Daraku Tenshi OST - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Daraku Tenshi OST" , posted Thu 22 Sep 07:05post reply

Here it is, the soundtrack to Psikyo's fighting game Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels.

The sound has a homogenous lower end synth to it much like KOF2K1 and onward. Probably due to hardware limitations. But fortunately its very well composed and the tracks go for 3 loops instead of the usual 2. I never got the sound to work in MAME and was curious so I had a friend track down the ost for me. Also the track list my not be 100% correct. Check on gmronline.com for the full track list. Enjoy.

Daraku Tenshi PartA

Daraku Tenshi PartB


2970th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Daraku Tenshi OST" , posted Thu 22 Sep 07:11:post reply

now to wait an hour so I can get the second half...

[this message was edited by exodus on Thu 22 Sep 07:12]

56th Post

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"Re(2):Daraku Tenshi OST" , posted Thu 22 Sep 08:04post reply

The composer is an ex-capcom . He made the music for Captain Commando, Three Wonders, Varth, Warriors of Fate and Slammasters . I really like him

2971th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Daraku Tenshi OST" , posted Thu 22 Sep 08:22post reply

Vava, you really pay attention to credits, don't you? We'll need you later this week, when the insert credit wiki starts.

57th Post

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"Re(4):Daraku Tenshi OST" , posted Thu 22 Sep 08:43post reply

Wiki? you mean a database? well, you can count with me for any Capcom related stuff.

148th Post

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"Re(1):Daraku Tenshi OST" , posted Fri 23 Sep 12:22post reply

Glad you guys enjoy it. On the internet Kumi Tanioka is listed as the composer. But I left it as Masaki Izutani from the liners.

Red Falcon
5584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Daraku Tenshi OST" , posted Fri 23 Sep 12:24post reply

This is interesting. I'll check it out later, but does it perhaps have any "unused tracks" in it (there were a number of charas who never made it, after all)

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