white haired Maxima. All this time, though, Kadaj (the white haired main baddie) reminded me of a less flamboyant Ash, even their VAs sounded strikingly similar in some parts. Maybe that's just me.
Loz was the burly "I'm gayer than Richard Simmons but still look like a man" Sephiroth spirit. Yazoo was the thinner "I'm gayer than Richard Simmons and the only difference between me and Kadaj is hair length" Sephiroth spirit.
quote: So~ would AC have done (worse/same) better or much better than the theatrical FF movie? And does the thing have english subtitles? I thought it only came out in Japan? Gamestop told me the US release was delayed to January...
There are fansubbed versions, but the regular DVD is Japanese with no subs. Personally, I think that Advent Children would've been a horrible movie if it was released theatrically. The movie was an hour and forty minutes long even though it had no explanation of who any of the characters or locations from FFVII were. They would've had to remove several scenes of wonderful, delicious fanservice to stop and explain, "Okay, this guy is Vincent. Here's a three minute flashback that explains who he is. And this is Cait Sith. He's unimportant, but here's a brief recap of who he is."
Pollyanna 1403th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(7):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Mon 19 Sep 05:02
I kind of hate FF7, but I enjoyed the movie. It was very bad, and yet it was perfect. If people expect more from it, they have unrealistic expectations or remember FF7 being better than it was.
One especially bad thing I liked was how Rufus had a sheet to cover the fact that he had bandages to cover the fact that he had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO COVER AT ALL.
Also, Vincent needed a redesign. It looked like he was wearing clown shoes. The best part in the movie was when he asked where the phone shop was. That's going to be my catchphrase from now on.
My biggest complaint was the gravity, or lack thereof. Not because the characters were like...kinda flying all the time, but because all the weapons had the same weight and same effect. Cloud's sword had no weight whatsoever, so it seemed like everyone was just swinging sticks around.
BUT...BUT! The best part of the movie for me was Nanaki's voice, which was absolutely incredible. The voice acting was a mixed bag across the board, but for his one line, they get a truly first-class actor with a beautiful voice. Ironically, I knew him from the Japanese Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.