No Advent Children thread? - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 07:33post reply

It's been on the internet a couple days now... and for real in Japan today.

I don't know about everyone else... but I sort of went into shock after watching the movie... like it overloaded my senses or something. The action... the soundtrack... the emotion... and I'm not even a huge FF fan. Screw making new FF games... Square should just make them as movies from now on.


746th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 07:53post reply

My friend said it was great. I'm gonna get my hands on it as soon as I can.

At least they made up for the other 'final fantasy' movie.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

3491th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"A wise man said:" , posted Thu 15 Sep 08:05post reply

It's been on the internet a couple days now

Keep your skeletons in your closet.

Undead Fred
2492th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):A wise man said:" , posted Thu 15 Sep 11:03:post reply

I've been wondering when it was being released... I've been interested in it since I first heard that it was coming out.

EDIT: 50% less retarded wording.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Thu 15 Sep 13:44]

843th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 14:55post reply

It's gorgeous and the remixed tracks are great... it's also dumb as a bag of hammers.

On the bright side, it should definitely please all the FF7 fanpeople. Now they have a whole new batch of effeminate men to write man-on-man fan-fiction about.

"Only two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."

"Your denial is beneath you and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs I see through you."

114th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 16:52post reply

Square should just make them as movies from now on.

Although from what I've read from people who have seen it, it seems they didn't learn much from Spirits Within. Except maybe to pack in a lot of crazy action scenes to distract from a lack of a story.

And I'm not a fan of Square enough to dump money or spend time feeding off a torrent, despite my hopes for a Yuffie spin-off (screw you, emo boy Vincent).

On the bright side, it should definitely please all the FF7 fanpeople. Now they have a whole new batch of effeminate men to write man-on-man fan-fiction about.

From FF8 and FF9 on, that's pretty much the only fanbase Square's catering to.

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7230th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 16:53post reply

The scenario, the realisation and the writing are terrible.

But it wasn't supposed to be any good to begin with, it's just a bad fanfic made with a lot of money.

ねんがんの 7000をてにいれたぞ!
  そう かんけいないね
=> 殺してでもうばいとる
  ゆずってくれ たのむ!!

Cain Highwind
603th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 17:49post reply

It's gorgeous and the remixed tracks are great... it's also dumb as a bag of hammers.

On the bright side, it should definitely please all the FF7 fanpeople. Now they have a whole new batch of effeminate men to write man-on-man fan-fiction about.

I pretty much second this as well as JLG's and Iggy's comments. Hell, I think the story was presented much better in TSW than AC. It was still pretty, and I did like some of the fight scenes though...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
That Cloud/Bahamut fight was just a little TOO over the top, they tried to turn Cloud into Goku except Goku could actually fly

End of Spoiler

From FF8 and FF9 on, that's pretty much the only fanbase Square's catering to.

Sad but true, I hate you Square

1120th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 19:52post reply

lvl 99 Cloud with lvl 1 party

And the one piece lookalike scene vs bahamut

23th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 20:24post reply

From FF8 and FF9 on, that's pretty much the only fanbase Square's catering to.

Sad but true, I hate you Square

Maybe those crazy fangirl spend MORE money than us?

I just don't understand why Square care about money so much now. >_>;


3036th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 20:25post reply

The scenario, the realisation and the writing are terrible.

But it wasn't supposed to be any good to begin with, it's just a bad fanfic made with a lot of money.

Yeah I always thought the point of anime movies for established series or games was to jam in as much fanservice as possible at the expense of plot and writing.

I think that Squenix should just turn the divisions filled with ex Square employees into the FF7 rehash center and just go animate fanfics they download off the internet. At least then they'd actually get stuff released.

1216th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 21:43post reply

FF7AC is FF7's Terminator 3.

Shin Ramberk
176th Post

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"Re(1):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 22:27post reply

I never got into FF7 but I'm mildly interested in AC. Although now that I hear that its a plotless fanservice movie, I'm a lot less inclined to see this.

The real point I'd like to make/discuss though is that some of these game developers (in particularly the Japanese ones), make some beautiful cut scenes-- I just saw the intro to Tekken 5.1 at an arcade (it looks much better in person then from a video on my computer). My question/idea is: why don't game developers also make full length CGI movies along with their games.

I don't play video games anymore (aside from arcade games) but I find the plot and CGI interesting. I know I wanted to play MGS just for the plot and I didn't really care for the game play.

Just a thought. Although, would people feel ripped off if these full length CGI movies were not included in the game? I guess they would huh. The only way a game dev would make them is if they could sell them separately but people would probably seriously object to that.

1168th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Thu 15 Sep 23:40post reply

They showed it at my universities anime club last night but I had to leave 5 minutes into it to catch the shuttle bus home :(

254th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Fri 16 Sep 00:13post reply

Watched it on monday, and thought it was awesome.
It's technically really well made and the fight scenes are just that. It's the characters from the game fighing like in those old chinese action flicks.

Like many said, the story and all that stuff were not that good, but it wasn't supposed to be anything brilliant from the beginning.

I actually liked it, and I'm not that of a FF7 fanboy.

Well, at the end of the day, it's really fun, both the movie and the OVA Last Order.


14th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Fri 16 Sep 03:49post reply

250€ economized.

Thank you,Internet.

RIP Barry White 9/12/44 - 7/4/03

Your music will never be forgotten.
( '3`)~

109th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Fri 16 Sep 10:56post reply

From FF8 and FF9 on, that's pretty much the only fanbase Square's catering to.

Sad but true, I hate you Square

Maybe those crazy fangirl spend MORE money than us?

I just don't understand why Square care about money so much now. >_>;


Tell me a commercial company that isn't interested in making money.

Put it this way Square was already in the deep after the Spirits within. One of tbe reasons of the merger to become Square Enix.

Nothing Serious. Casuals Only.

1258th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Fri 16 Sep 16:10post reply


Yeah I always thought the point of anime movies for established series or games was to jam in as much fanservice as possible at the expense of plot and writing.

Exactly. I think this movie is a compromise between the dated look of the original games and the inevitable Twin Snakes-like backlash that would accompany any remake of FFVII that was this outlandish. It's nothing more than an excuse to see your favorite characters moving in fluid motion and doing cool things.

Reply to Cain's spoiler:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
"That Cloud/Bahamut fight was just a little TOO over the top, they tried to turn Cloud into Goku except Goku could actually fly"

See, I thought the exact opposite. I thought of that old RPG fan joke, "How the Hell do a bunch of people with nothing but swords and fists take on a Godzilla-size monster?!" and thought, "Oh, wow. I guess THAT'S how!" Cloud jumping up and smacking Bahamut in the teeth with a Buster Sword was just perfect.

End of Spoiler

841th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Fri 16 Sep 16:39post reply

So~ would AC have done (worse/same) better or much better than the theatrical FF movie? And does the thing have english subtitles? I thought it only came out in Japan? Gamestop told me the US release was delayed to January...

495th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Fri 16 Sep 18:16post reply

I liked Spirits Within more than Advent Chhildren, but I laughed more with the latter. Some scenes (like Bahamut's) are so hilarious...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
BTW, did anyone notice that Tifa hadn't even a slight scratch after the Maxima-esque clone kicked her ass? A friend of mine realised that and I suggested it would have been done this way on purpose, in order to not ruining the fanboy-fapping factor, but I'm not totally sure. What do you think?

End of Spoiler

Cain Highwind
608th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Fri 16 Sep 21:18post reply

Dark Zero: I never thought of it that way. Bravo! I think I can watch that scene and laugh now.

HAYATO: Now that you mention it, Yazoo (I think that's his name) DOES look a lot like a white haired Maxima. All this time, though, Kadaj (the white haired main baddie) reminded me of a less flamboyant Ash, even their VAs sounded strikingly similar in some parts. Maybe that's just me.

1259th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Sat 17 Sep 12:27post reply


HAYATO: Now that you mention it, Yazoo (I think that's his name) DOES look a lot like a white haired Maxima. All this time, though, Kadaj (the white haired main baddie) reminded me of a less flamboyant Ash, even their VAs sounded strikingly similar in some parts. Maybe that's just me.

Loz was the burly "I'm gayer than Richard Simmons but still look like a man" Sephiroth spirit. Yazoo was the thinner "I'm gayer than Richard Simmons and the only difference between me and Kadaj is hair length" Sephiroth spirit.

So~ would AC have done (worse/same) better or much better than the theatrical FF movie? And does the thing have english subtitles? I thought it only came out in Japan? Gamestop told me the US release was delayed to January...

There are fansubbed versions, but the regular DVD is Japanese with no subs. Personally, I think that Advent Children would've been a horrible movie if it was released theatrically. The movie was an hour and forty minutes long even though it had no explanation of who any of the characters or locations from FFVII were. They would've had to remove several scenes of wonderful, delicious fanservice to stop and explain, "Okay, this guy is Vincent. Here's a three minute flashback that explains who he is. And this is Cait Sith. He's unimportant, but here's a brief recap of who he is."

Red Falcon
5577th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Mon 19 Sep 04:10post reply

I gave in a saw it, just to avoid being exposed to any more spoilers. I quite enjoyed it; I was pleased to see everyone again. You just need to shut your brain off and accept it as "fan service" or a celebration, or something to that effect. As for the "over the top" aspect, I find it a lot more believable they'd be doing that than standing around in one spot taking turns attacking each other. How sporting of both them and the monsters! Besides, if they can summon huge hordes of knights or have dolphins jump out of nowhere, why SHOULDN'T they be able to.. do some of the things they did there? Bwa ha ha.

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1403th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Mon 19 Sep 05:02post reply

I kind of hate FF7, but I enjoyed the movie. It was very bad, and yet it was perfect. If people expect more from it, they have unrealistic expectations or remember FF7 being better than it was.

One especially bad thing I liked was how Rufus had a sheet to cover the fact that he had bandages to cover the fact that he had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO COVER AT ALL.

Also, Vincent needed a redesign. It looked like he was wearing clown shoes. The best part in the movie was when he asked where the phone shop was. That's going to be my catchphrase from now on.

My biggest complaint was the gravity, or lack thereof. Not because the characters were like...kinda flying all the time, but because all the weapons had the same weight and same effect. Cloud's sword had no weight whatsoever, so it seemed like everyone was just swinging sticks around.

BUT...BUT! The best part of the movie for me was Nanaki's voice, which was absolutely incredible. The voice acting was a mixed bag across the board, but for his one line, they get a truly first-class actor with a beautiful voice. Ironically, I knew him from the Japanese Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.

Red Falcon
5579th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Mon 19 Sep 05:18post reply


One especially bad thing I liked was how Rufus had a sheet to cover the fact that he had bandages to cover the fact that he had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO COVER AT ALL.

I was expecting that the whole film, ha ha ha ha. I just wish Palmer had been in it!

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1260th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):No Advent Children thread?" , posted Mon 19 Sep 18:48post reply


One especially bad thing I liked was how Rufus had a sheet to cover the fact that he had bandages to cover the fact that he had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO COVER AT ALL.

I just love the fact that the logic behind him wearing that sheet pretty much boiled down to, "Even if he royally screwed over the entire planet, no one's going to beat up a cripple." It looked like being supposedly physically maimed and wheelchair-bound was the only thing that kept Cloud and Kadaj from tearing Rufus in half when they saw him. So not only did it have screwy logic behind it, but it was screwy logic that WORKED.